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CV, Luis Moreno (English) CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM Luis Moreno Full name: Luis Moreno Fernández Marital status: Married (three children) Birth: October 1, 1950, Madrid, Spain Nationality: Spanish Permanent academic address: Institute of Public Goods and Policies (Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos) Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (Center of Human and Social Sciences) Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) (CSIC) calle Albasanz, 26-28, 3rd Floor, Office 3D19 28037 Madrid (Spain) Tel. (+34) 91.602.25.44 Fax (+34) 91.602.29.71 Degrees PhD in Social Sciences (Politics) (Edinburgh University) (1986) Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología (University Complutense Madrid,) (1986) Graduate in Mass Communications (Licenciado) (University Complutense Madrid) (1972) Graduate in Journalist (Periodista) (School of Journalism, Madrid) (1972) Current employment: Research Professor (Profesor de Investigación), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Other academic positions Honorary Fellow, School of Social and Political Science, Edinburgh University Professor, PhD Programme on Government and Public Administration, Research University Institute Ortega y Gasset, University Complutense Madrid Professor, Master on Applied Political Studies (MEPA), International and Ibero-American Foundation of Administration and Public Policy, Madrid Previous academic positions Senior Research Fellow (Investigador Científico), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (1990-2007) Jean Monnet Senior Research Fellow, European University Institute (1998-99) PhD researcher (1987-89) PhD student (Fleming scholarship) (1983-86) 1 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Research projects Competitively awarded 20. ‘Welfare Attitudes in a Changing Europe’ (WEA) (2009-12), European Science Foundation (national teams from Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA), Spanish research coordinator, IPP (CSIC), (€1,543,000). 19. ‘Social policy and multi-level governance: public actors and institutional synergies in Spain and Italy’ (2009-10), Joint Project Spanish National Research Council (CSIC-IPP) – Italian National Council for Research (CNR-IRPPS), Madrid / Rome, project co-director (€10,000). 18. ‘New Social Risks and Welfare Policy Trajectories’ (2005-08), Spanish National R&D Plan, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, project director (€60,000). 17. ‘Reforms in the Mediterranean Welfare State: Attitudes and Social Actors in Italy and Spain’ (2005-06), Joint Project Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) – Italian National Council for Research (CNR), Madrid / Rome, project co-director (€5,000). 16. ‘Reforms in the Welfare State: Actors and Citizens’ Support’, (2002-05), Spanish National R&D Plan, Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, project director (€40,000) 15. ‘Social Change and Reforms in the Mediterranean Welfare Regime’, (2002-04), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Mobility Program), project director (€66,000). 14. ‘Welfare reform and the management of societal change’ (WRAMSOC) (2001-04) (Fifth RTD Framework Program, European Commission), Spanish research coordinator (European project with teams from Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom) (€985,000). 13. ‘Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in Southern Europe: Dilemmas of Organization and Implementation’ (FIPOSC) (2001-02) ((Fifth RTD Framework Program, European Commission), Spanish Research coordinator (European project with teams from Greece, Italy, Portugal and Portugal) (€140,000). 12. ‘Exclusion and integration: The ‘safety net’ of social protection in the Spanish Welfare State’ (1997-00), Spanish National R&D Plan, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, project director (€66,650). 11. ‘Precarious citizens: the ‘safety net’ of social protection’ (1998-99), Robert Schumann Centre, European Forum: ‘Recasting the European Welfare State: Options, Constraints, Actors’, European University Institute, Florence (€17,500 Euro). 10. ‘How can poor households make ends meet in Madrid?’ (1997-98), Madrid Regional Plan for R&D, project director (€11,250). 9. ‘Social effects of gene diagnoses: Implications for labor, insurance, and health services’ (1995-1997), Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Security, project director (€15,150). 8. ‘Federalization in Spain. A comparative perspective’ (1994-1995), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Mobility Program), Center for Comparative Politics, University Colorado at Boulder (€20,000). 7. ‘European integration and the welfare state in Germany and Spain’ (1994), Joint project: IESA (CSIC)Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, project co-director (€4,250). 6. ‘National identities and the process of European convergence: the cases of Scotland and Catalonia’ (19931994), Joint Project: IESA (CSIC)-British Council, project co-director (€3,000). 2 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 5. ‘Ethical repercussions of the new technologies of human genetic engineering’ (1992-95), Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Security, project co-director (€ 33,350). 4. ‘Social impacts of the Human Genome Project’ (1992-1995), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, project co-director (€36,350). 3. ‘The consolidation of democracy in Spain: Electoral behavior and voting patterns’ (1990-93), Spanish National Plan for R&D, and Madrid Regional Plan for R&D, member research team (€121,200). 2. ‘Trade-unionism and subordinate classes in contemporary Spain’ (1990-92), Spanish National Plan for R&D, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, member research team (€72,700). 1. ‘Political and institutional scenarios of Spanish home-rule-all-round’ (1983-1988), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), member research team (€72,850). Commissioned research 6. ‘Diversity and unity in federal countries’ (2007-2009), Global Dialogue Program, Forum of Federations (FoF) and International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (IACFS), Ottawa, research co-director (€11,600). 5. ‘Immigration, Management of diversity and the social Third Sector’, Foundation Luis Vives, 2006-2007, research coordinator (€6.000). 4. ‘Social policy and welfare development in the European Union’ (1990-06), Spanish Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, research director (€165,885). 3. ‘Comparative study on the current provision for public consultation and accessibility to information on Biotechnology in Europe’ (1991), General Directorate XI, European Commission (€25,000). 2. ‘Biotechnology and public opinion’ (1988-1990), Spanish Ministry of Environment and Public Works, project director (€60,600). 1. ‘The social structure of Spain’ (1988-90), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), member research team (€91,000). Teaching Graduate courses 21. ‘Social change and Welfare State reforms’, PhD courses on Government and Public Administration, Research University Institute Ortega y Gasset, University Complutense Madrid, 2004/10 (6 academic years). 20. ‘Contemporary Political Culture in Europe’, Euromaster Program and Master in Trans-Atlantic Relations Europe-America (Inter-institutional masters degree program developed jointly by the universities of: Bath, Paris III, HEESP, Charles-Prague, Siena, Freie-Berlin, Humboldt-Berlin, Washington-Seattle, North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Carlos III-Madrid), Dept. Sociology and Political Science, University Carlos III-Madrid 1996-2009 (13 academic years). 19. ‘Social policies and welfare reforms’, Master on Applied Political Studies (MEPA), International and Ibero-American Foundation of Administration and Public Policy, Madrid, 2005-10, (5 academic years). 18. ‘Social policy transformation: Permanence and Change of the Mediterranean Welfare Regime’ , 3 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Master on Social Welfare ‘Individual family and group intervention’, Department of Social Work, Public University Navarre, 2007-08. 17. ‘The Welfare State in Spain: Foundations and Development’, XIX Permanent Seminar on Administration and Public Economy, Research University Institute Ortega y Gasset, Centre of Political and Constitutional Studies, Madrid, 2008. 16. ‘Welfare State and Multi-Level Governance’, Higher Center of Studies on Management, Analysis and Evaluation, Master on Program Evaluation and Public Policies, University Complutense Madrid, 200507 (2 academic years). 15. ‘The Territorial Politics of the Welfare State’, VIII Seminar ‘Law, Politics and Society’, University Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), inter-departmental course, 2006-07. 14. ‘Social policies and the Welfare State’, Summer School, International and Ibero-American Foundation of Public Administration and Public Policy, National Institute of Public Administration, Madrid, July, 2006. 13. ‘Multiple Ethnoterritorial Concurrence in Spain’, Postgraduate Diploma Course of Specialization on Constitutional Law and Political Science, Centre of Political and Constitutional Studies, Madrid, 200506. 12. ‘Citizenship, identity and political accommodation in the EU’, PhD course, Dept Sociology 1, University Basque Country, 2002-03. 11. ‘The Federalization of Autonomic Spain’, Summer School, University Castelló Jaume I, Benicàsim, July, 2002. 10. ‘Multiple Ethnoterritorial Concurrence in Spain’, PhD course, Dept. Sociology I, University Basque Country, 1998-99. 9. ‘Welfare State Reform in Comparative Perspective’, Postgraduate European Summer Schools in Comparative Politics, EUI, Chania (Crete), July 1998. 8. ‘Public policy cycle’, MA course, Centre for Studies on Management, Analysis and Evaluation, University Complutense Madrid, 1996-98 (2 academic years). 7. ‘Genetics, Biomedicine, and Society’, Postgraduate Summer School, Dept Sociology II, National Distance-Learning University (UNED), Avila, July 1996. 6. ‘Multiple Ethnoterritorial Concurrence in Spain’, PhD course, Dept. Political Science and Administration, Autonomous University, Madrid, 1995-96. 5. ‘Public perception of biotechnology’, MA course, Institute for Continuous Education, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 1995-96. 4. ‘Ethnoterritorial competition and consociational accommodation in Spain’, Seminar on Comparative Politics, Dept. Political Science, University Colorado (Boulder), 1994-95 3. ‘Multiple Ethnoterritorial Concurrence in Spain’, PhD course, Dept. Sociology and Social Anthropology, Valencia University, 1993-94. 2. ‘Science, Technology, and Society’, MA course, Faculty of Economics, Autonomous University, Madrid, 1993-94. 1. ‘Welfare State development in Spain’, Summer School, University Cantabria, Laredo, July 1993. 4 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Postgraduate dissertations 28. La política social en Mexico. Dos décadas de avances y retrocesos (Social policy in Mexico. Two decades of achievements and failures), Diego Foyo López, University Institute Ortega y Gasset, University Complutense Madrid, 2010 (director MA thesis). 