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Semester and Academic-Year Programs
{ Contents }
Sweet Briar College’s
Junior Year in Spain Program1
Why Spain? Why Seville?
Living Arrangements
The Semester and
Academic-Year Programs
List of Courses
Extracurricular Activities
JYS in Seville
The Application Process
Financial Arrangements
Getting Ready to Study in Seville
Colleges and Universities
Represented in JYS
Seville, Spain
inside back cover
{ A d m i n i s t r at i v e P e r s o n n e l }
At S w e e t B r i a r C o l l e g e
Giulia V. C. Witcombe
Toni Hudson
Assistant to the Director
Gina Caruso
Study Abroad Coordinator
i n s pa i n
Sandra Soto Delgado
Academic Coordinator
María José Villalba Carmona
Office Manager
Mariá José Martínez Carmona
Student Services Coordinator
María de la Torre Laviana
Extracurricular Activities Coordinator
José Reyes Bautista
IT Specialist
Address all correspondence to:
Junior Year in Spain
P.O. Box 1092
Sweet Briar College
Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595
(434) 381-6281
(434) 381-6293 fax
Find us:
Facebook: /junioryearinspain
Twitter: /JYSatSBC
LinkedIn: Junior Year in Spain (Sweet Briar College)
Study Abroad
JYS offers the experience of a lifetime living, learning and creating a
bond between you and the wonderful people of Andalucía. The program
offers full support as you explore and immerse yourself in the daily life of
Seville. You will achieve cultural insight through language and hands-on
experience in your day-to-day adventures.
JYS students contributing photos:
Victoria Borish, Zoe, Feinstein, Mark Garza,
Amanda Santamaria, Lindsey Henrikson, Alanna
Keane, Marcella Lowell, Karlee Nussbaum, Liza
Plafsky, Angelica Quicksey, Natalie Saldana,
Kendall Todd and Abbey Wilson.
{ Sweet Briar College’s
J u n i o r y e a r i n spa i n P r o g r a m }
Junior Year in Spain (JYS) is one of the definitive study abroad programs setting
the standard since 1984. As a coeducational, intercollegiate program, it attracts top
students from colleges and universities around the United States. The language and
knowledge acquired during the program have been strong assets for our alumni in
their professional careers.
Our students can choose courses from the School of Geography and History (Facultad
de Geografía e Historia) and the School of Philology (Facultad de Filología) at the
University of Seville (, a prestigious 500-year-old institution. Courses
range from the Arabic Influence on Spanish Literature and Economic Anthropology
to the History of International Relations and Spanish Medieval Art. Advancedlevel JYS students take classes in other schools within the University including
mathematics, economics and psychology.
The program provides strong academics as well as the incomparable experience of
engaging with the people and culture of Spain. This is the opportunity to improve
your Spanish language skills both inside and outside of the classroom. You will gain
greater international perspective, along with the confidence and competence that
comes with participating in a small-group format study abroad program.
You will have the unique opportunity of living with a carefully selected host family,
where you will share in meals, celebrate local holidays and learn new customs. This
direct experience will not only help you increase your Spanish fluency, but return
home with a depth of cultural understanding and appreciation.
The program is committed to accommodating your individual interests. Our smallgroup format creates a secure and supportive atmosphere for our students and fosters
lasting friendships.
{ W h y spa i n ? w h y s e v i l l e ? }
Spain is the perfect place if you want to improve your knowledge of Spanish
beyond the classroom. It is a modern European country with a long and
fascinating history and a stable social and political situation. While each
region has its charm, Andalusía is known for an abundance of joy (alegría)
and spontaneity. Andalusians tend to have a sunny disposition and infectious
sense of humor. They enjoy life to the fullest and are reputed to possess an
aristocratic elegance and style. This is especially true of Seville, the capital of
Andalusia and the fourth largest city in Spain.
