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1. Interestedinstitution:
IMUVA (Institut of Research in Mathematics) Universidad de Valladolid Postal address: Campus Miguel Delibes. Paseo Belén, 7 Universidad de Valladolid 47011‐Valladolid. Spain. 2. BriefDescriptionoftheInstitution
IMUVA is a research institute in mathematics that brings together most groups and researchers in mathematics of the University of Valladolid. It is currently formed by more than 80 researchers grouped into 15 research teams. Its main aims are to promote and develop high quality research in all fields of mathematics, foster new interdisciplinary research lines and stimulate the transfer of research results to companies and society. 3. Pleaseticktheareasofresearch(asestablishedinMarieSklodowskaCurie
☐ Chemistry (CHE) ☐ Environmental Sciences and Geology (ENV) ☐ Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) ☐ Life Sciences (LIF) ☐ Economic Sciences (ECO) X Mathematics (MAT) ☐ Information Science and Engineering (ENG) ☐ Physics (PHY) 4. Research/ProjectDescription
Singularity Theory and Algebraic Geometry. Research Group: SINGACOM. Contact: Antonio Campillo ( and/or Santiago Encinas ( Coding Theory. Research Group: SINGACOM. Contact: Edgar Martínez Moro ( Optimal transportation in statistics and probability. Research Group: Grupo de Probabilidad y Estadística Matemática de la UVa. Contact: Eustasio del Barrio ( Commutative Algebra, computational and combinatorial methods. Research Group: Teoría de Anillos y aplicaciones. Métodos computacionales. Contact: Philippe Gimenez ( Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Research Group: ANEODA. Contact: Jesús María Sanz Serna ( Differential games, dynamic optimization and applications. Research Group: ANEODA. Contact: Guiomar Martín Herrán ( Trimming Tools in Multivariate Data Analysis. Research Group: Grupo de Probabilidad y Estadística Matemática de la UVa. Contact: Luis Angel García Escudero ( Nonautonomus Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelization. Research group: 
Dynamical systems. Contact: Rafael Obaya ( 5. Whocanapply?
At the deadline for the submission of proposals (10/09/2015), researchers (*):  shall be in possession of a PhD degree in mathematics (or relating areas) or have at least four years of full‐time equivalent research experience.  must not have resided or carried out their main activities in the country of Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the abovementioned deadline. 6. Contactperson
Carlos Matrán Bea. E‐mail: 7. Applications:documentstobesubmittedanddeadlines
Mandatory: Curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation. Recommendation letter/s (signed by renowned mathematicians) are allowed. Please note that: 
Deadline of the next call for proposals for Marie Sklodowska – Curie Individual Fellowships is September, 10th 2015. Oficina Europea is only responsible for the display of the expressions of interests received by the institutions; further contact and information requests will take place directly between the host institutions and the interested researchers. (*) Further details on the Call and additional eligibility criteria can be found at the Participants´Portal