27. Tercer sector y gestión de políticas sociales en regímenes de bienestar corporativos (Third Sector and the management of social policies in corporatist welfare regimes), Cecilia Rossel, University Institute Ortega y Gasset, University Complutense Madrid, 2010 (external evaluator, PhD thesis). 26. Inestabilidad laboral y estrategias de emancipación: Los jóvenes-adultos titulados y mileuristas de Barcelona y Roma (Lack of job security and emancipation strategies: Adult-young in Barcelona and Roma), Alessandro Gentile, University Barcelona, 2009 (director PhD thesis). 25. From National Catholicism to Democratic Patriotism? An Empirical Analysis of Contemporary Spanish National Identity, Jordi Muñoz Mendoza, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona 2009, (external examiner and PhD board member). 24. La activación europea de las regiones legislativas. Análisis comparado de las estrategias de Canarias, Escocia, Toscana y Valonia (European activation of regions with legislative powers. Comparative analysis of strategies by the Canary Islands, Scotland, Tuscany and Wallonia), Jorge Tuñón Navarro, University Complutense Madrid, 2008, (supervision and PhD board member). 23. Relación público-privado en municipios. Identificación de capacidades institucionales en gobiernos locales para captación de inversiones (The public-private relationship in municipalities. Identification of institutional capabilities for investment promotion), Adrián Darmohraj, University Institute Ortega y Gasset, University Complutense Madrid, 2007, (supervision and PhD board member). 22. Families in Europe: social demands, responses, and models, Starr Small, University North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 2007 (co-director MA thesis). 21. Exploring the Limits of Asymmetric Devolution and Autonomy: Education and Immigration Policies in the United Kingdom and Spain, Andrew S. Davis, Nottingham University, 2006, (external examiner and PhD board member). 20. Pobreza urbana y exclusión espacial en el área metropolitana de Bilbao (Urban Poverty and spatial exclusion in the metropolitan area of Bilbao) 1999-2000, Pedro Manuel Martínez Monje, University Basque Country, 2006, (PhD board member). 19. The Role of Education in Economic Development in Ireland and Spain after EU Integration, Erin C. Masterson, University North Carolina (Chapel Hill), 2006 (co-director MA thesis). 18. Las políticas de transferencia de renta en América Latina: ¿Estrategias recientes o tardías de protección social? (Income transfer policies in Latin America: New or belated strategies for social protection?) Rosa Helena Stein, National University Brasilia, 2005 (PhD co-director). 17. Teoría y realidad del cambio institucional de las federaciones: España y Alemania en perspectiva comparada (1987-2003) (Theory and reality of the institutional change in federations: Spain and Germany in comparative perspective), César Colino Cámara, Spanish National Distance-Learning University, 2005 (PhD board member). 16. Análisis de Políticas Públicas contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (Policy analysis of programs against Poverty and Exclusion in the Basque Country), Jaione Mondragón Ruíz, University Basque Country, 2005 (PhD board member). 15. Nationalist discourse in Cyprus and the role of the EU, Kalomira Heli, University Carlos III Madrid, 2004 (director MA thesis). 5 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 14. Immigration and Spanish society. ¿An example for Europeans?, Melanie Trovage, University Carlos III Madrid, 2004 (director MA thesis).. 13. Reclaiming their Shadow: Ethnopolitical Mobilization in Consolidated Democracies, Britt Cartrite, University Colorado (Boulder), 2003 (external examiner and PhD board member). 12. Regímenes, Partidos y Políticas de Suficiencia en Pensiones de Jubilación (Regimes, Parties and Policies on Retirement Pensions), Rosalía Mota López, Autonomous University Madrid, 2002 (PhD board member). 11. Political Institutions, Elites and Ethnonationalism in the West: Belgium, Spain and Canada in Comparative Perspective, André Lecours, Carleton University, Ottawa, 2001 (external examiner and PhD board member). 10. The Effects of Institutions and Political Parties upon Federalism. The Channelling and Integration of the Comunidades Autónomas within the Central-level Policy processes in Spain, Mireia Grau Creus, European University Institute, Florence, 2000 (external examiner and PhD board member). 9. Recursos Humanos y Política Científica. La Formación de Investigadores en el Plan Nacional de I+D (Scientific Policy and Human Resources. Training of Researchers in the Spanish National Plan for R&D), Manuel Fernández Esquinas, University Complutense Madrid, 2000 (PhD board member). 8. Sociedad civil, Tercer Sector y entidades de servicios sociales en España Civil Society (Third Sector and Institutions of Social Services in Spain), Vicente Marbán Gallego, University Alcalá de Henares, 2000 (PhD board member). 7. Catalonia and European Integration: A regionalist strategy for nationalist objectives, Ruth Elisa Roller, London School of Economics, 2000 (external examiner and PhD board member). 6. El espacio social de la exclusión. El caso de Navarra (The Social Realm of Exclusion. The case of Navarre), Miguel Laparra Navarro, Spanish National Distance-Learning University, 1999 (PhD board member). 5. Evolution of Social Policy and the Institutional Definition of Family Models, Manuel Naldini, European University Institute, Florence, 1999 (external examiner and PhD board member). 4. Rentas mínimas de inserción en España: Procesos de implantación y dinámicas sociales (Minimum Income Programs for Insertion. Processes of implementation and social dynamics), Ana Arriba González de Durana, Autonomous University Madrid (Prize for Outstanding Achievement), 1999 (PhD director). 3. Vivir sin dinero en un medio hostil. Adelaida Martínez y el honor de la pobreza (Living Penniless in a Hostile Environment. Adelaida Martínez and the Honour of Poverty), Rafael Aliena Miralles, University Valencia, 1998 (PhD board member). 2. Cultura política e identidad en la sociedad valenciana (Political Culture and Identity in the Valencian Society), Ramón Llopis Goig, University Valencia, 1996 (PhD board member). 1. La representación abierta: un análisis sociológico de la protesta individual (The Open Representation: A Sociological Analysis of the Individual Protest), Juan José García de la Cruz Herrero, University Complutense Madrid, 1993 (PhD board member). Postdoctoral researchers (tutor) 5. Pau Marí-Klose, postdoctoral JAE researcher, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (2010-2013). 4. Inés Calzada Gutiérrez, postdoctoral 'Juan de la Cierva' researcher, Institute of Public Goods and Policies, 6 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (2009-2012). 3. Daniel Guinea Martín, postdoctoral I3P researcher, Institute of Public Goods and Policies, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), (2007-2008) 2. Francisco Javier Moreno Fuentes, postdoctoral I3P researcher, Unit for Comparative Politics and Policies (UPC-CSIC), Spanish National Research Council (2005-2006) 1. Ana Arriba González de Durana, postdoctoral I3P researcher, Unit for Comparative Politics and Policies (UPC-CSIC), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (2004-2006) Visiting scholar (competitive funding) 6. 2002-04 (2 years), University ‘La Sapienza’, Rome (RISMES), Italian National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-IRPPS), Rome. Project: ‘Social Change and Reforms in the Mediterranean Welfare Regime’. 5. 1998-99 (1 year). Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence. Senior Jean Monnet Fellow. Project: ‘Targeting the needy: The ‘safety net’ in Southern Europe’. 4. 1994-95 (1 year). Center for Comparative Politics, Department of Political Science, University Colorado (Boulder). Project: ‘The federalization of Spain: A comparative perspective’. 3. 1989-97 (various dates) Dept. Politics and Dept. Sociology, Edinburgh University. Project: ‘Scotland: Devolution and Home Rule’. 2. 1985-86 (4 months). Dept. Political Science (GSIS), Denver University. Project: ‘Fiscal Crisis and Social Demands’. 1. 1983-86 (3 years). Dept. Politics, Edinburgh University. Project: ‘Decentralization in Britain and Spain’ (Ph.D.). Academic publications Books 22. Moreno, Luis and Colino, César (eds.) (2010), Diversity and Unity in Federal Systems (Vol. VII, ‘A Global Dialogue on Federalism’), Montreal & Kingston/London/Ithaca: McGill-Queen’s University Press (978-0-7735-3732-3). 21. Lecours, André and Moreno, Luis (eds.) (2010), Nationalism and Democracy. Dichotomies, Complementarities, Oppositions. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN: 978-0-415-55915-7). 20. Moreno, Luis and Lecours, André (eds.) (2009), Nacionalismo y democracia. Dicotomías, complementariedades y oposiciones. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (ISBN: 978-84-259-1455-3). 19 Moreno, Luis (ed.) (2009), Reformas de las Políticas del Bienestar en España. Madrid: Siglo XXI (ISBN: 978-84-323-1379-3). 18 Arriba González de Durana, Ana; Moreno Fuentes, Francisco Javier and Moreno Fernández, Luis (coords.), (2007), Inmigración, gestión de la diversidad y Tercer Sector Social. Madrid: Fundación Luis Vives (ISBN: 978-84-690-5140-5). 17 McEwen, Nicola and Moreno, Luis (eds.) (2005), The Territorial Politics of Welfare. London/New York: 7 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-36319-5). 16 Moreno, Luis (2001), The Federalization of Spain. London/Portland, OR: Frank Cass/Routledge (ISBN: 0-7146-5138-9). 15 Moreno, Luis (ed.) (2001), Pobreza y exclusión: la ’malla de seguridad’ en España. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-00-08006-8) 14 Moreno, Luis (2000), Ciudadanos precarios. La ‘última red’ de protección social. Barcelona: Ariel Sociología (ISBN: 84-344-1698-0). 13 Moreno, Luis (1997), La federalización de España. Poder político y territorio. Madrid: Siglo XXI [(2nd edition, 2008] (ISBN: 978-84-323-1293-9)]. 12. Moreno, Luis (1997), Federalism: The Spanish Experience. Pretoria: HSCR Publishers (ISBN: 0-79691699-X). 11. Moreno, Luis (ed.) (1997), Unión Europea y Estado del Bienestar. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-00-07657-5) 10. Luján, José Luis; Martínez, Federico and Moreno, Luis (1996), La biotecnología y los expertos. Aproximación a la percepción de la biotecnología y la ingeniería genética entre colectivos de expertos. Madrid: CEFI. 9. Sarasa, Sebastià and Moreno, Luis (eds.) (1995), El Estado del Bienestar en la Europa del Sur. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-00-07551-X). 8. Moreno, Luis (1995), Escocia, nación y razón. Dos milenios de política y sociedad. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-00-07551-X). 7. Moreno, Luis (ed.) (1993), Intercambio social y desarrollo del bienestar. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-0004949-7). 6. Moreno, Luis (ed.) (1993), Social Exchange and Welfare Development. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-0007378-9). 5. Moreno, Luis and Pérez-Yruela, Manuel (eds.) (1992), Política Social y Estado del Bienestar. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales (ISBN: 84-7850-032-4). 4. Moreno, Luis; Lemkow, Louis and Lizón, Ángeles (1992), Biotecnología y Sociedad. Percepción y Actitudes Públicas. Madrid: Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transporte (ISBN: 84-7433-782-8). 