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Programa Nacional de
Certificación Java
Sun - México First
Propuesta de Programa Nacional
de Certificación Java
I.- Introducción
La industria de tecnologías de la información se ha convertido en un importante motor de la
economía del país, debido a su impacto transversal en los diferentes sectores económicos y el
valor agregado implícito en esta actividad.
El cambio demográfico en nuestro país y la competencia internacional exigen que las
Universidades públicas y privadas actualicen sus estrategias para atender la creciente demanda
de educación de calidad, que le permita competir a más mexicanos por buenos empleos y contar
con las capacidades necesarias para emprender un mayor número de negocios o proyectos
personales propios.
Existe una conciencia cada vez más amplia del peso que tiene el conocimiento y la innovación en
una economía global y esta provocando que las Instituciones Académicas y los estudiantes,
busquen superarse para aprovechar las innumerables oportunidades que ofrece el entorno de las
tecnologías de la información.
Recibir el conocimiento de expertos de cada área en diversos temas ha generado a la posibilidad
de que los alumnos tengan sus puntos de vista, que los asimilen y los hagan propios. De acuerdo
a recientes investigaciones educativas aplicadas, hay 3 estrategias que siguen las empresas en el
desarrollo de aprendizaje, una es entre empresas con equipos colaborando, otra es pidiendo
información y analizándola y otra manera es llevando a un especialista al lugar para que aprenda
en el sitio de trabajo.
CANIETI y ANIEI, con el apoyo de la Secretaría de Economía han creado la iniciativa México
First, esta es una Asociación civil operada por CANIETI cuya misión es aumentar la cantidad de
personas certificadas en nuestro país, de forma que nuestro recurso humano sea reconocido
globalmente como una excelente opción para satisfacer las necesidades de la industria de TI. El
objetivo de México First es captar las necesidades de certificación en TI de los diferentes
estados, y unificar el poder de compra para mejorar la calidad y el costo. Esto acelerará los
proyectos que solicitan Fondos
“La calidad es el eje central y México First tiene como objetivo masificar la capacitación de los
profesionales de TI en el país.”
El lenguaje de programación Java de Sun es una plataforma de desarrollo potente y fácil de usar,
que incorpora nuevos niveles de funcionalidad al diseño de aplicaciones de negocio y páginas
Web multimedia. La flexibilidad y potencia de Java han favorecido su rápida adopción por parte de
diferentes sectores de la industria tecnológica y es considerada como una plataforma
revolucionaria excelente para el desarrollo de aplicaciones distribuidas. La tecnología JavaÔ es en
sí misma tanto un lenguaje de programación, como una plataforma.
El lenguaje de programación Java es robusto y versátil, permitiendo a los desarrolladores:
 Escribir software en una plataforma y correrlo sobre otra
 Crear programas para correr dentro de un navegador de Web
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
 Desarrollar aplicaciones para foros en línea, tiendas, encuestas, procesamiento de
formas HTML, y más
 Escribir aplicaciones para teléfonos celulares, localizador de dos vías y otros
Se caracteriza por ser:
 Simple
 Orientado a objetos
 Distribuido
 Robusto
 Arquitectura Neutral
 Portable
 Alto rendimiento
 Multihilos
 Dinámico
La plataforma Java provee soluciones robustas punta a punta para aplicaciones basadas en red,
así como, un estándar confiable para aplicaciones. En la actualidad Java no es solamente un
lenguaje de programación sino toda una solución para el desarrollo de sistemas de software, que
van desde aplicaciones tradicionales cliente servidor, hasta programación de dispositivos móviles,
abarcando los sistemas empresariales con interfaces Web.
Esto a dado origen a una gama muy amplia de librerías, las cuales han sido estructuradas en tres
 J2ME Edición Micro (Móviles)
 J2SE Edición Estándar
 JEE Edición Empresarial
J2SE Edición Estándar
La solución por excelencia para desarrollar rápidamente y desempeñar aplicaciones
empresariales de misión crítica. J2SEÔ provee el compilador esencial, herramientas, tiempo real,
y APIs para escribir, desplegar y correr applets y aplicaciones en el lenguaje de programación
Java. En síntesis, esta versión abarca la maquina virtual de Java(JVM), las herramientas de
desarrollo(compilador, interprete, etc.), y las API´s más básicas Acceso a archivos, desarrollo de
interfaces gráficas entre otras).
J2EE Edición Empresarial
La tecnología J2EEÔ y su modelo basado en componentes simplifica el desarrollo empresarial y el
despliegue de aplicaciones. La plataforma J2EEÔ administra la infraestructura y soporta los
Servicios Web para permitir el desarrollo seguro, robusto e interoperable de aplicaciones. En
resumen, es una extensión de la versión estándar que incorpora un conjunto de librerías (servlets,
jsp, ejb, jndi, etc.), que permiten el desarrollo de sistemas distribuidos basados en tres capas
(lógica de presentación, lógica de negocio y lógica de datos), y el soporte de múltiples tipos de
clientes y almacenes de información.
J2ME Edición Micro
Es una adecuación tanto de la maquina virtual como de las librerías a un ambiente con recursos
reducidos que es el de los dispositivos móviles.
II.- Impacto de PROSOFT en las Certificaciones JAVA
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
De acuerdo al diagnóstico realizado en el mercado de TI en México, las certificaciones Java han
venido creciendo en los últimos años, este efecto se observa en las certificaciones más básicas
como el Sun Java Associate y Sun Java Programmer, detectando un impacto positivo logrado por
el fondo PROSOFT.
El índice de pase de las certificaciones se mantiene en su tendencia :
53 % en Java General
Las causas identificadas de NO APROBACION de los exámenes de certificación son las
Mal Contenido
No enfocado al logro de las certificaciones Java
Enfoque académico
Profesores Subcapacitados
Condiciones Ambientales no adecuadas
Falta de apoyos adicionales
Falta de capacidad o entusiasmo
III.- Objetivo del Programa
Establecer un mecanismo de trabajo efectivo que optimice los recursos disponibles en el fondo,
con el objeto de lograr los máximos resultados, mediante una participación integral de las partes
involucradas en la estrategia de capacitación y certificación.
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
IV.- Alcance del Programa
En la actualidad, es indispensable que las personas que se agregan al campo laboral en nuestro
país, cuenten con conocimientos sólidos en ingeniería de software, lenguajes de programación y
una enseñanza certificada, para ello, las universidades constantemente llevan a cabo la
actualización de sus planes de estudio, sin embargo, el ritmo de cambio tecnológico es tan
vertiginoso que es necesario apoyar a la academia con programas que permitan fortalecer y
actualizar sustentablemente el nivel de conocimientos de los diferentes participantes en la
comunidad: profesores, alumnos, investigadores y áreas internas de desarrollo de software.
Sun Microsystems propone el siguiente modelo en el programa :
México First
Estrategia de las áreas de cobertura
Normaliza contenidos y procesos de certificación
Analiza y aprueba propuestas estatales
Sun Microsystems
Proporciona Contenidos Certificados a través de un kit que contiene el manual del curso
presencial certificado, Curso Web, Simulador del exámen de la prueba (epractice) y
voucher de certificación con Retake (2 oportunidades).
Proporciona un programa de Quality Assurance para obtener mejores resultados.
Canales de Entrega
Reclutan Alumnos y Universidades
Realizan la entrega con el contenido oficial.
V.- Beneficios del Programa
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Metodología Consultiva aplicada en los clientes empresariales de Sun Microsystems.
Mitigar en grán porcentaje las causas de NO Aprobacion .
Contenido estándar en ESPAÑOL, avalado por el creador de la tecnología Java.
Material Web: permite a los estudiantes repasar y revisar contenidos en español, en
cualquier lugar y hora, logrando avanzar en el estudio y preparación de acuerdo a su
disponibilidad de tiempos.
Simulador de práctica permitiendo a los estudiantes conocer previamente el contexto y
entorno del exámen de certificación.
Voucher con Retake : Doble oportunidad (Valor agregado de Sun) para Universidades y
Estudiantes participantes del programa, maximizando los resultados con dos
oportunidades de aprobación.
VI.- Programa “Quality Assurance”
“Exclusivo para grupos mayores a 300 estudiantes y profesores de alguna institución o empresas
participantes del programa 2009 de México First.”.
