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UIB Universitat de les Illes Balears Escola Universitària d’Infermeria i Fisioteràpia Masters in SOCIAL SCIENES APPLIED TO PUBLIC HEALTHCARE SUBJECT DESCRIPTION 2008-2009 Academic Year Factsheet SUBJECT NAME: COOPERATION INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT Code: Type: obligatory Level: Postgraduate Course: 2 Semester: Timetable: Language: Catalan LECTURERS: Head Lecturer: Berta Artigas Lelong Contact Details: Other Lecturers: Miguel Bennasar Veny Contact Details: Number of ECTS Credits: 5 Attended Work Hours: 23 Individual Work Hours: 102 Description: The characteristics and situation of international health and development in the world. Economic, social, political and health inequality factors in the world. Cultural importance 1 in population health. Different health practices. Health globalisation. Human development indicators. The influence of migratory processes on health. Health service accessibility and fairness. Different health interventions and development projects in southern countries. The situation of international cooperation in development. Health development strategies. Interculturality in healthcare. Subject Skills SPECIFIC SKILLS 1. Understanding the concept of international health, development, globalisation, inequalities and cooperation. 2. A review of the historical evolution of international health and development cooperation. 3. Understanding different explanatory theoretical models in the health and illness process. 4. Recognising the importance of culture in health. 5. Understanding different paradigms in healthcare and illness. 6. Understanding the aetiology to different health problems in the world. 7. Identifying the main causes of globalisation in population health. 8. Understanding general inequality features in health around the world. 9. Describing and understanding the present health situation in the world, as well as identifying its determining factors. 10. Analysing the size of international health problems and the trends and present status of health cooperation. 11. Acquiring the necessary skills to develop health cooperation projects in southern countries. 12. Acquiring the necessary skills to provide nursing care adapted to the culture of different users. CROSS / GENERAL SKILLS Students will cover: 1. The ability to perform an information search and its analysis and synthesis relating to the topic under study. 2. The ability to generate ideas, initiate projects and defining the context and variables involved. 3. Critical and self-critical ability. 4. The ability to interrelate information with other material and concepts. 5. The ability for teamwork with initiative and go-ahead. 6. Oral skills to defend the findings obtained. 7. The skills to work in an international context. 2 Objectives General Objectives - Understanding factors involved in shaping international health. (Specific Skills: 1,2; General Skills: 1,3,4,5) - Describing the status of health in the world and analysing its determining factors to explain and understand cultural diversity in different countries relating to it. (Specific Skills: 4, 5, 6, 7; General Skills: 1,2,3,4,5, 6) - Understanding different explanatory theoretical models in the health and illness process. (Specific Skills: 3,4,5; General Skills: 1,2,3,4) - Describing the present status of development cooperation. (Specific Skills: 10, 11; General Skills: 1,2,3,4, 7) - Identifying health priorities set out in the millennium declaration in developing countries. (Specific Skills: 7, 9; General Skills: 1,2,3,4,7) - Defining strategies favouring effective development cooperation for health in an intercultural framework. (Specific Skills: 10, 11, 12; General Skills: 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7) - Analysing different health development cooperation projects. (Specific Skills: 10,11; General Skills: 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7) - Planning nursing care in an intercultural framework. (Specific Skills: 10,11; General Skills: 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7) Contents TOPIC 1: INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT 1.1.- The Concept of International Health. 1.2.- Development concept and indicators. 1.3.- Historical, political and economic antecedents to North-South inequalities. 1.4.- Health inequalities in a globalised world. TOPIC 2: CULTURE AND HEALTH 2.1.- Health values and practices. 2.2.- Sociocultural dimensions to the health and sickness process. 2.2.- Traditional health practices. 2.3.- Explanatory models. 2.4.- Different paradigms to health and illness. TOPIC 3: THE HEALTH STATUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS DETERMINANTS 3.1.- Globalisation and health. 3.2.- Transculturality in nursing care. 3.3.- Main health problems: features and indicators. 3.4.- Migratory processes and health. 3.5.- Law, equality and access to health services and treatments. 3 TOPIC 4: HEALTH PROGRAMMES AND INTERVENTIONS IN SOUTHERN COUNTRIES. 4.1.- The fight against forgotten illnesses. 4.2.- New health problems and emerging illnesses. 4.3.- Health development cooperation projects and programmes. 4.4.- Analysis of health development cooperation projects in Southern Countries. TOPIC 5: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN DEVELOPMENT. 5.1.- Development cooperation: concept, evolution and types. 5.2.- Cooperation agents. 5.3.- Ethical codes in development cooperation. 5.4.- International, national and regional organisations in development cooperation. 5.5.- Official help and finance in development. 5.6.- Development cooperation at the UIB. TOPIC 6:HEALTH-RELATED DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES 6.1.- Development of the millennium objectives. 6.2.- The fight against poverty. 6.3.- Development education. 6.4.- Food sovereignty. 6.5.- Gender, health and development. TOPIC 7: NURSING CARE CHALLENGES FOR MULTICULTURAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT 7.1.-Nursing care in a multicultural society. 7.2.- Intercultural dialogues in health. 7.3.- Professional nursing training in cultural skills. 7.4.