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Nicaragua Christian Academy “ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH A CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION” El Boletín — NCA Monthly Newsletter September-October 2013 From The Director Dear parents, God has been faithful in providing us with quality teachers. This year is certainly no exception! Mrs. Ana Gutiérrez (Preschool Floating Assistant / Asistente de Preescolar) Hometown / Origen: Managua, Nicaragua Degree / Licenciatura: Licenciada (B.A.) in Economics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, 2006. Family / Familia: Luis (husband/esposo), Mateo (2 yrs) Mr. Matt House (School Chaplain / Capellán) Hometown / Origen: Vista, California Degree / Licenciatura: Master of Divinity (M.Div.) in Pastoral/General Ministries, Talbot School of Theology of Biola University, California, 2012. B.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies, Biola University, California, 2002 Family / Familia: Amanda (wife/esposa), Marie (1 yr) Miss Katie Hurst (Kindergarten Assistant / Asistente de Kinder) Hometown / Origen: Lakeland, Florida Degree / Licenciatura: B.A. in Early Childhood Education, Minor in Bible, Cedarville University, Ohio, 2013. Family / Familia: Engaged to be married in 2014 Mr. Andrew Ippel (Pre-K 2 / Preescolar Nivel 2) Hometown / Origen: Grand Rapids, Michigan Degree / Licenciatura: M.A. in Education, concentration in Literacy, Calvin College, Michigan, 2010. B.A. in Education, major in Elementary Education and Special Education, concentration in Cognitive Impairments, Calvin College, Michigan, 2004. Professional Educator's Certificate, State of Michigan. Family / Familia: Ruth (wife/esposa), Henry (1st), Mae (PK2), Charlotte (1 yr) Mrs. Erinn Izzo (HS Math / Matemáticas) Hometown / Origen: Bel Air, Maryland Degree / Licenciatura: M.A. in Mathematics Education, Western Governors University, Utah, 2007. B.S. in Mathematics 7-12 Education, SUNY Oneonta, New York, 1996. Family / Familia: Jeff (husband/esposo), Julia (10th), Nate (9th), Sam (5th) Mr. Jeff Izzo (HS English / Inglés) Hometown / Origen: Rome, New York Degree / Licenciatura: B.A. in English, minor in Secondary Education, Utica College of Syracuse University, New York, 1996. Teacher Certification for 7th-12th grade English, State of Maryland. Family / Familia: Erinn (wife/esposa), Julia (10th), Nate (9th), Sam (5th) Mr. Tony Thomás (PK-12 Art / Arte) Hometown / Origen: Neosho, Missouri Degree / Licenciatura: B.A. in Commercial Art, Iowa Wesleyan College, 1992. A.A. in Liberal Art, Indian Hills Community College, Iowa, 1990. Family / Familia: Phyllis (wife/esposa), Grant (18), Joel (10th) Mr. Dan Turner (HS Physics, Math / Física, Matemáticas) Hometown / Origen: Audubon, Pennsylvania Degree / Licenciatura: B.A. in Kinesiology, Minor in Health Education, Calvin College, Michigan, 2013. Teaching Certificate in Secondary Health (6-12) and Physical Education (K-12), State of Michigan, 2013. Mr. Richard Valenzuela (Elementary Assistant / Asistente en Primaria) Hometown / Origen: El Crucero, Nicaragua Degree / Licenciatura: Licenciado (B.A.) in English Teaching, Universidad Centroamericana, Managua, 2006. Family / Familia: Lisbeth (wife/esposa) Miss Anna Zubizarreta (Elementary Assistant / Asistente en Primaria) Hometown / Origen: Columbia, South Carolina Degree / Licenciatura: B.A. in Early Childhood Education, Columbia College, South Carolina, 2012. Please be sure to welcome our new teaching staff. / Favor dar las bienvenidas a nuestro personal docente nuevo. Liam Starkenburg, Director El Boletín — NCA Monthly Newsletter S EPTIEMBRE- O CTUBRE Lunes Martes 9 No hay clases Taller de maestros Lasagna de res, pan de ajo No hay clases - Fiestas Patrias 23 17 Fajita de pollo a la plancha 11 Albóndiga de res en salsa 30 Pollo en crema de hongo 24 Pollo frito Fút. Fem. @ ANS (3:30p) 12 Pizza, Arroz aguado 18 Filete de pollo c/ salsa jal. Filete de pollo (esparrago) 25 1 8 Cubo de carne con jalapeño Manos