Download Family, School of Human Rights
18th International Family Congress Family, School of Human Rights October 1st and 2nd 2010 VALENCIA CONFERENCE CENTRE With the Honorary Presidency of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain Con la Presidencia de Honor de Sus Majestades los Reyes de España Friday, 1st October Viernes, 1 de Octubre 11.00 - 15.00 Registration of Participants / Registro y recogida de documentación 15.00 - 15.30 Opening Act Authorities, Pending Confirmation. Ceremonia de apertura, Autoridades pendientes de confirmación. 15.30 - 16.30 Opening Conference "Family, School of Human Rights" Emmanuel Decaux, Professor of Public International Law, University of Paris II and Director of the Research Centre on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (CRDH). Conferencia apertura “Familia, Escuela de Derechos Humanos”, Emmanuel Decaux, Profesor de Derecho Internacional en la Universidad París II y Director del Centro para la Investigación en Derechos Humanos y Ley Humanitaria (CRDH). 16.30 - 17.15 Coffee Break / Descanso café 17.15 - 18.45 Panel 1 "The Family and Public Opinion" Representative of Henley Media Group, Advertising Company organising the National Family Week in the UK (*); Mamen Sánchez, Journalist and Assistant Director of the Magazine “Hello”; Ana Duato, Actress. Moderator: Carlos Herrera, Journalist and Director of Radio Program (*). Panel 1 “La Familia y la Opinión Pública”, Representante de Henley Media Group, empresa de publicidad organizadora del National Family Week en Reino Unido (*); Mamen Sánchez, Periodista y directora adjunta de la revista “Hola”; Ana Duato, Actriz de cine y series de televisión. Moderador: Carlos Herrera, Periodista y director de programa de radio (*). Saturday, 2nd October Sábado, 2 de Octubre 09.45 - 11.45 Roundtable "Experiences in Family Enrichment around the World" Family Enrichment Leaders from Kenya, D.R. of the Congo, the USA, Poland, Italy, India, the Philippines, Bolivia, Ecuador, Australia. Mesa redonda “Experiencias de Orientación Familiar en el Mundo”, Expertos en Orientación Familiar de Kenia, R.D. de Congo, USA, Polonia, Italia, India, Filipinas, Bolivia, Ecuador, Australia. 18th International Family Congress Family, School of Human Rights October 1st and 2nd 2010 Saturday, 2nd October Sábado, 2 de Octubre 11.45 - 12.30 12.30 - 14.00 Coffee Break / Descanso café Panel 2 "The Family in the Political Agenda " Mary Maitum, Former Minister of Justice in the State of Uganda; Evelia Fátima Castro Avilés, Responsible for the Program of Family and Infancy in the Government of Peru; Juan Cotino, Vice- President of the Autonomous Government of Valencia. Moderator: Guillermo Fraile, Professor of the Finance Academic Area of the IAE Business School and Director of the Standard Bank Family-Business Balance Research Center. Panel 1 “La Familia en la Agenda Política”, Mary Maitum, Ex Ministra de Justicia en Uganda; Evelia Fátima Castro Avilés, Responsable del programa de Familia e Infancia en el gobierno de Perú. Juan Cotino, Vicepresidente en el gobierno de la Comunidad Valencia. Moderador: Guillermo Fraile, Profesor del Área Académica Dirección Financiera en la IAE Business School y Director del Centro Standard Bank Conciliación Familia y Empresa. 14.00 - 16.00 Lunch / Comida 16.00 - 17.30 Panel 3 "The Family in the Civil Society and in the International Bodies" Jerôme Vignon, Director of European Commission for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (*); Alfonso de Salas, Head of the Human Rights Intergovernmental Cooperation Division, Council of Europe; Jean Zermatten, Member of the Committee of Children’s Human Rights; Eric Olson, Head of the Disabled Persons Scheme of the Secretariat of the UN in New York (*). Moderator: Michael Schwarz, Chairman of Vienna NGO Committee on the Family, platform for coordination and promotion of NGOs represented at the United Nations, who are interested in questions relating to the Family. Panel 3 “La Familia en la Sociedad Civil y en los Organismos Internacionales”, Jerôme Vignon, Director, en la Comisión Europea, para Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Igualdad de Oportunidades (*); Alfonso de Salas, Director de la División de la Cooperación Intergubernamental para los Derechos Humanos del Consejo de Europa; Jean Zermatten, Miembro del Comité para los Derechos del Niño de Naciones Unidas; Eric Olson, Responsable del Programa sobre Discapacitados en la Secretaría de la ONU en N. York (*). Moderador: Michael Schwarz, Chairman del Vienna NGO Committee on the Family, que agrupa asociaciones relacionadas con familia que trabajan en el entorno de Naciones Unidas. 17.30 - 18.15 Coffee Break / Descanso café 18.15 - 19.15 Closing Conference "Family Life as the Perfect Environment to Learn Sharing. Balancing Family and Work.” Pending Confirmation. Conferencia clausura “La Familia, Escuela de Convivencia y Ámbito de Conciliación”, Pendiente de confirmación. 19.15 - 19.45 21.00 - 22.30 Closing Act / Acto de clausura Dinner / Cena (*) Pending confirmation/ pendiente de confirmación.