3. Giner, Salvador and Moreno, Luis (eds.) (1990), Sociología en España. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-0007041-0). 2. Giner, Salvador and Moreno, Luis (eds.) (1990), Sociology in Spain. Madrid: CSIC, pp. 401 (ISBN: 8400-07041-0). 1. Moreno, Luis (1986), Decentralisation in Britain and Spain: The cases of Scotland and Catalonia, doctoral thesis, pp. 534. Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland. Articles and chapters (refereed) 100. Moreno, Luis (2010), (Entries: ‘self government’, ‘social policy’, ‘Ortega y Gasset, José’, ‘centerperiphery relations’, ‘nation building’, ‘state formation’ and ‘stateless nation’, in International Encyclopedia of Political Science, Washington, DC: CQ Press - SAGE. 99. Moreno, Luis (2010), ‘Anti-discrimination, Europeanisation and multilevel policy-making’, in Theory and 8 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Practices of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 98. Moreno, Luis and Colino, César (eds.) (2010), ‘Introduction: Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries’, in Moreno, Luis and Colino, César (eds.), Diversity and Unity in Federal Systems (Vol. VII, ‘A Global Dialogue on Federalism’), pp. 3-15. Montreal & Kingston/London/Ithaca: McGill-Queen’s University Press (ISBN: 978-0-7735-3732-3). 97. Moreno, Luis and Colino, César (eds.) (2010), ‘Spain’, in Moreno, Luis and Colino, César (eds.), Diversity and Unity in Federal Systems (Vol. VII, ‘A Global Dialogue on Federalism’), pp. 288-319. Montreal & Kingston/London/Ithaca: McGill-Queen’s University Press (ISBN: 978-0-7735-3732-3). 96. Colino, César and Moreno, Luis (eds.) (2010), ‘Comparative Overview’, in Moreno, Luis and Colino, César (eds.), Diversity and Unity in Federal Systems (Vol. VII, ‘A Global Dialogue on Federalism’), pp. 379-400. Montreal & Kingston/London/Ithaca: McGill-Queen’s University Press (ISBN: 978-0-77353732-3). 95. Moreno, Luis (2010), ‘Federal democracy in plural Spain’, in Burgess, Michael and Gagnon, Alain G. (eds.), Federal democracies, pp. 160-177. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN: 978-0-415-55548-7). 94. Lecours, André and Moreno, Luis (2010), ‘Conclusions’, in Lecours, André and Moreno, Luis (eds.), Nationalism and Democracy. Dichotomies, Complementarities, Oppositions, pp. 262-65. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN: 978-0-415-55915-7). 93. Moreno, Luis and Lecours, Andre (2010), ‘Introduction: tensions and paradoxes of a multifaceted relationship’, in Lecours, André and Moreno, Luis (eds.), Nationalism and Democracy. Dichotomies, Complementarities, Oppositions, pp. 3-15. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN: 978-0-415-55915-7). 92. Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘Ciudadanos multinivel y políticas de bienestar'’, Documentación Social, 154: 91104 (ISSN: 0417-8106). 91. Lecours, André and Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘Conclusiones’, in Moreno, Luis and Lecours, André (eds.), Nacionalismo y democracia. Dicotomías, complementariedades y oposiciones, pp. 439-445. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (ISBN: 978-84-259-1455-3). 90. Moreno, Luis and Lecours, André (2009), ‘Introducción: tensiones y paradojas de una relación multifacética’, in Moreno, Luis and Lecours, André (eds.), Nacionalismo y democracia. Dicotomías, complementariedades y oposiciones, pp. 19-36. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (ISBN: 978-84-259-1455-3). 89. Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘España y el bienestar mediterráneo’, in Barba Solano, Carlos; Ordóñez Barba, Gerardo and Valencia Lomelí, Enrique (coords.), Más allá de la pobreza. Regímenes de bienestar en Europa, Asia y América, pp. 141-158. Universidad de Guadalajara/El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Mexico) (ISBN: 978-607-450-078-3). 88. Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘NURSOPOB: Presentación, contexto del bienestar, marco de referencia y nuevos riesgos sociales’, in Moreno, Luis (eds.), Reformas de las Políticas del Bienestar en España, 1-34. Madrid: Siglo XXI (ISBN: 978-84-323-1379-3). 87. Salido, Olga and Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘Familia y género’, en Moreno, Luis (eds.), Reformas de las Políticas del Bienestar en España, pp. 281-308. Madrid: Siglo XXI (ISBN: 978-84-323-1379-3). 86. Moreno, Luis and Serrano, Amparo (2009), ‘Modelo Social Europeo y políticas sociales: una evaluación formativa institucional’, Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, 2: 11-32 [English version: ‘The European Social Model and social policies: a formative institutional evaluation’] (ISSN: 1134-6035). 85. Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘La federalización de la España plural’, Revista d’Estudis Autonòmics i Federals, 9 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 8: 119-143 (ISSN: 1886-2630). 84. Moreno, Luis and Rodríguez-Cabrero, Gregorio (2008), ‘Politica sociale e Welfare State’, Sociologia. Rivista Quadrimestrale di Scienze Storiche e Sociali, XVII (2): 93-105 (ISSB13: 978-88-492-1655-4). 83. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Identités duales et nations sans ètat (la Question Moreno)’, Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, (monographic issue: La concurrence des identités ? Débats à propos de l'utilisation de 'La question Moreno'. Coords.: André-Paul Frognier and Pierre Baudewyns) 14 (4): 497-513 (ISSN: 1370-0731). 82. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Europa social, bienestar en España y la «malla de seguridad»’, in Espina, Álvaro (coord.), Estado de Bienestar y competitividad. La experiencia Europea, pp. 445-511. Madrid: Fundación Carolina-Siglo XXI (ISBN: 978-84-323-1303-5). 81. Moreno, Luis; Arriba, Ana and Serrano, Araceli (2007), ‘Identidades múltiples en la España descentralizada: El caso de Cataluña’, in Escobar, Modesto, El análisis de segmentación: técnicas y aplicaciones de los árboles de clasificación, pp. 199-224, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (ISBN: 978-84-7476-432-1). 80. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Ambivalencias esclarecedoras’, in Pérez Yruela, Manuel; González de la Fe, Teresa and Montagut, Maite (eds.), Escritos Sociológicos (Libro homenaje a Salvador Giner, pp- 371377. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (ISBN: 978-84-7476-441-3). 79. Moreno, Luis and Rodríguez Cabrero, Gregorio (2007), ‘Política social y estado del bienestar’, in Pérez Yruela, Manuel (ed.), Sociología en España, pp. 645-666. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas/Federación Española de Sociología (ISBN: 978-84-7476-435-2). 78. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Europeanisation, Decentralisation and Welfare Reform’, in Loughlin, John and Deschouwer, Kris (eds.), Territorial Governance for the 21st Century, pp. 55-63. Brussels: Kloninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (KVAB/D/2007/0455/07). 77. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Federalization in multinational Spain’, in Burgess, Michael and Pinder, John (eds.), Multinational Federations, pp. 86-107. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-41490-3). 76. Salido, Olga and Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Bienestar y políticas familiares en España’, Política y Sociedad, número monográfico 'Estado del Bienestar y Política Social', 44 (2): 31-44 (ISSN: 1130-8001). 75. Moreno, Luis and Serrano, Amparo (2007), ‘Europeización del Bienestar y activación’, Política y Sociedad, número monográfico 'Estado del Bienestar y Política Social', 44 (2): 101-114 (ISSN: 11308001). 74. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Europeanization, Territorial Subsidiarity and Welfare Reform’, Regional and Federal Studies, 17 (4): 487-497 (ISSN: 1359-7566). 73. Moreno, Francisco Javier; Arriba, Ana and Moreno, Luis (2006), ‘Inmigración, diversidad y protección social en España’, Revista Española del Tercer Sector, 4: 53-97 (ISSN: 1886-0400). 72. Moreno, Luis (2006), ‘Le modèle de protection sociale des pays d’Europe du sud: Permanence ou changement?’, Revue française des Affaires sociales, 2006/1: 81-105 [Ed. English: ‘The model of social protection in Southern Europe: Enduring characteristics?’, Revue française des Affaires socials, 2006/1: 73-95] (ISSN : 0035-2985). 10 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 1.htm // 71. Moreno, Luis (2006), (Entries: ‘decisores públicos’, ‘descentralización’ y ‘gobierno’, in Giner, Salvador; Lamo de Espinosa, Emilio and Torres, Cristóbal (eds.), Diccionario de Sociología (2nd ed.), Madrid: Alianza Ciencias Sociales (ISBN: 84-206-8670-0). 70. Moreno, Luis (2006), ‘Scotland, Catalonia, Europeanization and the Moreno question’, Scottish Affairs, 54: 1-21 (ISSN: 0966-0356). 69. Moreno, Luis and Salido, Olga (2005), ‘Famiglia e welfare in Spagna’, La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 2005/4: 217-237 (ISSN 1724-5389). 68. Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘The Madrid Bombings in the Domestic and Regional Politics of Spain’, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 16: 51-64 (ISSN: 0332-1460). 67. Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘"Süper Kadinlar" ve Akdeniz Refahi’’, in Bugra, Ayse and Keyder, Caglar (eds.), Sosyal Politika Yazilari, pp. 375-395. Istanbul: Iletisim Yayinlari (ISBN: 975-05-0380-5). 66. Moreno, Luis and McEwen, Nicola (2005), ‘Exploring the territorial politics of welfare’, in McEwen, Nicola and Moreno, Luis (eds.), The Territorial Politics of Welfare, pp. 1-40. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-36319-5). 65. Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘Multiple identities and global meso-communities’, in Lachapelle, Guy and Paquin, Stéphane (eds.), Mastering Globalization. New Sub-States' Governance and Strategies, pp. 127-140. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-34798-X). 64. Moreno, Luis and Palier, Bruno (2005), ‘The Europeanization of Welfare: Paradigm shifts and social policy reforms’, in Taylor-Gooby, Peter (ed.), Ideas and Welfare State Reform in Western Europe, pp. 145-175. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 13: 978-1-4039-9317-5). 63. Arriba, Ana and Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘Spain: Poverty, social exclusion and safety nets’, in Ferrera, Maurizio (ed.), Welfare State Reform in Southern Europe. Fighting poverty and social exclusion in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, pp. 141-203. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN 0-415-32409-2). 62. Lecours, André and Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘Paradiplomatie et nationalisme: le cas basque’, in Tournon, Jean and Máiz, Ramón (eds), Ethnicisme et politique, pp. 277-307. Paris: L'Harmattan. (ISBN: 2-74759178-6). 61. Moreno, Luis and Trelles, Carlos (2005), ‘Decentralization and Welfare Reform in Andalusia’, Regional & Federal Studies, 15 (4): 519-535 (ISSN: 1359-7566). 60. Moreno, Luis (2004), ‘Spain’s transition to New Risks: a farewell to ‘superwomen’, in Taylor-Gooby, Peter (ed.), New Risks, New Welfare. The Transformation of the European Welfare State, pp. 133-157. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press (ISBN: 0-19-926727-8). 