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Transcript Tel. 967344634 / 967310423 PROFESORA: ANA RODRÍGUEZ 1 DICCIONARIO ONLINE GRAMATICA, VOCABULARIO Y EJERCICIOS. Toda la información relacionada con el Centro de Adultos Castillo de Almansa. 2 CONTENIDOS 1.2.3. FUTURE: will, going to, present continuous with future meaning. 4. MODAL VERBS: Can, Must, Should. 5. PRONOUNS: Object and Possessive. 6. PRESENT-PAST PERFECT 7. 8. COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE ANEXO: GRAMMAR 10. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 11. PASSIVE VOICE 12. REPORTED SPEECH ANEXO: VOCABULARY Profesiones, trabajo,oficina, transportes, clima, geografía, viajes, tiendas. ANEXO: VERBS Regular and Irregular 3 1. LISTENING: escuchar: La profesora reproducirá 3 veces uno de los listenings incluidos en el libro y hechos en clase, tendréis que completar huecos. 2. READING: lectura comprensiva con preguntas para contestar con la información del texto, verdadero o falso, etc… 3. COMPOSITION: redacción sobre el tema indicado. 4. GRAMMAR: varios ejercicios de gramática: completar, realizar frases, pasar a negativa e interrogativa, traducir… 5. VOCABULARY & VERBS: completar tabla de español a inglés. Incluye el vocabulario y verbos del libro y del añexo. 6. SPEAKING: diálogo entre 2 compañeros en inglés sobre un tema trabajado en clase que aparece en el libro. 4 CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN Los exámenes se valoran sobre 8 puntos. El esfuerzo personal vale 2 puntos. En el apartado de esfuerzo personal se valora: actitud, comportamiento, esfuerzo, motivación, asistencia a clase, entrega de actividades, respeto, trabajo en casa y en clase, puntualidad… En presencia, se controlará el trabajo y la asistencia diariamente y los alumnos tendrán que entregar una redacción por tema antes del examen. El primer parcial constará de las unidades 5 y 6 + anexo de vocabulario y verbos. El segundo parcial constará de las unidades 7 y 8 + anexo de gramática: condicionales, pasiva y estilo indirecto. En distancia, la asistencia no es obligatoria aunque se evaluará positivamente. Los alumnos que asistan regularmente a clase entregarán una redacción por tema. Los que no puedan asistir a clase entregarán el cuadernillo de actividades (workbook), completamente terminado, el día del examen. El examen incluye toda la materia, tanto en la evaluación ordinaria, como en la recuperación (evaluación extraordinaria). Las Redacciones a entregar serán las siguientes: Unit 5: Write about your plans for next weekend Unit 6: Write 5 things you should or shouldn’t do to keep yourself healthy. Unit 7: Describe your favourite place. Unit 8: What type of clothes do you usually wear? *Sólo se sumará la nota de esfuerzo personal cuando el alumno supere el 3.8 en el 5 examen. 1. FUTURO CON “WILL” Estructura S+WILL*+V(INFINITIVO SIN TO) *PALABRA INVARIABLE, NO CAMBIA PARA 3ª PERSONA DE SING. *TRANSFORMA EL VERBO EN FUTURO AUTOMÁTICAMENTE. *DETRÁS DE WILL, SIEMPRE, V. INFINITIVO SIN TO SUJETO + WILL (‘LL) + VERBO PRINCIPAL + COMPLEMENTOS Ej.1: “I will visit you tomorrow”= Te visitaré mañana. Ej.2: He’ll help you tonight” =El te ayudará esta noche. (+) Ej.3: “They will come on holiday with us” = Ellos vendrán de vacaciones con nosotros. EJEMPLOS SUJETO + WILL + NOT (+WON’T)+VERBO PRINCIPAL + COMPL. Ej.1: “I will not visit you tomorrow” =Yo no te visitaré mañana. Ej.2: “He won’t help you tonight” = El no te ayudará esta noche. (–) Ej.3: “They will not come on holiday with us” = Ellos no vendrán de vacaciones con nosotros. WILL + SUJETO + VERBO PRINCIPAL + COMPLEMENTOS + ? Ej.1: “Will you visit me tomorrow?” =¿Me visitarás mañana? Ej.2: “Will he help you tonight?”= ¿Te ayudará él esta noche? (?) Ej.3: “Will they come on holiday with us?” =¿Vendrán ellos de vacaciones con nosotros. 