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VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes SECOND CALL DEDICATED TO THE ANTHROPOLOGIST ANNE CHAPMAN PLACE: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA OF HONDURAS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT AND UNIVERSIDAD PEDAGOGICA NACIONAL FRANCISCO MORAZAN FACULTY OF HUMANITIES SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT FEBRURY 21-25 2011 EMAILS: Zulema Ewens (Coordinator) Silvia González (Assistant) 1 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes Presentation The Central American Anthropology Network and The Organizing Committee invite members of the academic community to participate in the VIII Central American Anthropology Congress to be held in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in February 2011. The theme chosen for the VIII Congress is The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes. There have been 7 Congresses by the Central American Anthropology Network. The themes of the different Congresses show how participation has intensified and how the subjects treated have been diversified. This Congress has the purpose of analyzing the main themes in Central American anthropology in the different areas of Anthropological research: biological, linguistic anthropology, socio - cultural, archaeology and ethnohistory. The Congress is dedicated to Dr. Anne Chapman, pioneer of ethnographic studies in Honduras. For this purpose, we ask scholars to submit proposals to one of the following thematic areas: 1. Central American Anthropology The state of anthropology in Central America Academic programs in anthropology Anthropological Fieldwork “Our friends, our colleagues” 2. Identity and its transformation Multiculturalism Interculturality Citizenship and identity Hibridity Globalization Migration and frontier societies 3. Social Anthropology Memory, critic thought and decolonization Spirituality, Religion and Symbolism Transformation Processes of State Institutions Governability, citizen security and social violence 4. Economic Anthropology and Sustainable Human Development Economy and the evolution of society. 2 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes Industrialism and labor markets Demography and rural poverty Urban development, marginality, and migration Resettlements, social displacements and infrastructure 5. Gender Studies Gender violence and patriarchy Gender and industrialism Identity and the construction of gender The feminization of poverty Masculinity in the postmodern context 6. Archaeology Archeology and the construction of identity Time construction and Archeology Archaeological research and conservation Archaeology and Landscape 7. Anthropology and Human Rights Public Policies Political Processes, Participation and Democracy Social, Cultural and Economic rights Indigenous Peoples 8. Political Anthropology Government and local development Collective action and The State Democracy and political processes Urban imaginaries and social participation 9. Ecological Anthropology Global warming and its effect in Central American Societies Ethnography of natural disasters Tourism, development and the environment Indigenous Peoples and the environment 10. Anthropology and Cultural Heritage Cultural heritage and tourism Cultural heritage and cultural industries Cultural heritage and education 3 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes 11. Anthropology and education Anthropology in academic plans Education and culture Information, technology and education Identity construction through the national system of education Education and gender 12. Linguistic Anthropology Native languages Intercultural education Second language and acculturation Linguistic differences between the Spanish of Central America 13. Anthropology of health Health interculturality Socio cultural context of illness Applied anthropology and health Forensic anthropology and human rights Genetics, anthropology and historical research 14. Ethnohistory New theories and methods in ethnohistory Reconstruction of the past and ethnohistory Micro-history and local history Oral history. Within the framework of these thematic areas, we invite colleagues to submit their proposals according to the guidelines. Organizing Committee Magister Julieta Castellanos Chancellor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Magister Lea Azucena Cruz Chancellor Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán 4 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes Dr. Zulema Ewens Coordinator of the VIII Central American Congress of Anthropology Department de Anthropology Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. Dr. Gloria Lara Department of Social Sciences Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán Archaeologist Carmen Julia Fajardo Department de Anthropology Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Magister Silvia González Department de Anthropology Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Dr. Lázaro Flores Department Social Sciences Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS (CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY NETWORK) Dr. Allan Moore National Institute of Culture and History, Belize Dr. Álvaro Brizuela Absalón Universidad Veracruzana Mtra. Ana Silvia Ortiz Gómez Institute of Historical Studies Anthropological and archaeological Universidad de El Salvador Dr. Andrés Fábregas Puig Rector Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas, México Dr. Andrés Medina Hernández Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, México 5 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes Mtro. Antonio Higuera Bonfil Licenciatura en Antropología Departamento de Ciencias Sociales Universidad de Quintana Roo Mtro. Aníbal Pastor Núñez Universidad de Panamá Mtro. Carlos Lara Martínez Universidad Nacional de El Salvador Licda. Carmen Julia Fajardo Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Mtra. Cecilia Alba Villalobos Licenciatura en Antropología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas Mtro. Carlos Gutiérrez Alfonzo Centro de Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, México Dr. Esteban Krotz Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México Dr. Gabriel Ascencio Franco Programa de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias sobre Mesoamérica y el Sureste-IIA-UNAM, México Dra. Georgina Hernández Rivas Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador Dra. Gladys Casimir Facultad de Antropología Universidad Veracruzana Dra. Gloria Lara Pinto Directora de Cooperación Externa, 6 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Honduras Mtra. Guadalupe Rodríguez Galván Instituto de Estudios Indígenas Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, México Mtro. Héctor Moreno Corrales Universidad de Panamá Mtro. Hugo Rafael López Mazariegos Maestría en Antropología Social Centro Universitario de Occidente, Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala Dr. José Alejos García Centro de Estudios Mayas, UNAM, México Dr. José Luis Escalona Victoria Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social – Sureste, México Mtro. José Luis Ramos Ramírez Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México Licda. Lesbia Ortiz Martínez Carrera de Antropología, Escuela de Historia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Dra. Luz Graciela Joly Adames Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí Mtra. Maritza Andino Picado Departamento de Antropología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua) Dra. Maria del Carmen Araya Jiménez Maestría de Antropología, Universidad de Costa Rica. 7 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes M.Ed. Nigel Encalada National Institute of Culture and History, Belice Dr. Pedro Jiménez Lara Instituto de Investigaciones Histórico-Sociales, Universidad Veracruzana Dr. Ramón Rivas Escuela de Antropología, Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador Dr. Rolando Quesada Sancho Departamento de Antropología, Universidad de Costa Rica Dra. Zulema Ewens Mejía Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Dra. Silvia Salgado González Posgrado en Antropología, Universidad de Costa Rica Mtra. Concepción Clará de Guevara Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado MA. Andrés Álvarez Castañeda Director Departamento de Antropología y Sociología Universidad del Valle de Guatemala ORGANIZATIVE STRUCTURE PRESIDENTS: Magister Julieta Castellanos Chancellor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Magister Lea Azucena Cruz Chancellor Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán 8 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes COORDINATOR: Dra. Zulema Ewens Departamento de Antropología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. ORGANIZING COMITEE: Mtra. Carmen Julia Fajardo Departamento de Antropología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras ACADEMIC COMISSION: Dra. Zulema Ewens (Coordinator) Dra. Gloria Lara Mtra. Carmen Julia Fajardo Mtra. Silvia González Carías Dra. Eva Lilia Martínez Dr. Lázaro Flores LOGISTIC: Mtra. Carmen Julia Fajardo (Coordinator) Mtra. Silvia González Carías Dra. Eva Lilia Martínez Mtro. Oscar Rápalo Mtro. Rubén Darío Paz Rafael Molina Bertilio Amaya DISTRIBUTION: Dra. Gloria Lara (Coordinator) Mtra. Silvia González Carías Mtro. Rubén Darío Paz Mtra. Carmen Julia Fajardo (Coordinator) Dra. Eva Lilia Martínez Allan Martínez Cesar González 1. 2. 3. 4. OFFICIAL PROGRAM: To be published in November 2010 CONFERENCES: to be defined. SUBMISSION OF SYMPOSIA PROPOSALS: PARTICIPATION GUIDELINES: The last version of symposia proposals must be sent with a note of agreement for publishing in CDs. 9 VIII CENTRAL AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY CONGRESS The Challenges of Anthropology in Central America: Identities, Cultural Diversity and Political Processes Acceptance letters and notifications for those who submit symposia proposals will be sent by e-mail. Dates and Deadlines May 2010 Call for symposia opens August 30, 2010 Deadline for online symposia submissions October 15 2010 Deadline for online submission of papers November 15, 2010 February 21, 2011 Publication of official program Regular registration closes Deadline for participants´ registration 10