59. Moreno, Luis (2004),’Identidades múltiples y mesocomunidades globales’, in Morata, Francesc; Lachapelle, Guy and Paquin, Stéphane (eds.), Globalización, gobernanza e identidades, pp. 229-261. Barcelona: Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer (ISBN: 84-95417-43-X). 58. Moreno, Luis (2004), ‘La federalización autonómica’, in Chust, Manuel (ed.), Federalismo y Cuestión 11 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Federal en España, pp. 237-265. Castelló de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I (ISBN: 84-8021-452-X). 57. Moreno, Luis (2004), ‘Reformas y reestructuración del Estado del Bienestar en la Unión Europea’, in Boschetti, Ivanete; Pereira Pereira, Potyara Amazoneida; César, Maria Auxiliadora and Carvalho, Denise Bomtempo Birche de (eds.), Política Social: Alternativas ao Neoliberalismo, 39-60. Brasilia: Programa de Pós-graduação em Política Social da Universidade de Brasília. 56. Moreno, Luis; Matsaganis, Manos; Ferrera, Maurizio and Capucha, Luís (2003), ‘¿Existe una “malla de seguridad” en la Europa del Sur? La lucha contra la pobreza y la exclusión en España, Grecia, Italia y Portugal’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 36: 7-31 (ISSN: 0034-9712). 55. Matsaganis, Manos; Ferrera, Maurizio; Capucha, Luís and Moreno, Luis, (2003) ‘Mending nets in the South. Anti-poverty policies in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain’, Social Policy & Administration, Special Issue ‘Making a European Welfare State? Convergences and Conflicts Over European Social Policy', 37 (6): 639-655 (ISSN: 0144-5596). 54. Ferrera, Maurizio; Matsaganis, Manos; Capucha, Luís and Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘Esiste una rete di sicurezza in Sud Europa?’, Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, 1/2003: 39-63 (ISBN: 88-4302594-5). 53. Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘Divided societies, electoral polarization and the Basque Country’, in Guelke, Adrian (ed.), Democracy and Ethnic Conflict, pp. 29-51. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN: 1-4039-1247-5). 52. Lecours, André and Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘Paradiplomacy: a nation-building strategy? A reference to the Basque Country’, in Gagnon, Alain-G., Guibernau, Montserrat and Rocher, François (eds.), The Conditions of Diversity in Multinational Democracies, pp.267-292. Montreal: The Institute for Research on Public Policy (ISBN: 0-88645-202-3). 51. Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘Ciudadanía, desigualdad social y Estado del Bienestar’, in Giner, Salvador (ed.), Teoría Sociológica Moderna, pp. 527-538. Barcelona: Ariel (ISBN: 84-344-1704-9). 50. Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘Sociología política’, in Giner, Salvador (ed.), Teoría Sociológica Moderna, pp. 539-551. Barcelona: Ariel (ISBN: 84-344-1704-9). 49. Moreno, Luis and Arriba, Ana (2003), ‘L’esperienza spagnola dei redditi minimi’, in Calza Bini, Paolo; Nicolaus, Oscar and Turcio, Sandro (eds.), Reddito Minimo di Inserimento: Che fare?, pp. 2140. Roma: Donzelli (ISBN: 88-7989-814-0). 48. Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘Europeanisation, Mesogovernments and Safety Nets’, European Journal of Political Research, 42 (2): 185-199 (ISSN: 0304-4130). 47. Capucha, Luís; Matsaganis, Manos; Ferrera, Maurizio and Moreno, Luis (2002), ‘Restabelecendo redes sociais de segurança no sul. Políticas contra a pobreza na Grecia, Itália, Portugal e Espanha’, Sociedade e Trabalho, 17/18: 39-55 (ISSN: 0873-8858). 46. Moreno, Luis (2002), ‘Bienestar mediterráneo y supermujeres’, Revista Española de Sociología, 2: 4157 (ISSN: 1578-2824). 45. Moreno, Luis (2002), ‘Global y local: Identidades territoriales y mesogobiernos’, in Safran, William and Máiz, Ramón (coords.), Identidad y autogobierno en sociedades multiculturales, pp. 97-111. 12 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Barcelona: Ariel (ISBN: 84-344-1820-7). 44. Moreno, Luis (2002), ‘Decentralization in Spain’, Regional Studies, 36 (4): 399-408 (ISSN: 00343404). 43. Moreno, Luis (2001), ‘Spagna, una via intermedia allo sviluppo del welfare’, Argomenti, 3/2001: 115143 (ISSN 1125-9116). 42. Moreno, Luis (2001), ‘Spain, a via media of welfare development’, in Taylor-Gooby, Peter (ed.), Welfare States under pressure, pp. 100-122. London/New York: Sage (ISBN 0-7619-7198-X). 41. Moreno, Luis (2001), ‘Estados del Bienestar y ‘mallas de seguridad’, in Moreno, Luis (ed.), Pobreza y exclusión: la ‘malla de seguridad’ en España, pp. 17-50. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-00-08006-8). 40. Moreno, Luis (2001), ‘Europeanization and decentralization of welfare safety nets’, in Clasen, Jochen (ed.), What Future for Social Security? Debates and reforms in national and cross-national perspective, pp. 87-100. The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer (ISBN: 90 411 1671 0) (Ed. paperback, 2002, Bristol: The Policy Press, ISBN: 1-86134-410-4). 39. Moreno, Luis (2001), ‘Ethnoterritorial Concurrence in Plural Societies: The Spanish Comunidades Autónomas’, in Gagnon, Alain-G. and Tully, James (eds.), Justice and Stability in Multinational Societies, pp. 201-221. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press (ISBN: 0 521 804736). 38. Moreno, Luis (2001), ‘La “vía media” española del modelo de bienestar mediterráneo’, Papers, 63/64: 67-82 (ISSN: 0210-2862). 37. Moreno, Luis (2001), ‘Supermujeres y bienestar en las sociedades mediterráneas’’, Claves de Razón Práctica, 111: 49-53 (ISSN: 1130-3689). 36. Moreno, Luis (2000), ‘The Spanish Development of Southern European Welfare’, in Kuhnle, Stein (ed.), The Survival of the European Welfare State, pp. 146-165. London/New York: Routledge (ISBN: 0-415-21291-X). 35. Moreno, Luis (2000), ‘Localismo cosmopolita y mesogobiernos’, Claves de Razón Práctica, 100: 3843 (ISSN: 1130-3689). 34. Moreno, Luis (1999), ‘Local and Global: Mesogovernments and Territorial identities’, Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, 5 (3/4): 61-75 (ISSN: 1353-7113). 33. Moreno, Luis (1999), ‘Local and Global: Mesogovernments and Territorial identities’, in Safran, William and Máiz, Ramón (eds.), Identity and Territorial Autonomy in Plural Societies, pp. 61-75. London/Portland: Frank Cass (ISBN: 0-7146-5027-7). 32. Moreno, Luis (1999), ‘Asymmetry in Spain: Federalism in the Making?’, in Agranoff, Robert (ed.), Accommodating Diversity: Asymmetry in Federal States, pp. 149-168. Baden-Baden: Nomos (ISBN: 3-7890-6395-9). 31. Moreno, Luis (1998), ‘Local y global: la dimensión política de la identidad territorial’, Inguruak. Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencia Política, 20: 117-139 (ISSN: 0214-7912). 13 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 30. Moreno, Luis (1998), (Entries: ‘colonialismo interior’, ‘consociacionismo’, ‘Estado del Bienestar’, ‘federación’, ‘federalismo’, ‘jacobinismo’, ‘melting pot’, ‘partido político’, ‘politeya’ and ‘regionalismo’), en Giner, Salvador; Lamo de Espinosa, Emilio and Torres, Cristóbal (eds.), Diccionario de Sociología, Madrid: Alianza Ciencias Sociales (ISBN: 84-206-8670-0). 29. Moreno, Luis and Luján, José Luis (1998), ‘Ingeniería genética: percepción y actitudes ambivalentes’, in Sánchez Morales, María Rosario (ed.), La manipulación genética humana a debate, pp. 225-241 Madrid: UNED (ISBN: 84-362-3814-1). 28. Moreno, Luis, Arriba, Ana, and Serrano, Araceli (1998), ‘Multiple Identities in Decentralized Spain: The Case of Catalonia’, Regional and Federal Studies, 8 (3): pp. 65-88 (ISSN: 1359-7566). 27. Moreno, Luis (1997), ‘La ‘Via media’ spagnola per lo Stato sociale meridionale’, Mittelforum, IV (10): 85-93 (ISSN: 1123-7597). 26. Moreno, Luis (1997), ‘Federalization and Ethnoterritorial Concurrence in Spain’, Publius. The Journal of Federalism, 27 (4): 65-84 (ISSN: 0048-5950). 25. Moreno, Luis (1997), ‘Las relaciones de concurrencia múltiple etnoterritorial en España’, Zona Abierta, 79: 141-165 (ISSN: 0210-2692). 24. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis, (1997), ‘Biological Diversity and Political Equality: The Social Impact of Genetic Tests’, Techné: Journal of the Society for Philosophy & Technology, 2 (3-4): 121-140, (ISSN: 1091-8264). 23. Moreno, Luis (1997), ‘Concurrencia múltiple etnoterritorial’, Claves de Razón Práctica, 73: 24-30 (ISSN: 1130-3689). 22. Moreno, Luis and Arriba, Ana (1996), ‘Dual identity in Autonomous Catalonia’, Scottish Affairs, 17: 2241 (ISSN: 0966-0356). 21. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1996), ‘La biotecnología, los actores y el público’, Ludus Vitalis, IV (7): 33-50 (ISSN: 1133-5165). 20. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1996), ‘El cambio tecnológico en las Ciencias Sociales: El estado de la cuestión’, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 74: 123-157 (ISSN: 0210-5233) ( 19. Moreno, Luis (1996), ‘La opinión pública y los avances en Genética’, in Borrillo, Daniel (ed.), Genes en el estrado, pp. 11-37. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-00-07628-1). 18. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1996), ‘Biological lottery and Social Solidarity: The Impacts of Genetic Diagnosis’, Futures, 28 (5): 32-35 (ISSN: 0016-3287). 17. Moreno, Luis (1995), ‘Multiple Ethnoterritorial Concurrence’, Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, 1 (1): 11-32 (ISSN: 1353-7113). 16. Moreno, Luis (1994), ‘Ethnoterritorial Concurrence and Imperfect Federalism in Spain’, in Villiers, Bertus de (ed.), Evaluating Federal Systems. Dordrecht/London/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 162-193 (ISBN: 0-7923-2818-3). 15. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1994), ‘Biotecnología y Sociedad. Conflicto, desarrollo y regulación’, Arbor, 585: 9-47 (ISSN: 0210-1963) ( 14. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1994), ‘Public Perception of Biotechnology in Spain’, Technology in Society, 16 (3): 335-355 (ISSN: 0160-791X). 14 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 13. Moreno, Luis and Sarasa, Sebastià (1993), ‘Génesis y desarrollo del Estado del Bienestar en España’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 6: 27-69 (ISSN: 0034-9712) ( 12. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1993), ‘The Social Study of Technology: The Case for Public Perception and Biotechnology’, in Hickman, Larry A. and Porter, Elizabeth F. (eds.), Technology and Ecology, pp. 263-315. Carbondale, Ill.: SPT/Southern Illinois University. 11. Moreno, Luis and Ziglio, Erio (1992), ‘Evaluación y maximización de políticas sociales’, in Moreno, Luis and Pérez-Yruela, Manuel (eds.), Política Social y Estado del Bienestar, pp. 79-106. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales (ISBN: 84-7850-032-4). 10. Moreno, Luis (1990), ‘Sociología en la España finisecular’, in Giner, Salvador and Moreno, Luis (eds.), Sociología en España, pp. 71-103. Madrid: CSIC (ISBN: 84-00-07041-0). 9. Moreno, L. (1990), ‘Spanish Sociology at the Turn of the Century’, in Giner, Salvador and Moreno, Luis (eds.), Sociology in Spain. Madrid: CSIC, pp. 73-105 (ISBN: 84-00-07042-9). 8. Moreno, Luis (1990), ‘Las fuerzas políticas españolas’, in Giner, Salvador (ed.), España: Sociedad y Política, pp. 285-314. Madrid: Espasa Calpe (ISBN: 84-239-6270-9). 7. Flaquer, Lluís, Giner, Salvador and Moreno, Luis (1990), ‘La sociedad española en la encrucijada’, in Giner, Salvador (ed.), España: Sociedad y Política, pp. 19-74. Madrid: Espasa Calpe (ISBN: 84-2396270-9). 