De acuerdo a nuestra experiencia en el tema de adopción de la tecnología Java y la presentación
de los exámenes de certificación en las instituciones académicas, hemos identificado algunos
obstáculos que se presentan normalmente en el entorno académico, como son la falta de
conocimiento práctico de los profesores, la adopción de una metodología de desarrollo,
inasistencia de los alumnos, etc. Que impactan directamente en los resultados esperados por
México First.
Sun Microsystems, ofrece como valor agregado la solución de Quality Assurance, para las
instituciones y organizaciones que tengan más de 300 estudiantes en el programa integrada
Evaluación en Internet (virtual) de habilidades y conocimientos de acuerdo al perfil
seleccionado de Java.
Curso Train of Trainers presencial de preparación a los profesores para dictar la clase de
acuerdo, a los estandáres de los centros autorizados de entrenamiento Sun Microsystems.
Monitoreo del avance adquirido mediante Evaluciones Periodicas a los participantes del
programa Quality Assurance.
Asesoría Virtual a través de un portal creado para el programa Sun y MxFirst para ayudar
en la preparación del exámen de certificación a los profesores dentro del programa y
resolución de dudas. Sun Microsystems, ha desarrollado una herramienta de soporte y
ayuda en temas especializados de desarrollo Java y tecnologías usadas en el entorno de
la plataforma, vía correo electrónico. El soporte especializado Java es proporcionado por
nuestros consultores Senior de Sun Microsystems y los Java Champions de México
(comunidad java).
VII.- Certificaciones Disponibles en el Programa
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
El programa de certificación Sun en tecnología Java, goza de reconocimiento mundial, se centra
en funciones críticas en el desarrollo de aplicaciones y arquitectura de la empresa. Dado que las
certificaciones tratan sobre la tecnología, los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridos durante la
preparación para las mismas pueden trasladarse de una compañía a otra.
El críterio de Sun, es que la certificación es esencial para el proceso de aprendizaje, ya que
convalida la preparación para realizar táreas específicas. La certificación de Sun, también ofrece
una evolución natural para la consolidación de los objetivos profesionales
En primer lugar, al obtener la certificación, Sun garantiza que se posee un conjunto básico
de conocimientos para iniciar actividades como el desarrollo de aplicaciones o la gestión
de proyectos de software utilizando tecnología Java.
• En segundo lugar, se ofrece a los desarrolladores un conjunto de conocimientos
fundamentales que pueden confirmarse posteriormente al obtener la Certificación como
programador Sun.
• A continuación se podrá adquirir formación y certificación en otras especialidades, que
permitirán desempeñar tareas más específicas y adquirir mayor relevancia dentro de la
Sun Microsystems ,ha desarrollado 6 certificaciones correspondientes a la Tecnología Java que se
encuentran a disponibilidad de los participantes del programa Mexico First. A continuación las
certificaciones contempladas en el programa.
Esta certificación ofrece al candidato un excelente punto de partida para forjarse un futuro
profesional encaminado al desarrollo de aplicaciones o la gestión de proyectos de software
basados en tecnologías Java. Avala los conocimientos del alumno sobre conceptos básicos de
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
programación OO y programación Java, así como sus conocimientos generales sobre las
plataformas y tecnologías Java.
Habilidades Obtenidas:
Una vez cubierto el entrenamiento de este paquete, el estudiante será capaz de :
 Demostrar conocimiento de la tecnología Java, el lenguaje de programación Java, y el ciclo
de vida del producto.
 Utilizar el lenguaje de programación Java para crear aplicaciones de la tecnología J2SE
 Utilizar instrucciones para toma de desiciones y control de flujos
 Aplicar conceptos de programación Java nivel intermedio y programacióna orientada a
objetos (OO) en el desarrollo de programas Java.
Componentes del Kit Java Associate :
Curso Presencial y Manual de Fundamentos del Lenguaje de Programación Java (SL-110)
Curso Web Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language (WJB-110-SE6)
ePractice for the Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Standard Edition, Exam Version 1.0 (WGSPREX-J019)
Voucher con Retake Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Standard Edition, Exam Version 1.0 (CX310-019)
El contenido del paquete en especifíco se detalla en el anexo A.
Esta certificación básica es para programadores interesados en demostrar destreza en los
fundamentos del lenguaje de programación Java.
Habilidades Obtenidas:
Una vez cubierto el entrenamiento de este paquete, el estudiante será capaz de :
 Crear aplicaciones de la tecnología Java que aprovechen las ventajas de la programación
orientada a objetos características del lenguaje Java, como encapsulación, herencia y
 Ejecutar una aplicación de la tecnología Java desde la línea de comandos
 Utilizar tipos de datos y expresiones en Java.
 Utilice el control de flujo en Java.
 Utilice matrices y otras colecciones de datos
 Aplicar tratamiento de errores utilizando las técnicas de manejo de excepciones.
 Crear una aplicación usando interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI) utilizando componentes
Swing: paneles, botones, etiquetas, campos de texto, y áreas de texto.
 Aplicar funcionalidad de entrada / salida (I / O), para leer y escribir a funciones y archivos
de texto y comprender instrucciones avanzadas de I / O.
Componentes del Kit Java Programmer 6 :
Curso Presencial y Manual de Lenguaje de Programación Java (SL-275)
Curso Web Java Programming Language (WJB-275-SE6)
ePractice exam for the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (WGS-PREXJ065C)
Voucher con Retake Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (CX-310-065)
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
El contenido del paquete en especifíco se detalla en el anexo B.
Está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean especializarse en las tecnologías JavaServer Pages y
servlet utilizadas para crear servicios y contenidos dinámicos en la Web. Los candidatos a esta
certificación ya deben poseer el título de Programador Certificado en Sun (SCJP), en
cualquiera de las ediciones.
Habilidades Obtenidas:
Una vez cubierto el entrenamiento de este paquete, el estudiante será capaz de :
Escribir servlets usando el lenguaje de programación Java (Java Servlets)
Crear aplicaciones web robustas usando Struts, gestión de período de sesiones, filtros, y la
integración de bases de datos
Escribir páginas JSP
Crear fáciles de mantener las páginas JSP utilizando el lenguaje de expresión, JSP
estándar de etiquetas (JSTL), y Frames Struts
Crear aplicaciones web robustas que integren Struts y páginas JSP
Componentes del Kit Java Developer Web Component:
Curso Presencial y Manual de Web Component Developer with JSP and Servlet (SL-314)
Curso Web Developing Applications for the Java EE Platform (WJB-310-EE5)
Web Component Development With Servlet and JSP Technologies (WJB-314-EE5)
ePractice Exam for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5
Voucher con Retake Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (CX310-083)
El contenido del paquete en especifíco se detalla en el anexo C.
Esta certificación está dirigida a desarrolladores de componentes EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)
encargados de diseñar, desarrollar, probar, implantar e integrar aplicaciones EJB.
Los candidatos a esta certificación ya deben poseer el título de Programador Certificado
en Sun (SCJP), en cualquiera de las ediciones.
Habilidades Obtenidas:
Una vez cubierto el entrenamiento de este paquete, el estudiante será capaz de :
Aplicar niveles de negocio utilizando la funcionalidad de la tecnología EJB
Describir las mejores prácticas y otra cuestiones avanzadas en el desarrollo del
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
componente en las empresas de EJB
Reunir y desplegar los componentes de nivel de negocio de la tecnología EJB en un
servidor de aplicaciones
Integrar la tecnología EJB en una aplicación basada en Java utilizando el servicio de
mensajería API
Crear y utilizar objetos de consulta utilizando el Lenguaje de la Pregunta de la Persistencia
de Java
Componentes del Kit Java Business Component Developer:
Curso Presencial y Manual de Business Component Development with Enterprise Java
Beans Technology (SL-351)
Curso Web Business Component Develop with EJB (WJB-351-EE5)
Curso Web Developing Applications for the Java EE Platform (WJB-310-EE5)
ePractice Exam for the Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
5 (WGS-PREX-J091C)
Voucher con Retake Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5
El contenido del paquete en especifíco se detalla en el anexo D.
stá certificación es para desarrolladores que crean aplicaciones de servicios web empleando
componentes Java. Los candidatos a esta certificación ya deben poseer el título de
Programador Certificado en Sun (SCJP), en cualquiera de las ediciones.
Habilidades Obtenidas:
Una vez cubierto el entrenamiento de este paquete, el estudiante será capaz de :
 Describir la arquitectura orientada a servicios (SOA).
 Describir los servicios web como una implementación de SOA.
