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Dear Students: Lamento comunicarles que ya no tendremos clases de inglés, asi que el contenido esta en SPANGLISH (español+inglés). La PPT contiene los links de videos explicativos pertenecientes a Youtube, intenten verlos además, hay unos links de ejercicios online que les pueden servir para que aclaren sus dudas sobre los tiempos verbales. Las repuestas están en las mismas páginas ^^ Espero que esto les sirva para aclarar sus dudas. En el caso de que aún continuaran con alguna, pueden buscar a cualquiera de sus profesoras de Inglés para aclararlas. Atte Profe Carmen Pd.- La miss mónica les entregará una guía donde deben aplicar el uso de already, since, yet, just y for; además de el uso del simple past y present perfect. Match the words with the correct image 1. Scientist 2. Nobel prize 3. time 4. go back 5. wheelchair 6. ALS 7. spinal cord 8. brain 9. breath 10. voice Stephen Hawking is a world famous scientist. He hasn’t won a Nobel Prize Yet. He has told us more about time than anyone in the world. He has always been interested in time and questions like ‘How did the world start?’ and ‘Can we go back in time?’ He wrote his famous book about time in 1988 and it has already sold more than eight million copies. Stephen Hawking has been in a wheelchair for most of his life because he has ALS. This means that information that tells his arms and legs to move does not go up his spinal cord to his brain. So his arms and legs don’t move and breathing is a problem. In 1985 he went to the hospital because he couldn’t breath. Doctors helped him to breathe but they had to take out his voice. He now speaks with the help of an American computer. ‘The computer have give me a voice, but it’s an American voice’, Stephen often says, with a Smile. Simple Past Watch this explanatory video on youtube. It is a video for kids, so you shouldn’t have troubles for understanding it Affirmative sentence: I played with Oddie and I won S + v (past)+ complement S + v (past) En las oraciones afirmativas los verbos se usan en pasado. La estructura general es Sujeto/pronombre+ verbo en pasado+ complemento I played with Oddie and I won Los verbos regulares, son aquellos en los que agregamos una –ed para transformarlos en pasado como Played ** La regla general es que si un verbo termina en consonante o vocal menos E, le agregamos –ed Cleaned Played Worked Watched ** Si un verbo termina en e, sólo agregamos la –d Arrived ** Cuando un verbo regular termina en consonante vocal consonante, se repite la última consonante Travelled ** cuando un verbo termina en vocal –y, pero la combinación es vocal consonante vocal, la –y se cambia por -ied Study = Studied I played with Oddie and I won Si ponemos especial atención a la segunda oración, podemos ver que el verbo no tiene –ed, eso quiere decir que es irregular. Toda la vida se nos dice que nos aprendamos la lista de verbos irregulares, porque nos van a servir y etc etc. Lo cierto es que la gramática y los verbos son lo más difícil de aprender porque debemos usarlos, sino, ¿cómo recordaremos qué significa cada cosa? En este link, encontraran los verbos irregulares con su traducción al español, aunque en las siguientes diapositivas incluí algunos de los verbos irregulares más recurrentes. f/irregular+verbs+in+English.pdf INFINITIVE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE CATCH CAUGHT CAUGHT Atrapar GO WENT GONE Ir BE WAS/WERE BEEN Ser o estar FIND FOUND FOUND SPEAK SPOKE SPOKEN BREAK BROKE BROKEN GET GOT GOT PAY PAID PAID FEEL FELT FELT Sentir FIGHT FOUGHT FOUGHT Pelear FALL FELL FALLEN caer Encontrar Hablar Quebrar/romper Pagar INFINITIVE BLOW PAST BLEW PAST PARTICIPLE BLOWN Explotar BUY BOUGHT BOUGHT Comprar CUT CUT CUT Cortar BEGIN BEGAN BEGUN Comenzar EAT ATE EATEN Comer LEAVE LEFT LEFT Dejar WIN WON WON Ganar DO DID DONE Hacer SAY SAID SAID Decir RUN RAN RUN Correr THINK THOUGHT THOUGHT Pensar GIVE GAVE GIVEN Dar TAKE TOOK TAKEN tomar Negative sentence: I did not play with Oddie and I did not win S +did + not+ v (present)+ complement S + did+ not+ V (present) En las oraciones Negativas, empezamos a usar los auxiliares. Los verbos van en presente, porque al estar los auxiliares, se entiende que la oración está en pasado, por lo tanto los verbos van en presente. La estructura de una oración negativa es Sujeto/pronombre+ auxiliar did+ verbo en presente+ complemento Interrogative sentence: Who did you play with? Wh-clause+ aux+ S+ V (present)+ complement+? Las preguntas con oraciones que se componen de palabras como: por qué, para qué, cómo, etc … en inglés son llamadas wh-clause. Las wh-clause son: How, Where, What y Why. Si aparecen, estas van primero en una pregunta Entonces, la estructura de una pregunta en pasado es: WH- CLAUSE + AUXILIAR+ SUJETO+ VERBO EN PRESENTE + COMPLEMENTO+ ? *** Recuerden que el DID es el auxiliar del tiempo pasado AGO: aunque acompaña a otra palabra, significa atrás, entonces a week ago= una semana atrás YESTERDAY: ayer LAST: aunque acompaña a otra palabra, significa pasado, entonces Last week = la semana pasada A week ago A month ago A year ago Yesterday Last week Last month Last year Estas expresiones pueden ir al inicio o al final de una oración, pero lo importante es que si es un tiempo definido de cosas que hicimos en el pasado, la oración debe ir en pasado simple, ya que no podemos cambiar lo que sucedió. You can practice the simple past tense in this link Present Perfect Watch this explanatory video on youtube. It is a video for kids, so you shouldn’t have troubles for understanding it I have grown one millimeter in one year s+ have/has+ v (participle)+ complement En