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WHAT IS LATIN AMERICA SAYING ABOUT CHINA? OCTOBER 1 - 7, 2011 The following articles on China and China-Latin America interactions appeared between October 1st and October 7th in Latin American and Caribbean popular press. ARGENTINA Los vinos de Argentina entre los mejores en EE.UU y China Los Andes, October 1, 2011 Argentine wines won awards in U.S. and Chinese competitions. Firma china Huawei producirá teléfonos inteligentes en Argentina La Voz Noticias, October 3, 2011 Chinese telecommunications firm, Huawei, confirmed that it will sell smartphones manufactured in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina starting next January. Tigre es el primer municipio que propone aprender chino en bibliotecas InfoBae, October 4, 2011 Chinese culture and language courses will be offered in public libraries in Tigre, Argentina. La leche argentina, a China InfoBae, October 7, 2011 Argentina’s Minister of Agriculture, Julian Dominguez, and his Chinese counterpart, Han Changfu, signed an agreement to export Argentine dairy products to China, including cheese and dulce de leche. BARBADOS Chinese Ambassador hands over new scoreboards The Barbados Advocate, October 5, 2011 The Chinese provided Barbados with a grant to refurbish scoreboards in the island’s premier sports facility. BOLIVIA El Gobierno adquirirá helicópteros de Francia y China para emergencias y política social Los Tiempos, October 7, 2011 Evo Morales announced that the Bolivian government will soon acquire two helicopters from France and six from China in order to better handle natural disasters. BRAZIL Brasil investiga se China usa Indonésia e Vietnã para exportar sapatos UOL, October 5, 2011 The Brazilian government began an investigation to determine whether Chinese companies are assembling footwear in Indonesia and Vietnam to avoid paying Brazil’s taxes. Chery confirma planos de fábrica no Brasil Quatro Rodas, October 6, 2011 Chery of Brazil announced Thursday that its plans to build a factory in Jacareíin São Paulo remain unchanged despite Brazil’s recent tax hike on imported vehicles. COLOMBIA China, Rusia y Brasil concentrarán mayores envíos de pesca en próximos años Agencia de Noticias Orbita, October 2, 2011 In the coming years China, Russia, and Brazil will displace the U.S. and Spain as principle destinations for fish exports. "Colombia no tiene como responder a TLC con China": Ricardo Duarte El Universal, October 2, 2011 In an interview for El Universal in Colombia, former FTA negotiator and president of the Colombia-China Chamber of Commerce, Ricardo Duarte, spoke about relations between Colombia and China. DHL lanzó portal de negocios con China Portafolio, October 3, 2011 The website intends to increase business between small- and medium-sized enterprises in Colombia and China. 'Colombia necesita aprovechar mejor sus recursos naturales' Portafolio, October 5, 2011 Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers commented on the strength of Colombian economy and China’s role in the region during his visit to Colombia. Conozca Asia, el nuevo camino comercial El País, October 7, 2011 As a country that borders the Pacific Ocean, Colombia should explore options for stronger ties with Asian – and especially Chinese – markets. Asia’s demand for Colombian goods is on the rise and there are numerous possibilities for investment in Colombia on the part of Asian countries. COSTA RICA Recesión de EU o caída China golpearía a "América Latina" Tico Vision, October 6, 2011 Another U.S. recession or a hard landing for China's economy could have negative consequences for Latin America. Latin America is a major exporter of raw materials to China and countries like Mexico are still very dependent upon the U.S. economy. CUBA Chinos residentes en Cuba exigen liberación de antiterroristas. Prensa Libre, October 2, 2011 Members of the Min Chinh Tang association of Chinese residents in Ciego de Avila demanded the release of five Cubans imprisoned in the U.S. since 1998. Crecen exportaciones bolivianas a EE.UU, China y Japón Prensa Libre, October 3, 2011 The National Statistics Institute of Bolivia noted an increase of exports from Bolivia to the U.S., China, and Japan. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Celebra 62º aniversario de la República Popular China Diario Digital RD, October 1, 2011 El Centro de la Colonia China, Inc., and other Chinese family associations held a dinner celebrating the 62th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in Santo Domingo’s Chinatown. ECUADOR Creatividad para negociar con China El Comercio, October 2, 2011 In the Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce, Red Global de Exportación (RGX) consultant, Chihon Ley, spoke with Ecuadorians about business opportunities in China. Debaten legisladores en Ecuador estrategia de endeudamiento con China SDPnoticias, October 4, 2011 Some legislators have argued that Ecuador is borrowing too much money from China. China respalda la democracia en Ecuador Radio Sucre, October 5, 2011 Through its Embassy in Quito, China has expressed its "support" for the Ecuadorian government in order to safeguard internal stability and the democratic system. GUATEMALA “Siempre decimos: Existe una China” Prensa Libre, October 5, 2011 During an interview, Adolfo Sun, Taiwan’s Ambassador to Guatemala, explained Taiwan’s history over the past 100 years and current dynamics between Taiwan and Mainland China. MEXICO La cultura de China llega a los meridanos Yucatan, October 2, 2011 This year’s Know China Expo, which was organized by the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatan’s Confucius Institute, was dedicated to the 62nd anniversary of the People's Republic of China. China barre a México en sectores sensibles El Economista, October 2, 2011 Mexican clothing, footwear, toys and textiles producers will face growing competition from Chinese industry. Pide