6 SHORT ASWERS: WILL • YES, I WILL YES+S+WILL • YES, HE WILL AFFIRMATIVE • NO, I WON’T NO+S+WON’T • NO, SHE WON`T NEGATIVE 7 1. Mis amigos vendrán mañana T: _________________________________________________ -: _________________________________________________ ¿?: ________________________________________________ 2. Ella irá a Londres el año que viene. T: _________________________________________________ -: __________________________________________________ ¿?: _________________________________________________ 3. Nosotros viviremos en Almansa. T: _________________________________________________ -: __________________________________________________ ¿?: _________________________________________________ 8 2. FUTURO CON “GOING TO” S+PRESENTE VERBO TO BE (AM/IS/ARE) + GOING TO + VERBO PRINCIPAL (INF. SIN TO) (+) SUJETO + AM / IS / ARE + GOING TO + VERBO + COMPLEMENT. Ej.1: “I am going to buy a car next year” =Voy a comprar un coche el año que viene. Ej.2: “She is going to have a baby next winter”=Ella va a tener un bebé el próximo invierno. Ej.3: “They are going to get married next July”=Ellos van a casarse el próximo julio. (–) SUJETO + AM / IS / ARE + NOT + GOING TO + VERBO + COMPL Ej.1: “I am not going to buy a car next year” =Yo no me voy a comprar un coche el año que viene. Ej.2: “She is not going to have a baby next winter” =Ella no va a tener un bebé el próximo invierno. Ej.3: “They aren’t going to get married next July”=Ellos no se van a casar el próximo julio. (?) AM / IS / ARE + SUJETO + GOING TO + VERBO+ COMPLEMENTO Ej.1: “Are you going to buy a car next year?” =¿Vas a comprar un coche el año que viene? Ej.2: “Is she going to have a baby next winter?”=¿Va ella a tener un bebé el próximo invierno? Ej.3: “Are they going to get married next July?”=¿Van ellos a casarse el próximo julio? 9 SHORT ASWERS: GOING TO • YES, I AM AFFIRMATIVE • YES, HE IS YES+S+BE • YES, THEY ARE NEGATIVE NO+S+BE (-) • NO, I’M NOT • NO, SHE ISN’T • NO, THEY AREN’T 10 1. I ______________________ (STUDY) at University. 2. She ___________________ ________(PLAY) tennis. 3. We _____________________(VISIT) Peter tomorrow. 4. Mary and John _________________________(LIVE) in Madrid. 5. Peter ____________________ ____(WORK) in a factory. 6. My mother ___________________ ______(COOK) the meal. 11 3. PRESENT CONTINUOUS WITH FUTURE MEANING (Tomorrow, next week…): AFIRMATIVA S+ TO BE + V-ING NEGATIVA S+TO BE+NOT+V-ING INTERROGATIVA TO BE+S+V-ING…? I AM WORKING I AM NOT WORKING AM I WORKING…? YO ESTOY TRABAJANDO YO NO ESTOY TRABAJANDO ¿ESTOY YO TRABAJANDO? YOU ARE WORKING YOU AREN’T WORKING ARE YOU WORKING…? TU ESTÁS TRABAJANDO TU NO ESTÁS TRABAJANDO ¿ ESTÁS TU TRABAJANDO? HE IS WORKING HE IS NOT WORKING IS HE WORKING EL ESTÁ TRABAJANDO EL NO ESTÁ TRABAJANDO ¿ ESTÁ ÉL TRABAJANDO? SHE IS WORKING SHE ISN’T WORKING IS SHE WORKING…? ELLA ESTÁ TRABAJANDO ELLA NO ESTÁ TRABAJANDO ¿ESTÁ ELLA TRABAJANDO? IT IS WORKING IT ISN’T WORKING IS IT WORKING ELLO ESTÁ TRABAJANDO ELLO NO ESTÁ TRABAJANDO ¿ ESTÁ ELLO TRABAJANDO? WE ARE WORKING WE AREN’T WORKING ARE WE WORKING…? NOSOTROS/NOSOTRAS ESTAMOS TRABAJANDO NOSOTROS/NOSOTRAS NO ESTAMOS TRABAJANDO ¿ESTAMOS NOSOTROS/NOSOTRAS TRABAJANDO YOU ARE WORKING YOU AREN’T WORKING ARE YOU WORKING…? VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS ESTAIS TRABAJANDO VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS NO ESTAIS TRABAJANDO ¿ESTAIS VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS TRABAJANDO? THEY ARE WORKING THEY AREN’T WORKING ARE THEY WORKING…? ELLOS/ELLAS ESTÁN TRABAJANDO ELLOS/ELLAS NO ESTÁN TRABAJANDO ¿ESTÁN ELLOS/ELLAS TRABAJANDO? 12 Completa usando Presente Continuo con valor de futuro 1. I _______ ___to the supermarket tomorrow. 2. My sister me her car next month. 3. We a barbecue on Sunday. 4. All my friends to my party next week. 5. We my niece to Aquapark later today. 6. The train in ten minutes. 7. We to the zoo tomorrow. 8. On Friday I to Rob´s party. 13 Los Verbos Modales son un grupo especial de verbos. CARACTERÍSTICAS: 1. Son INVARIABLES, nunca cambian en concordancia con el sujeto. 2. Detrás de ellos siempre va un verbo en INFINITIVO SIN TO. 1. CAN 1. PODER: =PODER/SABER I can go to the party= Yo puedo ir a la fiesta 2. SABER (HABILIDAD) He can speak French = Él sabe hablar Francés 2. MUST DEBER (Obligación) 1. OBLIGACIÓN You must study = Tú debes estudiar. 3. SHOULD DEBERÍA (Consejo) CONSEJO, SUGERENCIA He should go to the doctor = El debería ir al médico. 