Download Spanish News Teacher: Magdalena Flores November
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Spanish News Teacher: Magdalena Flores November-December 2012 For the month of November. A) Salud y nutrición (Health and Nutrition) Healthy foods: Fruits, Vegetables, Proteins (Alimentos sanos: Frutas, Verduras, Proteínas) Unhealthy Food: Sweets, Sugar, Sodas (Alimentos no sanos: Dulces, Azúcares, Gaseosas). B) Día de Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving). C) Números (numbers): 4. D) Colores: Morado, Marrón (Colors: Purple, Brown). E) Letras (Letters): D/d, N/n. F) Forma (Shape): Triángulo (Triangle). G) Calendar (Calendario); Days of the Week (El día de la semana); Date (Fecha); Weather (El Clima). H) Vocabulary (Vocabulario): Pavo (Turkey); Pilgrims (Peregrinos); Noche (Night); Día (Day); Largo(Long); Corto (Short); Adentro (In); Afuera (Out); Arriba (Up); Abajo (Down) Highlights for the month of December. A) Christmas (La Navidad). B) Drawings: Christmas Tree, Bell, Nativity, Star. C) Números (numbers): 5. D) Colores: Rojo, Verde (Colors: Red, Green). E) Letras (Letters): R/r, L/l, C/c. F) Forma (Shape) : Estrella (Star). G) Calendar (Calendario); Days of the Week (El día de la semana); Date (Fecha). Spanish stories (November): 1) “Dora’s Perfect Pumpkin” by Kirsten Laisan 2) “What is the weather like today” by School Specialty Publishing 3) “The Family” (La Familia), by Barron’s Spanish stories (December): 1) “La Mejor Navidad de Froggy” by Jonathan London. 2) “Si llevas un ratón al cine” by Laura Numeroff. 3) “Say Hola to Spanish” by Susan Middleton. 4) “First baby’s Christmas” 5) “La Navidad de Clifford” by Norman Bridwell. Spanish songs (November): 1) “Buenos Días”. 2) “El Chocolate”. 3) “Los Colores”. Spanish songs (December): 1) “Buenos Días”. 2) “El Chocolate”. 3) “Los Colores”. 4) “Nanita Nana”. 5) “Feliz Navidad”. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year. Once again, thanks for all your support and your Christmas presents. Let’s continue this effort; it will surely be beneficial to your children. God bless you. Sincerely, Ms. Magdalena Flores