The history of Seville goes back to the eighth century BCE. The Greeks
and the Romans called it “Hispalis,” the Moors “Isbiliya,” from which its
current name derives. Although Seville was already a center of commerce
and learning during the Middle Ages, its peak came with the prosperity
that followed the exploration of the “New World,” when its harbor on the
Guadalquivir River became the gateway between Castile and the Americas.
After a long period of recession, the 1992 World’s Fair, with its more than 40
million visitors, put Seville at the forefront of Spain’s emergence as a major
force in the European Union.
Present-day Seville is a safe, modern European city of great beauty and
vitality that has managed to preserve its traditions and its legendary relaxed
pace of life. Visitors from all over the world come to Seville, attracted by its
architecture, which reflects its long history, and by its famous festivals and
Among its many architectural treasures is the Cathedral, the largest
medieval Gothic cathedral in the world, which incorporates the famous
Giralda, a magnificent Mohammedan minaret. Nearby is the Alcázar, a royal
palace that dates back to the 14th century. The Archivo General de Indias, a
16th-century building located next to the Alcázar and the Cathedral, houses
the most important collection of documents related to the trade between Spain and
the Americas. The Cathedral, the Alcázar and the Archivo de Indias are a UNESCO
World Heritage Site. More recent are the main building of the University of Seville
and the adjacent Hotel Alfonso XIII, one of the many beautiful edifices that were
commissioned for the World’s Fair of 1929. All of these sites are located within
minutes of the JYS student center.
Among Seville’s most significant celebrations are Semana Santa (Holy Week) and
Feria de Abril. Semana Santa processions have been taking place since the 15th
century. Feria de Abril, originally a cattle fair, is marked by six days of dancing,
musical concerts, food, and elegant horse-drawn carriages and riders in traditional
costumes. The rest of the year the city is alive with all sorts of cultural activities:
flamenco dance and song, opera, plays, concerts and exhibits.
Apart from its impressive history and architecture, what makes so many visitors
fall in love with Seville is more difficult to describe: the charm of its narrow streets,
the orange trees that blossom in the early spring and perfume the air, the flowered
balconies, the tranquil courtyards, the delicious tapas and the local beer (Cruzcampo),
the constant coming and going of people no matter what time of day or night. These
are smaller things that appeal to all our senses and that can only be fully appreciated
in person.
Present-day Seville is a
safe, modern European
city of great beauty and
{ living arrangements }
There is no faster way to absorb a language than
to experience the daily life of the culture. For
that reason, JYS places students with Spanish
families. The carefully selected families range
from single parent to families with children
ranging in age from elementary to university
age. This stable living environment is your home
away from home.
We try our best to match students with
compatible roommates and families. While some
students are initially hesitant about living with
a Spanish family, they soon find that it provides
a warm, secure and authentic environment in
which to live and learn.
Our host families welcome students with
kindness and understanding, and, after a
semester or a year together, students often
become very attached to them and develop close,
lifelong friendships.
{ t h e s e m e s t e r a n d
aca d e m i c - y e a r p r o g r a m s }
Junior Year in Spain crafts its academic programs taking full advantage of
the scholarly, cultural and social resources in Seville.
Crucial to your experience is your commitment to speaking only Spanish
while enrolled in the program. That’s why all JYS students sign a
pledge to only speak Spanish while in Spain. (English may be spoken in
O r i e n tat i o n
Upon arrival in Seville, you participate in an intensive three-week
orientation course held prior to the beginning of each semester’s academic
program. Orientation provides a review of Spanish grammar and acquaints
you with the history, culture and life of the city.
Academic component of orientation
Consists of 42 contact hours of class work done at our student center. The group
is divided into class sections of no more than 15 students, which ensures that
everyone will receive adequate attention and preparation.
Cultural component of orientation
Includes 35-40 extra hours of field trips to sites of historic and cultural interest:
City of Seville: the Cathedral and its Giralda, the Alcázar and the Metropol
Parasol complex
Province of Seville: Itálica, a Roman city, the birthplace of Roman emperors
Trajan and Hadrian
Province of Cadiz: its capital city and the beach town of Chiclana on the
Mediterranean Sea
Province of Granada: its capital city and the Alhambra
Province of Cordoba: its capital city and the Moorish Mezquita (mosque)
Province of Malaga: Ronda, a town that dates back to the sixth century BCE,
dramatically perched atop a 100-meter canyon, where students visit one of the
oldest bullrings still in use in Spain
The orientation course carries three hours of credit. Sweet Briar College recommends that
you seek credit for the orientation course from your home institution.