- Co-development. Methodology and Student Work Scheme Subject Objectives Understanding factors involved in shaping international health. Describing the status of health in the world and analysing its Learning Methodology Attended Work. Individual work (reading of recommended book chapters and articles). Attended Work. Individual work Group Type Whole group. Whole group. Individual Work Hours 10 hours. Study hours 5 hours. 1 hour. 5 hours. 1 hour. 5 hours. 1 hour. 2 hours. 4 determining factors to explain and understand cultural diversity in different countries relating to it. Understanding different explanatory theoretical models in the health and illness process. Describing the present status of development cooperation. Identifying health priorities set out in the millennium declaration in developing countries. Defining strategies favouring effective development cooperation for health in an intercultural framework. Analysing different health development cooperation projects. Planning nursing care in an intercultural (reading of recommended book chapters and articles). Attended Work. Whole group. 10 hours. 2 hours. Attended Work. Whole group. 10 hours. 2 hours. 5 hours. 1 hour. Individual work (reading of recommended book chapters and articles). Attended Work. Whole group. 10 hours. 2 hours. Attended Work. Whole group. 10 hours. 2 hours. Group work (reading recommended articles and class presentation) Small groups. 5 hours. 1 hour. Attended Work. Whole group. 5 hours. 1 hours. Individual work (comparative work of three projects on health development cooperation). Attended Work. Whole group. 5 hours. 1 hour. 10 hours. 2 hours. Attended workshop Small groups. 5 hours 2 hours/ max. 5 framework. Role play: A health interview with an immigrant Examination group 10 pers.) 2 hours. 2 hours. Evaluation Criteria and Tools Evaluation Criteria: Understanding the theoretical approaches given. Analytical, reflection and synthesis ability. The ability to write reports after bibliographical research and group reflection. Developing and demonstrating skills to provide nursing care to multicultural populations. * Students interested in performing practical credits within the national and international collaboration agreements at charity institutions or organisations may count them as final masters credits. Evaluation Tools: Active participation in programmed workshops and seminars. Production of a research project on different health development cooperation projects. Review and critical analysis of documents, articles and technical reports. Evaluation examination of knowledge via a reasoning test. Marking Criteria: Active participation in programmed seminars and workshops 30%. Work and class exposition 30% and examination 30%. Didactic Material for Individual Work and Recommended Reading Virtual masters links included on the Campus Extens Moodle tool. Recommended reading: Van Balen, H and Van Dormael, M. Profesionales y usuarios de los servicios de salud. At: Alberdi RM, Artigas B, Bennasar M. Demanda de cuidados en una sociedad multicultural. Metas de Enferm June 2006; 9(5): 62-68. Bibliography, Resources and Appendices 6 Amartya S (2006). Identity and Violence. London: Allen Lane. Artigas B, Bennasar M (2007). La mediació intercultural: una necessitat en l’assistència sanitaria en la familia immigrant. In: La Salut Mental i la Dona. Palma: Societat Científica Médica de Balears. Calabuix C, Gómez, M, (2004). La Cooperació Internacional per al Desenvolupament. Quaderns de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament. Valencia: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Castillo S, Mazarrasa L, Sanz B. Mujeres inmigrantes hablando de su salud. Utilización de sus discursos como estrategia para promocionar su salud. Index Enferm (Gran) 2001; 34:914. Dirección General de Servicios Sociales (2005). II Plan integral de atención a la inmigración de las Illes Balears. Palma: Consejería de Presidencia y Deportes. Govern de les Illes Balears. Donati P. (1994). Manual de Sociología de la Salud. Madrid: Díaz de Santos. Dunn J, Dyck I. Social determinants of health in Canada’s immigrant population: results from the National Population Health Survey. Soc Sci Med 2000; 51: 1573. Torralba F. (1998) Antropología del Cuidar. Barcelona: Institut Borja de Bioética. Fundación Mafre Medicina. Geertz C. (1977): The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books. George S. (2004). «Globalización de los Derechos». In: La Globalización de los Derechos Humanos. Crítica. Barcelona; 23- 38. Giddens A. (2006). Sociology. 5th Ed. Cambridge: Polity Press. Good B. (1994): Medicine, Rationality and Experience. Cambridge: CUP. Juárez L, Chamorro, B (2003). «La construcción social de la salud en las sociedades multiculturales». Metas de Enfermería, Nº 60. Ley Orgánica 8/2000, reforma de la Ley 4/2000, de 11 de enero, sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España su integración social. 7 Mocumbi P, Camí J, Jansà JM (2005). Salud y desarrollo: Retos para el siglo XXI. Barcelona: Ed. Fundación IMIM. Perdiguero E, Comelles JM (2003). Medicina y Cultura. Estudios entre la Antropología y la Medicina. Bellaterra: Barcelona. Naïr S (2003). El Imperio Frente a la Diversidad del Mundo. Barcelona: Areté. Millenium Development Objectives. 2005 Report. New York: UN. PAHO/WHO. (1997). Strategic Orientations for the Development of the Health of the Indigenous Peoples Initiative. Technical Report. PAHO. Washington, D.C. Perdiguero, E and Comelles, J.M. (2000). Medicina y Cultura. Estudios entre la Antropología y la Medicina. Barcelona: Bellatera. UNDP (2005). Human Development Report. Cultural Liberty in Today’s Diverse World. Sanz B, Torres AM, Schumacher R. Características sociodemográficas y utilización de los servicios sanitarios por la población inmigrante residente en un área de la Comunidad de Madrid. Aten Primaria 2000; 26(5): 314-318. Sanz B, Castillo S, Mazarrasa L. Uso de los servicios sanitarios en las mujeres inmigrantes de la Comunidad de Madrid. Metas de Enferm feb 2004; 7(1): 26-32. Sen, Amartya. (1992). Inequality Reexamined. Oxford. OUP. Tylor, E.B. (1871). Primitive culture. In Kuper, A.: Cultura. La versión de los antropólogos. Paidós, Barcelona, 2001. Unceta, K. La cooperación al desarrollo en las universidades españolas. AECI, 2007 Winch P (1984). Understanding a Primitive Society. Oxford: Blackwell. 8