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January 7, 2016 Leandro Zipitría Personal information Contact information D ATE OF BIRTH : 7th May, 1973 C ITIZENSHIP : Uruguayan M ARITAL S TATUS: Married. Three children. S KYPE: leandro_zipitria EMAIL: Key Qualification Economist with over ten years of professional experience in both the public and private sectors. At the public sector he was advisor to the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uruguay (antitrust, law Insolvency and Business Reorganization; representative on the National Resources Fund) and the Office of Planning and Budget (economic impact assessment of the governmental) regulations. In the private sector he is advisor on market analysis, competition, assessment of policy impact on markets, and pricing policies. He is a Ph.D. candidate in Economics for the University of San Andrés (Argentina) and professor of Industrial Organization, Microeconomics and economic regulation in various universities in Uruguay. He is also Candidate Researcher for the ANII and has received funding for research projects in economics. Education 2014 U NIVERSIDAD DE S AN A NDRES (Argentina) PhD (Candidate) in Economics 2008 U NIVERSIDAD DE LA R EPÚBLICA (Uruguay) Master in Economics, October 2001 U NIVERSIDAD DE LA R EPÚBLICA (Uruguay) Bachelor of Arts in Economics, February Other courses.2015 Introduction to Psychology. Professor Steve Joordens. University of Toronto. Statement of Accomplishment. 2015 Matrix Algebra and Linear Models. Professor Rafael Irizarry, Harvard University. Statement of Accomplishment. 2015 Statistics and R for the Life Sciences. Professor Rafael Irizarry, Harvard University. Statement of Accomplishment. 2015 Foundations of Data Analysis - EdX. Professor Michael J. Mahometa, University of Texas Austin. Statement of Accomplishment. 2014 Moralities of Everyday Life. Professor Paul Bloom. Yale University. Statement of Accomplishment. 2014 A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior - Coursera. Professor Dan Ariely. Duke University. Statement of Accomplishment with Distinction.. 2013 Behavioural Economics in Action - EdX. Professor Dilip Soman, University of Toronto. Statement of Accomplishment. 2013 Social Psychology - Coursera. Professor Scott Plous, Wesleyan University. Statement of Accomplishment.. Projects 2014 Project leader for Research “Regulation of State Owned Utilities”. UdelaR - CAF - URSEA. Professional Experience (Private Sector) • For the past five years he has been a consultant for firms at the private sector on antitrust defining markets and assessing the economic impact of anti-competitive behavior- and on the economic impact of regulations. He also advise firms on demand estimation and pricing strategies. The firms advised operate in the health, transport, financial and food sectors. Professional Experience (Public Sector) • From 2003 to 2010 he advised the General Directorate of Commerce (Dirección General de Comercio, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas) in Uruguay. • From 2005 to 2009 advisor for the Ministry of Economic and Finance (Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas) in various areas such as health care public system (manager of a U$S 100 millions year fund); bankruptcy law reform; antitrust law reform; personal data law reform; participant in the setting up of the Private Sector Development and Investment Support Unit (Unidad de Apoyo al Desarrollo y la Inversión en el Sector Privado). • From 2003 to 2009 he was Director of the Antitrust Division, General Directorate of Commerce (Dirección General de Comercio, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas). Main tasks: defining relevant markets and evaluate anti-competitive behavior. • From 2001 to 2003 he was Economic Advisor of the Economic Regulation Evaluation Office at the CEPRE, Office of Budget and Planning (Oficina de Planeamiento y Presupuesto). Main task: evaluate economic impact of regulatory policies. Professional Experience (International Organizations) • From 2014 he is consultant for the WorldBank. Projects he participate: 1. “Product Market Regulation Indicators - Uruguay” (2014-2015). 2. “Product Market Regulation and Competition - Argentina” (2015). 3. “Product Market Regulation Indicators- Venezuela” (2015). • 2015: Consultant for CEPAL/ECLAC for project “Determination and formation of prices in Uruguay”. • From 2010 to 2013 he was Manager of the IADB Project 1971/OC-UR “Support for foreign trade management”. The project operate a loan of U$S 5.4 million for the Uruguayan government. Academic Positions P RESENT • Universidad de la República: 1. Adjunct Professor of Economics. Lecturer of: Regulation (2014 - Graduate, 20 hours), Markets and Regulation (2014 - Undergraduate, 40 hours), and Theory of Institutions (2015 Graduate, 20 hours). Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UdelaR. 2. Associate Professor of Microeconomics (2013 - Undergraduate; 2009 - Graduate) and Economic Regulation (2014 - Graduate). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - UdelaR • Universidad de Montevideo: Associate Professor of Industrial Organization (2004 - Economics, Undergraduate, 60 hours). P REVIOUS • Universidad de la República: Associate Professor of Industrial Economics (2012); Regulation and Development (2009-10); Professor of Game Theory (2008); Teaching Assistant of Descriptive Economics (1998-2006) and Mathematics (1999-2003). Undergraduate. • Universidad de Montevideo: Associate Professor of Introduction to Economics (2009-10, Undergraduate, 60 hours); Industrial Organization (2004-2015, Business, Undergraduate, 60 hours); and Microeconomics (2012-2013, Undergraduate, 60 hours). Teaching Assistant of Contract Theory (2007-08, Undergraduate). • Universidad de la Habana (Cuba): Professor of Regulation (2011 - Graduate), Industrial Organization (2013 - Graduate), and Competition Policy (2013 - Graduate). Research A CADEMIC M EMBERSHIPS 2013 Member of the American Economic Association. 2010 Member of LACEA, Latin America and Caribbean Economic Association. 2010 Active Candidate Researcher for the National Agency for Research and Innovation (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación, ANII). Uruguay. P UBLISHED • “Distance and Political Boundaries: Estimating Border Effects under Inequality Constraints”, joint whit Fernando Borraz, Alberto Cavallo and Roberto Rigobon. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 21(1): 3-35. 2016. • “Supermarket Entry and the Survival of Small Stores” (joint with Fernando Borraz, Juan Dubra and Daniel Ferrés). Review of Industrial Organization, 44(1): 73-93. 2014. • “Retail Price Setting in Uruguay”. (Joint with Fernando Borraz), Economía, LACEA Journal, vol. 12 (2), 77-109, 2012. • “Impacto económico del supermercadismo”. Revista de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Universidad de Montevideo, vol. X, 73 – 86, 2011. (In Spanish) • “Institutions and soft budget constraints”, (Joint with Mario Bergara and Jorge Ponce). International Review of Accounting, Banking and Finance, vol. 3(2), 47-66. 2011. • ¿Estudiar Economía te Hace más Egoísta?, (Joint with Marcelo Caffera and Lucila Arboleya). Revista de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, vol. IX, págs: 29-35, 2010. (In Spanish) • "Una Aplicación de Test de Precios al Mercado de la Cerveza en el Uruguay", Revista de Economía, Segunda Época, nº17, mayo, 149-68, 2010. Banco Central del Uruguay. (In Spanish) A CCEPTED FOR P UBLICATION W ORKING PAPERS • 2014. Marco regulatorio y empresas públicas en Uruguay. with Rosario Domingo. dECON Working Paper 15/14. • 2014. La regulación de servicios públicos: el rol de la propiedad. with Rosario Domingo. dECON Working Paper 13/14. • 2013. Sobre el gobierno corporativo de los organismos multilaterales de crédito. whit Mario Bergara. dECON Working Paper 14/13. • 2012. “Distance and Political Boundaries: Estimating Border Effects under Inequality Constraints”, with Fernando Borraz, Alberto Cavallo and Roberto Rigobon. NBER Working Paper 18122. Books and Books Chapters • Análisis económico de los procedimientos concursales en Uruguay. EAE, 2011. 148 páginas. (In Spanish) • “Sobre la aplicación de la ley nº 18.159 de promoción y defensa de la competencia”, La Ley Uruguay, año IV, Nº7, julio, 2011. (In Spanish) • “Defensa de la competencia: una breve nota económica”. In “Estudios sobre defensa de la comptencia y relaciones de consumo”, edited by Santiago Pereira and Daniel Rueda, pp. 211 - 21, 2008. Fundación de Cultura Universitaria. (In Spanish) • “Una visión institucional de la legislación de bancarrota“, joint with Mario Bergara. In “Las reglas de juego en el Uruguay: el entorno institucional y los problemas económicos”, pp. 132 51, 2003. Trilce. (In Spanish) Talks and Presentations 2015 XXX Jornadas Anuales de Economía, Banco Central del Uruguay, August (Uruguay). 2012 XXVII Jornadas Anuales de Economía, Banco Central del Uruguay, November (Uruguay); and Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Lima, November (Perú) 2010 XV LACEA Meeting, Medellín, November (Colombia); and XXV Jornadas Anuales de Economía, Banco Central del Uruguay, October (Uruguay) 2009 XLIV Annual Meeting of the Asociación Argentina de Economía Política, Mendoza Argentina, November (Argentina); XXVI Jornadas Anuales de Economía, Banco Central del Uruguay, October (Uruguay); and Sociedad de Economía de Chile, August (Chile) 2008 XXIII Jornadas Anuales de Economía, Banco Central del Uruguay, August (Uruguay) 2003 XVIII Jornadas Anuales de Economía, Banco Central del Uruguay, August (Uruguay) 2001 LACEA Meeting, October (Uruguay) 2000 XV Jornadas Anuales de Economía del Banco Central del Uruguay, November (Uruguay) Grants 2012 ANII Grant for the Project “Segmentación de mercados y formación de precios en Uruguay” (Market Segmentation and price setting in Uruguay”, joint with Fernando Borraz (U$S 25.000) 2008 IDRC Grant for the Project “Consolidation and Competition in the Food Retailing Sector in Uruguay” joint with Fernando Borraz, Juan Dubra and Daniel Ferrés. (Canadian $S 45.000)