S e m e s t e r C l ass e s
After orientation, you enroll in a flexible program of study that allows considerable
variation in course choice. A single semester load is 15 credit hours if that semester
includes the orientation course (worth three credit hours). A normal secondsemester load for full-year students is 12 credit hours.
There are three different types of courses JYS students can attend: regular
university courses, cursos concertados and JYS seminars, all taught in Spanish by
Spanish faculty and all bearing three credit hours.
You are free to choose from regular university classes, cursos concertados and JYS
seminars, but JYS recommends that every student enroll in at least one regular
university course.
Regular University Courses
Traditionally, JYS students take most of their university courses in the School of
Philology and in the School of Geography and History. These schools offer a wide
selection of classes in the fields of language and literature (both Spanish and Latin
American), history, art history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology and geography.
Other schools also favored by our students are economics, communications and
C u r s o s c o n c e rta d o s
Also taught by University of Seville professors, these classes are designed
specifically for foreign students. Cursos concertados explore specific topics of
Spanish or Andalusian culture of interest to foreign students, such as the influence
of the Islamic cultures in southern Spain, flamenco music, Spanish film and
literature, and so on.
JYS seminars
You can take seminars designed specifically for JYS students, taught by JYS faculty,
at our student center.
{ l i s t o f co u r s e s }
The listed courses are just a sampling of the
variety you can choose from for your studies.
Course offerings vary from year to year
and not all courses are offered every year.
Advanced students may choose from a much
wider variety of courses. A complete list of
regular university courses for the academic
year will be available in September.
{ R e g u l a r U n i v e r s i t y
C l ass e s }
Facultad de Geografía e Historia:
Arqueología Histórica I
Antropología Cultura
Antropología de las Sociedades Contemporáneas
Antropología Económica
Antropología Política
Arte Español Medieval
Arte Islámico
Arte y Mercado en la Sociedad Contemporánea
Arte Universal
Biogeografía Aplicada
Climatología y Biogeografía
Climatología Aplicada
Formación y Desarrollo del Capitalismo en la
Edad Moderna
Estadística y Bases de Datos
Etnicidad y Multiculturalismo
Fundamentos de la Ordenación del Territorio
Geografía de Andalucía
Geografía de Europa
Geografía de la Población y las Actividades
Geografía Física
Geografía del Mundo
Geografía Humana
Geografía Rural y Urbana
Gobierno e Instituciones Políticos en la España
Historia de América en la Edad Moderna
Historia de España Contemporánea
Historia de la Fotografía
Historia del Arquitectura y del Arte
Historia del Cine y otros Medios Audiovisuales
Historia del Mundo Clásico
Historia General Contemporánea
Introducción a la Antropología
Introducción a la Economía Política
Introducción a la Psicología Social
Instrumentos de Análisis Regional
Taller Practico de Geografía Física
Taller Practico De Geografía Humana
Prehistoria de la Península Ibérica
Planeamiento Urbano
Sociedades y Culturas del Próximo Oriente Antiguo
Teorías Antropológicas I. Fundamentos
Teoría del Arte
Facultad de Filología:
Lengua Española
Crítica Literaria
Introducción Literatura Árabe
Literatura Hispanoamericana
Literatura Española
Teoría de la Literatura
Facultad de Comunicación:
Escritura Creativa
Escritura y Políticas de Comunicación
Psicología Social de la Comunicación
Relaciones Internacionales
Tecnología y Diseño de la Información Escrita
Facultad de Matemáticas:
Cálculo Numérico I
Física I
Facultad de Psicología:
Fundamentos de Psicobiologia
Historia de la Psicología
Psicología de los Grupos
Psicología Social
{ C u r s o s C o n c e rta d o s }
Facultad de Filología:
Cervantes y el Quijote (AV)
Cine Español Contemporáneo
Competencias Léxicas y Terminológicas en
El Arte Flamenco como Proceso de
Comunicación en el Siglo XXI
Escritura Creativa
Escritoras Españolas de Hoy
Español de América
Español de los Negocios
Español Progresivo para Estudiantes
Fonética Correctiva y Conversación
Fonética y Fonología Españolas
Gramática Contrastiva (Español-Inglés)
Gramática Española
Influencia Árabe en la Literatura Española
Iniciación a la Traducción: Cultura,
Vocabulario y Proceso
Literatura Hispanoamericana
Literatura y Ciudad: el Caso de Sevilla
Literatura y Cocina: Escribir, Leer, Cocinar,
Marketing y Sociedad
Mitos Literarios Españoles
Mundo Arabo-Islámico Contemporáneo
Obras Maestras de la Literatura Española I
Obras Maestras de la Literatura Española II
Poesía Hispanoamericana Contemporánea
Redacción y Composición de Textos
Teatro Viajero
Facultad de Geografía e Historia:
Antropología Cultural de América Latina
Antropología Cultural de Andalucía
Antropología Cultural del Mundo Árabe e
Islámico Mediterráneo
Arte Andaluz del Siglo de Oro
Arte de la España Islámica
Breve Historia de la Música
Claves Territoriales de la España Actual:
Sociedad, Economía y Medio Ambiente
Cultura de la Gastronomía en España
Cultura y Sociedad en la España Actual
Economía, Sociedad y Medio Ambiente en
Economía y Sociedad en la España
El Cine y la Historia: Griegos y Romanos
El Flamenco: Expresión Cultural de Andalucía
El Vino en España: Historia, Cultura y Economía
Europa y el Mundo Atlántico
Fotografía: Teoría, Historia y Técnica Fotográfica
Geografía Física y Medioambiental de España
Historia del Cine Europeo
Historia y Cultura Judía en España
La Construcción Política de la Unión Europea
La España Actual y las Relaciones
La Memoria Histórica de América: Libros y
La Mujer en el Arte: Visiones desde la Diferencia
y la Igualdad
La Pintura Española del Greco a Picasso
La Proyección Histórica de las Tres Culturas:
Cristianos, Musulmanes y Judíos en la España
Medieval (ss. VIII-XV)
Mujeres en la Historia de América
Política Regional, Recursos Económicos y
Relaciones Comerciales de la Unión Europea
Relaciones Internacionales en la Europa
Moderna (SS. XVI-XVIII)
Relaciones Interamericanas
Transición Política y Democracia en España
{ J YS S e m i n a r s }
Arte Español
Composición y Conversación Avanzadas
España y la Unión Europea
España a través de la literatura de viajes anglosajona
y española (ss. XIX-XXI)
{ E x t r ac u r r i c u l a r A c t i v i t i e s }
Cultural experiences and language application outside of the classroom allow you to
integrate into life in Seville. JYS has developed an extracurricular program that gives you
the opportunity to foster your personal goals and interests in a variety of areas.
I n t e r n sh i p s
JYS has helped students find internships in the following fields:
• Business • Marketing
• Education
• Medicine
• Journalism
• Translation (writing in Spanish and English)
• Law
Vo l u n t e e r i n g
You have the option to volunteer in many different international, national and local
organizations. There are many NGOs to choose from, here are just a few:
• Amnesty International
• Rotary Club Sevilla
• Red Cross of Seville
C u lt u r a l ac t i v i t i e s We encourage students to take full advantage of Seville’s rich culture by offering each
student a 30 euro stipend per semester to attend local events. Choose from:
• Theater performances
• Guitar making
• Flamenco music and dancing
• Opera
• Concerts and much more….
Our staff will help you become involved in other activities and interests around the city.