 Describir las tecnologías Java utilizadas para desarrollar servicios web.
 Implementar un servlet como servicio web utilizando la API de Java para servicios web
 Implementar un componente Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) como servicio web utilizando
 Describir e implementar diversos diseños y patrones de implementación basados en
servicios web.
 Describir y aplicar diversas mejores prácticas en el diseño de servicios web.
 Manejar excepcione en servicios web utilizando SOAPFaultException.
 Implementar excepciones definidas por el usuario en servicios web.
 Identificar los requisitos y las soluciones de seguridad de los servicios web.
 Proteger un servicio web utilizando autenticación básica.
 Implementar la seguridad de capa de mensajes en los servicios web.
Componentes del Kit Developer for Java Web Services:
Curso Presencial y Manual de Creating Web Services using Java Technology (DWS-3111EE5)
Curso Web Services Infrastructure and Organizations (WJO-1114)
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Curso Web Services Enabling Technologies (WJO-1118)
ePractice Exam for the Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services 5 (WGS-PREX-J230C)
Voucher con Retake Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services 5 (CX-310-230)
El contenido del paquete en especifíco se detalla en el anexo E.
Está dirigida a desarrolladores que utilicen tecnologías Java para crear aplicaciones destinadas a
teléfonos móviles y otros dispositivos "inteligentes". Los candidatos a esta certificación ya
deben poseer el título de Programador Certificado en Sun (SCJP), en cualquiera de las
Habilidades Obtenidas:
Una vez cubierto el entrenamiento de este paquete, el estudiante será capaz de :
 Explicar la arquitectuctura de la plataforma J2ME, las configuraciones y perfiles.
 Construir Aplicaciones básicas MIDP (Midlets) e incorporar aplicaciones basadas en
multimedia MIDP.
 Crear e implementar interfaces de usuario usando la programación de alto y bajo nivel.
 Implementar almacenamiento local en los dispositivos usando RMS
 Crear aplicaciones que usen información en Red.
 Describir la seguridad de MIDP 2.0
Componentes del Kit Developer for Java Web Services:
Curso Presencial y Manual de Developing Mobile Phone Applications With J2ME Technology (DTJ-365)
Curso Web An Introduction to Mobile Java Technologies (WJB-450)
Curso Web J2ME and Mobile Phone Development Topics (WJB-460)
ePractice Exam for the Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for J2ME, Version 1.0 (WGS-PREX-J110C)
Voucher con Retake Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer For the Java Platform Micro Edition 1.0 (CX310-110)
El contenido del paquete en especifíco se detalla en el anexo F.
Las instalaciones donde se impartirá el curso presencial serán proporcionadas por
el organismo promotor, la Universidad o Empresa de TI en coordinación con
México First.
Sun Microsystems proporcionará un gerente de proyecto quien coordinará la
logistica de impartición de cursos y elaborará un plan de trabajo con cada
organismo promotor. Asi mismo, requerimos un contacto por parte del organismo
promotor, la Universidad o Empresa de TI para coordinar el proyecto.
El organismo promotor, la universidad o empresa de TI, participante del programa
México First, debera avisar a Sun Microsystems con dos semanas de anticipación,
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
la solicitud de fecha para impartición del curso presencial y la dirección física del
Mandatorio : Se deben armar grupos de 12 a 15 personas por cada evento de
capacitación y se proporcionará una PC o workstation por Alumno.
Requerimientos de Hardware en el Aula:
 Workstation o PC con 2GB de RAM
 Procesador Pentium o superior
 500 MB de Disco Duro
 Sistema Operativo Solaris o Windows 2000/XP
 Instalado IDE Netbeans 5.5 o superior
 Tarjeta de Red
 La máquina del instructor con opción de conexión a Internet.
 Pizarrón y Cañon de proyección.
 Plumones
Entregables del Curso Presencial
 Manual del Estudiante
 Examén Inicial y Final del curso
 Lista de Asistencia
 Diploma de Asistencia
 Certificación de acuerdo al Perfil Seleccionado (Aprobado exámen prometric)
Precio Individual por cada Kit de Certificación Java
La precios están en USD (Doláres americanos).
La presente cotización es valida durante 2009
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Para aclaraciones o
Esperando que la presente
propuesta cumpla con sus
necesidades, me despido quedando a sus órdenes para cualquier
duda o aclaración que pueda surgir de la presente o bien en caso
de que decida brindarnos la oportunidad de apoyarlos en este
proyecto de capacitación, requerimos para formalizar, una orden
de compra de CLIENTE hacia Sun Microsystems o la ficha de
depósito correspondiente como sustento de la aprobación
económica para el presente proyecto, queda de usted su seguro y
atento servidor.
Andres Simón Bujaidar
Gerencia de Alianzas Nacionales
México First
(55) 1253-7135
Salvador Ayala Munguia
Educational Consulting Services.
Sun Microsystems.
Phone (55) 52-61-0376
Fax: 52-61-79-53.
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
A.1 Curso Presencial
Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language (SL-110-SE6)
The Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language course provides students with an excellent choice for beginning
to learn programming using the Java programming language. This course is intended for students with little or no
programming experience. The course teaches the significance of object-oriented programming, the keywords and
constructs of the Java programming language, and the steps required to create simple Java technology programs.
Students taking this course can receive a solid basis in the Java programming language upon which to base continued
work and training. The course features the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6) platform, and uses the Java
SE Development Kit 6 (JDK 6) product.
To succeed fully in this course, students should be able to:
Create programs using a procedural language, such as C, or a scripting language, such as Perl
Create and edit text files using a text editor
Use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser
Solve logic problems
Describe the concept of a variable
Execute commands using a command-line interface
Course Content
Module 1 - Explaining Java Technology
Describe key concepts of the Java programming language
List the three Java technology product groups
Summarize each of the seven stages of the product life cycle
Module 2 - Analyzing a Problem and Designing a Solution
Analyze a problem using object-oriented analysis
Design classes from which objects will be created
Module 3 - Developing and Testing a Java Technology Program
Identify the four components of a class in the Java programming language
Use the main method in a test class to run a Java technology program from the command line
Compile and execute a Java technology program
Module 4 - Declaring, Initializing, and Using Variables
Identify the use the syntax for variables and define the syntax for a variable
List the eight Java programming language primitive data types
Declare, initialize, and use variables and constants according to Java programming language guidelines and
coding standards
Modify variable values using operators
Use promotion and type casting
Module 5 - Creating and Using Objects
Declare, instantiate, and initialize object reference variables
Compare how object reference variables are stored in relation to primitive variables
Use a class (the String class) included in the Java Software Developer Kit (SDK)
Use the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE[TM]) class library specification to learn about other classes in
this application programming interface (API)
Module 6 - Using Operators and Decision Constructs
Identify relational and conditional operators
Create if and if/else constructs
Use the switch construct
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Module 7 - Using Loop Constructs
Create while loops
Develop for loops
Create do/while loops
Module 8 - Developing and Using Methods
Describe the advantages of methods and define worker and calling methods
Declare and invoke a method
Compare object and static methods
Use overloaded methods
Module 9 - Implementing Encapsulation and Constructors
Use encapsulation to protect data
Create constructors to initialize objects
Module 10 - Creating and Using Arrays
Code one-dimensional arrays
Set array values using length attribute and a loop
Pass arguments to the main method for use in a program
Create two-dimensional arrays
Module 11 - Implementing Inheritance
Define and test your use of inheritance
Explain abstraction
Explicitly identify class libraries used in your code
A.2 Curso Web
Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language (WJB-110-SE6)
The Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language course provides students with an excellent choice for beginning
to learn programming using the Java programming language. This course is intended for students with little or no
programming experience. The course teaches the significance of object-oriented programming, the keywords and
constructs of the Java programming language, and the steps required to create simple Java technology programs.
Students taking this course can receive a solid basis in the Java programming language upon which to base continued
work and training. The course features the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6) platform, and uses the Java
SE Development Kit 6 (JDK 6) product.
Who Can Benefit
Students who can benefit from this course are individuals who have basic mathematical, logical, and analytical problemsolving skills and who want to begin learning the Java programming language. This includes technical writers, web
developers, technical managers, and individuals with a technical, non-programming background, such as system
administrators. This course is also appropriate for novice programmers and those programmers who prefer to start
learning the Java programming language at an introductory level. However, individuals are encouraged to have had
some programming experience, whether with a scripting language, such as Perl, or a third-generation language (such as
Basic or C) prior to attend this course.