el presente perfecto, SIEMPRE OCUPAMOS HAVE/HAS antes del verbo y el verbo va en past participle. Los verbos regulares, van en pasado porque no cambian. En past participle y past se escriben de la misma forma. Los verbos irregulares, son los que cambian su forma en past y past participle y en este tiempo, se usa el past participle despues del have. I WE YOU THEY HAVE HE SHE IT HAS Los auxiliares cambian según la persona, por lo que cuando aparezca I, WE, YOU y THEY o su equivalente en sustantivo, usamos have. Cuando aparece HE, SHE o IT o su equivalente, se usa has, es decir: I have eaten lunch at 12 = yo he comido a las 12 Liz has left home= liz ha dejado su casa Mario and mariah have went to the cinema= mario y maria han ido al cine I have not grown one millimeter in one year s+ have/has+ not+ v (participle)+ complement Lo unico que cambia en la oracion negativa, es que se le agrega el not a la oracion. Podemos escribir Have not / haven’t Pero el verbo sigue en pasado participio. Este tiempo es dificil de entender porque nosotros no lo utilizamos en el español de chile y las oraciones que podriamos hablar en pasado perfecto, las decimos en pasado simple; pero si las pensáramos como yo he estado o nosotros hemos ido, es lo mismo en inglés y en español. Have I grown one millimeter in one year? Aux+ S+ V(participle) + complement+ ? En las preguntas, tal cual se explico en pasado simple, el auxiliar va primero, pero si llega a aparecer una wh-clause, esa deberá ir antes del have/has Las expresiones generalmente van entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal I have just drunk some water I have already had lunch Otras expresiones van al final de la oración como I haven’t started Yet I have been there for 3 hours She has lived in new york since she was 4 years old YET vs. ALREADY (Todavía) (ya) Ambas expresiones se refieren a haber hecho algo. Already se refiere a que sí hicimos algo, mientras que yet tiene una connotación de que NO hemos hecho algo aún, aunque lo tenemos en mente y sabemos que debemos hacerlo. Have you sent the e-mail to tom? = le mandsste el mail a tom? No, I haven’t sent it yet. = no, aún/todavía no lo mando Yes, I already send it = si, ya lo mande El yet generalmente va al final de la oración, mientras que el Already va entre el verbo auxiliar Have/Has y el verbo principal I haven’t sent it yet I already sent it JUST (Recién) Como la traducción lo expresa, esta expresión significa que recién hicimos algo. Esta expresión va entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal. Are you thirsty? = ¿tienes sed? No, I have just drunk some water = No, recién tomé agua. FOR vs. SINCE (Por) (Desde) Aunque ambas expresiones se refieren a un periodo de tiempo, For se refiere a un periodo de tiempo determinado, mientras que Since es un tiempo indeterrminado. I have worked in this shop for 3 years I have worked in this shop since 2009 Algunas expresiones de tiempo que van con sice o for son: Two months An hour Five years For Last month Last week 2013 (year) Since You can practice the Present perfect tense in this link. Go to the link that says Present perfect positive Present perfect negative Present perfect questions SIMPLE PAST TENSE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE MAKING UP THE RULE! Read the statement and circle the correct answer. Which tense is used with the following actions? 1. Actions beginning in the past and still continuing a) Present perfect b) Simple past 2. Result of an action in the past is important in the present a) Present perfect b) Simple past 3. Action finished in the past a) Present perfect b) Simple past Fill in the chart with the correct forms of the verbs. Match the words with the correct image 1. Scientist 2. Nobel prize 3. time 4. go back 5. wheelchair 6. ALS 7. spinal cord 8. brain 9. breath 10. voice Stephen Hawking is a world famous scientist. He hasn’t won a Nobel Prize Yet. He has told us more about time than anyone in the world. He has always been interested in time and questions like ‘How did the world start?’ and ‘Can we go back in time?’ He wrote his famous book about time in 1988 and it has already sold more than eight million copies. Stephen Hawking has been in a wheelchair for most of his life because he has ALS. This means that information that tells his arms and legs to move does not go up his spinal cord to his brain. So his arms and legs don’t move and breathing is a problem. In 1985 he went to the hospital because he couldn’t breath. Doctors helped him to breathe but they had to take out his voice. He now speaks with the help of an American computer. ‘The computer have give me a voice, but it’s an American voice’, Stephen often says, with a Smile. MAKING UP THE RULE! Read the statement and circle the correct answer. Which tense is used with the following actions? 1. Actions beginning in the past and still continuing a) Present perfect b) Simple past 2. Result of an action in the past is important in the present a) Present perfect b) Simple past 3. Action finished in the past a) Present perfect b) Simple past Fill in the chart with the correct forms of the verbs. Plays Play Sit teach Buy live write eat give have travel Takes played played sat taught buy lived write ate gave had travelled take has played have played have sat have taught bought have lived written has eaten have given have had have travelled taken When did john lose his job How long has ricardo have a cat How long did you watched tv last night When did Chris go out How long has your father been in hospital lost Did see left bought Have has had Haven’t finished started Did see Have seen Also touched was was crashed Has done