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Department of Economics
Los Andes University
Bogotá - Colombia
June 2016
PhD in Economics, 2008, M.A. in Economics, 2004. Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Areas:
Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics and Impact Evaluation.
M.A. in Economics, 2001, B. A. in Economics, 1999. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Professional Experience
Associate Professor, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Fall 2014 – present.
Assistant Professor, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Fall 2007 – Spring 2014.
Research Fellow, Banco de la República, Bogotá, Colombia. Fall 2006 – Spring 2007.
Impact Evaluation Team, National Planning Department, Bogotá, Colombia. 2000 – 2002.
Research Assistant, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 1998 – 1999.
Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, International Labor Organization,
FIDA, Organization of American States, CAF, GFA, ECLAC, Colombian Central Bank, DNP, DANE.
Member of the Advisory Committee for the measurement of Multidimensional Poverty in Colombia 2012
– today
Other Academic Appointments
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Fiscal Studies – UCL, London, June 2012.
Visiting Scholar, Universite de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, June 2016.
Grants and Honors
2016 - ECOS International cooperation project (2016-2018) REDES - Social networks analysis on the
Bogota's labor market. University of Bordeaux - University of Los Andes.
2015 – “Plataforma de Evaluación y Aprendizaje de los programas de Graduación en América Latina”,
US$1,285,349. (with Jorge Higinio Maldonado)
2015 – “CLIP-Colombian Laundry Initiative Pilot” PI (with Camilo Garcia-Jimeno), Fundación Éxito
COP $115.000.000, CAF USD $15.000. 2014 – “CLIP-Colombian Laundry Initiative Pilot” PI (with Camilo Garcia-Jimeno), CEDLAS – IDRC
USD $100,000, UniAndes COP $27.500.000.
2012 - International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) “Evaluation of Centres for Infant Development:
an early years intervention in Colombia”. PI (with Raquel Bernal, Marta Rubio, Emla Fitzsimmons,
Orazio Attanasio and Marcos Vera-Hernández), USD 325,000.
2010 - Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, “Estimating the Effects of the Early Childhood
Program Cetres for Infant Development”, PI (with Raquel Bernal, Orazio Attanasio and Marcos VeraHernández), USD 940,000.
Razin Price to the best PhD dissertation at Georgetown – Special Mention
2002 – 2006
Georgetown University Graduate Merit Scholarship
2002 – 2006
Banco de la República Scholarship
BID-CAF-Uniandes Scholarship
Peer-reviewed Publications
2015 “Unemployment Insurance in the Presence of an Informal Sector” with David Bardey and
Fernando Jaramillo. World Bank Economic Review. doi: 10.1093/wber/lhv026
2014 “Adjusting the Labour Supply to Mitigate Violent Shocks: Evidence from Rural
Colombia” with Manuel Fernández and Ana María Ibáñez. Journal of Development Studies, Vol.
50, No. 8, pp. 1135 – 1155.
2013 “The Increase in Female Participation in Colombia: Education, Fertility or Marital Status?” with
Diego Amador and Raquel Bernal. Ensayos Sobre Política Económica Vol 31 No 71, June.
2012 “Participación Política en América Latina: Un análisis desde la perspectiva de género” with
Mónica Pachón y Mónica Wills. Revista de Ciencia Política.
2010 “El efecto de la maternidad sobre los ingresos femeninos” with Liliana Olarte. Ensayos Sobre
Política Económica, Vol 28, No. 63, Diciembre.
2010 “Decomposing the Gender Wage Gap with Sample Selection Adjustment: Evidence from
Colombia”, with Alejandro Badel. Revista de Análisis Económico, Vol 25 No 2, pp 169-191
2010 “Labor Market Rigidities and Informality in Colombia”, with Camilo Mondragón-Vélez and
Daniel Wills. Economía, The Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic
Association, Fall.
Books and Book Chapters
2014 “Mujer y movilidad social” with Juan Camilo Cárdenas, Hugo Ñopo, Jorge Luis Castañeda, Juan
Sebastián Muñoz and Camila Uribe. In Equidad y movilidad social. Diagnósricos y propuestas
para la transformación de la sociedad colombiana edited by Armando Montenegro and Marcela
Meléndez. Editorial Uniandes, pp 619 – 694.
2014 “En busca de nuevas perspectivas” with María Alejandra Arias and Ana María Ibáñez. La
revolución silenciosa. Mujeres rurales jóvenes y sistemas de género en América Latina edited by
Raúl Asensio and Carolina Trivelli, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, pp 243 – 276.
