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NEWSLETTER Sovereign Bonds bring investment for the economic development in Bolivia The USD 500 millions colected through the sales of sovereign Bonds will be invested in the construction of communication roads, bridges and other development projects. For this investment the Bolivian state will pay n annual interest rate of 4,875% Bolivia ‘s debut at the international financial market of New York , selling after just couple of hours USD500 millions in sovereign bonds, operation that placed Bolivia in the world map for investment and opened the door for new capitals for the private and public productive sector. 29 deOctober octubre 2012 - Nº79 29th,de 2012 ¿W hat is a sovereign bond?, ¿what is the stock market ?, ¿why is the Government getting a USD 500 million debt? You will find the answers to these questions and other ones in this issue of Plural Economy, with easy concepts and easy to learn. And if you need more information you can visit the Ministry of Economy and Public Finances web site (www.economiayfi nanzas.gob. bo). 1/3 NEWSLETTER What are sovereign bonds? ¿Qué son los bonos soberanos? They are a debt instrument that the State offers to the stock markets to attract investment. In this case Bolivia Son un instrumento de endeudamiento que el Estado sovereignfinanciero bonds forinternacional USD 500 million a 10 ofertaissued en el mercado paraforcaptar term. inversiones. En este caso, Bolivia emitió bonosyears soberanos por 500 millones de dólares a 10 años plazo. Is the emission of Sovereign Bonds the same as borrowing ¿La emisión de bonos soberanos es igual a prestarse money? dinero? 4.875% Interest Rate Yes. The Bolivian State will pay to investors an annual interest rate Sí. El Estado pagará a los10 inversionistas ungive interés of 4.875% for 10boliviano years. So that every years should backanual to 4,875%,the por el lapso 10payed años. for O sea que en una década thede investors money thatde they the purchase of the deberásovereign devolver bonds. a los inversionistas el dinero quereputation pagaron of en la Bolivian The only guarantee is the bonos soberanos bolivianos. La única garantía es la thecompra Boliviande economy. reputación de la economía boliviana ¿Why does the Government borrow Money through the issuing of sovereign bonds ? 1- The National Government place Bolivia overseas as a country with successful economic policy and state income redistribution through conditionated social bonds for the most vulnerable sectors (children, pregnant women and elderly). 2- Diversify founding sources for the public sector with international funding, however the country does not need at the moment foreign credits, because its economic indicators show that from 2006 there has been fiscal surplus, sustained Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, increment in international reserves, austerity in the public spending, reduction of the external debt and extreme poverty, and improvement in other economic indicators. Additionally we take advantage of the insuperable current financial conditions. 3- The successful emission of sovereign bonds shows that Bolivia is a suitable country to receive foreign investment either for the public sector as well as the private, with favorable conditions for the development of a stable economy, with growth and multiple possibilities in sectors such as mining, hydrocarbons, manufacturing, transport, communications and other areas. ¿Therefore with the emission of Sovereign Bonds do we promote Bolivia’s image? Yes. We promote the good health of our economy, its solvency and payment capacity of external debts. October 29th, 2012 29 de octubre de 2012 - Nº79 2/3 NEWSLETTER How many investors did want to buy sovereign bonds in New York? ¿Cuántos inversionistas querían comprar los bonos OVER USD 4.200 MILLIONS IN DEMAND soberanos bolivianos en Nueva York? The sovereign Bonds offer was successful, because 267 investors wanted to invest in Bolivia. Those fue 2676exitosa, investors offered267 to give La oferta de bonos soberanos porque credits to the country overen USD 4.200 millions, it means eight inversionistas querían for i nvertir Bolivia. Esos 267 inversionistas ofrecieron dar créditos país por más de 4.200 millones de times more than theDpé offeral (USD 500 millions) placed by Bolivia de de 100 años, Bolvi itió at o b n n m e d ~ n a n c i o i t a c i stock markets. dólares, es decir, ocho veces más de la oferta (500 millones de dólares) puesta porLa Bolivia enfue el mercado externo. emisón realizadafinanciero el lunes 22 de oct And the 4.875% interest is high or low? ¿Y el interés deLa4,875% es alto bajo? tasa de interés ograda fu It is Low. Other countries at their debut issuing sovereign bonds, payed more. For example Peru payed 9.125% of interests, Chile 6.875%; Rica 8%de and Egyptpagaron payed 8.750%. Es bajo. Otros países, cuando debutanCosta n la emisión bonos, más. Por ejemplo, muy por debajo del promedo de países con similar cali~cación de riesgo Perú pagó 9,125% de interés; Chile 6,875% de interés; Costa Rica pagó 8% de interés; Egipto incluyendo Chile, que en su debut tuvo una cali~cación superior: INTEREST AT THE La tasaRATE de interés de EMISSION la emisiónDEBUT debut BB+ BBB BB- BB- B- 9,375% 9,50% A 8,00% 6,875% ,875% 6,75% Promedio 7,96% 4,875% Bolivia Vietnam Indonesia Perú Egipto El Salvador Costa Rica Ecuador Rep. Dominicana Chile Fuente: Bloomberg Is Bolivia going to offer sovereign bonds again? mía exitosa, rati~cando los resultads ¿Bolivia volverá a ofertar bonos soberanos? The Government will assess it is necessary not toa offer again El Gobierno evaluará si s ifnecesario o no or volver ofrecer al inistórico the stock markets sovereign bonds. The relevant point is that we también estabec e una nueva fuente de to quehave pemitirá encrar las in inversiones Gobierno already the instrument operation. del Public companies can mercado financiero bonos soberanos. Lo importante es que onsolidar el crmiento y socilfrom sostenido que also place debt, it means,cnómico borrow money foreign investors. ya se tiene e l i nstrum e nt o operando. L a s empresas públicas Private do el país businesses en los útims have años, the same a través possibility de la industialización. to fund their también pueden col ocar deuda, es decir, presta r se dinero de productive activities. financiadores del exterior. Los empresarios privados tienen la de cumplimiento Economía y Fianzas Pblics se encargó de la misma posibilidad financiar sus actividades productivas. de lapara Ley 211 del Presupuesto General del October 2012 29 de octubre 2012 - Nº79 3/3