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ELC Football Club ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Football to enjoy in Family” Index – Club Presentation Welcome Mission Statement Management Team Background - ELC Football Club Teams – Season 2010/2011 Core Principles Community & Social Values Sports Policy Monitoring of services Web Portal Calendar of Events (Season) Contact Information ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Welcome We are proud of our claim “Football to enjoy in Family” Youngsters ranging from 5 up to 23, who require a “friendly” coaching environment to develop football skills Integrate rest of family members to participate in sports & social activities Community service vs. Competitive model No selection process for “entry” & open doors for “exit” when player reaches a high potential level ELC Football Club has been recognized by Las Rozas Council as a top class community sports foundation in 2010 Consistently awarded – “Fair Play Merit” (last decade) ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Mission Statement Engage & support local community through a comprehensive football program, providing a friendly environment & opportunities for children & youngsters, regardless of level of skill, economic, social, race, gender or religious background, in collaboration with local Sports Las Rozas de Madrid Council ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL Sports Deputy Mayor & Staff with ELC Football Club Management team (May, 2011) “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Who we are – Management Team A wide range of professionals with various backgrounds & areas of expertise (2 former professional football players, 1 Lawyer, 1 marketing consultant, 1 Financial Services, 1 University professor, 1 IT Manager, 1 Sport Journalist, 1 professional football manager) Successful track record managing community & sports football club in Las Rozas de Madrid ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Background & History of the Club Founded in 1994 Collaboration with local Sports council – Concejalia de deportes Las Rozas de Madrid – Since 1998 Non - profit Football Club registered in Spanish Community & Football Madrid Federation - 2010 Non – profit Community & Sport Club registered in Las Rozas County - 2010 ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Teams - Season 2010/2011 Teams: 1 Under 5 1 Under 7 1 Under 9 1 Under 11 1 Under 13 2 Under 15 1 Under 17 1 Under 23 2 Veterans + over 150 players ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Core principles ELC C.F. is a community oriented Football club, with a strong value proposition (“Family”) to a range of individuals who seek sport opportunites for their children, regardless of level of skill, economic & social background .Very Low by yearly fee – 60€ (non profit organization) Income mainly through private & public sponsors Management Team (Volunteer – no compensation) Sport Staff & Trainers (compensation based on Club capacity & yearly budget) Raise funds through a number of social & community activities (Children drawing contest for yearly calendar, etc.) Core Values: Friendship – Respect- Integration – Healthy Fun FAIR PLAY ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL Chldren drawing contest “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Community & Social Values “Open door” Policy There is no selection process for entry. ANYONE can be part of our “family Social Cohesion The esence of the club is to provide engagement & participation opportunities to wide ranging communities in Las Rozas County Player & Family Centric Focus on the players & his/her family. Social & Football activities for family members School Studies Follow up of child & youngster performance in School Respect & Integrity Internal Behaviour Policy for all members, published in our web (Values, respect to other team members & other teams we compete against, referees, etc. ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Sport Policy ELC comprehensive Football Program drafted with Level III coaches to adapt methodology to specific needs of ELC teams: .Football Program (Yearly planning of training sessions & exercises divided in 3 main areas per Quarter) Individual Skill – develop the “WHO & WHAT” Group interaction – improve the “WE & WHEN” Tactical & Strategy – integrate the “HOW & WHY” Limited number of players per team (ALL players play equally through a compensation scheme adapted to Coaches) Quarterly Individual report (monitor progress & positive trends) FAIR PLAY ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Monitor services provided to our players & family Res i s tenci a Potenci a Area Física Vel oci dad Fl exi bi l i dad Coordi naci ón Conducci ón Control Recepci ón Area Técnica Ti ros a Puerta Pas es Sa ques de Banda bl ocaj es /des pej es Sa l i das y s aques Juego con bal ón Juego s i n bal ón Ti empo pos es i ón bal ón Area Táctica s oci edades Movi mi entos Defens i vo Ofens i vo Pri nci pi os Grupal es Moti vaci ón Ans i edad Area Psicológica Cap. Cogni ti va Cap. Anti ci paci ón Ti empo de reacci ón Cont. Soci o-económi co Fís i ca MEDIA Técni ca Tácti ca Ps i col ógi ca MEDIA TOTAL POR JUGADOR Nacimiento Jugador 10/05/1996 Santiago Mejia Ramirez 18/02/1996 Duvan Martinez Sánchez 20/06/1996 Victor Menendez Gimenez 28/12/1996 Edgar Pineda Perdigón Medio centro Defensa Interior izquierdo Portero Valoración 1 Bajo 2 Medio-bajo 3 Medio 4 Alto 5 Muy Alto Posición F7 PLANTILLA ANÁLISIS VALORACIÓN TECNICA EQUIPO : PRUEBA 1 2 2 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Monitor & track progress of players Quarterly reports in November, March & June Yearly Customer Satisfaction Survey for Parents (emailing with link to automated survey) Measure overall satisfaction, Football training sessions, Social & community activities, etc ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Web portal Player is the CENTER of our communcation strategy Individual & Team photos Sport article after each match Official web site: ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Calendar of Events (Season) Registration & Insurance cover for players: August Friendly matches: September Season welcome Soccer Party: September Welcome meeting with parents at Sports Council: October Designation of Team Delegates - October 1ª phase Competition League: October – March Christmas Soccer Clinic 2ª phase Competition Cup: March . May Customer satisfaction survey: April Spring/Summer Tournaments: April - June End of the Season – Sport Council Awards: June Summer Soccer Clinic: July ELC Mascot “Electry” + 2 Social events for parents per year ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” Contact Luis Javier Sánchez Mulligan President Tel. (34) 679 177 643 Jorge Alvarez Pedreira Vicepresident Social Area Jesús Cantín Albero Vicepresident Sports Director Official web site: ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia” THANK YOU ELECTROCOR CLUB DE FUTBOL “Fútbol para disfrutar en Familia”