Caintra sancionar comercio desleal chino El Porvenir, October 5, 2011 Nuevo León is promoting punishment of illegal Chinese trade practices. Cámaras invitan a invertir ante la próxima apertura con China Milenio, October 6, 2011 A CICEG (Cámara de la Industria del Calzado del Estado de Guanajuato) report encourages Mexican businesses to cast aside uncertainty about Chinese competition. México alista represalias contra EU y China El Economista, October 6, 2011 Mexican Secretary of Economy, Bruno Ferrari, said that Mexico is prepared to retaliate against the United States and China if the countries violate trade agreements previously reached with Mexico. México recupera IED con más dinamismo que China: BBVA El Economista, October 6, 2011 In 2010, China received the largest share of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) among emerging countries, though Mexico, Indonesia, Singapore, Brazil, and Hong Kong were all dynamic competitors, according to Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA). PANAMA China y América Latina: De cálido apretón de manos a efusivo abrazo La Estrella, October 3, 2011 The relationship between China and Latin America during the first decade of this century has been “surprising and exciting.” It is characterized by massive imports of Chinese goods and exports of raw materials. Costa Rica y China analizan iniciativas La Estrella, October 5, 2011 Costa Rica’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, Fernando Ocampo, met yesterday with China’s Vice-Minister of Commerce, Fu Ziying, to determine means of increasing opportunities brought about by the Free Trade Agreement signed between the two nations. PERU China desplazaría a EEUU como principal socio comercial de Perú a fines de año Andina, October 3, 2011 China may soon replace the United States as Peru’s largest trade partner based upon export figures over the past seven months. Gobierno preocupado por posible crisis en China, October 3, 2011 Economic Minister Luis Miguel Castilla of Peru expressed concern that China may fall into an economic crisis amid fears of a global recession. Japón, China y Corea invertirían en desarrollo petroquímico de Perú RPP, October 4, 2011 Japan, China, and South Korea are interested in investing in a Southern Andean pipeline project that includes petrochemical developments and which will cost between U.S. $12 billion and U.S. $14 billion. Nuevas inversiones chinas anunciadas para Perú suman US$ 3,600 millones, afirma BID Andina, October 5, 2011 The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) announced that Chinese investment over the next few years will amount to $34.950 million. Peru will receive approximately $3.600 million of the total investment. PUERTO RICO China podría poner en riesgo la economía de EE.UU. El Nuevo Día, October 07, 2011 China and the US will experience economic tension over the next few years. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO China's hospital ship sets sail for TT Newsday, October 3, 2011 China’s hospital ship, “Arc of Peace,” embarked on a 100-day voyage to the Caribbean, with visits to Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Costa Rica. URUGUAY Uruguay registró un déficit comercial de US$ 87 millones en setiembre El Pais, October 03, 2011 Uruguay recorded a trade deficit of U.S. $87 million in September. Uruguay’s main export destination is still Brazil (19.2%), followed by Nueva Palmira (9.3%), and China (8.3%). VENEZUELA 949.404 equipos han arribado al país dentro del convenio China-Venezuela Radio Nacional de Venezuela, October 01, 2011 Venezuela received 949,404 Chinese appliances for the “My House Well Equipped (Mi Casa Bien Equipada)” program as part of an agreement signed by China and Venezuela. China y Venezuela firman convenio para construir puerto en Carabobo Radio Nacional de Venezuela, October 03, 2011 An agreement was signed between Venezuela’s Bolivarian Ports (Bolipuertos) and China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) to build a container terminal in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo. Chávez agradeció apoyo de China al sistema de salud venezolano El Universal, October 04, 2011 President Hugo Chavez thanked China for investing in the health of his country during Exposalud 2012. América Latina: entre China y EEUU El Universal, October 06, 2011 According to the IMF, between 2002 and 2006 the commodities index rose 60% in real terms. The increase is largely attributable to China’s demand for raw materials. REGIONAL Actividad manufacturera de China registra fuerte aumento en septiembre América Economía, October 01, 2011 China's manufacturing activity rose in September for the second consecutive month. China refuerza posiciones en el Caribe, zona de influencia de EEUU y Europa RIA Novosti, October 03, 2011 China continues to strengthen its influence in the Caribbean basin. Según consultora privada el crecimiento de China sigue siendo saludable América Economía, October 03, 2011 China continues to grow at healthy rates, but more slowly than in the past. The biggest consumer of copper in the world can no longer boost commodity markets alone as it has done over the past three years. Exportaciones chilenas a China crecen 29% anual durante los cinco años del TLC América Economía, October 06, 2011 st On October 1 , the China-Chile FTA reached its five year anniversary. Chile’s exports have grown 29 percent annually since 2005, largely as a result of the FTA. China Hebei Wenfeng debuta en Latinoamérica con inversión por US$205M en Chile América Economía, October 06, 2011 The Chinese Hebei Wenfeng Industrial Group plans to invest $205 million in a proposed iron and port project in Chile. A China también le interesan los pequeños países latinoamericanos América Economía, October 07, 2011 China has become the largest investor in Latin America. In 2010, the Asian country invested $10.5 billion in the region, 43.8% more than in 2009.