6. Giner, Salvador and Moreno, Luis (1990), ‘Centro y periferia: La dimensión étnica de la sociedad española’, in Giner, Salvador (ed.), España: Sociedad y Política, pp. 169-197. Madrid: Espasa Calpe (ISBN: 84-239-6270-9). 5. Giner, Salvador and Moreno, Luis (1989), ‘La sociedad civil en Europa occidental’, in Borón, Atilio and van Kleveren, Alberto (eds.), América Latina y Europa Occidental en el umbral del siglo XXI, pp. 1-15. Madrid: PNUD/CEPAL. 4. Moreno, Luis (1989), ‘Scotland and Catalonia: the Right for Self-Government’, in Jacobson, John R. (ed.), The Territorial Rights of Nations and Peoples, pp. 109-141. Lewinston, NY: Edwin Mellen (ISBN: 0-88946-588-6). 3. Moreno, Luis (1988), ‘Identificación dual y autonomía política: los casos de Escocia y Cataluña’, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 42: 155-174 (ISSN: 0210-5233) ( 2. Moreno, Luis (1988), ‘Scotland and Catalonia: the Path to Home Rule’, The Scottish Government Yearbook 1988, pp.166-181. Edinburgh: Unit for the Study of Government in Scotland (ISBN: 0-9509626-6-X). 1. Clegg, Thomas and Moreno, Luis (1984), ‘Nationalist Upsurge in Spain’, Politics, 4 (2): 8-15. (ISSN: 0263-3957) Book reviews, proceedings and other academic texts 53. Moreno, Luis (2010), ‘Social Policy in the European Union: a common welfare?’, Proceedings of the Conference ‘Facciamo l’Europa. Aspetti dell’integrazione culturale europea (1957-2007)’, Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma. 52. Moreno, Luis and Serrano, Amparo (2010), ‘Qué es el Modelo Social Europeo’, in Westendorp, Carlos; 15 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Sartorious, Nicolás and Egea de Haro, Alfonso (eds.), La Unión Europea ante los grandes retos del sigflo XXI, .pp. 89-96. Madrid/Barcelona/Buenos Aires: Fundación Alternativas / Marcial Pons (ISBN: 978-849768-790-4). 51. Moreno, Luis (2010), ‘La frontera interior. El lugar de la nación en la teoría de la democracia y el federalismo’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 68 (2): 505-510 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 50. Moreno, Luis (2010), ‘Families, Ageing and Social Policy. Intergenerational Solidarity in European Welfare States’, Journal of European Social Policy, 20 (2): 170-1 (book review) (ISSN 0958-9287). 49. Moreno, Luis (2010), ‘The Independence of Scotland. Self-government and the Shifting Politics of Union’, West European Politics, 33 (4): 924-5 (book review) (ISSN 0140-2382). 48. Moreno, Luis (2010), ‘Multi-level Europeans. The Influence of Territorial Attachments on Political Trust and Welfare Attitudes’, Regional and Federal Studies, 20 (1): 152-3 (book review) (ISSN: 13597566). 47. Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘Prefacio’, in Arriba González de Durana, Ana and Moreno Fuentes, Francisco Javier (eds.), El Tratamiento de la Dependencia en los Regímenes de Bienestar Europeos Contemporáneos, .pp. 13-16. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social (Estudios) (ISBN: 978-848446-106-7). 46. Colino, César and Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘Diversity and Unity in Spain’s Estado de las Autonomías’, in Chattopadhyay, Rupak and Garos, Abigail O. (eds,), Dialogues on Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries, pp. 40-42, Booklet Series (Vol. 7). Ottawa: Forum of Federations/International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (ISBN: 9780773535435). 45. Colino, César and Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘Comparative Reflections on Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries’, in Chattopadhyay, Rupak and Garos, Abigail O. (eds,), Dialogues on Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries, pp. 3-9, Booklet Series (Vol. 7). Ottawa: Forum of Federations/International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (ISBN: 9780773535435). 44. Moreno, Luis (2009), ‘Malla de protección social en América Latina: ¿selectividad y universalismo?’, en Nombres propios, pp. 25-30. Madrid: Fundación Carolina (Dep. Legal: M-9307-2009). 43. Moreno, Luis et alii (2008), España, ¿un proyecto compartido? Barcelona: Catalunya Segle XXI (ISBN: 978-84-930186-1-0). 42. Moreno, Luis (2008), ‘Basque Nationalism and the Spanish State’, Regional and Federal Studies, 18 (2-3): 304-7 (book review) (ISSN: 1359-7566). 41. Moreno, Luis (2008), ‘Basque nationalism and the Spanish State’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 49: 227-230 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 40. Moreno, Luis (2008), ‘Subnational Government. The French Experience’, West European Politics, 31 (3), 631-2 (book review) (ISSN 0140-2382). 39. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Mallas de Seguridad en América Latina: ¿selectividad y universalismo? Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Congreso of Political Science and Administration, ‘Politics for a changing world’, Valencia, 18-20, September, 2007. 38. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Democratizing the Hegemonic State. Political Transformation in the Age of Identity’, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 13 (4): 616-629 (book review) (ISSN: 1353-7113). 37. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Sociedad Civil y Virtud Cívica en Adam Ferguson’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 47: 225-7 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 36. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Nationalism and the State: Welfare and Identity in Scotland and Quebec’, 16 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Journal of European Social Policy, 17 (1): 74-76 (book review) (ISSN 0958-9287). 35. Moreno, Luis (2007), ‘Más allá del bienestar’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 46: 221-3 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 34. Moreno, Luis (2006), ‘The Boundaries of Welfare’, Journal of European Social Policy, 16 (4): 406-4 (book review) (ISSN 0958-9287). 33. Moreno, Luis (2006), ‘Federalism and the Welfare State. New World and European Experiences’, European Journal of Social Security, 8 (1): 113-5 (review) (ISSN: 1388-2627). 32. Moreno, Luis (2006), ‘Welfare locale, decentramento e cittadinanza’ –, La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 2006/1: 149-159 (English version: ‘Local welfare, Decentralisation and Citizenship’: 313-319) (atti/proceedings Forum RPS) (ISSN 1724-5389). 31. Moreno, Luis (2006), ‘Presentación’, in Rodríguez Cabrero, Gregorio; Arriba, Ana; Marbán, Vicente and Salido, Olga., Actores sociales y reformas del bienestar. Madrid: CSIC, pp. 11-14 (ISBN: 84-00-084098). 30. Moreno, Luis (2006), ‘Federalism and the Welfare State. New World and European Experiences’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 43: 253-5 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 29. Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘El Estado del Bienestar en España’, Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 13: 185-197 (book review) (ISSN: 1575-6548). 28. Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘La Renta Básica de Ciudadanía’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 42: 210-3 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 27. Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘Ciudadanos ambivalentes. Actitudes ante la igualdad y el Estado de Bienestar en España’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 42: 214-6 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 26. Moreno, Luis (2005), ‘Carisma y Razón. La Estructura Moral de la Sociedad Moderna’, Política y Sociedad, 41 (2): 181-4 (book review) (ISSN: 1130-8001). 25. Moreno, Luis (2004), ‘Introducción’, in Scott, Walter, Defensa de la nación escocesa (Las cartas de Malachi Malagrowther) (translation F. Toda), pp. 11-15. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga (ISBN: 84-9747-037-0). 24. Moreno, Luis (2004), ‘Ethnonationalism in the contemporary world’, Regional & Federal Studies, 15 (1): 123-5 (book review) (ISSN: 1359-7566). 23. Moreno, Luis (2004), ‘Ethnonationalism in the contemporary world’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 39: 259-262 91 531 23 4 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 22. Moreno, Luis (2004), ‘Los ciudadanos y el Estado. Las actitudes de los españoles hacia las administraciones y las políticas públicas’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 38: 217-220 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 21. Moreno, Luis (2004), ‘La consolidación del Estado del Bienestar en España’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 37: 256-9 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 20. Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘The Family in the Mediterranean Welfare States’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 34: 226-8 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 19. Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘Pobreza’, Diccionario de la Solidaridad (I), pp. 401-408. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. (ISBN: 84-8442-735-8). 18. Moreno, Luis (2003), ‘Public Policy in the Spanish Autonomous Communities’, Regional & Federal 17 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Studies, 13 (3): 133-6 (book review) (ISSN: 1359-7566). 17. Moreno, Luis (2001), ‘Fundamentos sociales de las economías postindustriales’, Revista Española de Sociología, 1: 185-8 (book review) (ISSN: 1578-2824). 16. Moreno, Luis (2000), ‘State Formation, Nation-Building, and Mass Politics in Europe. The Theory of Stein Rokkan’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 27: 202-4 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 15. Moreno, Luis (2000), ‘State Formation, Nation-Building, and Mass Politics in Europe. The Theory of Stein Rokkan’, Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, 6 (3): 127-9 (book review) (ISSN: 1353-7113). 14. Moreno, Luis (2000), ‘El futuro de la federalización en España’, in Navajas, Carlos (ed.), Actas del II Simposio de Historia Actual, 211-238. Logroño: Instituto de Estudios Riojanos (ISBN: 84-89362-823). 13. Moreno, Luis (2000), ‘Política Social. Una introducción’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 27: 205-7 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 12. Moreno, Luis (2000), ‘Movimientos nacionalistas en Europa. Siglo XX’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 25: 209-211 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 11. Moreno, Luis (1999), ‘The Basques, the Catalans and Spain’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 24: 171-3 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 10. Moreno, Luis (1999), ‘Le trappole del welfare’, European Societies, 1 (2): 310-2 (book review) (ISSN: 1461-6696). 9. Moreno, Luis (1999), ‘Etnonacionalismo’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 22: 243-5 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 8. Moreno, Luis (1999), ‘Las militares españolas’, Revista Internacional de Sociología, 21: 265-6 (book review) (ISSN: 0034-9712). 7. Moreno, Luis (1998), ‘La supervivencia del estado del bienestar en Europa’, in Congreso de Servicios Sociales Municipales. Ponencias y Documentos, pp. 145-176. Córdoba: Federación de Municipios y Provincias- Ayuntamiento de Córdoba (proceedings) (ISBN: 84-89409-28-5). 