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Young Woods Elementary School
Y on the Move
Health and Wellness
Full Service Community Schools November
Did you know fact about the YMCA?
Upcoming January important dates:
Happy Holidays
January 2nd NO SCHOOL
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 16th
Camping became a cornerstone of YMCA programming in 1885 when the YMCA started Camp
Dudley, America’s first known summer camp
program, at Orange Lake, N.Y. The longest
continually operating camp, its aim was to provide children with a positive developmental
experience through making new friends, building confidence and growing in self-reliance.
End of session showcase Y on the Move Young
Woods students, come and join the fun!
3rd grade will be Jan 9th 2:05-3:05
2nd grade will be January 10th 2:05-3:05
K grade will be January 11th 2:05-3:05
5th grade will be January 12th 1:05-2:05
4th grade will be January 12th 2:05-3:05
1st grade will be January 13th 2:05-3:05
Check out What your children are
Learning while they are with Y on the
Some Helpful New Years Tips:
Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables with every meal. By including a small
salad or side of vegetables with each meal.
• Cook with olive oil. Olive oil contains
monounsaturated fat, which helps lower
cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
• Incorporate non-meat protein sources
into your diet. Protein is essential to a
healthy diet.
Y on the Move January Family Fun thoughts:
Do a family "pantry raid," reading labels
and removing foods that don't fit in a
healthy eating plan. Then we will shop
together to restock with healthy foods.
• Provide opportunities for the entire family to be physically active together or offers child care and after-school or teen
• Add physical activity or play time to the
calendar. Schedule an evening walk after
dinner each night.
Showcase Highlights :
Dance: Youth did various dances from freestyle, team dance while having FUN!
Sports: Youth had a introduction to football
and baseball along with drills Also, continuing their cardiovascular exercises.
Food and Fun: Youth created various
healthy snacks such as turkey roll-ups with
mixed vegetable. Youth also, created a gingerbread house for the holidays.
Kids on the Move: Youth recently watched
a series on you-tube on the fight against diabetes.
For more information about our programs please contact Dulli Haag Community Outreach
Director, 265-4180 or Sandy Scott 280-3217
Escuela Elemental Young Woods
Y on the Move Programa de Salud y Bienestar
Boletin de Noticias de Escuelas de Servicios
Sabe los hechos sobre el YMCA?
Ir de campamento se convirtio en la piedra angular
en el programa del YMCA en 1885 cuando el
YMCA empezo el Campamento Dudley, el
primer programa de verano conocido en
Fechas importantes en el mes de
America, wn Orange Lake, N.Y. El
que ha operdado por la mayor
Felices Fiestas
su meta era proveer una
2 de Enero—No hay Escuela
16 de Enero—Martin Luther King, Jr. experiencia de desarrollo positive ensenandolos
a hacer amistades nuevas construyendo
confianza y creciendo independientes.
Show de final de Session Y on the
Move estudiantes de Young Woods,
ven y unete a la diversion!
3ro de la primaria sera el 29 de Enero
2ndo de la primaria sera el 10 de Enero
Algunos consejos para el Nuevo ano:
Come una variedad de frutas fresca y
vegetale con cada comida. Al incluir una
pequena ensalada or vegetales con cada
comida meal.
• Cocina con aceite de oliva. El aceite
de oliva contiene grasa monoinsaturado,
lo cual ayuda a disminuir el cholesterol y
previene enfermedades cardiacas.
• Incorpore una proteina que no sea
carne en su dieta. La proteina es esencial
en una dieta saludable
Y on the Move Pensamientos
felices para la familia:
• Haga una competencia
en su despensa, leyendo los
labels y removiendo comidas
que no pertenecen a un plan
de comida saludable. Luego
vayan de compras juntos y
rellenen la despensa con
comida saludable.
• Provee opportunidades
para que la familia entera se
Mira a ver que esta aprendiendo su hijo/
a cuando estan en Y on the Move
Destacados en el Show :
Baile: Varios bailes de baile libre, baile en
equipo mientras se divierten.
Deportes: Introducciones a futbol
Americano, ejercicios de pelota. Tambien
continuando su ejercicio cardiovascular
Comida y Diversion: Crearon varios
alimentos saludables como pavo con
vegetales mixtos. Tambien crearon casas de
gengibre para las fiestas.
Ninos en movimientos: Recientemente
vieron una serie en you-tube sobre la lucha
contra la diabetes.
Para mas informacion sobre el programa porfavor contacte a Dulli Haag Community Outreach Director, 265-4180 or Sandy Scott 2803217