To succeed fully in this course, students should be able to:
Create programs using a procedural language, such as C, or a scripting language, such as Perl
Create and edit text files using a text editor
Use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser
Solve logic problems
Describe the concept of a variable
Execute commands using a command-line interface
Skills Gained
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of Java technology, the Java programming language, and the product life cycle
Use various Java programming language constructs to create several Java technology applications
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Use decision and looping constructs and methods to dictate program flow
Implement intermediate Java technology programming and object-oriented (OO) concepts in Java technology
Course Content
Module 1 - Explaining Java Technology
Describe key concepts of the Java programming language
List the three Java technology product groups
Summarize each of the seven stages of the product life cycle
Module 2 - Analyzing a Problem and Designing a Solution
Analyze a problem using object-oriented analysis
Design classes from which objects will be created
Module 3 - Developing and Testing a Java Technology Program
Identify the four components of a class in the Java programming language
Use the main method in a test class to run a Java technology program from the command line
Compile and execute a Java technology program
Module 4 - Declaring, Initializing, and Using Variables
Identify the use the syntax for variables and define the syntax for a variable
List the eight Java programming language primitive data types
Declare, initialize, and use variables and constants according to Java programming language guidelines and
coding standards
Modify variable values using operators
Use promotion and type casting
Module 5 - Creating and Using Objects
Declare, instantiate, and initialize object reference variables
Compare how object reference variables are stored in relation to primitive variables
Use a class (the String class) included in the Java Software Developer Kit (SDK)
Use the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) class library specification to learn about other classes in this
application programming interface (API)
Module 6 - Using Operators and Decision Constructs
Identify relational and conditional operators
Create if and if/else constructs
Use the switch construct
Module 7 - Using Loop Constructs
Create while loops
Develop for loops
Create do/while loops
Module 8 - Developing and Using Methods
Describe the advantages of methods and define worker and calling methods
Declare and invoke a method
Compare object and static methods
Use overloaded methods
Module 9 - Implementing Encapsulation and Constructors
Use encapsulation to protect data
Create constructors to initialize objects
Module 10 - Creating and Using Arrays
Code one-dimensional arrays
Set array values using length attribute and a loop
Pass arguments to the main method for use in a program
Create two-dimensional arrays
Module 11 - Implementing Inheritance
Define and test your use of inheritance
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Explain abstraction
Explicitly identify class libraries used in your code
A.3 Simulador de Exámen de Certificación
ePractice for the Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Standard Edition,
Exam Version 1.0 (WGS-PREX-J019)
The ePractice Certification Exam for the Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Standard Edition, Exam Version
1.0 exam provides students with preparation for Sun certification by acquainting them with the format of the exam and its
questions, providing instant feedback regarding skill levels and gaps, and suggesting specific Sun Educational Services
training to fill those gaps. The exam includes sample test questions, the correct answers including explanations, and
suggestions for future study.
This Sun ePractice exam is comprised of 150 questions, divided into three forms of 50 questions each.
A.4 Voucher con Retake
Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Standard Edition, Exam Version 1.0
The Sun Certified Associate for the Java Platform, Standard Edition, Exam Version 1.0 certification exam provides an
ideal entry into an application development or a software project management career using Java technologies. This
worldwide credential validates basic knowledge of Object-Oriented Concepts, UML representation of OO concepts, the
Java programming language, and general knowledge of Java Platforms and Technologies. Candidates for this exam
include: entry level Java programmers, students studying to become Java programmers, project or program managers
working with Java technology in the software development industry.
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
B.1 Curso Presencial
Java Programming Language (SL-275-SE6)
The Java Programming Language course provides students with information about the syntax of the Java programming
language; object-oriented programming with the Java programming language; creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs),
exceptions, file input/output (I/O), and threads; and networking. Programmers familiar with object-oriented concepts can
learn how to develop Java technology applications. The course features the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE
6) platform, and utilizes the Java SE Development Kit 6 (JDK 6) product. The students perform the course lab exercises
using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 5.5.
Who Can Benefit
Students who can benefit from this course are programmers who are interested in adding the Java programming
language to their list of skills and students who are preparing for the Sun Certified Programmer for Java examination.
Course Content
Module 1 - Getting Started
Examine Java technology
Analyze a simple Java technology application
Execute a Java technology application
Module 2 - Object-Oriented Programming
Define modeling concepts: abstraction, encapsulation, and packages
Discuss Java technology application code reuse
Define class, member, attribute, method, constructor, and package
Use the access modifiers private and public as appropriate for the guidelines of encapsulation
Invoke a method on a particular object
Use the Java technology API online documentation
Module 3 - Identifiers, Keywords, and Types
Use comments in a source program
Distinguish between valid and invalid identifiers
Recognize Java technology keywords
List the eight primitive types
Define literal values for numeric and textual types
Define the terms primitive variable and reference variable
Declare variables of class type
Construct an object using new
Describe default initialization
Describe the significance of a reference variable
State the consequence of assigning variables of class type
Module 4 - Expressions and Flow Control
Distinguish between instance and local variables
Describe how to initialize instance variables
Recognize, describe, and use Java software operators
Distinguish between legal and illegal assignments of primitive types
Identify boolean expressions and their requirements in control constructs
Recognize assignment compatibility and required casts in fundamental types
Use if, switch, for, while, and do constructions and the labeled forms of break and continue as flow control
structures in a program
Module 5 - Arrays
Declare and create arrays of primitive, class, or array types
Explain why elements of an array are initialized
Explain how to initialize the elements of an array
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Determine the number of elements in an array
Create a multidimensional array
Write code to copy array values from one array to another
Module 6 - Class Design
Define inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, overriding, and virtual method invocation
Use the access modifiers protected and the default (package-friendly)
Describe the concepts of constructor and method overloading
Describe the complete object construction and initialization operation
Module 7 - Advanced Class Features
Create static variables, methods, and initializers
Create final classes, methods, and variables
Create and use enumerated types
Use the static import statement
Create abstract classes and methods
Create and use an interface
Module 8 - Exceptions and Assertions
Define exceptions
Use try, catch, and finally statements
Describe exception categories
Identify common exceptions
Develop programs to handle your own exceptions
Use assertions
Distinguish appropriate and inappropriate uses of assertions
Enable assertions at runtime
Module 9 - Collections and Generics Framework
Describe the general purpose implementations of the core interfaces in the Collections framework
Examine the Map interface
Examine the legacy collection classes
Create natural and custom ordering by implementing the Comparable and Comparator interfaces
Use generic collections
Use type parameters in generic classes
Refactor existing non-generic code
Write a program to iterate over a collection
Examine the enhanced for loop
Module 10 - I/O Fundamentals
Write a program that uses command-line arguments and system properties
Examine the Properties class
Construct node and processing streams, and use them appropriately
Serialize and deserialize objects
Distinguish readers and writers from streams, and select appropriately between them
Module 11 - Console I/ O and File I/O
Read data from the console
Write data to the console
Describe files and file I/O
Module 12 - Building Java GUIs Using the Swing API
Describe the JFC Swing technology
Define Swing
Identify the Swing packages
Describe the GUI building blocks: containers, components, and layout managers
Examine top-level, general-purpose, and special-purpose properties of container
Examine components
Examine layout managers
Describe the Swing single-threaded model
Build a GUI using Swing components
Module 13 - Handling GUI-Generated Events
Define events and event handling
Examine the Java SE event model
Describe GUI behavior
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Determine the user action that originated an event
Develop event listeners
Describe concurrency in Swing-based GUIs and describe the features of the SwingWorker class
Module 14 - GUI-Based Applications
Describe how to construct a menu bar, menu, and menu items in a Java GUI
Understand how to change the color and font of a component
Module 15 - Threads
Define a thread
Create separate threads in a Java technology program, controlling the code and data that are used by that
Control the execution of a thread and write platform-independent code with threads
Describe the difficulties that might arise when multiple threads share data
Use wait and notify to communicate between threads
Use synchronized to protect data from corruption
Module 16 - Networking
Develop code to set up the network connection
Understand TCP/IP
Use ServerSocket and Socket classes to implement TCP/IP clients and servers
B.2 Curso Web
Java Programming Language (WJB-275-SE6)
The Java Programming Language course provides students with information about the syntax of the Java programming
language; object-oriented programming with the Java programming language; creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs),
exceptions, file input/output (I/O), and threads; and networking. Programmers familiar with object-oriented concepts can
learn how to develop Java technology applications. The course features the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE
6) platform, and utilizes the Java SE Development Kit 6 (JDK 6) product. The students perform the course lab exercises
using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Who Can Benefit
Students who can benefit from this course are programmers who are interested in adding the Java programming
language to their list of skills and students who are preparing for the Sun Certified Programmer for Java examination.