14 COMPLETA CON EL MODAL QUE CORRESPONDA: 1. ___ _____ you tell me the way to the nearest bank? (CAN/MUST/SHOULD) 2. We hurry! - We're late. (CAN / MUST) 3. You ______ ____ give up smoking. It's bad for your health. (SHOULD /CAN) 4. "Matrix" is a wonderful film. You ______________ watch it. (SHOULD / MUSTN'T) 5. __________ you help me with this exercise? (MUST / CAN/ SHOULD) 6. This book is great! You ________________ read it. (CAN / SHOULD) 7. Mary __________ respect her parents. (CAN / MUST) 8. You ___________ drive so fast - it's very dangerous. (MUSTN'T / SHOULD) 15 16 5.1. PRONOMBRES PERSONALES SUJETO Y OBJETO PRONOMBRES SUJETO I YOU HE SHE IT WE THEY PRON. SUJETO PRONOMBRES OBJETO ME I YOU You HIM HER IT US THEM PRON. OBJETO VERBO me LOVE He She You him LOVES her It it We us You you They them 17 1. My sister Jane loves books. This novel is for _______ 2. My children like Disney films. The video is for ______ 3. My brother Matt collects postcards. These postcards are for _________. 4. My parents like Latin music. The CD is for ________. 5. I like watches. This nice watch is for _______. 6. My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for _____. 7. My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for ________. 8. My girlfriend wants to go to California next year. The guide book is for _________. 18 Pronombres posesivos Ejemplo Traducción My mi, mis This is my house. Ésta es mi casa. Your tu, tus (de tú) / su, sus (de usted) This is your book. Éste es tu libro. / Éste es su libro. His su, sus (de él) This is his bicycle. Ésta es su bicicleta. Her su, sus (de ella) This is her dress. Éste es su vestido. Its su, sus This is its (the cat's) home. Ésta es su casa. (del gato) Our nuestro/a nuestros/as These are our suitcases. Éstas son nuestras maletas. Your vuestro/a, vuestros/as, su, sus (de ustedes) These are your seats. Éstos son vuestros asientos. Éstos son sus asientos. Their su, sus (de ellos) These are their books. Éstos son sus libros. 19 Complete with possessive adjectives 1. The pen belongs to Mr. Grant. It's ____ pen. 2. The book belongs to Mary. It's _____ book. 3. The suits belong to the boys. They're ___________ suits. 4. The house belongs to us. It's ______ house. 5. The eraser belongs to Fred. It's ____ eraser. 6. Those shoes belong to the children. They're __________ shoes. 7. The hat belongs to you. It's _________ hat. 8. The notebook belongs to me. It's ______ notebook. 20 Los adjetivos posesivos van seguidos del sustantivo y los pronombres sustituyen al nombre 21 Complete with possessive pronouns 1. I have a dog. That dog is _________ ! 2. She has a cat. That cat is _________ ! 3. We have a car. That car is _________ ! 4. They have a bike. That bike is ________ ! 5. He has a key. That key is ______ ! 6. You have a hat. That hat is _________ ! 22 Possessive Adjectives/Pronouns 1. She has a book, it's _____ book. It's ________ . 2. You have an umbrella, it's ________ umbrella. It's _____________ . 3. They have some magazines, they're _________ magazines. They're __________ . 4. Here is Bob's house. It's _________ house. 5. These are Tom and Jackie's bags. They're __________ bags. 6. I have a puppy. It's _________ . 7. Tyler's brother has a new apartment. It's ____ . 23 6. PRESENT PERFECT 24 25 26 1. TRAVEL I __________________ to London. 2. NOT SEE The girl ___________________the present yet. 3. LISTEN We _________________________ to the songs. 4. NOT TRY She ________________ the dress yet. 5. BE . I __________________ in New York. 6. PLAN They ________________ the party. 7. STUDY Richard ___________________ for the English exam. 8. DRIVE __________ you ever _____________ a car before? 9. PHONE He _______________ home. 10. NOT TELL They ________________ us the truth. 27 6.1. PASADO PERFECTO AFIRMATIVA S+ HAD+ PARTICIPIO 3ª ED COL I NEGATIVA S+ HAD+NOT(HADN’T)+ PARTICIPIO (ED / 3ª) INTERROGATIVA HAD+S+PARTICIPIO…? 