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64th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute
Ingreso de Puerulos de Panulirus argus en el “Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Xcalak”, México:
Estacionalidad y Comparación de dos Tipos de Collector
Influx of Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus Puerulii in “Parque Nacional Arrrecifes de Xcalak”,
Mexico: Seasonality and Comparison Among Two Types of Collector
Recrutement de Puérulus de Langouste Panulirus argus dans le “Parque Nacional Arrecifes
de Xcalak”, Mexique: Saisonnalité et Comparaison des deux Types de Collecteur
Parque Nacional Costa, W de I.Mujeres P. Cancún y Blvd Kukulcán Km. 4.8 Zona Hotelera Cancún, Quintana Roo
77500 Mexico. * 1El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Av. Centenario Km 5.5
Chetumal, Quintana Roo 77014 Mexico.
Este es el primer reporte sobre puerulos de langosta Panulirus argus en la costa sur de Quintana Roo, México. De Julio 2006 a Diciembre - 2008, se registró el ingreso mensual de puerulos en dos sitios del “Parque Nacional Arrecifes de Xcalak
(PNAX)”: frente al poblado de Xcalak y el Canal Zaragoza. En cada sitio había un quebrado o canal donde se emplazó un par de
estaciones, una con tres colectores Witham y otra con tres colectores GuSi. Del total capturado de 1563 puerulos, 7.7% fueron
puerulos transparentes. En el marco de inferencia estadística basado en la teoría de la información, fueron comparados varios
modelos de complejidad creciente, según sus puntajes del índice del criterio de Akaike AIC. De acuerdo con el modelo de
mínimo AIC, que mejor representó la variación de los datos, el ingreso de puerulos depende de tres factores: i) Estacionalidad, con tiempo en lunas de cuarto creciente, el ingreso tuvo un pico mayor en octubre-noviembre y uno menor
en marzo-abril; ii) año de monitoreo, con mayores valores en 2006 respecto de 2007 y 2008; y iii) tipo de colector, con
capturas ligeramente mayores con el colector Witham. El ingreso de puerulos no dependió del sitio. Por la importancia
social y económica del recurso, se recomienda continuar el monitoreo de puerulos en ambos sitios del PNAX usando
solo colectores GuSi, de mayor duración y menor costo.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Puerulos de langosta, Panulirus argus, ingreso , Xcalak, México, Akaike AIC
Multi-dimensional Analysis to Study Process by Panulirus argus
Virus 1 (PaV1) in Spiny Lobsters Naturally Infected
Análisis Multidimensional para Estudiar el Proceso Infeccioso por Panulirus argus
Virus 1 (PaV1) en la Langosta Espinosa del Caribe Infectada Naturalmente
Analyses Multidimensionnelles pour Étudier Processus par Panulirus argus
Virus 1 (PaV1) dans Langoustes Infecté Naturellement
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Puerto de Abrigo s/n Sisal, Yucatán 97355 México.
CINVESTAP Unidad Mérida, Km. 6 Antigua Carretera a Progreso, CORDEMEX , Yucatán México.
The spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, has been affected by a highly pathogenic virus known as Panulirus argus Virus 1
(PaV1). PaV1 appears to be widespread throughout the Caribbean region. Macroscopic signs of PaV1 infection are milky
hemolymph that lacks the ability to clot, reddish carapace and lethargy. Despite the important information obtained through
experimental infections, little is known about the physiological responses in naturally infected P. argus. The aim of this
study was to evaluate physiological and immunological parameters in Panulirus argus lobsters naturally infected with
PaV1, and compare multidimensional analysis; principal component (PCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA) to
determine correlation between hematological variables and severity of PaV1 infection, which was determined by
Poster Abstracts GCFI:64 (2012)
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histopathology and PCR. Twenty juvenile spiny lobsters P. argus that showed high morbidity of PaV1 were captured
by scuba in the reef lagoon of Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, México. Additionally, 25 healthy lobsters without
clinical signs of PaV1 infection were collected from the same area and used as controls. Alterations of total hemocytes counts, low values of plasmatic protein and total phenoloxidase activity in plasma, coupled with high levels of
cholesterol and acylglycerols were among the most reliable effects observed in the infected lobsters indicating metabolic wasting and presumed immune suppression. Understanding the process of infection is extremely important to know
the development of infection in natural conditions. RDA was a more integrated analysis method. Multidimensional
analysis showed integrative effect on physiological and immunological condition during PaV1 process in naturally
infected lobsters.
KEY WORDS: Panulirus argus, Virus 1, immunology, redundancy analysis, hemolymph components
Heterotrophic Cultivation Effect on the Immune Status
of the Pink Shrimp, Farfantepenaeus duorarum
Efecto del Cultivo Heterotrófico sobre la Condición Inmunológica
del Camarón Rosado, Farfantepenaeus duorarum
Effet de la Cultura Hétérotrophes sur le Statut Immunitaire
de la Crevette Rose, Farfantepenaeus duorarum
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Puerto de Abrigo s/n Sisal, Yucatan 97355 Mexico.
Shrimp farming is an important economic activity that generates a elevated environmental cost, due to high volumes of water
required. In recent decades, alternative practices have been tested with minimal water exchange in heterotrophic systems. The aim
of this study was to determine the effect of heterotrophic culture on the immune status of juvenile pink, Farfantepaneus
duorarum, analyzed through the molting process, as the mobilization of nutrients and immunological effectors during ecdysis,
compromise immunity of the cultured organisms. Postlarvae 1 g were stoked at a density of 80 PL/m2 in ponds of 20,000 l. We
worked with four replicates per treatment: a) Heterotrophic system (fed with 5% of commercial feed), and b) Natural water (10%). The
experiment lasted four months, at the end in 400 shrimp has obtained the hemolymph, digestive gland and determined the state of
molt. We analyzed the concentration of hemocytes, hemaglutination activity, respiratory burst, the activity of phenoloxidase and
hepatosomatic index by two-way ANOVA to determine the effect of treatment and moulting. Shrimp of heterotrophic system had
significantly higher immune components, linked to a higher concentration of bacteria in the hemolymph and in the culture
medium, which may be generating an immuno-stimulatory effect. Besides this, a significantly higher hepatosomatic index and low
feed conversion indicated the huge potential of this alternative system.
KEY WORDS: Heterotrophic, shrimp, immune condition, Farfantepenaeus duorarum