2013 “Rigideces laborales y salarios en los sectores formal e informal en Colombia” with Camilo
Mondragón-Vélez and Daniel Wills. El mercado de trabajo en Colombia: hechos, tendencias e
instituciones edited by Luis Eduardo Arango and Franz Hamman, Banco de la República,
Colombia, pp 631 – 668.
2012 “The Persistent Gender Earnings Gap in Colombia, 1994-2006”, with Alejandro Hoyos and Hugo
Ñopo. New Century, Old Disparities, edited by Hugo Ñopo, IADB and WB.
Guía práctica para la evaluación de impacto, with Raquel Bernal. First edition: Editorial
Uniandes. Second edition: Editorial of the Universidad Católica de Chile.
“Business Ownership and Self-Employment in Developing Economies: The Colombian Case”,
with Camilo Mondragón-Vélez. International Differences in Entrepreneurship edited by Josh
Lerner and Antoinette Schoar, University of Chicago Press, pp 89-127.
Other Publications and policy papers
2013 “Economía del cuidado: valoración y visibilización del trabajo no remunerado” with Camila
Uribe. Documento CEDE No 27, June.
2013 “Las mujeres jóvenes rurales en Colombia” with María Alejandra Arias, Andrea Caro, María
Adelaida Farah, Andrea Henao, Ana María Ibáñez and Juan Sebastián Muñoz. Documento CEDE
No 28, June.
2008 “A Proposal to Improve Our Understanding of Entrepreneurship Using the Panel Study of Income
Dynamics” with Camilo Mondragón-Vélez. Kauffman Symposium on Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Data Proceedings.
2007 Comment to “Cash Transfers, Conditions and School Enrollment in Ecuador” by N. Schady and
M. C. Araujo in Economía, The Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic
Association, Vol 8 No 2, Spring.
2006 “Assortative Matching and the Education Gap” Borradores de Economía 427, Banco de la
República de Colombia, December.
2006 “Labor Reforms, Macroeconomic Imbalances and Unemployment in Colombia” (with Santiago
Montenegro) in Montenegro, Santiago (1996) Sociedad Abierta, Geografía y Desarrollo. Ensayo
sobre Economía Política. Grupo Editorial Norma. Bogotá.
2001 “¿Qué tan poderosas son las aerolíneas colombianas? Estimación de poder de mercado en las
rutas nacionales” Planeación y Desarrollo, septiembre-diciembre, Bogotá.
2000 “Reseña ‘Hacia el rediseño del Estado’ de Miguel Gandour y Luis Bernardo Mejía” Revista de
Estudios Sociales, Fundación Social, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Uniandes, septiembre.
Working Papers or Work Under Review
“Differential Effects of Quantity versus the Quality of Maternal Time Investments on Child
Development”, with Raquel Bernal and Camila Fernández.
“Effects of the Transition from Home-based Community Nurseries to Large Childcare Centers on
Children in Colombia” with Raquel Bernal, Orazio Attanasio and Marcos Vera.
“Collective property leads to private investments: Lessons from land titling in Afro Colombian
Communities” with Juan Camilo Cárdenas, Natalia Perdomo and María Alejandra Vélez.
Work in Progress
“Washing Machines and Gender Roles. A Pilot Study Intervention” with Camilo García-Jimeno
Ongoing Projects
Washing Machines and Gender Roles: An Experimental Study in Colombia
August 2014 – to date
This research project has two closely related purposes. First, to study how home production technologies
and gender roles shape the highly asymmetric distribution of household production efforts across genders
in poor households, and second to evaluate the extent to which shocks to home production technologies,
by altering both opportunity costs and views regarding gender roles, may reduce these asymmetries,
translate into better labor market and health outcomes for different household members, especially
women and children, and be a force driving social change. We will implement a randomized control trial
providing washing machines to a sample of poor households from the ELCA survey. We expect that by
drastically altering the home production technology, the intervention will have effects on the allocation of
chores across family members, and indirectly generate information regarding gender roles that may or
may not reinforce these changes. income, and child development outcomes change as a result of the
observed shifts in the time distribution. Press coverage:
Evaluation of Somos – Cantolao, Perú. 2014 – to date
We evaluate the impact of a program of football training in el Callao – Perú, for children between 5 and
11 years at baseline on children’s time use, socioemotional and cognitive development. The evaluation
methodology is randomized controlled trial.
