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Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica
Campus UAB
08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona
Tel: +34 617 013 621
June 2013
_________________________ _______________________________________________
Post-doc Researcher, IAE-CSIC (Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica), Barcelona (Spain), since
January 2013
Affiliated Professor, Barcelona GSE, Barcelona (Spain), since September 2009
MOVE and INSIDE Research Fellow, since June 2010
IZA Research Fellow since January 2011
CReAM Affiliate since April 2011
Assistant Professor of Economics (in tenure track), Universitat d’Alacant, October 2006 to
September 2009
JAE-Doc Researcher, IAE-CSIC, Barcelona (Spain), September 2009 - December 2012
Ph.D. in Economics, European University Institute, Italy, June 2006
M.A. in Applied Economics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, July 2002
B.A. in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, July 2000
Ph.D. Thesis Title: “Three Essays in Applied Microeconometrics”
Thesis Committee: Omar Licandro (EUI) , Lisa Lynch (Tufts University), Pedro Mira (CEMFI),
Francis Vella (Georgetown University)
Advisor: Francis Vella
Migration, Labor Economics and Microeconometrics
- Fundación Ramón Areces, Award in Labor Economic Research, 2008-2010 (with Mariano Bosch
and Maria Angeles Carnero). 36,000 Euros
- Programa Propio para el Fomento de las Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de Alicante,
Financial Support for research activities abroad (October-November 2007)
- European University Institute Grant, Italy, (September 2005 – August 2006)
- Salvador de Madariaga Grant from the Spanish government (September 2002 - August 2005)
- CSIC grant to finance short visits to foreign research institutions (January 2010)
-“Media Exposure and Internal Migration – Evidence from Indonesia”, (with Francesco Fasani),
Journal of Development Economics (accepted, November 2012)
-“The role of men in the economic and social development of women - implications for gender
equality” (2013) Research Observer (the World Bank), Vol 28(1): 22-51
-“The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Role Attitudes and its Implications for Female
Labor Force Participation”, (with Francis Vella), (2013) Economica, Vol. 80, p.p. 219-247
-“Does increasing parents' schooling raise the schooling of the next generation? Evidence based on
conditional second moments” (with Roger Klein and Francis Vella), (2012) Oxford Bulletins of
Economics and Statistics, vol 74(5), p.p. 676-690
-“Immigration, Family Responsibilities and the Labor Supply of Skilled Native Women” (with
Libertad González and Francesc Ortega), (2011) The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis&Policy
(Contributions), Vol. 11, issue 1, p.p. 1-46.
- “A Parametric Control Function Approach to Estimating the Returns to Schooling in the Absence of
Exclusion Restrictions: An Application to the NLSY” (with Roger Klein and Francis Vella), Empirical
Economics, (2013) Vol 43(1), page 111-133.
- “Information and Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market: Evidence from a Field Experiment”
(with Mariano Bosch and Maria Angeles Carnero), (2010) Regional Science and Urban Economics,
40: 11-19.