3ª ED COL I I YOU YOU WORKED HE SHE IT H A D HE SHE GONE WORKED IT H A D H A D N O T GONE WE WE YOU YOU THEY THEY YOU HE WORKED SHE IT WE YOU THEY GONE PASADO PERFECTO: Yo había trabajado S+HAD+PARTICIPIO VERBO REGULAR: -ED VERBO IRREGULAR: 3ª COL. GO-WENT-GONE (+) VERBO REGULAR: SUJETO + HAD + (VERBO)-ED + Estructura de la Oración WORKED COMPLEMENTOS Ej.1: I had finished the exam= Yo había terminado el examen. Ej.2: May had studied a lot = May había estudiado mucho. VERBO IRREGULAR: SUJETO + HAD + (3ª COLUMNA VERBOS IRREG) + COMPLEMENTOS Ej.3: “We had seen that film” Nosotros habíamos visto esa pelicula Ej.4: “She had gone to University” = Ella había ido a la Universidad. (–) SUJETO + HAD + NOT + (VERBO)-ED + COMPLEMENTOS Ej.1: “I had not finished the exam” = Yo no había terminado el examen. Ej.2: “May hadn’t studied a lot” = May no había estudiado mucho. SUJETO + HAD + NOT + (3ª COLUMNA VERBOS IRREG) + COMPL. Ej.3: “We had not seen that film” Nosotros no habíamos visto esa pelicula Ej.4: “She hadn’t gone to University” = Ella no había ido a la Universidad. (?) HAD + SUJETO + (VERBO)-ED + COMPLEMENTOS Ej.1: “Had I finished the exam?” = ¿Había yo terminado el exámen? Ej.2: “Had she gone to University? ¿Había ido ella a la Universidad? HAD + SUJETO + (3ª COLUMNA VERBOS IRREG) + COMPLEMENTOS Ej.3: “Had they seen that film?” = ¿Habían ellos visto esa pelicula? Ej.4: “Had she gone to University? = ¿Había ido ella a la Universidad? 1. TRAVEL I __________________ to London before last summer. 2. NOT SEE The girl ___________________the present. 3. LISTEN We _________________________ to the songs before. 4. NOT TRY She ________________ the dress before she bought it. 5. BE I was in Ruidera last month. I __________________ there two years ago. 6. PLAN They ________________ the party before they sent the invitations. 7. STUDY Richard ___________________ and he failed the exam. 8. DRIVE You __________________a car before you bought one. 9. PHONE He _______________ before he came home yesterday. 10. NOT TELL They ________________ us the truth before we knew. 1. COMPARATIVO DE INFERIORIDAD: (A es MENOS… QUE B) Estructura LESS + ADJETIVO + THAN MENOS + ADJETIVO + QUE Ejemplos Ej.1: Nadal is less TALL than Pau Gassol (Nadal es menos alto que Pau Gassol) Ej.2: England is less BIG than the USA (Inglaterra es menos grande que USA) Ej.3: I am less PRETTY than my sister (Yo soy menos guapa que mi hermana) Ej.4: You are less INTELLIGENT than us (Tu eres menos inteligente que nosotros 31 1. My house is _____________________________(BIG) your house. 2. This car is __________________________(EXPENSIVE) that car. 3. Almansa is ______________________________(SMALL) Bonete. 4. Peter is _____________________________(INTELLIGENT) Mary. 5. My sister is ____________________________ (TALL) your sister 32 2. COMPARATIVO DE IGUALDAD: (A es IGUAL DE … QUE B) Estructura (not) AS + ADJETIVO + AS TAN + ADJETIVO + COMO Ejemplos Ej.1: I am as TALL As my brother. Ej. 1 .Yo soy tan alto como mi hermano. Ej.2: My house is not as BIG as your house. 2. Mi casa no es tan grande como la tuya Ej.3: I am as PRETTY as my sister Ej.4: I am not as INTELLIGENT as Einstein 3. Yo soy tan guapa como mi hermana. 4.Yo no soy tan inteligente como Einstein 33 1. My house is _____________________________(BIG) your house. 2. This car is __________________________(EXPENSIVE) that car. 3. Almansa is ______________________________(SMALL) Bonete. 4. Peter is _____________________________(INTELLIGENT) Mary. 5. My sister is ____________________________ (TALL) your sister 34 CORTO 1 SILABA: TALL (TALLER) HOT( HOTTER) BIG (BIGGER) 2 SIL. –Y: PRETTY (PRETTIER) ADJETIVO HAPPY (HAPPIER) LARGO ADJ-ER+THAN Mary is taller than Peter ADJETIVOS IRREGULARES MORE+ADJ.+THAN GOOD= BETTER THAN Mary is more intelligent than Peter BAD=WORSE THAN 35 1.- Ejemplos con adjetivos cortos: ADJ-ER+THAN Pau Gassol is TALLER than Nadal . Pau Gassol es más alto que Nadal The USA is BIGGER than England. USA es más grande que Inglaterra. My sister is PRETTIER than me. Mi hermana es más guapa que yo. 2. Ejemplos con adjetivos largos: Mary is more TIRED than her brother MORE+ADJ+THAN Mary está más cansada que su hermano Helen is more BEAUTIFUL than Susan Helen es más guapa que Susan. My house is more EXPENSIVE than your house. Mi casa es más cara que tu casa. 36 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Penélope Cruz is _______________________(YOUNG) Belén Rueda. River Guadiana is _______________________(LONG) River Amazon. Your trousers are _______________________ (GOOD) my trousers. Her eyes are ______________________ (BIG) your eyes. That film is _____________________ (BAD) the book. This sofa is _____________________________________ (COMFORTABLE) than this chair. A Ferrari is __________________ (EXPENSIVE) a Seat 37 CORTO 1 SILABA: TALL (TALLEST) HOT( HOTTEST) BIG (BIGGEST) 2 SIL. –Y: PRETTY (PRETTIEST) ADJETIVO HAPPY (HAPPIEST) LARGO THE + ADJ-EST Mary is the tallest. ADJETIVOS IRREGULARES GOOD= THE BEST BAD=THE WORST THE MOST+ADJ. Mary is the most intelligent 38 1.