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Curriculum Vitae
name Fátima María de Valcárcel González
date of birth 20/10/1972
lace of birth Valência, Espanha
nationality at birth spanish
telephone [pessoal/personal] 00351 935 576 544 e 0034 676 854 831
Master’s degree in International Relations and Sub-Saharan Africa Studies, Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). September 2008 - September 2009.
Licenciate’s degree in Communication Sciences (Journalism), Universidad San Pablo CEU
– Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) (1994-99).
Degree in Business, Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales de la Universidad de
Valencia (former Universidad Literaria) (1990-93).
Journalist freelancer since May 2009:
About Sub-Saharan Africa issues:
Journalist freelancer in Mali for El País, La SER, Deutsche Welle Latinamerica, Informe
Semanal de Estudios de Política Exterior, etcétera. (February-April 2012) Since
May 2009 other articles were published in: Economía Exterior, Afkar-Ideas
(Estudios de Política Exterior - IEMed), etcetera.
Speaker at conferences or seminars about Millennium Goals, Development or Journalism
curriculum vitae Fátima Valcárcel
more information at
in Africa invited by Fundación Tres Culturas (Huelva), Fundación El Alto
(Sagunto, Valencia), Gam Tepeyac (Valladolid), etcetera.
About Environmental issues: Journalist freelancer for Fundación Mapfre’s monography.
Consultant-researcher for Fundación Alternativas - AECID. December 2010 - January
( and co-writer of a working paper about Senegal’s ODA
( Valencia (Field work
in Bamako and Dakar, during April-May 2011).
Media relations and community manager freelancer at Instituto Tecnológico de
Informática (ITI), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). February 2011 December 2011. Valencia.
Editor and writer freelancer at November 2009 - January 2011.
Sub-Saharan Africa seminars organizer and fundraiser for Catedra UNESCO for
Development Studies, Universidad de Valencia. February 2010 - January 2011.
Editor in chief at Economía Exterior, quarterly and monographic magazine of Estudios
de Política Exterior, S.A. November 2005 - April 2009. Madrid.
Some of the monographs were related to Environmental issues or Development as: Water,
Food Prices, Millennium Goals, India, etcétera.
Showproducer (news co-editor), newsreader, writer and Latinamerica weekly program
coordinator “Crónica de Latinoamérica” at Bloomberg Television’s Spanish
Channel. September 2000 - October 2005. London.
Writer at La Gaceta de los Negocios (Spanish business newspaper). October 1999 August 2000. Valencia.
Intern at Television Department of Sciences Communications Faculty at Universidad San
Pablo-CEU – Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). Valencia. October
1997 - June 1999.
Spanish: Native
English: High level. Course of Study prescribed for Graduation’s Diploma. Robbinsdale
Cooper High School, Minnesota, USA (1989-90)
Resident in London since September 2000 to October 2005.
curriculum vitae Fátima Valcárcel
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Portuguese: Intermediate level.
UK’s GCSE: A+ (London, 2004).
Casa do Brasil’s Intermediário 2º: B. (Madrid, 2006-07).
French: Intermediate level, after studying some French courses, being an au-pair during
the summer of 1997 at L´île d’Oléron (France) or staying several months in Mali
and other French speaking countries.
Catalan: Intermediate level, after studying six courses at school and three at the
University. Valencia.
Swahili: Elementary level. First course at Colegio Mayor Nª Sra. de África (Ministerio
de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación de España). Madrid, 2007-08.
other courses and field work:
Field work for the master’s final paper: Study of the economic condition of the touareg’s
fraction “Hattane ag Tahama”, 25 years after they had to change their semi-nomad
way of life to agricultural. The research was based on Sussex’ Institute of
Development Studies concept of livelihood and it was done at Kanabougou
(Ségou, Mali), during May-June 2009.
Online Course “Sociology and International Development Politics”. Instituto para la Paz
y la Cooperación (IEPC), Universidad de Oviedo in cooperation with AECI and
Principado de Asturias’ Government. March - June 2008.
UAM’s Grupo de Estudios Africanos’ course: “Introduction to Africa’s Reality, beyond
Cooperation”. Madrid, February – May 2007.
Birbeck University’s course (in cooperation with SOAS’ teachers): “Pre-colonial Africa’s
History”. London, autumn-winter 2003-04.
international cooperation experience:
Volunteer at Malian/Spanish NGO Motores sin Fronteras (MSAF) since 2000. I began to
collaborate with this NGO since I travel to Mali with them, after being selected
by Valencia’s Council to spend one month there to know MSAF’s work in this
African country.
other related details
Before becoming a freelancer in May 2009, I have given classes about Media in USA,
UK and South Africa at CECO/ICEX (Madrid) and I have been invited as a
speaker or moderator to conferences and round tables about World Economy,
curriculum vitae Fátima Valcárcel
more information at
Globalization or International Relations in Casa de América (Madrid),
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) Valencia or Buenos Aires’s
International Book Fair.
So far, I have been in around 40 countries (in Africa: Mali, Mozambique, Malawi, South
Africa, Ghana, Senegal and Morocco, and in other interesting ones in terms of
International Affairs and Economic Situation (which also involves Tourism and
Development): Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Iran, Russia, Montenegro or “Kosovo”.
In some of these places I stayed at least one month as in Ghana or Mozambique
and over half a year as in Mali. Since last February I live in Lisbon.