de piedra con pasas 19 26 Reunión de Padres 12vo (6:30p) Fút. Fem. @ Lincoln (3:30p) 9 Salpicón Fút. Más. vs. CCA (3:30p) Vol. Fem. @ ANS (3:45p) Pollo al limón 20 Pechuga con vegetal 27 Noche de Película (Consejo Estudiantil) 3 Fajitas de pollo a la miel Fajita de carne c/ salsa soya Grupo de Jóvenes (6:30p) Fút. Fem. vs. St. Aug. (3:15p) Fút. Más. @ KLA (3:30p) 2 13 Celebración de Día de la Independencia (10:30a) Salida temprano (12:30p) Madres Unidas para Orar(7:30a) Reportes de Progreso (todos los Miércoles) Primer Bimestre Día de Color Especial NCA Fút. Fem. vs. Teresiano (3:00p) 7 Carne desmenuzada Viernes Fút. Fem. vs. Lincoln (3:15p) Fút. Más. @ Nejapa (3:30p) Fút. Fem. @ ANS (3:45p) Fút. Fem. vs. Bautista (3:30p) Vol. Fem. @ ANS (3:45p) Pizza, Sopa de queso 10 Jueves No hay clases - Fiestas Patrias Vol. Fem. @ ANS (3:45p) Pizza, Sopa de queso Miércoles Fút. Más vs. Niño Jesús (3:30p) 16 Pizza, Sopa de res September-October 2013 10 4 Carne asada, gallo pinto Vol. Fem. @ CCA (3:45p) Grupo de Jóvenes (6:30p) Arroz chino 11 Fút. Fem. @ St. Aug. (3:15p) Parent Invitation to Chapels Honor Roll - Second Semester 2012-2013 Are you a parent who is interested in seeing more of what school is like for your child? We would love to have you join us for our weekly chapel services. Parents are always welcome! Chapels are on Wednesday mornings in the Eagle Center. PK-2nd grade (7:45-8:15), 3rd-6th grade (8:30-9:05), 7th-12th grade (9:15-10:00). We hope to see you here! The following students were named for the Honor Roll with all 2012-2013 second semester grades above 85%, High Honor Roll, with all grades above 90%, or the Director’s List, with all grades above 95%. / Los siguientes alumnos fueron electos para el Cuadro de Honor con todas sus notas del segundo semestre de 2012-2013 arriba del 85%, para el Alto Cuadro de Honor, con todas sus notas arriba del 90%, o para la Lista del Director, con todas sus notas arriba del 95%. ¿Usted está interesado en conocer más de la vida de su hijo en el colegio? Nos encantaría que nos visite durante las capillas los días miércoles de cada semana en el Eagle Center. ¡Los padres de familia siempre están bienvenidos! Los horarios son: PK a 2do grado (7:45-8:15), 3er-6to grado (8:30-9:05), 7mo-12vo (9:15-10:00). ¡Esperamos verles! Director’s List / Lista del Director Angé Rachellé Martínez, Joycelin Kim, Paola Martínez, Rebeca Reyes, Jessie Bonilla, Kaitlyn VanderWees, Karina Cisneros, Cristina Parajón Crisis Management Plan Reminder Did you know that NCA practices three earthquake evacuation drills every year? For the safety of our students, our Crisis Management Plan requires that we close the main gate to all vehicle traffic during earthquake drills and other emergencies. If you come to school during a drill or real-life crisis, you will need to park outside the gate and enter by foot. ¿Sabía que NCA practica tres simulacros de terremoto cada año? Para la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, nuestro Plan de Emergencia requiere el cierre del portón principal a todo vehículo durante los simulacros y otras emergencias. Si usted llega al colegio durante un simulacro o en una crisis real, necesitará parquear su vehículo afuera y entrar a pie. High Honor Roll / Alto Cuadro de Honor Daniela Figueroa, Julia Holsinger, Erica Lee, Bryan Sandahl, Francis Hidalgo, Isac Kim, Ye Bin Park, Joshua Davis, Mario Fong, Nestor Fong, Michael Jiang, Anna Randall, Genid Silva, Won Ho Kim, Alejandra Martínez, Maggie McGrew, Annie Cuéllar, Raquel Reyes, Lydia Rumley-Wells, Priscilla Fuentes, Rhina Gutiérrez, Elise Kim, Leah Loftsgard, Joshua McGrew, Paul Rivas, Kellan Robinson, Lisa VanderWees Honor Roll / Cuadro de Honor Kaleb Doutt, Jesús VanderWees, José Alejandro Garcete, Julie Kim, Daniella Santos, Caeli Willard, Walter Corbin, Laura Fonseca, Juny Lim, Alejandro Saldaña, Gabe Holsinger, Alex Bajana, Andrew Holsinger, Gabriel Sevilla, Gabriel González, Michelle Kim, Da Som Han, Claire Keeling, Sabrina López, Débora Peña, Maydi Hernández