- Ejemplos con adjetivos cortos: THE + ADJ-EST 1.Nadal is the STRONGEST tennis player. 1.Nadal es el tenista más fuerte. 2. England is the BIGGEST country in the UK 2. Inglaterra es el país más grande de UK. 3. My sister is the PRETTIEST girl in the family 3. Mi hermana es la chica más guapa de la familia. 2. Ejemplos con adjetivos largos: THE+ MOST +ADJ. Mary is the most CLEVER girl in the class Mary la chica más lista de la clase Helen is the most BEAUTIFUL of her sisters Helen es la más guapa de sus hermanas My house is the most EXPENSIVE. Mi casa es la más cara. 39 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Penélope Cruz is ______________________(FAMOUS) actress in Spain. River Guadiana is _______________________(LONG) river in Spain. Your house is ________________ (GOOD) in Almansa. Her eyes are ______________________ (BIG) in her class. That film is _____________________ (BAD) . This sofa is _____________________________________ (COMFORTABLE) in the world. A Ferrari is __________________ (EXPENSIVE) car. 40 1. William Shakespeare is (famous)____________________ writer in England. 2. The elephant is (big) ________________________ the lion. 3. Sergio is (old) _________________________ Malcolm. 4. Our house is (expensive) ____________________________. 5. That book is (interesting) _______________________ this book. 6. My cake is (good) ______________________ your cake. 7. This is (bad) ______________programme in television history. 8. Spain is (hot) ___________________country in Europe. 9. Almansa is (small) _____________________Albacete. 10. Peter is (intelligent) ____________________________Mary. 41 THE LEAST ADJETIVO EL, LA, LOS, LAS MENOS ADJETIVO Ejemplos Ej.1: Nadal is the least TALL. (Nadal es el menos alto) Ej.2: My house is the least BIG (Mi casa es la menos grande) Ej.3: I am the least PRETTY (Yo soy la menos guapa) Ej.4: You are the least INTELLIGENT (Tu eres el menos inteligente) 42 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Peter is ____________________(TALL) boy in the class River Guadiana is _______________________(LONG) river in Spain. Your house is ________________ ______(NEW) in Almansa. Her eyes are ____________________(BIG) in her class. That film is ___________________ (OLD) of all. This sofa is _____________________________________ (COMFORTABLE) in the world. A Seat is __________________ (EXPENSIVE) car. 43 9 44 45 CONDICIÓN CONSECUENCIA SI = IF+ PRESENTE + I WORK SHE WORKS - I DON’T WORK HE DOESN’T WORK FUTURO: WILL (not)+ V + I WILL WORK SHE WILL WORK - I WILL NOT WORK HE WON’T WORK IF you study SI estudias You will pass the English exam Aprobarás el exámen de Inglés IF it rains SI llueve We will stay at home Nos quedaremos en casa IF you don’t study Si no estudias You will not pass the exam No aprobarás el exámen. IF he doesn’t come to the party Si el no viene a la fiesta I will be very sad. Yo estaré muy triste 46 If my mum ________ (come) on time, we ______________(go)shopping. 2. If he ________ (take) me to the cinema, I ___________(buy) some popcorn. 3. I _________(cook ) dinner if you __________(do) the washing up. 4. The teacher ___________(give) me extra marks, if I _______ (do) a project about the II World War. 5. If it __________ (start) raining, I ________(stay ) at home. 6. They ________(go) to the park if they_________ (have) time. 7. If you _________(study), you ___________(pass) the exam. 1. 47 1. If I ___________ (arrive) on time, I _______________(call) you. 2. My sister ____________(make) lunch if she______(be) at home. 3. If we ________________________(not buy) our tickets soon, we ____________________________(not get) seats. 4. My friends _____________(be) angry if I ________________ (not invite) them to my party. 