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Bibliografía sobre Empresarismo de libros en la Colección de Referencia, BAE 2do Piso
Allen, K.R., Meyer, E.C. (2007). Empresarismo y administración de pequenos negocios.
(M.J. Méndez Ramírez, Trans.). Punta Santa Fe, México: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
Brandt, S.C. (1982). Entrepreneuring: The ten commandments for building a growth company.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Chell, E., Haworth, J., Brearley, S. (1991). The entrepreneurial personality: Concepts, cases and
Strategies. London, UK: Routledge.
Cue, F., González, G., & Orro, R. (2009). Oportunidades de negocios en Cuba. Hato Rey
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Elosua, M. (Ed.). (2007). Diccionario LID empresa y economía. Madrid, Espana: LID Editorial
Empresarial, S.L.
Gilder, G. (1984). The spirit of enterprise. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Grupo Oceano. (2008). Los nuevos empresarios. Barcelona, España: Editorial Oceano.
Hallet, A., Hallet, D. (1997). The entrepreneur magazine: Enciclopedia of entrepreneurs.
Santa Monica, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hamilton Coplin, L.C. (2009). Negocios que han hecho historia en Puerto Rico: Casos
prácticos.Mayaguez, PR: Leonora C. Hamilton & Associates.
Henderson, D.R. (Ed.). (2008). The concise encyclopedia of economics. Indianapolis: IN:
Liberty Fund Inc.
Hisrich, R.D., McDougall, P.P., Oviatt, B.M. (1997). Cases in international entrepreneurship.
USA: Irwin/ McGraw-Hill
Hitt,. M.A., Ireland, D. (2005). The Blackwell encyclopedia of management: Entrepreneurship.
2nd ed. (Vol. 3). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Kaliski, B.S. (Ed.). (2007). Encyclopedia of business and finance (2nd Ed.). Farmington Hills, MI:
Macmillan Reference USA.
Lambing, P., Kuehl, C. (1998). Empresarios pequeños y medianos. (A.D. Quiñones, Trans.).
Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico: Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, S.A.
Levitsky, J., Hojmark Mikkelsen, L. (2001). Micro-& small enterprises in Latin America:
Experience of small business development. London, UK: ITDG Publishing.
Lingl, P., Carlson, D. (2010). Doing business in a new climate: A guide to measuring, reducing
and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. London, UK: Earthscan Ltd.
Maeda, M. (1953). The encyclopedia of small business forms and agreements. Ocala, FL:
Atlantic Publishing Group.
Meyer, G.D., Heppard, K.A. (Eds.). (2000). Entrepreneurship as a strategy: Competing on the
entrepreneurial edge. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Steyaert, C., Hjorth, D., (2003). New movements in entrepreneurship. Glos, UK:
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Vega, J.I. (Ed.). (2006). Como iniciar, desarrollar y administrar un negocio pequeño en Puerto
Rico (Ed. 2006). Mayagüez, PR: Centro de Desarrollo Económico, Recinto de Mayagüez
Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Wankel, C. (Ed.). (2009). Encyclopedia of business in today’s world. (Vol. 2). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Wankel, C. (Ed.) (2008). 21st century management: A reference book. (Vol. 2). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Warner, M. (Ed.) (1996). International encyclopedia of business & management: Deming to
Industrial strategy (Vol. 2). London, UK: Routledge.