- “Macroeconomic Activity and the Distribution of Income in Spain” (with Francis Vella), LABOUR:
Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, vol. 22, n.3 (September 2008): 383-410,
(Leading Article in the issue)
- “El Efecto Riqueza sobre el Consumo de los Hogares Españoles” (with Josep Lluis Raymond Bara),
Cuadernos de Información Económica, Spain, September - October 2002
-"Rental Housing Discrimination and the Persistence of Ethnic Enclaves" (with Mariano Bosch and
M.Angeles Carnero), IZA working paper 5583, March 2011. Revised and Resubmitted to Urban
-“Factors affecting the schooling performance of secondary school pupils – the cost of high
unemployment and imperfect financial markets”, (with Claudia Trentini), IVIE Working Paper, WPAD 2009-07, March 2009
- "Self-Selection and the Healthy Immigrant Effect: New Data and Evidence"
- "Traditional role attitudes and female migration"
- "Immigration and the Informal Labor Market" (with Mariano Bosch)
- "Attitudes towards immigrants: Evidence from the natural experiment of terrorist attacks"
- 10th IZA Annual Migration Meeting (AM2), Jerusalem, Israel, June 2013
- 18th Annual meeting SOLE, Society of Labor Economists, Boston, May 2013
- VI Inside Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, October 2012
- 24th EALE conference in Bonn, September 2012
- 26th ESPE Conference, Bern, Switzerland, June 2012
- II Workshop on Urban Economics, Barcelona, June 2012
- 5th COSME-FEDEA Workshop on Gender Economics, Madrid, May 2012 (discussant)
- IZA Workshop on EaP Migration, Kraków, Poland, May 2012
- 4th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureate in Economic Science, August 2011
- 4th COSME-FEDEA Workshop on Gender Economics, Barcelona, May 2011 (discussant)
- Norface Conference on "Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge", London, UK, April 2011
- 3rd Migration and Development Conference, Paris, France, September 2010 (discussant)
- 10th Econometric Society World Congress, Shanghai, China, August 2010
- 13th Annual Labour Econometric Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, August 2010
- 7th IZA Annual Migration Meeting (AM2), Bonn, Germany, June 2010
- 3rd COSME-FEDEA Workshop on Gender Economics, Madrid, May 2010
- XXXIV Simposio de Análisis Económico, Valencia, Spain, December 2009
- 11th IZA/CEPR (ESSLE 2009), Munich, September 2009
- EALE 2009, European Association of Labor Economists, Tallin, Estonia, September 2009
- 24th Congress of the European Economic Association, Barcelona, Spain, August 2009
- III Inside Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, June 2009
- I COSME Workshop, Madrid, Spain, June 2009 (invited discussant)
- 14th Annual meeting SOLE, Society of Labor Economists, Boston, May 2009
- I Workshop on Gender Economics (FEDEA), Granada, June 2008
- ZEW –Workshop on Gender Economics, Mannheim, March 2008
- XXXII Simposio de Análisis Económico, Granada, Spain, December 2007
- EALE meeting 2007, Oslo, September 2007
- EEA meeting 2007, Budapest, August 2007
- ASSET meeting 2006, Lisbon, November 2006
- XXX Simposio de Análisis Económico, Murcia, Spain, December 2005
UB Dep. of Economic Policy (Barcelona, 2013), IZA (Bonn, 2012), Universitat Pompeu Fabra
(Barcelona, 2009), CEMFI (Madrid 2008), Universidad de Oviedo (Oviedo 2008), Universitat de
Girona (Girona, 2007), Georgetown University (Washington D.C., 2007), IFO (Munich, 2007),
European University Institute -Microeconometric Workshop- (Florence, 2007), Universitat
d’Alacant –Econometric Workshop- (Alacant, 2007), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Bellaterra,
2006), Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (Mannheim, 2006), The Economic and Social
Research Institute (Dublin, 2006), Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, 2006), Universitat
d’Alacant (Alacant, 2006), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Reus, 2006), European University Institute
(Florence, 2005), Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, 2005)
- Georgetown University (Washington, D.C., USA), Visiting Researcher, February 2010
- Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica (IAE) – CSIC (Bellaterra, Spain), Visiting Researcher, July 2008 to
January 2009
- Georgetown University (Washington, D.C., USA), Visiting Researcher, October-November 2007
- IFO, Human Capital and Innovation Department, Visiting Guest (Munich, Germany)
August 2007
- Georgetown University (Washington, D.C., USA), Visiting Researcher, April and November 2006
- Econometrics (graduate), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, IDEA program, 2011-12/2012-13
- Econometrics (undergraduate both English and Spanish), Universitat d’Alacant, 2006-07/2007-08/
- Econometrics (undergraduate both English and Spanish), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 200910/2010-11/2011-12/2012-13
- Labor Economics (graduate), Universitat d’Alacant, QED program, 2007-08
- Labor Economics (undergraduate), Universitat Pompeu Fabra 2012-13
- “Modelos Econométricos: Teoría y Aplicaciones en Economía Laboral y Finanzas”. Spanish
Ministry of Education (grant SEJ 2005-02829/ECON). Project Director: Mª Dolores Collado. 105,816
- “Modelos Econométricos: Aspectos Teóricos y Aplicaciones en Microeconometria y Econometría
Financiera”. Spanish Ministry of Science (grant ECO2008-05721/ECON). Project Director: Juan
Mora López. 127,050 Euros
- “Contratos, Negociaciones y Mercados”. Spanish Ministry of Science (grant ECO2011-29663).