5. If Bob _________________________(not get) a job soon, he _________________________(sell) his house. 6. Your wife _______________(be) worried if you __________________________(not phone) her. 7. If I _________ (find) the book, I _____________( buy) it for you. 8. Mary _________(go) on holiday if she ______ (have) the money. 9. If you ______( study) everyday, you __________(pass) the exam. 10. We ________ (go) to the beach if it _____(be) sunny tomorrow. 11. If she _________ (know) the truth, she _____________(tell) you. 48 11. VOZ ACTIVA Y VOZ PASIVA En la voz activa nos centramos en la persona o cosa que realiza la acción del verbo, el Sujeto: The police arrested the thieves. SUJETO VERBO O. I. (La policía arrestó a los ladrones) En la voz pasiva nos centramos en la persona o cosa que recibe la acción del verbo, el Objeto: The thieves were arrested by the police. S. PACIENTE V. PASIVO C. AGENTE (Los ladrones fueron arrestados por la policía) 49 ACTIVA 1 2 3 PASIVA: PASOS • Cruce: S. C. AGENTE y O.D/O.I • (Delante y detrás del verbo) S.PACIENTE • BY (por) + COMPL. AGENTE • VERBO ACTIVO V. PASIVO • TO BE PRESENTE: AM / IS / ARE PASADO: WAS / WERE FUTURO: WILL BE PARTICIPIO ED / 3ª COL. 50 VERBO TO BE + PARTICIPIO DEL VERBO PRINCIPAL AUX = VERBO TO BE En el mismo tiempo verbal que la activa. VERBOS REGULARES VERBOS IRREGULARES (VERBO)-ED 3ª COLUMNA DE LA LISTA DE VERBOS (+) SUJETO PASIVO + BE + (VERBO)-ED + COMPLEMENTOS my car. = El mecánico reparará mi coche. The mechanic WILL REPAIR My car WILL BE REPAIRED SUJETO PASIVO + BE + (3ª Peter A new house BOUGHT by the mechanic =Mi coche será reparado por el mecanico. COLUMNA VERBOS IRREG) +COMPLEMENTOS a new house. Pedro compró una casa nueva. WAS BOUGHT by Peter. =Una nueva casa fué comprada por Peter. 51 • • • • • • • • • • • • My dad bought a new car. __________________________________________________ The school gives t-shirts. ___________________________________________________ The painter will paint my house next week. _________________________________________________ The students did the exam. __________________________________________________ My mother makes delicious cakes. ___________________________________________________ Marathon athletes run 41 kilometres. __________________________________________________ 52 1. ACTIVA: Susan invited Peter to the party. PASIVA: ____________________________________________ 2. ACTIVA: The painter will paint your house next week. PASIVA: ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3. ACTIVA: My mother makes cakes PASIVA: ____________________________________________ 4. ACTIVA: The police arrested the robber. PASIVA: ____________________________________________ 5. ACTIVA: Thomas built that skyscraper in 1934. PASIVA:_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 53 6. ACTIVA: The students finished the course last week. PASIVA: ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 7. ACTIVA: Peter repaired the house last month. PASIVA:_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 8. ACTIVA: Susan makes these toys of plastic. PASIVA:_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 9. ACTIVA: The workers finished the new motorway last September. PASIVA: ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 54 10. ACTIVA: The musicians performed Beethoven's Fifth Symphony yesterday. PASIVA: __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 11. ACTIVA: Picasso painted “El Guernica” in 1939. PASIVA: __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 12. ACTIVA: Cervantes wrote “El Quijote”. PASIVA: ___________________________________________ 13. ACTIVA: My father takes good photographs. PASIVA: __________________________________________ 14. ACTIVA: John will build a new house. PASIVA: __________________________________________ 55 12. ESTILO DIRECTO / INDIRECTO ESTILO DIRECTO: Las palabras textuales, tal cual. ESTILO INDIRECTO: cuando alguien te dice algo que ha dicho otra persona en algún momento del pasado. SAY (decir algo) TELL (contar algo a alguien) Para pasar de Estilo Directo a Estilo Indirecto: Se quitan los dos puntos (:) y las comillas (“”) y en su lugar se pone THAT A partir de ahí, se van haciendo los cambios oportunos tal y como se indica en las tablas de equivalencias y en los ejemplos siguientes: Estilo directo Estilo indirecto Ej.1: Mary said: “I am very hungry” → Mary said THAT she was very hungry. (María dijo:”Estoy muy hambrienta”) (María dijo que ella estaba muy habrienta) 2: Peter told me: “I am waiting for you” → Peter told me THAT he was waiting for me (Pedro me dijo: “Te estoy esperando” Ej.3: Sam said: “I will phone my wife” (Sam dijo: “Yo llamaré a mi esposa”) (Pedro me dijo que el estaba esperandome) → Sam said THAT he would phone his wife. (Sam dijo que el llamaría a su esposa) 56 CAMBIOS EN LOS TIEMPOS VERBALES ESTILO DIRECTO PRESENTE SIMPLE PRESENTE CONTINUO PASADO SIMPLE ESTILO INDIRECTO Want Goes Am /Is / Are Am watching Is watching Are watching Reg:-ed :Asked Irr.: 2ª Col. Saw WILL - FUTURE Will phone Will come Wanted Went Was / Were PASADO SIMPLE PASADO Was watching CONTINUO Were watching Had asked Had seen (3ª col.) Would phone Would come PASADO PERFECTO WOULD CONDITIONAL 57 TABLA DE EQUIVALENCIAS ESTILO DIRECTO ADJ. DEMOSTRATIVOS ADJ. POSESIVOS ADVERBIOS DE TIEMPO ADVERBIOS DE LUGAR this / these ESTILO INDIRECTO that / those my – your – his – her – ¡¡¡ΘJΘ!!! Cambiar entre its ellos según la oración – our – your – their ver ejemplos today that day tonight that night now then tomorrow next year yesterday last year here the next day the next year the previous day the previous year there 58 TIEMPO VERBAL PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINUOUS PAST SIMPLE WILL - FUTURE EJEMPLOS Jo said: “I want this CD tonight” Jo dijo: “Yo quiero este CD esta noche” Jo said THAT he wanted that CD that night. Jo dijo que el quería ese CD esa noche. Jo and Sam told me: “We are studying now” Jo y Sam me dijeron: “ Nosotros estamos estudiando ahora” Jo & Sam told me THAT they were studying then Jo y Sam me dijeron que elllos estaban estudiando entonces. Ian said: “I visited my mother yesterday” Ian dijo : “Yo visité a mi madre ayer” Ian said THAT he had visited his mother the previous day Ian dijo que el había visitado a su madre el día anterior Ann told me: “I will have my books tomorrow” Ann me dijo : “Yo tendré mis libros mañana” Ann told me THAT she would have her books the next day Ann me dijo que ella tendría sus libros al día siguiente 59 1. Pamela said: “I am talking to my sister on the phone now”. 2. Oscar told me: “I need your advice. I will visit you tonight”. 3. The children said: “We went to the park this morning. It was fantastic”. 60 1. DIRECTO: Peter said:” I am here with my wife waiting for you” INDIRECTO: _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. DIRECTO: John and Vicky said: “we went to the gym yesterday” INDIRECTO:________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3. DIRECTO: Mary said: “I will give you this CD tomorrow” INDIRECTO: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 4.DIRECTO: Charlie said: “my wife likes this house” INDIRECTO: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 61 5. DIRECTO: Sue said:” We will go out tonight” INDIRECTO: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 6. DIRECTO: My girlfriend told me:” I want to marry you here” INDIRECTO: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 7. DIRECTO: John said: “my wife went to University yesterday” INDIRECTO: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 8. DIRECTO: May said” my brother is having a shower now” INDIRECTO: ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 62 _ VOCABULARIO 1 TRABAJO PROFESIONES Abogado Lawyer Pintor Painter Médico Frutero Greengrocer Doctor Oficina Office Sindicato Union Jefe Boss Accionista Shareholder Presidente Chairperson Ingeniero Engineer Mecánico Mechanic Cantante Singer Militar Soldier Puesto Position Arquitecto Architect Sacerdote Priest Ascenso Promotion Huelga Enfermero Nurse Artista Artist Panadero Baker Actor (actriz) Actor (actress) Peluquero Hairdresser Funcionario Civil servant Contable Accountant Escritor Writer Strike Dimisión Resignation Vacaciones Holidays Secretaria Secretary Colega Colleague Sueldo Salary Jubilación Retirement Fontanero Plumber Carpintero Carpenter Plantilla Staff Director Manager Abogado Profesor Traslado Transfer Despido Dismissal