Take classes in:
• Cooking
• Guitar
• Art
• Piano
• Flamenco dancing
• Sevillanas
SADUS (Servicio de Actividades Deportivas de la Universidad de Sevilla) offers a variety
of sports and classes for students. They charge additional fees for participation. Our office
staff will assist you with the enrollment process.
Some of the classes they offer include:
• Aerobics
• Taekwondo
• Aeroboxing
• Tai Chi
• Pilates • Tennis
•Running Club
• Yoga
{ jys i n s e v i l l e }
T h e J Y S S taff
Living and studying abroad can be one of the most exhilarating learning experiences in
your life, but linguistic and cultural differences may cause culture shock. Understanding
this, as well as your need to be as independent as possible while abroad, JYS has developed
a program that seeks to minimize the adjustment period and ease your transition. Our staff
are here to assist you every step of the way.
Th e J Y S S t u d e n t C e n t e r
Our student center is located in the heart of the city, right in front of the Torre del Oro and
across the street from the University of Seville, an 18th-century baroque building, formerly
the Real Tabacalera (Royal Tobacco Factory) and the setting for Bizet’s “Carmen.” The center
includes classrooms, administrative offices, a library and a computer lab where students can
do their academic work. The center has wireless Internet access. It’s primarily a work and
study area, but its proximity to the university and its relaxed atmosphere make it a good
place for students to take a break between classes and to get together with friends.
{ t h e app l i ca t i o n p r o c e ss }
Junior Year in Spain accepts applications from students in
good standing at any accredited four-year college or university
in the United States at two different levels of proficiency:
High intermediate:
Applicants must have completed the equivalent of at least three
semesters of college Spanish prior to the beginning of their
studies in Seville. If studying in Seville for one semester only,
high-intermediate level students must take the seminar “Advanced
Composition and Conversation” and may not enroll in regular
university classes. If studying for an entire academic year, these
requirements and restrictions apply only during the first semester.
Applicants must have completed the equivalent of at least five
semesters of college Spanish prior to the beginning of their
semester in Seville.
A minimum 3.0 GPA (overall and in Spanish) is required for
acceptance into the program, although a slightly lower overall
GPA will be considered in special circumstances.
A p p l i cat i o n
Application documents are available on our website and include the following:
• Approval from the study abroad official at your college/university
• Approval from the department of your major
• A 500-word essay (in English) on your Spanish-language experience, including travel
abroad, your reasons for wanting to study abroad and your academic goals, and
extracurricular activities you would like to pursue while abroad
• A 300-word essay (in Spanish) describing yourself, your family and friends, and your main
goals in life
• Two letters of recommendation, one from a Spanish professor
• The signed consent of parent(s) or guardian(s) and their approval of financial arrangements
• A non-refundable fee of $50
• Fall semester and academic year: March 15
• Spring semester: Oct. 15
Applications are reviewed when all pertinent documents are received. Students are
informed of acceptance as soon as possible.
{ Financial Arrangements }
Junior Year in Spain is a nonprofit enterprise. Outside the regular salaries and
fees paid, no institution nor person can receive any pecuniary advantage from its
operation. Every effort is made to keep the costs as low as market prices and foreign
exchange rates permit.
F ees
Fee changes are announced in February of each year and will depend on the
exchange value of the dollar at that time. This fee will then be guaranteed and
will not be subject to increases or rebates arising from exchange rate fluctuations.
Please visit our website for a current listing of our fees.
Fees cover:
• Full room and board (three meals per day) in Seville for the duration of studies
• Tuition at the University of Seville, salaries for professors of seminars, tutorials and
administrative expenses
• Administrative expenses of the program office in Seville and Sweet Briar College:
printing, postage, telephone, auditing of accounts, etc.
