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INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA TÉCNICA SAGRADO CORAZÓN Aprobada según Resolución No. 8758000490 – NIT 800251680 – DANE 108758000490 SOLEDAD – ATLÁNTICO. PA_00_SGC_13012017 00 GUIAS Página 1 de 4 Versión 1.0 Última revisión: /2017 GUÍA N°2 INGLES ÁREA: HUMANIDADES GRADO: 8º Docentes: Lic. Yelitza Durán PERIODO: II IH (en horas): 3h/s EJE TEMÁTICO SPENDING TIME WELL Converso con mis compañeros y mi profesor sobre experiencias pasadas y planes DESEMPEÑO futuros Past Simple Can and Could for ability Zero Conditional Should,Could,Why don’t you for advice HABILIDAD(ES) DE PENSAMIENTO Lingüística Sociolingüística pragmática INDICADOR(ES) DE DESEMPEÑO(S) Narra brevemente experiencias cotidianas ocurridas en el pasado Expresa habilidad en tiempo presente y pasado Conversa sobre causas y consecuencias reales usando el Condicional Realiza recomendaciones a personas de su comunidad SITUACIÓN(ES) PROBLEMA(S): -Write the name of a hero -What qualities does a hero need? -What social problems do you know in your country? FASE AFECTIVA O MOTIVACIONAL Completa las oraciones escribiendo el pasado de los verbos del paréntesis. Ayudate con el diccionario. 1 1. My father _____________ (go) to work by car yesterday. NÚCLEOS TEMÁTICOS: 2. This morning I __________ (have) a shower. 3. My sister ______________ (not clean) her room on Saturday. 4. The birds ______________ (fly) over our heads. 5. Last week my family ____________ (buy) a new table for the dinning room. 6. The other day, I ________________ (lose) my math’s book. 7. I ______________ (tell) my mother a lie. 8. We ____________ (hear) a terrible sound outside last night. 9. ____________________ (you / see) football match Tuesday night? 10. Paul ________________ (drink) a litre of coke for lunch yesterday. Elige la respuesta correcta. INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA TÉCNICA SAGRADO CORAZÓN Aprobada según Resolución No. 8758000490 – NIT 800251680 – DANE 108758000490 SOLEDAD – ATLÁNTICO. PA_00_SGC_13012017 00 GUIAS 1.____ you help me? *Can *Might Página 2 de 4 Versión 1.0 Última revisión: /2017 *Should 2.They ____ practice more if they want to win the championship. *may *should * would 3.You ____ drink and drive. *Can *Should *Mustn’t FASE COGNITIVA O DE ELABORACIÓN We will work with next book. MEN recommends this curriculum. FASE SOCIAL O DE SALIDA In pairs, Invent a short story using verbs in the past tense. Tell about some people you Know who can do amazing/ difficult/unusual things, or could do them when they were younger. RUBRICA Assessment of your English language skills SKILL STATEMENT READING A.Guess meaning of words, and expressions front contex B.Get general and specific information from a text c.Think about the information from general interest texts. A.Write a short text about myself in the past tense B. use appropriate vocabulary to give coherence to my writing C. write a complete paragraphs with appropriate WRITING I can do that I can do that with help I need to work on this INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA TÉCNICA SAGRADO CORAZÓN Aprobada según Resolución No. 8758000490 – NIT 800251680 – DANE 108758000490 SOLEDAD – ATLÁNTICO. PA_00_SGC_13012017 00 GUIAS SPEAKING LISTENING grammar and spelling A.Star, hold and close a simple converstion B. report what someone said C. talk about yourself, your abilities A.Understand questions B.identify the main topic and relaevant details in a conversation C. understand a spoken description of a situation or person, Página 3 de 4 Versión 1.0 Última revisión: /2017 INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA TÉCNICA SAGRADO CORAZÓN Aprobada según Resolución No. 8758000490 – NIT 800251680 – DANE 108758000490 SOLEDAD – ATLÁNTICO. PA_00_SGC_13012017 00 GUIAS Página 4 de 4 Versión 1.0 Última revisión: /2017