6. Moreno, Luis (1998), ‘Prefacio’, in Gagnon, Alain-G., Quebec y el federalismo canadiense. Madrid: CSIC, pp. xi-xiv. (ISBN: 84-00-07740-7). 5. Moreno, Luis (1997), ‘Federalismo e Autonomie. L’Italia a confronto con l’Europa’, Quaderni diCentro Veneto (proceedings of the International Seminar, July 19). 4. Moreno, Luis (1996), ‘Nationalism in Europe. Past and Present’, Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, 1 (4): 143-5 (book review) (ISSN: 1353-7113). 3. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1996), ‘El estudio social de la innovación biotecnológica’, Fronteras de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 11: 32-35 (ISSN: 1133-3162). 2. Moreno, Luis (1994), ‘Sociología: Soporte y relaciones’, in Muñoz, Emilio (ed.), Saberes de España, pp. 107-111. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura (ISBN: 84-8181-021-5). 1. Moreno, Luis (1991), ‘Spain: Home Rule All Round’, Radical Scotland, 49: 12-14 (ISSN: 0262-6993). Working papers (online access) 65. Moreno, L. (2010). Welfare Mix, CSR and Social Citizenship. Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos 18 CV, Luis Moreno (English) (IPP), CCHS-CSIC, Working Paper, No. 5 64. Moreno, Luis (2010), The axiology of welfare in the EU, 60th Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 63. Moreno, Luis (2010), Europeanization, Mesogovernments and the Advancement of Social Citizenship, IPSA 2010 Luxembourg 2010 Conference, 62. Moreno, Luis (2009), Regions, multi-level citizens and welfare development. Italian Society of Political Science (SISP), 61. Moreno, Luis (2009), New Social Risks: decentralisation and welfare expansion in Spain, Policy Network, 60. Moreno, Luis (2008), The Nordic Path of Spain’s Mediterranean Welfare, Center for European Studies Working Paper Series #163, Harvard University, 59. Moreno, Luis (2007), (2008), Mallas de protección social en América Latina: ¿Selectividad y universalismo?, Fundación Carolina, CeALCI,ículoMoreno108FC.pdf. 58. Moreno, Luis (2007), (2007), Europa social, bienestar en España y la ‘malla de seguridad’. Madrid: IPP (CSIC), DT 07-08, 57. Moreno, Luis (2007), Lucha contra la pobreza en América Latina: ¿Selectividad y universalismo? (English version: Safety Nets in Latin: Targeting and Universalism?) Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 07-05, 56. Moreno, Luis (2007), Federalization in multinational Spain. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 07-04, 55. Moreno, Luis (2007), (2007), Europa social, bienestar en España y la ‘malla de seguridad’. Madrid: Fundación Carolina, CeALCI, Fundación Carolina. 54. Moreno Fuentes, Francisco Javier; Arriba, Ana and Moreno Fernández, Luis (2007), Inmigración, diversidad y protección social en España. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 07-01, 53. Moreno, Luis (2006), España y el bienestar mediterráneo. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 06-10, 52. Moreno, Luis (2006), Últimas redes’ o ‘mallas de seguridad’ de protección social. Fundación Carolina, Corporación de Estudios para América Latina (CIEPLAN), Instituto Fernando Henrique Cardoso (IFHC), 51. Moreno, Luis (2006), La articulación de la atención a la familia en los sistemas de bienestar de la Europa del Sur. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 06-06, 50. Moreno, Luis and Salido, Olga (2006), Famiglia e welfare in Spagna. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 0603, 49. Moreno, Luis (2006), Doubles identités et nations sans état (la ‘question Moreno’). Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 06-01, ). 19 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 48. Moreno, Luis (2005), Europeanization, Decentralization and Welfare Reform. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 05-08, 47. Moreno, Luis (2005), Exploring the territorial politics of welfare. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 05-05, . 46. Moreno, Luis (2005), Dual identities and stateless nations (the ‘Moreno question’). Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 05-02, 45. Moreno, Luis (2004), Identidades múltiples y mesocomunidades globales. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 04-16. 44. Moreno, Luis (2004), The Madrid bombings in the domestic and regional politics of Spain. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 04-13, 43. Moreno, Luis (2004), Spain’s transition to new risks: a farewell to ‘superwomen’. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 04-12, 42. Moreno, Luis and Trelles, Carlos (2004), Decentralisation and welfare reforms in Andalusia. Madrid: UPC (CSIC) DT 04-10, 41. Moreno, Luis (2004), Reforma y reestructuración del Estado del Bienestar en la Unión Europea. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 04-09, 40. Moreno, uis and Palier, Bruno (2004), The Europeanization of welfare: paradigm shifts and social policy reforms. Madrid: Madrid: UPC (Working Paper 04-05) . 39. Moreno, Luis (2004), Subnational Constitutionalism in Spain. Camden, NJ: Center for Constitutional Studies. Rutgers University (‘Subnational Constitutions and Federalism: Design & Reform Papers) Also in: Rivista telematica, II (8), 15.04.2004. 38. Moreno, Luis; Matsaganis, Manos; Ferrera, Maurizio and Capucha, Luís (2003), ¿Existe una ‘malla de seguridad’ en la Europa del Sur? La lucha contra la pobreza y la exclusion en España, Grecia, Italia y Portugal. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 03-17, 37. Moreno, Luis (2003), Europeanisation, mesogovernments and ‘safety nets’. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 03-12, . 36. Moreno, Luis (2003), Bienestar mediterráneo y ‘supermujeres’. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 03-09, 35. Moreno, Luis (2003), Ciudadanía, desigualdad social y Estado del Bienestar. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 03-08, 34. Moreno, Luis (2003), Farewell to Spanish superwomen. Turin: Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne. 33. Moreno, Luis (2002), Multiple identities and global meso-governments. Madrid: UPC(CSIC), DT 0225, 32. Arriba, Ana and Moreno, Luis (2002), Spain: Poverty, Social Exclusion and ‘Safety Nets’. Madrid: 20 CV, Luis Moreno (English) UPC (CSIC), DT 02-10, . 31. Moreno, Luis (2002), Global y local: Identidades territoriales y mesogobiernos’. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 02-04, 30. Moreno, Luis (2002), Estados del Bienestar y ‘mallas de seguridad’. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 02-03, 29. Moreno, Luis (2002), Mediterranean welfare and ‘superwomen’. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 02-02, 28. Moreno, Luis (2001), Decentralization in Spain. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 01-15. 27. Lecours, Ana and Moreno, Luis (2002), Paradiplomacy and stateless nations: a reference to the Basque Country. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 01-06, 26. Moreno, Luis (2001), Divided societies, electoral polarization and the Basque Country. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 01-07, 25. Moreno, Luis (2001), Spain, a via media of welfare development. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 01-05, 24. Moreno, Luis (2000), Europeanization and decentralization of welfare ‘safety nets’. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 00-10, 23. Moreno, Luis (1999), La ‘vía media’ española del modelo de bienestar mediterráneo. Madrid: UPC (CSIC), DT 99-05, 22. Moreno, Luis and Arriba, Ana (1999), Welfare and Decentralization in Spain. Florence: EUI (European Forum, Working Paper 99/8) 21. Moreno, Luis and Arriba, Ana (1999), Decentralization, mesogovernments, and the new logic of welfare provision in Spain. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 99-01, 20. Moreno, Luis (1998), Local and global: mesogovernments and territorial identities. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 98-09, 19. Moreno, Luis (1998), Ethnoterritorial concurrence in plural societies: the Spanish ‘Comunidades Autónomas’. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 98-06, 18. Moreno, Luis (1998), Safety Net in Southern Europe. International Social Security Association (ISSA), 17. Moreno, Luis (1998), Devolution of Power in Democratic Spain. Devolution Seminar Series, Edinburgh: The David Hume Institute, 16. Moreno, Luis (1998), La federalización de la España de las Autonomías. Barcelona: Fundació Rafael Campalans (Papers de la Fundació, 105). 15. Moreno, Luis (1998), Local y global: la dimensión política de la identidad territorial. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 98-02, 14. Moreno, Luis (1998), The Spanish ‘via media’ to the Development of Southern Welfare. European 21 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Forum, Seminar paper WS/4. Florence: European University Institute. 13. Moreno, Luis; Arriba, Ana and Serrano, Araceli (1998), Múltiple identities in decentralized Spain: the case of Catalonia. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 97-06, 12. Moreno, Luis (1997), The Spanish development of Southern European welfare. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 97-04, 11. Moreno, Luis (1996), Federalization and ethnoterritorial concurrence in Spain. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 96-06, 10. Moreno, Carolina; Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1996), La ingeniería genética humana en la Prensa. Un estudio de contenidos de ABC, EL PAÍS y LA VANGUARDIA (1988-93), Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 96-04, 9. Moreno, Luis and Luján, José Luis (1995), La biotecnología, los actores y el público. Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, para la Educación la Ciencia y la Cultura, 8. Moreno, Luis (1995), Asymmetrical Federalism: Spain in Comparative Perspective, The University of Western Ontario, Papers in Political Economy (ISBN: 0-7714.1854-X) 7. Moreno, Luis (1998), Ethnoterritorial concurrence and imperfect federalism in Spain. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 93-10, 6. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1993), The social study of technology: the case for public perception and biotechnology. Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 93-06, 5. Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis (1993), La percepción pública de la biotecnología en España, Documentos de Trabajo EPOC Working Papers: 259-287, Universidad de Salamanca. 4. Moreno, Luis and Sarasa, Sarasa (1992), Génesis y desarrollo del Estado del bienestar en España, Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 92-14. 3. Sarasa, Sebastià and Moreno, Luis (1992), The Spanish ‘via media’ to the development of the Welfare State. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra/IESA (CSIC), Documents de Treball/Working Papers. Online: IESA (CSIC), DT 92-13. 2. Moreno, Luis (1992), Concurrencia Múltiple Etnoterritorial: el caso de España, Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 92-08, 1. Moreno, Luis (1991), Evaluación y Optimización de Políticas Públicas: el caso de la Formación del Profesorado, Madrid: IESA (CSIC), DT 91-03, Lectures and papers (international conferences) 80. ‘Mapping out the axiology of European welfare’ (Luis Moreno, Inés Calzada and Francisco Javier Moreno), International Seminar, HUMvib - WAE Project, European Science Foundation, Swedish Research Council, Stockholm, June, 2010. 