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POBRE ANA CHAPTER 3 LESSONS & MATERIALS HAZLO AHORA CALENDARIO / EMOCIONES • ¿Qué día es hoy? • ¿Cuál es la fecha? • ¿En qué estación estamos? • ¿Qué tiempo hace? • ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo te sientes? Antes de leer (Before reading): You should come to class with the ability to discuss emotions. • Draw (dibuja) the emoticon (el emoticono) Ana would use to share her emotion when texting her friends. • • • • Ana está contenta (feliz). Ana está triste. Ana está frustrada. Ana tiene miedo. *CHALLENGE YOURSELF* In Chapter 2 Ana’s parents share their emotions too. Read the statement below: La mamá y el papá de Ana están enojados. • Dibuja este emoticono & explain in Spanish why Ana’s mom or dad feel this way. Provide evidence from the story. HOY EN CLASE Student Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter, I will be able to: • Identify self & others • Exchange basic personal information • Describe self & others • Discuss likes and dislikes • Express emotions • Use high frequency words and dialogue to tell a story • Make cultural comparisons (Today in class…) I will be able to: Express Emotions Determine reasons for emotions based on contextual evidence Give the main idea of Ch. 3 I will be responsible for: • Participating in the classroom discussions • Reading Ch. 3 • Completing a POST IT Bienvenidos Lectores… MIENTRAS LEER (WHILE READING)... While you are reading this chapter, use the following reading strategies: THINK (TH), WONDER (W), PREDICT (P), or QUESTION (Q) to gain a deeper understanding of the material. Remember that it is important to connect your thoughts and ideas to what you are reading. Be sure to include a page number so that you can refer back to your thoughts & support it with appropriate evidence. • Use one of these sentence starters to record complete & thoughtful responses. • I think…because… / Yo pienso…porque… • I wonder…because… / Me pregunto…porque… • I predict…because… / Mi predicción es que… • Create a QUESTION that you hope will be answered by the end of the novel. Then PREDICT what you think the answer will be. HAZLO AHORA CALENDARIO / EMOCIONES • ¿Qué día es hoy? • ¿Cuál es la fecha? Knowledge you should bring to class: You should be able to give a short description of Chapter 3. Please write 3 important events in the chapter & how Ana feels during each event. Evento Importante ¿Cómo se siente Ana? Pg. # • ¿En qué estación estamos? • ¿Qué tiempo hace? • ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo te sientes? Upon completion, take out your “POST IT” from last class & be ready to discuss con un/a amigo/a. RULES FOR SHARING – Take turns reading what you have written. Comment on your partners work in Spanish by answering their question, asking another question, or letting him/her know if you agree or disagree. Record responses on your papers. HOY EN CLASE Student Learning Objectives At the end of this chapter, I will be able to: • Identify self & others • Exchange basic personal information • Describe self & others • Discuss likes and dislikes • Express emotions • Use high frequency words and dialogue to tell a story • Make cultural comparisons (Today in class…) I will be able to: Tell how Ana feels & why Give the main idea of Ch.3 Use emotions to read & act out parts of the story I will be responsible for: • Working on task with a partner • Reading aloud in the TL • Acting out an excerpt from the story • Evaluate my progress & determine my EXCERPT PG. _____ 1. Read all 3 excerpts alone & choose the 1 you feel most comfortable acting out. 2. Have your partner read your excerpt aloud (with emotion & a beautiful Spanish accent). As s/he reads, choose the main points to act using facial expressions & gestures. 3. Switch roles. 4. Discuss in Spanish the excerpts you have chosen. Comment giving your thoughts. 