• Group Medical Insurance by ADESLAS for the duration of your studies in Spain
• An accident policy with a maximum benefit of $50,000 that covers loss of life, medical
evacuation and repatriation
• The orientation course at the beginning of each semester, including excursions and
class materials
Fees do not include:
• Round-trip flight for Spain (as of Spring 2014)
• Domestic airfare or transportation costs for getting to the airport for departure
• Passport or visa fees
• Overweight luggage
• Textbooks
• Extracurricular activities
If you need financial assistance, please consult the financial aid office of your
home institution. JYS also offers some need-based financial aid (application
required). JYS accepts checks from bank loans or from Pell and other federal and
state grants.
The Sweet Briar College Junior
Year in Spain is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action
program and does not discriminate
on the basis of ethnicity, national
origin, ancestry, race, color,
religion, creed, sex, marital status,
sexual orientation, age, veteran
status or disability.
Junior Year in Spain, under the
auspices of Sweet Briar College
{ Getting Ready to
Study in Seville }
From the time of acceptance until your
departure to Spain, you will be in close
contact with the JYS office at Sweet
Briar College in Virginia. During that
time, accepted applicants receive detailed
information concerning passport and
visa applications, air travel and luggage
regulations, and information about
clothing, personal spending, life in
Seville, diet and adjusting to a different
Our office in Virginia will help you find
the best travel option to Seville. A JYS
staff member and/or your host family
will meet you at the Seille airport upon
arrival in Seville.
You will go through orientation as a
group, attending classes, information
sessions and taking trips together. We
offer many fun culture activities for both
individuals and as a group. By the time
the semester begins at the University,
you will feel comfortable in your new
environment, well prepared to start your
own adventures as a resident of Seville.
JYS provides strong
academics as well
as the incomparable
experience of
engaging with the
people and culture
of Spain.
{ Colleges and Universities Represented }
Allegheny College
Cornell University
Mills College
University of Maryland
American University
Dartmouth College
Mount Holyoke College
Amherst College
Davidson College
Muhlenberg College
University of Mary
Assumption College
Denison University
New York University
Bard College
Dickinson College
Northwestern University
Bard College at Simon’s Rock
Drew University
Oberlin College
Barnard College
Duke University
Occidental College
Bates College
Emory University
Otterbein College
Bennington College
Fordham University
Penn State University
Boston College
Franklin & Marshall College
Pomona College
Boston University
George Washington University
Princeton University
Bowdoin College
Georgetown University
Randolph College
Brandeis University
Goucher College
Rhodes College
Brigham Young University
Hamilton College
Rice University
Brooklyn College of CUNY
Hampden-Sydney College
Roger Williams University
Brown University
Hampshire College
Rollins College
Bryn Mawr College
Harvard University
Simmons College
Bucknell University
Haverford College
Skidmore College
Butler University
Hendrix College
Smith College
Carleton College
Hofstra University
Stanford University
Chatham College
Hollins University
Swarthmore College
Claremont McKenna College
Johns Hopkins University
Sweet Briar College
Clark University
Kenyon College
Trinity University
Washington University,
St. Louis
Colby College
Lafayette College
Tufts University
Wellesley College
Colgate University
Lawrence University
University of Arkansas
Wesleyan University
College of Charleston
Lewis & Clark College
Western Maryland College
College of Saint Benedict
Linfield College
University of California
at Berkeley
College of William & Mary
Loyola College
Colorado College
Macalester College
Columbia University
Miami University
Connecticut College
Middlebury College
Cornell College
Millersville University
University of California
at Davis
University of Chicago
University of Colorado
at Boulder
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Nebraska
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of Puget Sound
University of Richmond
University of San Diego
University of Scranton
University of Texas at Austin
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of Wisconsin
Vassar College
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
Washington and Lee
Washington College
Wheaton College
William Smith College
Williams College
Yale University
University of Idaho
{ S e v i l l e , S pa i n }
1.University of Seville
Students are placed with host
families that are within a 35-minute
walk of the university, and many
cultural and architectural landmarks
are within easy walking distance.
2. The Royal Alcázar
3. The Cathedral
4. Archivo de Indias
5. Hotel Alfonso XIII
6. Junior Year in Spain Office
ju n i o r y ea r i n s pa i n
Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595
(434) 381-6281
(434) 381-6293 FAX •