79. ‘The axiology of welfare in the EU’, 60th Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, March-April 2010. 22 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 78. ‘Europeanization, Mesogovernments and the Advancement of Social Citizenship’, IPSA 2010 Conference, Jean Monnet Building, European Commission, Luxembourg, March 2010. 77. ‘El Método Abierto de Coordinación (MAC) de la Unión Europea’ (The Open Method of Coordination in the European Union), International Workshop on Peer Review in the Implementation of Public Policies, International and Ibero-American Foundation of Administration and Public Policy and University Institute for Development and Cooperation (University Complutense Madrid), Madrid, January, 2010. 76. ‘Family, gender and inequality: Mediterranean welfare and new social risks’, International Seminar, Inequality in Contemporary Societies’, Center of Andalusian Studies, Seville, November, 2009. 75. ‘Regions, multi-level citizens and welfare development’, National Conference of Italian Association of Political Science (SISP), Università LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, September 2009. 74. ‘Welfare mix and CSR: meeting points for the advancement of social citizenship’, 8th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Cape Town, September, 2009. 73. ‘The axiology of welfare’ (Luis Moreno, Inés Calzada and Francisco Javier Moreno), International Seminar, HUMvib - WAE Project, European Science Foundation, Helsinki University, August, 2009. 72. ‘Politiche sociali e dimensione territoriale’ (Social policy and the territorial dimension) (discussant), International Conference ‘Welfare, dimensione territoriale e rescaling in Italia: risultati di ricerca ed esperienze europee a confronto’, University La Sapienza, Rome, June, 2009. 71. ‘‘Social policy and family re-structuring in Europe?’ (discussant), International Symposium in honour of Peter Flora, ‘Comparing the Trajectories of European Societies’, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin, March, 2009. 70. ‘Farewell to Spanish “superwomen”?’, International Seminar, ‘The role of the family in tackling poverty and inequality: a comparative European perspective’, Policy Network and Fabian Society, London, February, 2009. 69. ‘Territoriality and welfare preferences: the case of Spain’, ESRC Seminar Series on Democracy after the Nation-State (‘Regional Public Attitudes: Approaches and Analyses’), Edinburgh University, October, 2008. 68. ‘Regionalism’, 2nd ECPR Graduate Conference, Autonomous University Barcelona, September, 2008. 67. ‘Anti-discrimination, Europeanisation and multilevel policy-making’, International Conference on Theory and Practices of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Institute of Federalism, Fribourg University and Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, May 2008. 66. ‘The Nordic Path of Spain’s Mediterranean Welfare’, International Conference The Nordic Model: Solutions for Continental Europe’s Problems?, The Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, May 2008. 65. ‘Spain’, International Workshop Social Policy Against Poverty and Social Exclusión: Dealing with Informality, Center for European Studies, University North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March, 2008. 63. ‘Template on Diversity and Unity in Federal Countries’ (Luis Moreno and César Colino), 4th International Conference on Federalism, Inter-State Council of India, Forum of Federations, New Delhi, November, 2007. 62. ‘Politica sociale nell’Unione europea: un welfare comune?’ (Social policy in the European Union: A common welfare?), Conferencia ‘Facciamo l’Europa. Aspetti dell’integrazione culturale europea (1957-2007)’, Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma, 23 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Rome, October, 2007. 61. ‘Europa social, Bienestar en España y la malla de seguridad.’, Conferencia Internacional ‘Estado de Bienestar y Competitividad. La experiencia europea y la agenda para América Latina’, Casa de América, Madrid, April, 2007. 60. ‘España y el bienestar mediterráneo’ (Spain and Mediterranean Welfare), I International Seminar ‘Social Policies and Welfare Regimes in Transition. Origins, Concepts and Strategies in countries with High Human Development’, Centro Universitario en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, University Guadalajara (México), September, 2006. 59. ‘Programas intersectoriales de protección social’ (Inter-sectoral Programs of Social Protection), EUROsociA Internacional Meeting Compartir experiencias para construir Cohesión Social (Sharing experiences for building social cohesion), Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española, EuropeAid – AECI, Cartagena de Indias, June, 2006. 58. ‘The Europeanization of Welfare’, International Workshop Changing Values, Changing Welfare States: On the European Dimension of German and Turkish Social Policy, Bremen University(GSSS) Bosphorus University (SPF), Istanbul, May, 2006. 57. ‘Mediterranean Welfare in Transition: Change to Stay the Same?’, International Workshop The Future of the European Social Model, Hellenic Social Policy Association, Athens, May, 2006. 56. ‘Últimas redes o mallas de seguridad de protección social’ (Safety nets of social protection), International Workshop Estado de Bienestar y Competitividad. La experiencia europea y la agenda para América Latina (Welfare State and Competitiveness. The European experience and the agenda for Latin America), Carolina Foundation, Madrid, May, 2006. 55. ‘Federal democracy in plural Spain’, International Workshop, ‘Federalism and Democracy’, Centre for Federal Studies, University Kent, Canterbury, 2-6 April, 2006 54. ‘Southern Welfare in Transition: Change to Stay the Same?’, International Conference on Welfare State reforms in Continental and Southern Europe, Drees, MiRe, Ministries of Social Affairs and Health, Paris, December, 2005 53. ‘Welfare locale, decentramento e cittadinanza’, Forum Welfare italiano. L’Europa nonostante tutto, Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, Rome, November, 2005. 52. ‘Europeanization, Decentralization and Welfare Reform’, International Conference Territorial Governance for the 21st Century, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Arts & Sciences, Brussels, September, 2005. 51. ‘Decentralization in Spain’, Lecture for the Japanese Shikoku Economic Federation, CSIC, Madrid, September, 2005. 50. ‘Devolution and dual identities’, Conference Diversity and Unity: The Changes of Devolution, British Council-ESRC, Madrid, March, 2005. 49. ‘The Madrid bombings in the domestic and regional politics of Spain’, Conference The ‘War on Terror’ – Three Years On, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, November, 2004. 48. ‘Reforma y reestructuración del Estado del Bienestar en la Unión Europea’, II International Seminar on Social Policy Alternative Proposals to Neoliberalism, Department of Social Policy, National University Brasilia, October, 2004. 47. ‘Policy innovation and welfare reforms in Andalusia’ (Moreno, Luis and Trelles, Carlos), Seminar on Devolution and Public Policy, ECPR Standing Group on Regionalism, Edinburgh University, October 2004. 24 CV, Luis Moreno (English) 46. The Europeanization of welfare: paradigm shifts and social policy reforms’ (Moreno, Luis and Palier, Bruno), ESPAnet Conference European Social Policy: Meeting the Needs of a New Europe, Oxford University, September, 2004. 45. ‘The Europeanization of welfare: paradigm shifts and social policy reforms’ (Moreno, Luis and Palier, Bruno), International Conference, Welfare Reform and the Management of Societal Change (WRAMSOC), Berlin, April, 2004.. 44. ‘Subnational constitutionalism in Spain’, International Conference, Federalism and Sub-national Constitutions, Design and Reforms, Center for State Constitutional Studies (Rutgers University), Rockefeller Foundation Center, Bellagio, March, 2004. 43. ‘Federalism and Administrative State’, International Conference, Which Federalism?, Scuola superiore dell’economia e delle finanze, Savelletri (Brindisi), November, 2003. 42. ‘Arrivederci alle “superdonne” spagnole’, Convegno Europeo Che “genere” di conciliazione? Famiglia, lavoro e genere: equilibri e squilibri, CIRSDe-Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin, May, 2003. 41. ‘Federalisation in multinational Spain’, International Conference on Multinational Federations: Concept, Case Study, Comparison, Hull University, May, 2003. 40. ‘The welfare state and territorial politics: an under-explored relationship’ (Moreno, Luis and McEwen, Nicola, directors), ECPR Joint Sessions (Workshop 10), Edinburgh University, March-April, 2003. 39. ‘Spagna: Povertà, esclusione sociale e rete di sicurezza’ (Moreno, Luis and Arriba, Ana), Giornate di Studio Che fare del RMI?, Comune di Napoli – IRPPS (CNR), Naples, November, 2002. 38. ‘Multiple identities and global meso-communities’, Fifth IPSA Symposium on Globalisation, Nations and Multi-level Governance: Strategies and Challenges, International Political Science Association, Montreal, October, 2002. 37. ‘From classical diplomacy to internal European policy’, Conference on The Future of Europe: The Convention and the Regions (Chair), British Council, Cardiff, October, 2002. 36. ‘Spain: Poverty, Social Exclusion and ‘safety nets’ (Moreno, Luis and Arriba, Ana), FIPOSC International Conference (Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in Southern Europe. Dilemmas of Organization and Implementation), ISPI, Milan, May, 2002. 35. ‘Basque Nationalism and Paradiplomacy’ (Moreno, Luis and Lecours, André), IPSA Research Committee on ‘Politics and Ethnicity’, Assemblée nationale, Paris, May, 2002. 34. ‘Decentralisation and federalización in the Spanish Estado de las Autonomías’, International Conference on Decentralization and Federalism: Comparative International Experiences (IPSA RC 28), Parador Nacional, Jávea, October, 2001. 33. ‘Paradiplomacy and stateless nations: A reference to the Basque Country’ (Lecours, André and Moreno, Luis), Conference on The Institutional Accommodation of Diversity, Saint-Marc-sur-leRichelieu, Québec, September, 2001. 32. ‘Superwomen and Mediterranean welfare’, Conference on Old and New Social Inequalities: What challenges for Welfare States? (ISA RC 19), Oviedo University, September, 2001. 31. ‘Divided societies, electoral polarisation and the Basque Country’, Colloquium on Advancing peace in Ethnically Divided Societies (IPSA RC 14), Queen’s University, Belfast, July, 2001 30. ‘Spain, a via media of welfare development’, Seminar on Social Policy, Facoltà di Sociologia, 25 CV, Luis Moreno (English) University ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, March, 2001. 29. ‘Decentralisation in Spain’, Regional Development Conference: A Critical Evaluation of European and Turkish Experiences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, November, 2000. 28. ‘Europeanization and decentralization of ‘safety net’ schemes’, 8th BIEN Congress on Economic Citizenship Rights for the 21st Century, Berlin, October, 2000. 27. Unity and diversity in social protection: Europeanization and the decentralization of ‘safety net’ schemes’, Conference on Social Security in the Global Village (ISSA), Helsinki, September, 2000. 