5. Identify the main idea of the excerpt. (DO THIS ALONE) Please use your highest level of language proficiency. MAIN IDEA (IDEA PRINCIPAL) SELF-EVALUATION Reading Comprehension Assessment ¿Cómo se siente Ana… • …dos días antes de salir para México? • • • • __________________________________ pg. _____ …cuando está en el aeropuerto de Los Angeles? __________________________________ pg. _____ …cuando no ve a su familia Mexicana? __________________________________ pg. _____ …cuando José Gomez la ayuda? __________________________________ pg. _____ …cuando todos hablan en español y no Determining My Reading Tier TIER 1: I was able to identify less than 3 of Ana’s emotions. This chapter was generally difficult for me to understand. TIER 2: I was able to identify at least 3 of Ana’s emotions & attempted to support my responses with evidence from the text (Pg. #s). Overall, this chapter was generally okay for me to read. TIER 3: I am able to identify all 5 of Ana’s emotions & support my responses with evidence from the text (Pg. #s). This chapter was easy for me to understand. HAZLO AHORA CALENDARIO / EMOCIONES • ¿Qué día es hoy? • ¿Cuál es la fecha? Knowledge You Should Bring to Class: You should be able to use your acting skills gained from “READER’S THEATER” to make facial expressions or gestures to act out the following emotions. Read each emotion, act it out & then state why Ana is feeling this way during Ch. 3. • Ana está emocionada porque… • ¿En qué estación estamos? • Ana está preocupada porque… --------------------------------------------------------------------------- • ¿Qué tiempo hace? • ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo te sientes? Based on your self-evaluation from last class, list what # tier you will be working on today in class. Tier # ___________ Student Learning Objectives HOY EN CLASE (Today in class…) At the end of this chapter, I will be able to: I will be able to: • Identify self & others Discuss Ch. 3 of Pobre Ana • Exchange basic personal information Answer comprehension questions about Ch. 3 • Describe self & others Provide evidence to support my answers & opinions • Discuss likes and dislikes Express my emotions & opinions • Express emotions I will be responsible for: • Use high frequency words and dialogue to tell a story • Make cultural comparisons • Participating in small group & whole class discussions • Recording my responses • Discussing my FACEBOOK status (reallife connection) Discusión Responsable EXPECTATIONS Take turns listening and speaking in Spanish. (3 minutes @ each station) Answer using your highest level of language proficiency. Do not worry about grammatical accuracy while speaking – JUST USE AS MUCH VOCABUALARY AS YOU CAN to express your thoughts/ideas! Refer to the book if you are unsure of something. (Pg. #’s if time allows) Record your responses in the appropriate boxes for a later discussion. SPEAKING EXPECTATIONS (WHAT IF HIGHER OR LOWER?) TIER 1 – I can speak using lists of words and memorized phrases. TIER 2 – I can speak using memorized phrases and simple sentences. TIER 3 – I can speak using simple sentences and I attempt to connect 2 or more ideas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ejemplo: ¿Cómo se llama el padre de Susana y Juana? TIER 1 – Ernesto TIER 2 – Se llama Ernesto. TIER 3 – El padre de Susana y Juana se llama Ernesto. Ernesto es el padre de Pablo y Juan y el esposo de Julia. Práctica: ¿Cómo se llama la madre de Pablo? TIER 1 – TIER 2 – HAZLO AHORA CALENDARIO / EMOCIONES • ¿Qué día es hoy? • ¿Cuál es la fecha? Knowledge You Should Bring to Class: You should come to class knowing a little about La Familia Sanchez, Las Amigas de la Familia Sanchez, La Casa de la Familia Sanchez and La Vida y La Escuela en México. Choose one of these topics & write a paragraph that outlines what is said about it in CH. 3. Use your highest level of language proficiency. • ¿En qué estación estamos? • ¿Qué tiempo hace? • ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo te sientes? If complete, Did you think it was easy/hard/fair to discuss CH. 3 last class in Spanish with your peers? Why? Student Learning Objectives HOY EN CLASE (Today in class…) At the end of this chapter, I will be able to: I will be able to: • Identify self & others Discuss Ch. 3 of Pobre Ana • Exchange basic personal information Answer comprehension questions about Ch. 3 • Describe self & others Provide evidence to support my answers & opinions • Discuss likes and dislikes Express my emotions & opinions • Express emotions I will be responsible for: • Use high frequency words and dialogue to tell a story • Make cultural comparisons • Participating in small group & whole class discussions • Recording my responses • Discussing my FACEBOOK status (reallife connection) REAL-LIFE CONNECTIO N Dibuja el emoticono – ¿Cómo te sientes? / ¿Cómo estás? Responde – ¿Cuál familia prefieres tú: tu familia, la familia Sanchez, la familia de Ana? o ¿Cuál casa prefieres tú: tu familia, la familia Sanchez, la familia de Ana?