Skills Gained
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Create Java technology applications that leverage the object-oriented features of the Java language, such as
encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
Execute a Java technology application from the command line
Use Java data types and expressions
Use Java flow control constructs
Use arrays and other data collections
Implement error-handling techniques using exception handling
Create an event-driven graphical user interface (GUI) using Swing components: panels, buttons, labels, text
fields, and text areas
Implement input/output (I/O) functionality to read from and write to data and text files and understand advanced
I/O streams
Create a simple Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networked client that communicates
with a server through sockets
Create multi-threaded programs
Course Content
Module 1 - Getting Started
Examine Java technology
Analyze a simple Java technology application
Execute a Java technology application
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Module 2 - Object-Oriented Programming
Define modeling concepts: abstraction, encapsulation, and packages
Discuss Java technology application code reuse
Define class, member, attribute, method, constructor, and package
Use the access modifiers private and public as appropriate for the guidelines of encapsulation
Invoke a method on a particular object
Use the Java technology API online documentation
Module 3 - Identifiers, Keywords, and Types
Use comments in a source program
Distinguish between valid and invalid identifiers
Recognize Java technology keywords
List the eight primitive types
Define literal values for numeric and textual types
Define the terms primitive variable and reference variable
Declare variables of class type
Construct an object using new
Describe default initialization
Describe the significance of a reference variable
State the consequence of assigning variables of class type
Module 4 - Expressions and Flow Control
Distinguish between instance and local variables
Describe how to initialize instance variables
Recognize, describe, and use Java software operators
Distinguish between legal and illegal assignments of primitive types
Identify boolean expressions and their requirements in control constructs
Recognize assignment compatibility and required casts in fundamental types
Use if, switch, for, while, and do constructions and the labeled forms of break and continue as flow control
structures in a program
Module 5 - Arrays
Declare and create arrays of primitive, class, or array types
Explain why elements of an array are initialized
Explain how to initialize the elements of an array
Determine the number of elements in an array
Create a multidimensional array
Write code to copy array values from one array to another
Module 6 - Class Design
Define inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, overriding, and virtual method invocation
Use the access modifiers protected and the default (package-friendly)
Describe the concepts of constructor and method overloading
Describe the complete object construction and initialization operation
Module 7 - Advanced Class Features
Create static variables, methods, and initializers
Create final classes, methods, and variables
Create and use enumerated types
Use the static import statement
Create abstract classes and methods
Create and use an interface
Module 8 - Exceptions and Assertions
Define exceptions
Use try, catch, and finally statements
Describe exception categories
Identify common exceptions
Develop programs to handle your own exceptions
Use assertions
Distinguish appropriate and inappropriate uses of assertions
Enable assertions at runtime
Module 9 - Collections and Generics Framework
Describe the general purpose implementations of the core interfaces in the Collections framework
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Examine the Map interface
Examine the legacy collection classes
Create natural and custom ordering by implementing the Comparable and Comparator interfaces
Use generic collections
Use type parameters in generic classes
Refactor existing non-generic code
Write a program to iterate over a collection
Examine the enhanced for loop
Module 10 - I/O Fundamentals
Write a program that uses command-line arguments and system properties
Examine the Properties class
Construct node and processing streams, and use them appropriately
Serialize and deserialize objects
Distinguish readers and writers from streams, and select appropriately between them
Module 11 - Console I/ O and File I/O
Read data from the console
Write data to the console
Describe files and file I/O
Module 12 - Building Java GUIs Using the Swing API
Describe the JFC Swing technology
Define Swing
Identify the Swing packages
Describe the GUI building blocks: containers, components, and layout managers
Examine top-level, general-purpose, and special-purpose properties of container
Examine components
Examine layout managers
Describe the Swing single-threaded model
Build a GUI using Swing components
Module 13 - Handling GUI-Generated Events
Define events and event handling
Examine the Java SE event model
Describe GUI behavior
Determine the user action that originated an event
Develop event listeners
Describe concurrency in Swing-based GUIs and describe the features of the SwingWorker class
Module 14 - GUI-Based Applications
Describe how to construct a menu bar, menu, and menu items in a Java GUI
Understand how to change the color and font of a component
Module 15 - Threads
Define a thread
Create separate threads in a Java technology program, controlling the code and data that are used by that
Control the execution of a thread and write platform-independent code with threads
Describe the difficulties that might arise when multiple threads share data
Use wait and notify to communicate between threads
Use synchronized to protect data from corruption
Module 16 - Networking
Develop code to set up the network connection
Understand TCP/IP
Use ServerSocket and Socket classes to implement TCP/IP clients and servers
B.3 Simulador de Exámen
ePractice exam for the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard
Edition 6 (WGS-PREX-J065C)
The ePractice Certification Exam for the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 exam
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
provides students with preparation for Sun certification by acquainting them with the format of the exam and its
questions, providing instant feedback regarding skill levels and gaps, and suggesting specific Sun Learning Services
training to fill those gaps. The exam includes sample test questions, the correct answers including explanations, and
suggestions for future study. This Sun ePractice exam is comprised of 120 questions, divided into two forms of 60
questions each.
B.4 Voucher con Retake
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (CX-310-065)
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 The Sun Certified Programmer for Java Platform,
Standard Edition 6 certification exam is for programmers experienced using the Java programming language. Achieving
this certification provides clear evidence that a programmer understands the basic syntax and structure of the Java
programming language and can create Java technology applications that run on server and desktop systems using Java
SE 6.
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Anexo C
C.1 Curso Presencial
Web component Developer with JSP and Sevlet (SL-314-EE5)
JavaServer Pages (JSP page) technology and servlets are the key web-tier technologies defined in the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform). The Web Component Development With Servlet and JSP Technologies course
provides experienced developers of Java technology applications the knowledge and skills to quickly build web
applications from JSP page and servlet technologies using the Sun Java System Application Server, and the Apache
Struts framework. Students are exposed to the current methods for analyzing, designing, developing,and deploying web
applications with Java technologies. Lab exercises provide students with experience in constructing and deploying the
small-to-medium scale web applications found in intranet and low-volume commercial sites. The course features the
Java EE 5 technology, and uses the Java EE 5 SDK. The students perform the lab exercises using the NetBeans
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 5.5. This course is also an ideal method of preparing for the revised Sun
Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) for Java EE 5 certification examination. However, an SCWCD candidate
should also spend six months building web applications using the JSP page and servlet technologies before taking the
Who Can Benefit
Developers with skills equivalent to that of a Sun Certified Java Developer, who are creating web components (such as
servlets and custom tags), can benefit. This is not a course for web page designers using Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML), JavaScript technology, or other web presentation technologies.
To succeed fully in this course, students should be able to:
Write Java technology applications, demonstrating significant programming ability
Integrate existing Java code (for example, reuse existing classes created by other team members)
Design Java technology applications
Functionally describe the benefits of an n-tier architecture
Write a web page using HTML
Skills Gained
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Write servlets using the Java programming language (Java servlets)
Create robust web applications using Struts, session management, filters, and database integration
Write JSP pages
Create easy to maintain JSP pages using the Expression Language, JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and the
Struts Tiles framework
Create robust web applications that integrate Struts and JSP pages
C.2 Curso Web
Developing Applications for the Java EE Platform (WJB-310-EE5)
The Developing Applications for the Java EE Platform course provides students with the knowledge to build
and deploy enterprise applications that comply with the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 technology
standards. The enterprise components presented in this course include Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
technology,the Java persistence API (JPA), servlets, and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, web services,
and the Java technology clients that use them. Students gain hands-on experience through labs that build an
end-to-end, distributed business application. The labs explore session EJB components, which implement
the Session Facade pattern and provide a front-end to entity components using the Java persistence API.
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
The labs also explore message-driven EJB components, which act as Java Message Service (JMS)
consumers. Students use web and Java technology clients to access Java technology-based enterprise
services using servlets and pages created with JSP technology (JSP pages). Students are taught how to
assemble an application from reusable components and how to deploy an application into the Java EE
platform runtime environment. The students perform the course lab exercises using the NetBeans 5.5
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Who Can Benefit
Students who can benefit from this course are Sun Certified Java technology programmers who want to develop
enterprise applications that conform to the Java EE platform standards.