Evaluation of Centres for Infant Development: an early years intervention in Colombia December
2012 – to 2016
We evaluate an innovation to Hogares Infantiles (HI) managed by Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar
Familiar (ICBF) and an add-on intervention managed by Fundación Éxito. The evaluation assesses the
effects of enhancing HI and the additional FE intervention on children’s wellbeing (cognitive and
socioemotional development, nutritional status). The evaluation methodology is randomized controlled
Artículos de prensa y radio:
Impact Evaluation of Jardines Sociales/Centros de Desarrollo Infantil – Colombia. 2010 – 2013
We are evaluating an innovation to the main childcare program in Colombia, community nurseries called
Hogares comunitarios de Bienestar (HC). The Colombian government wants to improve the functioning
and quality of these nurseries and we’re evaluating an innovation called Jardines Sociales / Centers for
Infant Development (CDI) program. A CDI is a collection of about 20 HC whose Madres Comunitarias
and children are relocated in a new building that has been appropriate designed and built for childcare
purposes, with adequate pedagogical resources and qualified care providers, called ‘jardineras’. The
evaluation assesses the effects of moving from HC to JS, on children’s wellbeing (cognitive and
socioemotional development, nutritional status). The evaluation methodology is randomized controlled
Member of Encuesta Longitudinal Colombiana de Los Andes (ELCA) Committee
August 2007 –today
The Center for Research on Economic Development at the Universidad de los Andes´s School of
Economics began the Colombian Longitudinal Survey of Wealth, Income, Labor and Land (ELCA) during
the first semester of 2007. The purpose of this survey is to establish a follow-up process for a group of both
rural and urban homes in Colombia, which will be carried out every two/three years, and for at least ten
years. The Longitudinal Survey´s main objective is to increase comprehension on social and economical
changes in Colombia, including employment, income, property ownership, education, health, and family
composition, among others.
Impact Evaluation of Red de Oportunidades – Panamá 2011 - 2013
Red de Oportunidades is the Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Panamá, which has been in operation
since 2006. We want to calculate the effects of the cash transfer on education, nutrition and health status
variables of the children, as well as household consumption patterns and time use. I served as an advisor to
the research team.
Teaching Experience
Game Theory (Grad.), Macro Principles, Research Seminar, Labor Economics (Grad., Undergrad),
Impact Evaluation Techniques (Grad), Design and Evaluation of Public Policy (Grad).
Social Experiments JPal: Lima 2012, Guatemala 2013
Impact Evaluation Techniques for practitioners: Panamá (MIDES) 2011, Uruguay (CINVE) 2012, Chile
(CEPAL) 2014, Lima (CAF) 2014, Bogotá (iNNpulsa) 2014, Caracas (CAF) 2014, Bogotá (ICBF) 2015,
Bogotá (IDB) 2015, Medellín (Fundación Éxito) 2016.
Conference Participation and Seminar Presentations
Bordeaux-GREThA Development Conference 2016, ABCDE 2014, Beijing Conference CAF-ILAS 2014,
Nuevas Trenzas Seminar 2013, ILO Segmented Markets Workshop 2012, LAC Chief Economist Office
2012 World Bank , SOLE 2012, LACEA-Lames 2011, AL CAPONE Meeting, PUC-Rio 2011,
Workshop on Conflict and Gender, World Bank 2010, LAC Chief Economist Office 2010 World Bank,
LACEA-LAMES 2010, Economía Panel 2009, International Differences in Entrepreneurship NBER
2008, LACEA- LAMES 2008, NBER Summer Institute 2007, NAMES 2007, LACEA-LAMES 2006,
Midwest Theory 2006, Network of Inequality and Poverty 2007; Invited Seminars at Universidad de Los
Andes, Universidad del Rosario, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and
Other Professional Activities
Referee for International Economic Review, World Development, Journal of Education review, Journal of
Development Studies, Journal of Economic Inequality, Economía Journal of the Latin American and the
Caribbean Economics Association, Trimestre Económico, Revista de Análisis Económico, Ensayos sobre
Política Económica, Desarrollo y Sociedad, Cuadernos de Economía, 3ie, World Bank Publications,
Think Tank Initiative Latin America. Member of: Econometric Society, LACEA
Languages and Computer Skills
Spanish (Native), English (Fluent), French (Basic). GAUSS, STATA, SWP, Tex.