26. ‘Multiple identities, shared loyalties and Europeanisation’, The moving frontiers of identities in Europe. Opening of minds or source of conflicts, Cycladic Academy, Santorini, September, 2000. 25. ‘Unity and diversity in social protection: Europeanization and the decentralization of safety net schemes’, 18th World Congress of Political Science, Quebec City, August, 2000. 24. ‘Unity and diversity of Europeanisation: The decentralisation of safety net schemes’, Conference on What Future for Social Security? Cross-national and multi-disciplinary perspectives, Stirling University, June, 2000. 23. ‘Spain, a via media of welfare development’, Conference on The Welfare State under Pressure, University Kent, Canterbury, June, 2000. 22. ‘Decentralization, Mesogovernments, and the New Logic of Welfare Provision in Spain’ (Arriba, Ana and Moreno, Luis), Conference on Reforming Social Assistance and Social Services: International Experiences and Perspectives, European University Institute, Florence, December, 1998. 21. ‘Local and global. Mesogovernments and territorial identities’, Seminar on Identity and Territorial Autonomy in Plural Societies, University Santiago de Compostela, July, 1998. 20. ‘Ethnoterritorial concurrence in plural societies. The Spanish Comunidades Autónomas’, Seminar on The Evolution of Political Accommodation in Multinational Societies, McGill University, Montreal, March, 1998. 19. ‘Safety net in Southern Europe’, 2nd International Research Conference on Social Security, International Social Security Association, Jerusalem, January, 1998. 18. ‘Devolution of power in democratic Spain’, Scottish Parliament. Seminar Series Devolution and What it Means, The David Hume Institute, Edinburgh University, January, 1998. 17. ‘The Spanish development of Southern European Welfare’, Survival of the European Welfare State, ECPR Research Sessions, Bergen University, September, 1997. 16. ‘Federalization in democratic Spain’, Seminario Internazionale Federalismo e Autonomie, Centro Veneto, Vicenza, July, 1997. 15. ‘The Spanish ‘via media’ of Southern welfare’, Convegno Internazionale, Welfare State, emergenza e riforme, Confartigianato, Milan, June, 1997. 14. ‘Southern Welfare States in Transition: Crisis, What Crisis?’, Conference on Social Research and Social Policy in Southern Europe, Greek National Centre for Social Research, Athens, September, 1996. 13. ‘Dual Identity in Autonomous Catalonia’, Conference on Autonomy and National Identity in Stateless Nations: Scotland, Catalunya and Québec, International Social Science Institute, Edinburgh University, May, 1996. 12. ‘Spain’s decentralization in comparative perspective’, Seminar on European Studies, University Western 26 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Ontario, May, 1995. 11. ‘Biological Diversity and Political Equality. The Social Impact of Genetic Tests’ (Luján, José Luis and Moreno, Luis). XVIth World Congress of Political Science, Berlin, August, 1994. 10. ‘Asymmetry and heterogeneity in the Spanish 'Estado de las Autonomías’. Symposium on Asymmetrical Federalism, University J.W. Goethe, Frankfurt, August, 1994. 9. ‘Public Perception of Biotechnology in Spain’ (J.L. Luján and L. Moreno), Conference 4S Society for Social Studies of Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, November, 1993. 8. ‘Multiple Ethnoterritorial Concurrence in Spain’, Conference on Contemporary Problems of Ethnicity, University Colorado, Boulder, July, 1993. 7. ‘Imperfect Federalism and Ethnoterritorial Concurrence in Spain’, Conference on Federalism: A Contemporary Perspective (IACFS- IPSA), Centre of Constitutional Analysis, Kwae Maritane, Republic of South Africa, August, 1993. 6. ‘The Spanish 'via media' to the development of the Welfare State’ (Moreno, Luis and Sarasa, Sebastià), Conference on From European Societies to European Society. The National Welfare States and European Integration, European Science Foundation, St. Martin-Pfalz, November, 1992. 5. ‘Catholicism and Socialism in the Development of the Spanish Welfare State’ (Moreno, Luis and Sarasa, Sebastià), Symposium on Comparative studies on Welfare State Development, Vuoranta-Helsinki, August, 1991. 4. ‘Ethnic disparities and Imperfect Federalism in Spain’, XV World Congress of Political Science, Buenos Aires, July, 1991. 3. ‘The Ethnic Dimension of the Spanish State’, XII World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, July, 1990. 2. ‘The internationalization of the sociological knowledge. The XII World Congress of Sociology’, American Sociological Association Convention, San Francisco, August, 1989. 1. ‘Centralization versus Decentralization’, Symposium on Cross-Cultural and International Research: Theory, Method, Project, Organization, University Edvard Kardelj, Ljubljana, September, 1988. Organization of conferences 18. Director, II Spanish Congress of Social Policy (REPS-ESPANET), Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC), Madrid, September, 2010. 17. Co-convener, ‘Reformas de las políticas sociales y cambios en el Estado de Bienestar’ (Reform of social policies and changes in the welfare state), I Spanish Congress of Social Policy, Oviedo University, November, 2009. 16. Co-convener, ‘Nationalism and Federal Accommodation’, Joint Panel RC 14 and RC 28, IPSA 21st World Congress of Political Science, Santiago de Chile, July 2009. 15. Co-director, IPSA International Conference (RC 14), ‘Nationalism and democracy’, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid, September, 2008. 14. Co-convener, ‘Políticas de bienestar en perspectiva comparada’ (Welfare policies in comparative perspectiva), VII Spanish Congreso of Political Science, Valencia University, September, 2007. 13. Co-director, I Forum on the Third Sector, ‘Inmigración, Gestión de la Diversidad y Tercer Sector Social’ (Immigration, Management of Diversity and Social Third Sector), Fundación Luis Vives, UPC-CSIC, 27 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Caja Madrid-Obra Social, Madrid, December, 2006. 12. Co-director, V International Seminar on Social Policy, ‘Long-term care in the European Welfare Regimes’, Institución Libre de Enseñanza, UPC (CSIC), MTAS, Madrid, September, 2006. 11. Co-director, Workshop ‘The Welfare State and Territorial Politics’, ECPR Joint Sessions, Edinburgh University, March-April, 2003. 10. Co-director, International Conference on ‘Decentralization and Federalism: Comparative International Experiences’ (IPSA RC 28), Parador Nacional, Jávea, October, 2001. 9. Convener, session ‘Analysis of public policies and politics’, V Spanish National Congress of Political Science, Tenerife, September, 2001. 8. Director, IV International Seminar on Social Policy, ‘European Union and the Welfare State’, Institución Libre de Enseñanza, IESA (CSIC), MTAS, Madrid, April-May, 1996. 7. Co-director, III International Seminar on Social Policy, ‘The Welfare State in Southern Europe’; Institución Libre de Enseñanza, IESA (CSIC), MAS, Madrid, September-October, 1994. 6. Director, II International Seminar on Social Policy, ‘Social Exchange and Welfare Development’; Institución Libre de Enseñanza, IESA (CSIC), MAS, Madrid, March-May, 1992. 5. Director, Seminar on ‘Decentralisation and Optimization of Teachers’ In-Training Service’, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, El Escorial, February, 1992. 4. Member of organizing Committee, IV Spanish National Congress of Sociology, September, 1992. 3. Co-director, International Seminar on ‘Attitudes to Genetic Engineering: Implications for Actions’, CSIC, Madrid, May, 1991. 2. Co-director, I International Seminar on Social Policy, ‘Social Policy and the Welfare State’, Institución Libre de Enseñanza, IESA (CSIC), MAS, Madrid, February-March, 1990. 1. Director, XII World Congress of Sociology (ISA), Madrid, July 1990. Other academic and professional activities (miscellany) Coordinator of Research Group POSEB (Social Policies and Welfare State) (IPP-CSIC) (2008 - ) Referee of journals: Canadian Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research, European Journal of Social Security, Governance, Government and Opposition, Journal of European Social Policy, Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, Política y Sociedad, Publius. The Journal of Federalism, Regional & Federal Studies, Regional Studies, Revista Española de Ciencia Política, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Revista Española de Sociología, Revista de Estudios Políticos, Revista Española del Tercer Sector, Revista Internacional de Sociología, Scottish Affairs, South European Society & Politics. Research evaluation expert: European Commission, Spanish Ministries of Education and Science, Health and Social Security, and Labor and Social Affairs Executive Board member, Research Committee 14 (‘Politics and Ethnicity’), International Political Science Association (IPSA) (1994- ). Executive Board member, Research Committee 28 (‘Comparative Federalism and Federation’), International Political Science Association (IPSA) (2000-06). Executive Board member, Spanish Network of Social Policy (REPS-ESPANET, European Network for the 28 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Analysis of Social Policy (2008- ) Director of Book Series, Politeya (Studies on Politics and Society) (CSIC) (1989- ) Co-director, Revista Internacional de Sociología (2009- ). Member of Editorial Board, journals: Revista Internacional de Sociología (1992-2009); Nationalism & Ethnic Politics (1998- ); Revista Internacional de Organizaciones (2009- ); Ser Social (2009- ) Member of the Advisory Board, journals: Revista Española del Tercer Sector (2006- ); Revista Española de Sociología (2005- ) Founding Secretary and Vice-director, Institute for Advanced Social Studies (CSIC) (1989-95) Business Manager, International Sociological Association (1987-88) Elected Deputy Mayor, Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid (1979-1983). Elected Regional Councillor and member Regional Government Madrid (1979-1982). Professional journalist, staff writer and editorial manager (1972-79). Research evaluation, prize grants and fellowships Requested and assessed positively 4 six-year periods of exceptional achievement in research (Spanish National Agency for the Evaluation of Research Activity, CNEAI) (24 years). Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Mobility Program) (Rome, Italy) (2002-4) Jean Monnet Senior Research Fellowship (EUI-Florence, Italy) (1998-99) Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Mobility program) (CU, Boulder, USA) (1994-5) Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Post-doctoral) (Madrid, Spain) (1987) Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Pre-doctoral 'Fleming') (Edinburgh, UK) (1983-86) UK Overseas Research Awards (1985) UK Social Sciences Research Council (1984) US Fulbright Commission (Salzburg Seminar) (1983) Main fields of academic interest Comparative politics and public policies: -Societal change and welfare reform. -Social policy-making and welfare institutions. -Citizenship and safety nets. Power and territory: -Identities, nationalism. -Decentralization, federalism and political accommodation -Europeanization and the European Social Model. Social effects of new biotechnologies 29 CV, Luis Moreno (English) Languages Spanish: Mother tongue English: Fluent Italian: Fluent French: Fair Catalan: Fair Madrid, September 1, 2010 30