Skills Gained
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Describe the application model for the Java EE platform and the context for the model
Develop and run an EJB technology application
Develop a web-based user interface to an EJB technology application
Develop simple web services for the Java EE platform
Configure the Java EE platform services layer
Course Content
Module 1 - Placing the Java EE Model in Context
Describe the needs of enterprise applications and describe how Java EE 5 technology addresses these needs
Describe the Java EE 5 platform application programming interfaces (APIs) and supporting services
Describe the Java EE platform tiers and architectures
Describe how to simplify Java EE application development using architecture patterns
Module 2 - Java EE Component Model and Development Steps
Describe the principles of a component-based development model
Describe the asynchronous communication model
Describe the process used and roles involved when developing and executing a Java EE application
Compare the different methods and tools available for developing a Java EE application and related
Describe how to configure and package Java EE applications
Module 3 - Web Component Model
Describe the role of web components in a Java EE application
Define the HTTP request-response model
Compare Java servlets and components and JSP components
Describe the basic session management strategies
Manage thread safety issues in web components
Describe the purpose of web-tier design patterns
Module 4 - Developing Servlets
Describe the servlet API
Use the request and response APIs
Forward control and pass data
Use the session management API
Module 5 - Developing With JavaServer Pages Technology
Evaluate the role of JSP technology as a presentation mechanism
Author JSP pages
Process data received from servlets in a JSP page
Describe the use of tag libraries
Module 6 - EJB Component Model
Describe the role of EJB components in a Java EE application
Describe the EJB component model
Identify the proper terminology to use when discussing EJB components and their elements
Module 7 - Implementing EJB 3.0 Session Beans
Compare stateless and stateful behavior
Describe the operational characteristics of a stateless session bean
Describe the operational characteristics of a stateful session bean
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Create session beans
Package and deploy session beans
Create a session bean client
Module 8 - The Java Persistence API
Describe the role of the Java Persistence API (JPA) in a Java EE application
Describe the basics of Object Relational Mapping
Describe the elements and environment of an Entity component
Describe the life cycle and operational characteristics of Entity components
Module 9 - Implementing a Transaction Policy
Describe transaction semantics
Compare programmatic and declarative transaction scoping
Use the Java Transaction API (JTA) to scope transactions programmatically
Implement a container-managed transaction policy
Support optimistic locking with the versioning of entity components
Predict the effect of transaction scope on application performance
Describe the effect of exceptions on transaction state
Module 10 - Developing Java EE Applications Using Messaging
Describe JMS technology
Create a queue message producer
Create a synchronous message consumer
Create an asynchronous message consumer
List the capabilities and limitations of EJB components as messaging clients
Module 11 - Developing Message-Driven Beans
Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven beans
Create a JMS message-driven bean
Create life-cycle event handlers for a JMS message-driven bean
Module 12 - Web Service Model
Describe the role of web services
List the specifications used to make web services platform independent
Describe the Java APIs used for XML processing and web services
Module 13 - Implementing Java EE Web Services with JAX-WS
Describe endpoints supported by the Java EE 5 platform
Describe the requirements of JAX-WS Servlet Endpoints
Describe the requirements of JAX-WS EJB Endpoints
Develop Web Service Clients
Module 14 - Implementing a Security Policy
Exploit container-managed security
Define user roles and responsibilities
Create a role-based security policy
Use the security API
Configure authentication in the web tier
C.3 Curso Web
Web Component Development With Servlet and JSP Technologies (WJB-314-EE5)
JavaServer Pages (JSP page) technology and servlets are the key web-tier technologies defined in the Java Platform,
Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform). The Web Component Development With Servlet and JSP Technologies course
provides experienced developers of Java technology applications the knowledge and skills to quickly build web
applications from JSP page and servlet technologies using the Sun Java System Application Server, and the Struts
framework. Students are exposed to the current methods for analyzing, designing, developing,and deploying web
applications with Java technologies. Lab exercises provide students with experience in constructing and deploying the
small-to-medium scale web applications found in intranet and low-volume commercial sites.The students perform the lab
exercises using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This course is also an ideal method of
preparing for the revised Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) for Java EE 5 certification examination.
However, an SCWCD candidate should also spend six months building web applications using the JSP page and servlet
technologies before taking the exam.
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Skills Gained
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Write servlets using the Java programming language (Java servlets)
Create robust web applications using Struts, session management, filters, and database integration
Write JSP pages
Create easy to maintain JSP pages using the Expression Language, JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and the
Struts Tiles framework
5. Create robust web applications that integrate Struts and JSP pages
Course Content
Module 1 - Introduction to Web Application Technologies
Describe web applications
Describe Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5)
Describe Java servlet technology
Describe JavaServer Pages technology
Define three-tier architecture
Define Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
Module 2 - Developing a View Component
Design a view component
Describe the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Describe the web container behavior
Develop a simple HTTP servlet
Configure and deploy a servlet
Module 3 - Developing a Controller Component
Design a controller component
Create an HTML form
Describe how HTML form data is sent in an HTTP request
Develop a controller servlet
Dispatch from a controller servlet to a view servlet
Module 4 - Developing Dynamic Forms
Describe the servlet life cycle
Customize a servlet with initialization parameters
Explain error reporting within the web form
Repopulate the web form
Module 5 - Sharing Application Resources Using the Servlet Context
Describe the purpose and features of the servlet context
Develop a servlet context listener to initialize a shared application resource
Module 6 - Designing the Business Tier
Describe the Analysis model
Design entity components
Design service components
Module 7 - Developing a Web Application Using Struts
Design a web application using the Struts MVC framework
Develop a Struts action class
Configure the Struts action mappings
Module 8 - Developing Web Applications Using Session Management
Describe the purpose of session management
Design a web application that uses session management
Develop servlets using session management
Describe the cookies implementation of session management
Describe the URL-rewriting implementation of session management
Module 9 - Using Filters in Web Applications
Describe the web container request cycle
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Describe the Filter API
Develop a filter class
Configure a filter in the web.xml file
Module 10 - Integrating Web Applications With Databases
Map a sample data structure into database entities
Design a web application to integrate with a DBMS
Configuring a DataSource and Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API
Module 11 - Developing JSP Pages
Describe JSP page technology
Write JSP code using scripting elements
Write JSP code using the page directive
Write JSP code using standard tags
Write JSP code using the Expression Language (EL)
Configure the JSP page environment in the web.xml file
Module 12 - Developing JSP Pages Using Custom Tags
Describe the Java EE job roles involved in web application development
Design a web application using custom tags
Use JSTL tags in a JSP page
Module 13 - Developing Web Applications Using Struts Action Forms
Describe the components in a Struts application
Develop an ActionForm class
Develop a JSP page for a View form
Configure the View forms
C.4 Simulador de Examen
ePractice Exam for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (WGS-PREX-J083C)
The ePractice Certification Exam for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition 5 prepare students for Sun certification by acquainting them with the format of the exam and its questions,
providing instant feedback regarding skill levels and gaps, and suggesting specific Sun Learning Services training to fill
those gaps. The exam includes sample test questions, the correct answers including explanations, and suggestions for
future study. This Sun ePractice exam is comprised of 120 questions, divided into two forms of 60 questions each.
C.5 Voucher con Retake
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5
The Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 certification exam is for Sun
Certified Programmers (any edition) who are using the Java technology servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) application
program interface (APIs) to develop web applications. Prior to beginning the Sun Certified Web Component Developer
program, you must be a Sun Certified Programmer for the Java platform (any edition).