Project Director: Roberto Burguet Verde. 50,820 Euros
- Suport a grups de recerca de Catalunya. AGAUR-Generalitat. SGR 2009-896. Migrations. Director:
Ana Rute Cardoso. 32,800 Euros
- "Cost and Benefits of Labour Mobility Between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner
Countries", Funded by the European Comission. Director: Klaus Zimmermann. 540,000 Euros
- "Coping Strategies of Young People in the Midst of the Spanish Crisis". Ajut a la recerca
RecerCaixa 2012. (with Hannes Mueller and Francesco Fasani). 56,000 Euros
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 38th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía
(SAEe 2013), Santander, December 2013
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2013 Conference on Migration: Global Development,
New Frontiers, London, April 2013
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 37th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía
(SAEe 2012), Vigo, December 2012
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th COSME-FEDEA workshop on Gender Economics,
Madrid, May 2012
- Co-organizer IV COSME-FEDEA Workshop on Gender Economics, IAE-CSIC, Barcelona, May
- Co-organizer IV INSIDE Workshop on Immigration and Development, IAE-CSIC, Barcelona, June
- Member of the recruiting committee (Universitat d’Alacant), 2008/2009
- Organizer, Econometric Workshop (Universitat d’Alacant), January to October 2008
- Member of the CESifo Research Network, since September 2007
- Referee for Journal of the European Economic Association, Economic Journal, Journal of Applied
Econometrics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Labour Economics, Regional Science
and Urban Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Population Economics, Industrial &
Labor Relations Review, Oxford Bulletins of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Economic
Inequality, Empirical Economics, Industrial Relations, Spanish Economic Review, LABOUR, Review
of Economics of the Household, SERIEs, Revista de Economía Aplicada and IVIE Working Papers
- Dissertation committee: María José Aragon (UA, 2013); Natalia Nollenberger (UAB, 2013)
- Accredited as "Professor Agregat" and "Professor Lector" by AQU (2013); "Profesor Titular de
Universidad" (2013) and "Profesor Ayudante Doctor" (2010) by ANECA
- External Consultant for the World Bank. Gender Division Studies. November 2010-April 2011
- Country expert of the project "EPLM (Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility between the EU and
the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries)" conducted by IZA, January 2012-December 2012
Place and Date of Birth: Sabadell (Barcelona, Spain), February 20, 1978
Languages: Spanish and Catalan (native), English (fluent), Italian and French (fair)
Computing Skills: Programming languages: Gauss, Matlab
Statistical Packages: Stata, E-Views, SPSS, Lindep
Ana Rute Cardoso: Research Scientist. Institute for Economic Analysis, IAE-CSIC. Phone:
(+34) 93 691 71 57. Email:
Lola Collado: Associate Professor. Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico.
University of Alicante. Phone: (+34) 965 90 34 00 (ext. 3250). Email:
Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell: Tenured Scientist. Institute for Economic Analysis, IAE-CSIC.
Phone: (+34) 93 580 66 12. Email:
Clara Ponsati: Research Professor. Institute for Economic Analysis, IAE-CSIC. Phone: (+34)
93 580 14 52. Email:
Francis Vella: Professor of Economics and Department Chair. Economics Department.
Georgetown University. Phone: (+1) 202 687 55 73. Email: