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Campus de Rectorado Sevilla Rectorado I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State (Código: 0341) November 16-17, 2015 PRESENTATION In a context of profound social, economic and political changes, citizens are demanding more transparency, more efficiency and better social policies. In this international workshop, international experts analyzed key issues related to the labor market, immigration, disability, family policies, poverty and inequalities, giving special attention to research methodologies and evidence-based management. In this sense, this workshop has three main objectives: Analyze the new challenges facing social policy in the XXI century, discuss more efficient management models and new research methodologies and management, and present the main trends in the field of social policies. PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Antonio López Peláez, Professor, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Law, National Distance Education University (UNED), Madrid, Spain; and Sagrario Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo, Accredited as Senior Lecturer Professor, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Law, National Distance Education University (UNED), Madrid, Spain SPEAKERS Douglas Besharov (University of Maryland, USA) I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State Yolanda de la Fuente (Universidad de Jaén – UNIA, España) Neil Gilbert (UC Berkeley, USA) Antonio López Peláez (UNED, España) Luis Moreno Fernández (CSIC, España) Martin Potucek (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Czech Republic) Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (University of Oxford, UK) Sagrario Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo (UNED, España) PROGRAMM COMMITTEE Doug Besharov (University of Maryland, USA) Héctor Luis Díaz (Western Michigan University, USA) Neil Gilbert (UC Berkeley, USA) Jorge M. L. Ferreira (ISCTE IUL, Portugal) Luis Moreno Fernández (CSIC, España) COORDINATION COMMITTEE Yolanda de la Fuente (Vicerrectora UNIA) Antonio López Peláez (co-director del seminario) María Dolores Oliver (Vicerrectora UNIA) Sagrario Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo (co-directora del seminario) I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State PAPER SUBMISSIONS Submissions are accepted, and the top ten will be presented and discussed during the seminar. Submissions should be sent in format APA 2015. The papers can be submitted in English or Spanish. Format: title (in Spanish and English); Key words (in Spanish and English); abstract (150 words, in Spanish and English); text communication (can not exceed 8,000 words). Papers should be submitted by October 25th at * By 30 October, the organization of the seminar will confirm the authors whether their paper has been accepted POST-CONFERENCE PUBLICATION These papers will be published in a specific volume published by the International University of Andalucia (UNIA). Program Monday November 16: 9:45-10:00: Opening ceremony 10:00-11:00: Neil Gilbert, UC Berkeley I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State Changing Institutional Structure: Shifting Balance Between Public and Private Responsibility 11:00-12:00: Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (University of Oxford, UK): Semi-Sovereign Welfare States, Social Rights of EU Migrant Citizens and the Need for Strong State Capacities 12:00-13:00 Antonio López Peláez (UNED): Youth against the elderly? Rethinking the invisible groups in the welfare state 13:00-14:00 Luis Moreno Fernández (CSIC) Post-crisis and the Bronze Age of Welfare 14:15-16:00 Lunch 16:00-20:00 Poster session 1 Tuesday, November 17: 10:00-11:00: Doug Besharov (University of Maryland) Economic and Social Trends in the Western World: Implications for Social Well-Being in the 21st Century I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State 11:00-12:00: Martin Potucek (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Czech Republic) Pension reforms: Dilemmas and Discourses 12:00-13:00 Sagrario Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo (UNED): Middle class families, who are they? where do they go,? why do they matter? 13:00-14:00 Yolanda de la Fuente Social policy and personal autonomy 14:15-16:00 Lunch 16:00-20:00 Poster session 2 LOCATION The seminar will be held in the Aula del Rectorado of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. Campus de La Cartuja, Seville, Spain. Monasterio Santa María de las Cuevas C/ Américo Vespucio, 2 . Isla de La Cartuja. I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State 41092 – Sevilla, Spain REGISTRATION All attendees need to register online from 10 September to 30 October 2015. Paper submissions must be sent by email in the specified format by 25 October to: The registration fee is €158 and includes a Certificate of Participation. All payments should be made online at or by bank transfer to the following account: LA CAIXA IBAN: ES78 21009166752200074348 SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX SCHOLARSHIPS 10 scholarships are available to cover the full amount of the academic registration fees (€150). The final deadline for submitting applications is October 5, 2015. All applications must be accompanied by the following documents: I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State a) Photocopy of income tax declaration for the year 2014. In the event that an applicant is not required to declare his/her income tax and therefore does not have an income tax declaration , any other official document accrediting the family’s economic situation may be submitted. b) Photocopy of transcript of records indicating the degree awarded and grades. c) Proof of socio-economic circumstances (family with three or more children, disability, unemployment, etc.) d) Curriculum vitae or résumé Applications for scholarships must be submitted through the Oficina Virtual of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía at: Applications may also be submitted in paper format using the standard form available for this purpose at: I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State Organiza: Campus Rectorado Sevilla Rectorado CONTACT Sección de Alumnos Campus de La Cartuja Monasterio Santa María de las Cuevas C/ Américo Vespucio, 2 . Isla de La Cartuja. 41092 – Sevilla, Spain Telephone : (+34) 954 46 22 99 e-mail: dirección del seminario: I International Seminar on social policies and the welfare state: Social Policy: Mounting Pressures on the Welfare State