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Anexo D
Paquete Sun Certified Business Component Developer
D.1 Curso Presencial
Business Component Development with Enterprise JavaBeans Technology
The Business Component Development with Enterprise JavaBeans Technology course provides students with the
knowledge of how to develop robust back-end functionality using Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB[TM]) version 3.0
technology. This course uses an online auction scenario to demonstrate how to leverage container-managed services
with session and message beans, and entity classes to resolve the real-world problems presented by an electronic
commerce application. The emphasis of this course is on providing practical EJB technology coding experience, while
also covering the designs and best practices used to solve transaction, messaging, and security issues. The course
features the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) technology, and uses the Java EE 5 SDK. The students
perform the course lab exercises using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 5.5. The hands-on lab
environment uses the Java EE reference implementation server to provide students with a non-vendor-specific
who Can Benefit
Students who can benefit from this course are EJB technology business component developers who are tasked with the
following responsibilities:
Analyzing, designing, developing, and testing EJB technology applications
Deploying an EJB technology application
Integrating an EJB technology application with a legacy application
To succeed fully in this course, students should be able to:
Display experience with the Java programming language
Integrate existing Java code (for example, reuse existing classes created by other team members)
Design Java technology applications
Although not required, experience with distributed computing concepts in Java technology is an advantage
Course Content
Module 1 - Examining EJB Applications
Introduce the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
Examine the Java EE application architecture
Examine the Java EE application creation process
Module 2 - Introducing the Auction Application
Describe the auction application
Define the domain objects of the auction application
Describe the implementation model for the auction system
Module 3 - Implementing EJB 3.0 Session Beans
Create session beans: Essential tasks
Create session beans: Add life-cycle event handlers
Package and deploy session beans
Create a session bean client
Module 4 - Implementing Entity Classes: The Basics
Define entity classes: Essential tasks
Manage the life-cycle of an entity instance
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Define entity beans: Add life-cycle event handlers
Package and deploy entity classes
Module 5 - Implementing Entity Classes: Modelling Data Association Relationships
Examine association relationships in the data and object models
Use relationship properties to define associations
Implement unidirectional and bidirectional associations
Module 6 - Implementing Entity Classes: Modelling Inheritance Relationships
Examining entity class inheritance
Inheriting from an entity class
Inheriting from an abstract entity class
Module 7 - Using the Java Persistence Query Language (QL)
Examine the Java Persistence query language
Create and use the SELECT statement
Create and use the BULK UPDATE statement
Create and use the DELETE statement
Create and use Query objects
Module 8 - Developing Java EE Applications Using Messaging
Describe the roles of the participants in the JMS API messaging system
Write a message producer
Write an asynchronous message listener
Write a synchronous message listener
List the messaging capabilities and limitations of session, entity, and message-driven beans
Module 9 - Developing Message-Driven Beans
Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven beans
Create a JMS message-driven bean
Create a non JMS message-driven bean
Module 10 - Implementing Interceptor Classes and Methods
Create business interceptor method in the enterprise bean class
Create an interceptor class
Associate multiple business interceptor methods with an enterprise bean
Include life-cycle callback interceptor methods in an interceptor class
Create entity life-cycle callback methods
Module 11 - Implementing Transactions
Describe the transaction demarcation task
Implement Container-Managed Transactions (CMT)
Interact programmatically with an ongoing CMT transaction
Implement Bean-Managed Transactions (BMT)
Apply transactions to messaging
Module 12 - Handling Exceptions
Introduce exceptions in Java EE applications
Describe the exception path in a Java EE application environment
Describe EJB container exception handling
Handle exceptions in an enterprise bean's methods
Handle exceptions in an enterprise bean's client code
Review specific issues relating to exception handling in EJB technology applications
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Module 13 - Using Timer Services
Create a timer callback notification
Process a timer callback notification
Manage timer objects
Module 14 - Implementing Security
Understand the Java EE security architecture
Authenticate the caller
Examine Java EE authorization strategies
Use declarative authorization
Use programmatic authorization
Examine the responsibilities of the deployer
Module 15 - Using EJB Technology Best Practices
Define best practices and state the benefits of using EJB technology best practices
Select and apply known patterns to Java EE application design
D.2 Curso Web
Business Component Development With Enterprise JavaBeans Technology
The Business Component Development with Enterprise JavaBeans Technology course provides students with the
knowledge of how to develop robust back-end functionality using Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) version 3.0 technology.
This course uses an online auction scenario to demonstrate how to leverage container-managed services with session
and message beans, and entity classes to resolve the real-world problems presented by an electronic commerce
application. The emphasis of this course is on providing practical EJB technology coding experience, while also covering
the designs and best practices used to solve transaction, messaging, and security issues. The course features the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) technology, and uses the Java EE 5 SDK. The students perform the course
lab exercises using the NetBeans 5.5 Integrated Development Environment.The hands-on lab environment uses the
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) reference implementation server to provide students with a non vendorspecific experience.
Skills Gained
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Implement business-tier functionality using EJB technology
Describe best practices and other advanced issues in business component development with EJB technology
Assemble and deploy EJB technology business-tier components in an application server
Integrate an EJB technology-based application using the Java Messaging Service API (and the Java Connector
Course Content
Module 1 - Examining EJB Applications
Introduce the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
Examine the Java EE application architecture
Examine the Java EE application creation process
Module 2 - Introducing the Auction Application
Describe the auction application
Define the domain objects of the auction application
Describe the implementation model for the auction system
Module 3 - Implementing EJB 3.0 Session Beans
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© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Create session beans: Essential tasks
Create session beans: Add life-cycle event handlers
Package and deploy session beans
Create a session bean client
Module 4 - Implementing Entity Classes: The Basics
Define entity classes: Essential tasks
Manage the life-cycle of an entity instance
Define entity beans: Add life-cycle event handlers
Package and deploy entity classes
Module 5 - Implementing Entity Classes: Modelling Data Association Relationships
Examine association relationships in the data and object models
Use relationship properties to define associations
Implement unidirectional and bidirectional associations
Module 6 - Implementing Entity Classes: Modelling Inheritance Relationships
Examining entity class inheritance
Inheriting from an entity class
Inheriting from an abstract entity class
Inheriting from a non-entity class
Inheriting using an embedded superclass
Examining Inheritance mapping strategies
Define entity classes: Using an embedded class
Define entity classes: Using a composite primary key
Module 7 - Using the Java Persistence Query Language (QL)
Examine the Java Persistence query language
Create and use the SELECT statement
Create and use the BULK UPDATE statement
Create and use the DELETE statement
Create and use Query objects
D.3 Simulador de Examen
ePractice for the Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (WGS-PREX-J091)
This Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5.0
certification is for advanced programmer and developers with extensive job-role experience in
designing, developing, testing, deploying, and integrating Enterprise JavaBeans EJB Edition 3.0.
The exam includes multiple-chioice, scenario-based questions and drag-and-drop questions and
requires extensive knowledge of EJB Edition 3.0.
D.4 Voucher con Retake
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition 5 (CX-310-091)
This Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 certification is
for advanced programmer and developers with extensive job-role experience in designing, developing,
testing, deploying, and integrating Enterprise JavaBeans EJB Edition 3.0. The exam includes multiplechoice, scenario-based questions and drag-and-drop questions and requires extensive knowledge of EJB
Edition 3.0.
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Anexo E
Paquete Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services
E.1 Curso Presencial
Creating Web Services Using Java Technology (DWS-3111-EE5)
The Creating Web Services Using Java Technology course provides business component and client developers with the
information they need to create, implement, and deploy web services and web service clients using Java technology
components and the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 SDK(Java EE 5 SDK).The students perform the course lab
exercises using the NetBeans 5.5 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and Sun Java System Application Server
Platform Edition 9.0.
Course Content
Module 1 - Identifying the Building Blocks of Web Services
Define a web service
Explore the need for web services
Identify the characteristics of a web service
List the primary web service initiatives, specifications, and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Recognize the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) Basic Profile and its importance to the web
services community
Examine the sample application
Recognize the various example and demonstration scenarios used in this course
Deploy and test the sample application
Module 2 - Analyzing the Java Web Services Technology and Platform
Deploy and test a web service as a servlet endpoint
Deploy and test a web service as an Enterprise JavaBeans? (EJB?) component endpoint
Run client applications that consume a web service
Module 3 - Applying XML Processing APIs
Apply Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) in a REST-based web service
Apply Simple API for XML (SAX) to format the output of a REST-based web service
Module 4 - Examining SOAP Messages
Examine various SOAP messages
Monitor SOAP messages being transmitted from a web service to a client and review SOAP fault messages
Module 5 - Developing Web Services Using the SOAP With Attachments API for Java (SAAJ
Create a web service using SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)
Consume a SAAJ-based web service
Module 6 - Explaining the Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
Identify the abstract model and concrete model of a WSDL file
Create a WSDL file to describe a web service
Module 7 - Recognizing the Role of Service Registry
Describe the purpose of a service registry
Describe Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
Describe electronic business XML(ebXML)
Identify the features of the ebXML registry
Use the Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) to access an ebXML registry
Describe the JAXR API
Module 8 - Implementing Web Services Using Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) Technology
Create a web service from a WSDL file
Create a JAX-WS web service as a servlet endpoint
Create a JAX-WS web service as an EJB component endpoint
Module 9 - Developing Web Service Clients
Create a JAX-WS web-service client using a Dynamic Proxy
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© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Enable a web application to consume a JAX-WS-based web service
E.2 Curso Web
Web Services Infrastructure and Organizations (WJO-1114)
The Web Services Infrastructure and Organizations course discusses web services, web services infrastructure,and the
web services models such as the WS model. In addition, the course explains the Java EE 5 Web Services APIs. The
course also describes web services organizations, such as W3C, WS-I, OASIS, and JCP.
