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consultores de patentes asociados FOREIGN DEPARTMENT Tef. 94 410 22 84 P.O. Box 836 BILBAO-SPAIN Fax 94 421 51 00 e-mail: Iparraguirre, 42-3º 48011 BILBAO (Spain) English Translation SPAIN ESPAÑA POWER OF ATTORNEY PODER GENERAL The undersigned ..........................……… 1. El abajo firmante, residing in .....................................……… 2. Con residencia en Confiere a: Hereby grants to ............................. D. JOSE IZQUIERDO FACES, Agente Oficial de la Propiedad Industrial 0486/3, con domicilio en Bilbao, poder amplio y suficiente, con facultad de delegar y revocar el encargo, para que, en representación suya y de acuerdo con la legislación vigente sobre la Propiedad Industrial, haga toda clase de diligencias, y a tales efectos realice las gestiones y ejercite las acciones o Recursos que estime necesarios cerca de la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas u otro Organismo, o bien renuncie al expediente. Official Patent and Trademark Agent, a full and a sufficient power of attorney to file in his (or their) name, and in accordance with the legislation in force concerning IndustrialProperty and to this effect prosecute the application and transact all business in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office or other Organism in connection therewith, or to walve the case. In testimony thereof, and to all legal effects, the present power of attorney is given and subscribed. In......………...this......... day of ........20.... Y para que conste a los efectos legales, libra la presente Autorización 3. En a de 4. firma: HOW TO FILL 1. Applicant’s name, either individual of company 2. City, country and/or state 3. City – Date 4. Signature. If applicant is a firm or corporation, the complete name thereof should be stated. An authorized officer (in the case of a corporation or association) will sign underneath stating his full name and charge in the applicant firm. No legalization is required. de Acepto esta Autorización, El Agente Oficial, JOSÉ IZQUIERDO