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Collin College - Continuing Education
Course Syllabus
Course Title: Introduction to Spanish Verbs I
Course Description:
Focus on the introduction of Spanish grammar, specifically Spanish verbs. Complete
multiple exercises and practice conjugation and the proper use of verbs to understand
their different uses and meanings.
Suggested Course Prerequisite(s): Completion of Spanish I or Spanish II student
Materials Needed: Textbook
Course Objectives:
1. Understand Spanish verb uses
2. Practice Spanish verb conjugations
3. Conjugation of regular and irregular verbs
4. Use the present tense.
Certification Notes: Not a certificate course
Next course recommendation: Spanish III, Spanish Conversation
Instructor Notes:
Textbook(s): Spanish Verb Tenses, 2nd Edition Dorothy Devney Richmond
Lesson Plan – by week or session
Session 1: Los Verbos Regulares
El Tiempo Presente: Una Introduccion
Session 2: La Conjugacion
Conjugacion de los verbos terminados en – AR
Conjugacion de los verbos terminados en – ER
Conjugacion de los verbos terminados en - IR
Session 3: Los Verbos Ser y Estar
El Verbo Ser
Conjugacion del verbo Ser
Session 4: Usos del Verbo SER
Session 5: El Verbo Estar
Conjugacion del verbo Estar
Session 6: Usos del verbo Estar
Session 7: Hay y El Verbo Tener
El significado y uso he Hay
Session 8: El Verbo Tener
Conjugacion del verbo Tener
Los usos del verbo Tener
Session 9: Los Verbos Irregulares Mas Usados
Los Verbos Querer, Poder y Deber
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La Conjugacion de los verbos Querer, Poder Y Deber
Los usos de Querer, Poder y Deber: Frases con dos verbos
Los Verbos Hacer y Estar
La Conjugacion de los verbos Hacer y Estar
Las expresiones idiomaticas con Hacer y Estar
Session 10: El Verbo Jugar
La conjugacion del verbo Jugar y sus usos
El Verbo Ir
La conjugacion del verbo Ir
Los usos del verbo Ir
Session 11: El Presente Progresivo
Formacion del Presente Progresivo: Estar + Gerundio
Formacion del Gerundio
Session 12: Usos del Presente Progresivo
Los verbos irregulars en gerundio
Student Evaluation of Instruction
*Instructor reserves the right to alter or modify the course plan.
Course Sessions: listed are a guideline to indicate all topics that will be covered during your course. Do not
plan your personal calendar based on these sessions. Your instructor will give you a calendar for your class
that will indicate specific topics, assignments, and days.
Method of Evaluation: Unless otherwise stated, course completion is evaluated on the basis of
attendance. Students must be in attendance 90% of the class time in order to be considered a successful
completer of the course.
Students must be in attendance 90% of each course in a certificate series for successful completion and to
earn a certificate as specified.
Students must complete all courses (core and no. of elective courses needed) to complete a certificate
series within two years from start date of the first course taken.
Americans with Disabilities Act: Collin College will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws,
regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal
opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS office, SCC-G200 or 972.881.5898
(V/TTD: 972.881.5950) to arrange for appropriate accommodations. See the current Collin Student
Handbook for additional information.
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