E.3 Curso Web
Web Services Enabling Technologies (WJO-1118)
Web services enabling technologies are a set of technologies based on XML standards that help describe, access, and
interact with web services. The Web Services Enabling Technologies course describes these standards, which include
the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), and Universal Description,
Discovery, and Integration (UDDI). In addition, the course describes how to create and test JAX-WS web services with
NetBeans(TM) Interface Development Environment (IDE) and Sun Java System Application Server (Application Server).
E.4 Simulador de Examen
ePractice Certification Exam for the Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services 5 (WGS-PREX-J230C)
The ePractice Certification Exam for the Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services 5, provides students with
preparation for Sun certification by acquainting them with the format of the exam and its questions, providing instant
feedback regarding skill levels and gaps, and suggesting specific Sun Educational Services training to fill those gaps.
The exam includes sample test questions, the correct answers including explanations, and suggestions for future
study.This Sun ePractice exam is comprised of 48 questions.
E.5 Voucher con Retake
Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services (CX-310-230)
Product Description
The Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services 5 certification exam is for developers who have been creating web
services applications using Java technology components such as those supported by the Glassfish Metro web service
stack and the Java Enterprise Edition 5 platform. Passing this exam certifies that the candidate has achieved a standard
level of proficiency with web services, as well as with the Java technologies that support web services. To take the Sun
Certified Developer for Java Web Services exam, you must have already achieved the status of Sun Certified Java
Programmer (any version).
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Anexo F
Paquete Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer
F.1 Curso Presencial
Developing Mobile Phone Applications With J2ME Technology (DTJ-365)
The Developing Mobile Phone Applications With J2ME Technology course provides students with hands-on experience
with developing mobile applications on the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME platform) using Connected, Limited
Device Configuration (CLDC) and the Mobile Interface Device Profile (MIDP). The course provides information about
MIDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0 specifications, concepts, and capabilities.
Who Can Benefit
Students who can benefit from this course are Java technology developers, designers, and architects, who want to
develop mobile applications for the MIDP. In addition, this course will benefit architects who design mobile technology
solutions, and Java migration technologists, who need to leverage existing code to the new platform.
Course Content
Module 1 - Overview of the J2ME Architecture
Describe J2ME Architecture
Run the J2ME Wireless Toolkit demonstrations
Module 2 - Building and Executing MIDP Applications
Define the MIDP 2.0 application environment
Define the MIDP development process
Write and build a MIDP application (MIDlet)
Interrogate the device to verify that it can run the new MIDlet
Module 3 - Creating a High-Level User Interface
Describe the MIDP user interface (UI) architecture
Describe the MIDP high-level UI API
Describe the Display object
Define the Item class and subclass components
Implement high-level item event handling
Display a message on the MIDlet screen
Implement a user input interface
Handle user input through item state changes
Verify form data using a Command object
Implement the menu system
Module 4 - Creating a Low-Level User Interface
Describe the MIDP low-level UI API
Describe the low-level UI event handling
Handle pointer events
Create and implement a splash screen using the Canvas class
Implement a skip option on the splash screen
Module 5 - Enhanced High and Low-Level Interfaces
Describe the CustomItem abstract class
Describe CustomItem class event handling
Describe the package
Create a form and add CustomItem, TextBox, and Gauge objects to download a game
Create the StarShip Battle 2004 game
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© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Module 6 - Managing Data on the Device
Define data persistence and the RMS package in the MIDP
Access RecordStore objects on the device object
Store and retrieve data in a RecordStore object
Describe the RecordEnumeration interface
List RecordStore objects
Share a RecordStore object between MIDlet suites
Implement an option screen, and save and retrieve the data in the RecordStore object
Module 7 - Accessing Network Data and Services
Access data with the Generic Connection Framework (GCF) interface
Exchange Data over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Use the HttpConnection interface to retrieve text for an application help screen
Module 8 - Media Control
Describe media control in the MIDP
Describe the Mobile Media API (MMAPI) class hierarchy and interfaces
Add sound to the StarShip Battle 2004 game
Module 9 - MIDP Security
Describe the MIDlet security model and define three MIDP security concerns
Describe the MIDP Push technology
Create a certificate
Authenticate a MIDlet suite
Create a MIDlet that handles static Push connections
Create a MIDlet that handles dynamic Push connections
F.2 Curso Web
An Introduction to Mobile Java Technologies (WJB-450)
The Introduction to Mobile Java Technologies bundle provides students with an introduction to wireless application
infrastructures and those Java technologies for use in mobile applications. The first course provides a high-level
overview of the market for wireless technologies and an explanation of how wireless and device-based technology work
together. Students evaluate how wireless technologies can impact a company's business model and plan the steps to
adopt a solution. The second course provides a discussion of the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME platform)
configurations, profiles, and standard extensions. Students will have an overall awareness of the J2ME architecture and
its technological fit in mobile computing. Course materials also address how the software layers integrate to provide a
coherent application environment as compared to other mobile frameworks.
To succeed fully in these courses, students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of business strategy and its relationship with new technologies
Require an understanding of the impact of the Internet on IT and business
Show a general understanding of large-scale technology implementations, including the architecture and
processes involved
Display an awareness of mobile technology
Be able to describe the principles of object oriented software technologies
Display proficiency with software technology concepts
Skills Gained
Upon completion of this bundle, you should be able to:
Describe the developments in wireless technologies
Recognize a successful wireless solution
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009
Analyze the technologies involved in the wireless and device markets
Evaluate the impact of wireless technologies on business models and technology environments
Devise and plan a wireless solution that delivers tangible business value
Describe the configurations, profiles and standard packages found in J2ME
Illustrate a J2ME wireless architecture
F.3 Curso Web
J2ME and Mobile Phone Development Topics (WJB-460)
The J2ME and Mobile Phone Development Topics bundle provides students with a set of instruction designed provide a
high level of advanced proficency with Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME). The courses in this bundle begin with
review of key Java programming language topics exception handling and thread optimization as well as the usage of the
Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT). They then progress with an overview of the new features of J2ME Wireless Toolkit
2.0 and how they support Mobile Interface Device Profile (MIDP) 2.0 development.
Who Can Benefit
Students who can benefit from this course are Java programing language developers working for independent software
vendors, system integrators, or mobile device manufacturers, as well as enterprise information technology personnel
involved in mobile computing projects.
To succeed fully in these courses, students should be able to:
Apply the principles of object-oriented (OO) programming
Create or compile simple programs in a programming language, such as C or C++
Use a text editor to create and edit text files
Use basic UNIX and Windows text-based commands
Use a World Wide Web (WWW) browser, such as Netscape Navigator(TM)
F.4 Simulador de Examen
ePractice Exam for the Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for the
Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition, Version 1.0 (WGS-PREX-J110C)
The ePractice Certification Exam for the Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Micro
Edition, Version 1.0 prepares students for Sun certification by acquainting them with the format of the exam and its
questions, providing instant feedback regarding skill levels and gaps, and suggesting specific Sun Educational Services
training to fill those gaps. The exam includes sample test questions, the correct answers including explanations, and
suggestions for future study.
This Sun ePractice exam is comprised of 210 questions, divided into three forms of 70 questions each.
F.4 Voucher con Retake
Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for the Java Platform, Micro
Edition, Version 1.0 (CX-310-110)
The Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for the Java Platform, Micro Edition, Version 1.0 certification exam is for
programmers and developers who are using Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) technologies to develop mobile
applications for cell phones or other Java enabled devices. Passing this exam certifies that the candidate has achieved a
standard level of proficiency with mobile Java technologies, as well as with the Java Technology for Wireless Industry
(JTWI) specification, including the Wireless Messaging application programming interface (API) and Mobile Media APIs.
To take the Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer exam, you must have already achieved the status of Sun
Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform.
Programa Nacional de Certificación Java
© Sun Microsystems ltd, 2009