Download Spanish Heritage Speakers – SHS2 HS Unit 2
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Scope and Sequence Spanish Heritage Speakers – SHS2 HS Unit 2 BIG IDEA Families and Culture THEME Social divisions – Unit 2 READINGS Short stories Cajas de Cartón by Francisco Jiménez (Chapters 1, 2 & 3) ¿Qué significa ser hispano? Play Obra de teatro: El delantal blanco by Sergio Vodanovic Poem Se habla de Gabriel de Rosario Castellano FINAL PRODUCTS Written and presented news report with examples of discrimination and what is being done to combat it VOCABULARY los roles de género STRUCTURES AND MECHANICS la clase social el estatus social socioeconómico globalización individuo tradiciones inmigrantes inmigraciones adaptación valores sociales y culturales DACA/Acción deferida el imperfecto del subjuntivo la acentuación o agudas o graves o esdrújulas o sobreesdrújulas letras/sonidos: j, g / ge, gi - ga, go, gu RESOURCES Play El delantal blanco Handouts about the play Video 30 días Inmigración Morgan Spurlock becomes a fruit picker HBO - Latinos en America - The Latino List Teaching support Graphic organizer in Spanish ASSESSMENTS ACTIVITIES DPS SHS Post-test (REQUIRED) (Administered in late April) Debate social divisions in their context. Share ideas about being Hispanics and living in two cultures at the same time. Read poems and stories on immigration to create awareness and relate to others who get through this situation. Respond to questions and prompts to evidence understanding. Research information on DACA, etc., to become aware of their rights and possibilities. Watch films and/videos on immigration in the world. Write reports using different sources to support their position on a topic. Present a TV news show showing their ideas and opinions on immigration.