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WORKSHOP TALLER ARELIS BENITEZ, MA, BA G L O B A L H E A LT H C A R E C O N F E R E N C E DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, 2013 CLEAR Model – Whole Person Care “CLEAR” (Un modelo para cuidado integral) LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Connect Conecta Listen Escucha Explore Explora Acknowledge Reconoce Respond Responde Volunteer Chaplaincy Capellanía voluntaria LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER – MURRIETA 106 beds 106 camas 1,000+ employees 1,000+ empleados 24/7/365 service 24/7/365 servicio 1 staff chaplain Una capellana 55 volunteer chaplains 55 capellanes voluntarios Three Wishes (PART I) Tres deseos (parte I) A: Work/Career A: Trabajo/carrera B: Personal Life B: Vida Personal C: Relational Life C: Vida Relacional (family, friend, spouse, etc). “In my (a,b,c) wish “___” and if “” then I would feel ____ . (familia, amiga/o, esposa/o, etc). En mi (a,b,c) yo deseo: “___” y si “” entonces me sintiria ____. Example Ejemplo In my relational life, “I wish I lived closer to my family” and if “I lived closer to my family” then I would feel complete. En mi vida relacional, “yo deseo vivir mas cerca de mi familia” y si “viviera mas cerca de mi familia” me sentiria completa. Three Wishes (PART II) Tres deseos (parte II) In my relational life, “I wish I lived closer to my family” and if “I lived closer to my family” then I would feel complete. Opposite of feeling complete is feeling INCOMPLETE. En mi vida relacional, “yo deseo vivir mas cerca de mi familia” y si “viviera mas cerca de mi familia” me sentiria completa. Lo contrario a sentirse completa es sentirse VACIA. Group Reflection Reflexiona con tu grupo Share With Us Comparte con nosotros end. fin.