Download 1.Cardinal numbers 0: zero 1: one 2: two 3: three 4: four 5: five 6: six
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1.Cardinal numbers 5.Cardinal numbers 0: zero 28: twenty- eight 1: one 29: twenty-nine 2: two 30: thirty 3: three 31: thirty- one 4: four 32: thirty- two 5: five 33: thirty- three 6: six 34: thirty- four 2.Cardinal numbers 6.Cardinal numbers 7: seven 35: thirty- five 8: eight 36: thirty- six 9: nine 37: thirty- seven 10: ten 38: thirty- eight 11: eleven 39: thirty- nine 12: twelve 40: forty 13: thirteen 41: forty-one 3.Cardinal numbers 14: fourteen 15: fifteen 16: sixteen 17: seventeen 18: eighteen 19: nineteen 20: twenty 4.Cardinal numbers 21: twenty-one 22: twenty- two 23: twenty- three 24: twenty- four 25: twenty- five 26: twenty- six 27: twenty- seven 7.Cardinal numbers 42: forty- two 43: forty- three 44: forty- four 45: forty- five 46: forty- six 47: forty- seven 48: forty- eight 8.Cardinal numbers 49: forty-nine 50: fifty 51: fifty-one 52: fifty-two 53: fifty-three 54: fifty-four 55: fifty-five 9.Cardinal numbers 13.Cardinal numbers 56: fifty-six 84: eighty-four 57: fifty-seven 85: eighty-five 58: fifty-eight 86: eighty-six 59: fifty-nine 87: eighty-seven 60: sixty 88: eighty-eight 61: sixty-one 89: eighty-nine 62: sixty-two 90: ninety 10.Cardinal numbers 14.Cardinal numbers 63: sixty-three 91: ninety-one 64: sixty-four 92: ninety-two 65: sixty-five 93: ninety-three 66: sixty-six 94: ninety-four 67: sixty-seven 95: ninety-five 68: sixty-eight 96: ninety-six 69: sixty-nine 97: ninety-seven 11. Cardinal numbers–Numeros cardinales 15. Colors- colores 70. seventy Yellow- amarillo 71: seventy-one White- Blanco 72: seventy-two Green- verde 73: seventy-three Blue- azul 74: seventy-four Red- rojo 75: seventy-five Black- negro 76: seventy-six Pink- rosado 12. Cardinal numbers–Numeros cardinales 77: seventy-seven 78: seventy-eight 79: seventy-nine 80: eighty 81: eighty-one 82: eighty-two 83: eighty-three 16. Objects- objetos Table: mesa Window: ventana Chair: silla Door: puerta Box: caja Microwave: microondas Glass: vaso 17. Animals- animales 21. Fruits- frutas Dog: perro Banana: cambur Cat: gato Strawberry: fresa Chicken: pollo Water-melon: patilla Snake: culebra Lemon: limon Fish: pez Orange: naranja Parrot: loro Guava: guayaba Horse: caballo Tangerine: mandarina 18. Countries- países 22: clothes: vestimenta Venezuela Pants: pantalones Colombia Skirt: falda England- Inglaterra t-shirt: franela France: Francia vest: franelilla Spain: España socks: medias Canada belt: correa Argentina shoes: zapatos 19. Countries- países 23. Transportation- medios de transporte the United States: Estados Unidos Car: carro Portugal Airplane: avión Brazil Boat: bote China Ship: barco Japan: Japón Helicopter: helicopter Mexico Motorcycle: moto Italy: Italia Cable- car: teleferico 20. Meals- alimentos 24. Letters: letras Rice: arroz A Chicken: pollo B Bread: pan C Meat: carne D Fish: pescado E Eggs: huevos F Cheese: queso G 25. Letters-letras 29. Verbs- verbos H Write- escribir I Run: correr J Play: jugar K Swim: nadar L Travel: viajar M Speak: hablar N Celebrate: celebrar 26. Letters. Letras 30. Verbs- verbos O Drink: beber P Talk: hablar Q Sleep: dormir R Win: ganar S Walk: caminar T Eat: comer U Fly: volar 27. Days of the week 31. Family members- miembros de la familia Sunday Grand-father. Abuelo Monday Grand-mother. Abuela Tuesday Father: padre Wednesday Mother: madre: Thursday Daughter: hija Friday Son: hijo Saturday Uncle: tio 28. Months of the year 32. Occupations- ocupaciones January Doctor February Teacher: profesor March Lawyer: abogado April Actor May Actress: actriz June Mechanic: mecanico July Nurse: enfermera 33. Ordinal numbers- Números ordinales 1st First primero 2nd Second segundo 3rd Third tercero 4th Fourth cuarto 5th Fifth quinto 6th Sixth sexto 7th seventh septimo 34. Ordinal numbers- Números ordinales 8th eighth octavo 9th ninth noveno 10th tenth decimo 11th eleventh undecimo 12th twelfth duodecimo 13th thirteenth decimo tercero 14th fourteenth decimo cuarto 35. Ordinal numbers- Números ordinales 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 36. Ordinal numbers- Números ordinales 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth 25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth 27th twenty-sixth 28th twenty- eighth