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Sintaxis espacial en arqueología y antropología urbana (en construcción) Carlos Reynoso UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES Objetivos • Introducir al uso de técnicas de sintaxis espacial en arqueología (del paisaje) y antropología (urbana) • Suministrar referencias a casos • Evaluar alcances y límites de la técnica en el campo disciplinar • Indicar repositorios, herramientas y recursos disponibles Agenda • Presentación de la problemática • Revisión cronológica de los principales estudios de casos • Conclusiones • Referencias y recursos Estudios de casos • • • • • • • • • • • • • • M. J. Grove – Vuelos de Lévy en pastoreo en Sudán (tbd) MR Hopkins – Análisis reticular de compuestos habitacionales en Teotihuacán (1987) Anthony Bonnao & al – Monumentos en Malta (1990) Jerry Moore – Patrón y significado en arquitectura Chimú (1992) Denise Lawrence y Setha Low – El ambiente construido y la forma espacial en antropología (1990) Laurel Cooper – Análisis comparativo de casas grandes de Chaco Canyon (1997) Adam Smith – Arquitectura política urartiana (1999) Ruth Van Dyke – SE en Casa de Guadalupe, Chaco Canyon (1999) Tammy Stone – Integración de comunidad prehistórica en Point of Pines, Arizona (2000) Deborah Pellow – Diferencias culturales y formas urbanas en Accra (2001) Michele Hegmon – SE y otras cuestiones en arqueología (2003) Matthew Liebmann, TJ Ferguson y Robert Preucel – Asentamientos, arquitectura y cambio social en la era de la revuelta Pueblo (2005) Rafael Vega Centeno Sara-Lafosse – Tesis, Cerro Lampay en Andes Centrales (2005) Gilles Spence-Morrow – SE aplicada a Tiahuanaco (2009) M R Hopkins • Análisis reticular de compuestos habitacionales de Teotihuacán (1987) • In the ancient city of Teotihuacan, Mexico most of the population was housed in large apartment compounds, often about 60 m square and containing up to about 250 rooms. These structures have no close ethnographic or archaeological parallels. Many of them are so large and complex that it is difficult to understand their organisation through simple visual examination of plans. In an attempt to describe and compare these plans, simple network statistics are derived for nine compounds that have been completely or almost completely excavated. Several other compounds are discussed qualitatively. Although the sample is small, it suffices to show several kinds of inhomogeneity in the plans of the compounds, suggesting differences in design process, purpose, and history. Among the dimensions along which compounds vary are: single-centred versus multicentred plans; dendritic versus circuited planning at various scales; relative ease of access of internal versus external spaces; overall versus smaller-scale organisation; presence or absence of 'subcompounds'. Sally Foster • Análisis de acceso en edificios de la Edad de Hierro en Escocia (1989) • Clearly the pattern of space in buildings can be expected to relate to the way that buildings are used to structure and reproduce social relations. As an archaeologist, wishing to infer social structure by its reflection in the building pattern, one may hope the relation may be reasonably direct. Here the formal geometrical method of access analysis is used to elucidate the pattern in a distinctive kind of prehistoric settlement form, and thence to elucidate the social structure which both produced it and was structured by it. A. Bonanno, C. Boulder, T.Malone, T. Stoddart • Monumentos en Malta (1990) Jerry Moore • Patrón y significado en arquitectura Chimú (1992) Laurel Moore • Análisis comparativo de casas grandes de Chaco Canyon (1997) Wendy Bustard • Evolución de las casas de Chaco Canyon (1997) Jason Shapiro • Fingerprints on the landscape (1997) Jason Shapiro • (Cont.) Adam Smith • Arquitectura política urartiana (1999) Ruth Van Dyke • SE en la Casa de Guadalupe (1999) Tammy Stone • Integración de comunidad prehistórica en Point of Pines, Arizona (2000) Liebmann-Ferguson-Preucel • Pueblo Revolt era (2001) Deborah Pellow • SE en Accra (2001) Marion Cutting • SE en sitios de Anatolia (2003) • Archaeologists have applied the quantitative access analysis techniques of space syntax to archaeological material with varying degrees of success. This article makes a distinction between access analysis as a quantitative methodology and as a nonquantitative 'tool to think with' and suggests the level of architectural definition needed for the quantitative approach. The paper begins with a brief description of access analysis and discusses five studies that illustrate its application to archaeological material. It then presents original research, applying the method to three plans from two prehistoric Anatolian sites, Çatalhöyük and Hacilar. The results are discussed in qualitative rather than quantitative terms. A number of problems are identified even when applying access analysis to late Chalcolithic Hacilar, a small settlement with well-preserved buildings, clear entrances and a boundary wall. These include a difficulty in identifying discrete household spaces, a lack of information about the upper storeys, and uncertainty about access arrangements between communal spaces and individual household units. The paper concludes that access analysis as a quantitative technique is of limited use in studying prehistoric constructed space unless the archaeological record already provides information about the definition of individual spaces and unambiguous evidence as to how those spaces were accessed. On the other hand, if one limits the use of access analysis to a visually-rich 'tool to think with', it can provide useful iinsights into settlement life. The paper suggests a number of implications for both research and field archaeologists. Miranda Stockett • Aproximación a la dinámica social a través del análisis de acceso en Las Canoas, Honduras (2005) Kevin Fisher • Desigualdad política en la Edad de Bronce en Chipre (2006) Rafael Vega Centeno (2005) • SE y teoría de la práctica en Andes Centrales Giles Spence-Morrow • Analizing the invisible (2009) M. J. Grove • A walk in the dust (s/f) Conclusiones • Diversidad de aportes • Necesidad de un marco teórico de cobertura • SE es una herramienta técnica • Rendimiento superior al de métodos convencionales • Mediciones vinculadas a cuestiones cualitativas • Área de vacancia en antropología urbana Recursos y Referencias • ¿Preguntas? Carlos Reynoso