Lawyer Teacher 63 VOCABULARIO 2 TRANSPORTES LA OFICINA Papel Paper Libreta Notebook Carpeta Bolígrafo Pen Lápiz Pencil Fax Fax machine Avión Folder Helicóptero Helicopter Bicicleta Bicycle Globo Balloon Barco Ship Coche Car Estación Station Yacht Plane Moto Motorcycle Impresora Printer Grapa Staple Sacapuntas Sharpener Grapadora Stapler Borrador Rubber Clip Paper clip Camión Truck Yate Tijeras Scissors Sobre Envelope Autobús Bus Submarino Submarine Pegamento Glue Carta Letter Tren Train Taxi Taxi / Cab Máquina de Typewriter Sello escribir Stamp Tranvía Tram Crucero Cruiser Metro Subway Furgoneta Van Ordenador Rotulador Computer Documento Document Marker Copia Copy 64 VOCABULARIO 3 CLIMA It is Hace Calor Hot Frio Cold Nublado Cloudy Soleado Sunny Lluvioso Rainy Lluvia Nieve Viento Sun Cloud GEOGRAFÍA Universo Universe Isla Island Estrella Star Montaña Mountain Sol Sun Valle Valley Planeta Planet Río River Tierra Earth Lago Lake Satélite Satellite Selva Jungle Luna Moon Bosque Forest Atmósfera Atmosphere Desierto (To) rain (To) snow Desert Wind Continente Continent Oceano Ocean Mar Mundo World Sol Nube Sea 65 VOCABULARIO 4 TIENDAS VIAJES Cinturón de seguridad Avión Plane Azafata Stewardess Equipaje Aeropuert Airport o Despegar To take off Pasajero Seat-belt Panadería Baker Luggage Peluquería Hairdresser Farmacia Pharmacy Frutería Greengrocer Gasolinera gas station Taller Workshop Quiosco News-stand Cafetería Snack-bar Discoteca Disco Joyería Jeweller Hospital Hospital Carnicería Butcher Pastelería Pastery Banco Bank Librería Book Shop Zapatería Shoe Shop Supermercado Supermarket Juguetería Toyshop Tienda de ropa Bolsa de mano Hand-bag To delay Primera clase First class Ala Wing Clase ejecutiva Business class Clase turista Tourist class Puerta de Gate embarque Tarjeta de embarque Boarding Card Embarcar To board Tripulación Crew Aterrizar Engine To land Facturar Optician Passenger Retrasar Motor Optica Check in Clothes shop 66 AÑADIMOS –ED PARA FORMAR EL PASADO DE LOS VERBOS REGULARES, TENIENDO EN CUENTA LAS REGLAS PARA AÑADIR -ED: INFINITIVO PASADO SIGNIFICADO INFINITIVO PASADO SIGNIFICADO PLAN PLANNED PLANEAR CARRY CARRIED LLEVAR TRANSPORTAR STUDY STUDIED ESTUDIAR LIKE LIKED GUSTAR MIX MIXED MEZCLAR STOP STOPPED PARAR TRAVEL TRAVELLED VIAJAR TRY TRIED INTENTAR WORK WORKED TRABAJAR WALK WALKED CAMINAR ENJOY ENJOYED DIVERTIRSE ROB ROBBED ROBAR CRY CRIED LLORAR MARRY MARRIED CASARSE PLAY PLAYED JUGAR EXPLAIN EXPLAINED EXPLICAR DANCE DANCED BAILAR HAPPEN HAPPENED OCURRIR LIVE LIVED VIVIR STAY STAYED QUEDARSE ALOJARSE 67 LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES 1 INFINITIVO PASADO PARTICIPIO SIGNIFICADO to be was / were been ser, estar to begin began begun empezar to break broke broken romper to build built built construir to buy bought bought comprar to choose chose chosen elegir to come came come venir to cost cost cost costar to do did done hacer to drink drank drunk beber 68 LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES 2 INFINITIVO PASADO PARTICIPIO SIGNIFICADO to eat ate eaten comer to find found found encontrar to get got got Obtener-Conseguir to give gave given dar to go went gone ir to have had had tener, haber to know knew known saber to learn learnt learnt aprender to leave left left salir, dejar to make made made fabricar to meet met met Encontrarse, conocer 69 LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES 3 INFINITIVO PASADO PARTICIPIO SIGNIFICADO to pay paid paid pagar to put put put poner to read read read leer to run ran run correr to say said said decir to see saw seen ver to sell sold sold vender to send sent sent enviar to show showed shown enseñar to sing sang sung cantar to sit sat sat sentarse to sleep slept slept dormir 70 LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES 4 INFINITIVO PASADO PARTICIPIO SIGNIFICADO to speak spoke spoken hablar to spell spelt spelt deletrear to spend spent spent gastar to steal stole stolen robar to swim swam swum nadar to take took taken coger to tell told told decir to think thought thought pensar to understand understood understood entender, comprender to wear wore worn llevar puesto, calzar to win won won ganar to write wrote written escribir 71