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Spanish National Anti Poverty
Red Europea de Lucha Contra la Pobreza y
la Exclusión Social en el Estado Español
What EAPN is?
EAPN First Steps
EAPN Europe
EAPN Spain
EAPN Spain.Who is a member?
EAPN Spain participate in ...
EAPN Spain enlargement? Soon?
EAPN.. What is it?
EAPN stands for European Anti Poverty
Network (Red Europea Contra la Pobreza)
EAPN is a coalition of non-governmental
organizations and groups involved in the fight
against poverty and social exclusion in the
Member States of the European Union
EAPN - Origins
Origins: Communitarian programs Pobreza II y III
1989: Conference on fight against poverty
Working group
Creation of European Network
1990: EAPN Constituent Assembly
EAPN Europe
EAPN is a coalition of non-governmental organisations and groups involved
in the fight against poverty and social exclusion in the Member States of the
European Union
Its partners are seeking to allow those who suffer poverty and social
exclusion exercise their rights and duties, and break their isolation and their
situation of social exclusion.
EAPN has consultative status with the Council of Europe, and is a founding
member of the Platform of European Social NGOs.
EAPN Europe has its central office in Brussels (
EAPN Spain
(Red europea de lucha contra la pobreza y la exclusión social en el Estado Español)
EAPN Spain was born in 1991 and refunded in 2004 as
network of NGOs implicated in inclusion of the people
experiencing poverty and social exclusion
Its objective is to coordinate actions against poverty and
social exclusion at different territorial levels of Spanish State.
EAPN Spain integrates 13 regional networks and 14 NGOs
Main Objectives
To promote and increase the efficiency of the actions that combat poverty and social
exclusion inside a frame of the Spanish State, trying to make a synergy in all local, autonomic
and national bodies.
To collaborate in the policy definitions that influence directly or indirectly poverty
To assure the role of lobby group, denunciation and recognition in favour of people and
groups experiencing poverty and social exclusion
To contribute to define the poverty and social exclusion phenomena and coordinate
the role of the organizations and people that make up EAPN in front of them
To be a channel of expression and participation for people and groups experiencing
poverty and social exclusion
To promote trainings and exchange of experiences between affected people, volunteers
and professionals
Who makes up EAPN Spain?
Regional networks (13):
Red Europea de Lucha contra la Pobreza y Exclusión Social en Euskadi
Taula d´Entitats del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya
Red Europea de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social en CLM
Red Aragonesa de Entidades Sociales para la inclusión
Red Andaluza de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social
Red Navarra de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social
Red Madrileña de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social
Red Europea de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social en Canarias
Red Europea de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social en Castilla y León
Red de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social de la Región de Murcia
Red Asturiana de Lucha contra la Pobreza
Xarxa per la Inclusió Social de la Comunitat Valenciana
EAPN-Illes Balears. Xarxa Balear per la Inclusió Social
Who makes up EAPN Spain?
NGOs (14)
Fundación Secretariado Gitano/ Roma General Secretary Foundation
Cáritas Española/ Caritas Spain
Cruz Roja Española/ Spanish Red Cross
Unión Española de Asociaciones y Entidades de Atención al Drogodependiente (UNAD) / Union of
Associations and Organizations of Attention to the Drug Addict
Confederación Española de Organizaciones en favor de las Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual
(FEAPS) /Organizations for People with Intellectual Disability
Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) / Spanish Commission of Aid to the Refugee
Consorcio de Entidades para la Acción Integral con Migrantes (CEPAIM) / The State Consortium of
Entities for the Comprehensive Interaction with Migrants
Movimiento Cuarto Mundo /ATD Fourth World
Federación de Mujeres Progresistas / Progressive Women Federation
Confederación de Centros de Desarrollo Rural (COCEDER) / Confederation of Rural Development
Asociación Comisión Católica Española de Migraciones (ACCEM) / Spanish Catholic Commission of
Confederación Coordinadora Estatal de Minusválidos Físicos de España (COCEMFE) / Spanish
Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disability
Fundación Esplai /Esplai Foundation
Red Araña / Araña Network
Actions and activities
Awareness Raising actions and strengthening regional networks
Meetings of People Experiencing Poverty and Social Exclusion – Methodological guide on
Annual Seminars on social inclusion politics at the European, national, regional and local
“Eapn Flash” y “Network News”
Lobbing on social inclusion politics:
Evaluation and proposal of NAP on Social Inclusion
Policy agenda (Foro Agentes Sociales/ )
Establishment of work policies and working groups actions
Preparation of studies, making investigations and research and work in more specific
sectors: social services, methodology on participation, migration, ...
Campaign for Adequate Minimum Income
IRPF Campaign
EAPN Spain participates in …
at European level:
Executive Committee: Carlos Susías
Mainstreaming groups:
Task Forces-Working groups:
Participation and Poverty: Carlos Susías
Steering group: Graciela Malgesini
Employment: Bernart Baltza
Structural Funds: Sali Guntín
National Coord Pep: Julene Eiguren
Social Services: Isabel Allende
Financial Support Networks: Xavier Puig
Capacity building: Maja Ganczarczyk
EAPN Spain participates in …
at national level:
permanent working groups:
Social Inclusion and Employment
Structural Funds
Reglamento y regimen interno
ad hoc working groups:
Social Services
Minimum Income
Strategic Plan
EAPN Spain participates in…
EAPN is a part of:
NGO’s State Council
Group on inclusion, employment and rural
NGO’s Platform/ Plataforma de las ONG
Foro de Agentes Sociales
Follow up Committee (Comité de Seguimiento del P.O.
Lucha contra la Discriminación)
General Assembly
Executive Committee
(18 members)
Standing Commission
(8 members)
EAPN Spain enlargement. Why?
People experiencing poverty and
social exclusion
«lobbying» axis
«impact» axis
Policy axis
EAPN Spain enlargement. Why?
• Necessity to unite in order to be valid and recognized social
actor; to occupy the social space
• Work in network: precedents actions (seminarios FFEE e
• To influence social politics and lobby at all territorial levels: plans
for inclusion, laws of social services, follow-up committees
• Multidimensional nature of the poverty and social inclusion; it
demands a global and integrated approach
EAPN Spain enlargement. Where?
• EAPN Cantabria?
• EAPN Galicia?
• EAPN Extremadura?
• Contacts in Melilla