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Alicia Re Cruz EDUCATION 1996 Doctorado 1992 Ph.D. 1987 M.A. 1985 B.A. Antropología Social y Cultural. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Anthropology. State University of New York at Albany Anthropology. State University of New York at Albany Geografía e Historia; especialidad de Antropología de América, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2007-present 2007-present 1998-2007 2000-2002 1992-1998 1991 1988 Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas Full Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas Director, Immigration Resource Council for Conflict Resolution, Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas Adjunct, State University of New York at Albany, Department of Anthropology Adjunct, State University of New York at Albany, Department of Anthropology Scholarship PUBLICATIONS Books and Visual Productions 2008 Re Cruz, A. Producer, The Mayan Dreams of Chan Kom. Tourism, Migration and Changing Identities in the Yucatán. Running time, 28 minutes. In collaboration with Melinda Levin. Distributed by University of Illinois Press with double issue in Journal of Film and Video. Volume 60, No. 2 & 3, Summer/Fall, 2008 2007 Aguado Odina, Teresa; Ballesteros Velásquez, Belén; Nuñez-Janes, Mariela, del Olmo Pintado, Margarita, Re Cruz, Alicia, et al. Racismo: Qué es y Cómo se Afronta. Madrid: Editorial Pierson-Prentice Hall. 2007 Aguado Odina, Teresa; Ballesteros Velásquez, Belén; Nuñez-Janes, Mariela, del Olmo Pintado, Margarita, Re Cruz, Alicia, et al. Racism: What It Is and How to Deal with It. A Guide to Talk About Racism. Austria : Navreme Publications. 1 2003 Re Cruz, A. and Levin, M. Los Otros: Maya Migrants in Cancún, México. Running time, 30 minutes. An anthropological documentary shot in the present day traditional Maya village of Chan Kom, and Cancún, in México, (Grant funded) Peer Reviewed Screening: The Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, Dallas, 2004 The DocSide Touring Film Series, 2003 The University Film and Video Conference, Ithaca, New York, 2003 The American Anthropological Association conference, Seattle 2003 Visual Communication Conference, Sandpoint, Idaho, 2003 Invited Screenings: Chamizal Film Festival, Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas Human Rights in a Changing Society Conference, Galilee, Israel, 2003 Cornell University, Institute on U.S.-Latin American Relations, 2003 South Texas Institute of the Arts, Corpus Christi, Texas, 2004 Florida State University, 2003 Fair Park Film Festival on Women Directors, 2003 1996 Re Cruz, A. The Two Milpas of Chan Kom: Scenarios of a Maya Village Life. Albany: SUNY Press. Edited Volumes 2008 Levine, M. and Re Cruz, A. (eds.) Conversations Between Anthropology and Film Making. Journal of Film and Video. Volume 60, No. 2 & 3. 2007 Re Cruz, A., C. Wasson, and T. Gibbs (eds.) Organizational, Conceptual and Pedagogical Intricacies in the Making of the On-line Program in Applied Anthropology. The North Texas Case. Practicing Anthropology. Vol. 29 (1) Computer Publications 2008 Re Cruz, A. Design and writing of “American Culture”, undergraduate course in the Anthropology program 2006 Re Cruz, A. Design and writing of “Migrants and Refugees”, elective graduate course in the on-line MA Applied Anthropology program, Anthropology Department, UNT. 2004-06 Re Cruz, A. Design and writing of “Theory and Praxis II”, required graduate course in the on-line MA Applied Anthropology program, Anthropology Department, UNT. 2 Refereed Journal Publications In press Nuñez-Janes, M. and Re Cruz, A. Latino/a Students and the Power of Digital Story Telling. Radical Pedagogy. 2009 Re Cruz, A. When Immigrants Root and Transnational Communities Grow. Urban Anthropology (special issue on Transnational Mexican Migration). Pp. 121-135. 2008 Levine, M. and Re Cruz, A. Behind the Scenes of An Ethnographic Documentary: Dialogue Between Anthropology and Film. Journal of Film and Video. Volume 60, No. 2 & 3. 2008 Levine, M. and Re Cruz, A. Introduction. Journal of Film and Video. Volume 60, No. 2 & 3. 2008 Nuñez-Janes, Mariela and Alicia Re Cruz. Digital Storytelling as a Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for Latino Students. In Journal of Spanish Language Media,.Vol. 1, posted at: Center for Spanish Language Media, University of North Texas. 2007 Re Cruz, A., C. Wasson, and T. Gibbs (eds.) The Whys and Hows of an On-line Program in Applied Anthropology. In Practicing Anthropology. Vol. 29 (1) 2007 Nuñez-Janes, Mariela and Alicia Re Cruz. Pedagogical On-line Strategies. In Practicing Anthropology. Vol. 29 (1) 2006 Re Cruz, A. Turismo y Migración entre los Mayas de Yucatán: Las Nuevas Milpas de Chan Kom. In Revista Española de Antropología Americana. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain 36(1):151-164 2005 Re Cruz, A. Taquerías, Laundromats and Protestant Churches, the Landmarks of the Hispanic Barrios in Denton, Texas. In Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 34(2-3):281-303 2003 Re Cruz, A. Milpa as an Ideological Weapon: Tourism and Maya Migration to Cancún. In Ethnohistory 50(3):489-502 1998 Re Cruz, A. Maya Women, Gender Dynamics, and Modes of Production. In Sex Roles, A Journal of Research 39 (7/8):573-587 1998 Re Cruz, A. Migrant Women Crossing Borders. A Comparison of Internal and External Mexican Migration. In Journal of Borderland Studies XIII(2):83-97 3 1996 Re Cruz, A. The Thousand and One Faces of Cancún. In Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 25(3):283310 1996 Re Cruz, A. Una Comunidad Maya de Yucatán: Transformación Social y Expresión Simbólica. In Revista Española de Antropología Americana, Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Madrid, 26:167-181 1996 Re Cruz, A. Crónica de Una Muerte Anunciada. In El Mayab, Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 10:70-78 1994 Re Cruz, A. Lo Sagrado y Lo Profano de la Identidad Maya Entre los Emigrantes de Yucatán. In Nueva Antropología 46:39-48 Refereed Book Chapters In press Re Cruz, A. and Stearnes, A. Undocumented Mexican Women: A Vulnerable Community. In We Are All Decent People”: Undocumented Hispanic Immigration in the United States. UNT Press 2009 Nuñez-Janes, M. and Re Cruz, A. El Uso de Historias Digitales como Herramienta Pedagógica. In Integración Escolar a Debate. Madrid: Editorial Pierson. 2009 Re Cruz, A. Educación para Inmigrantes. Una Perspectiva desde Texas. In Integración Escolar a Debate. Madrid: Editorial Pierson. 2008 Re Cruz, A. Chan Kom, Tourism and Migration in the Making of the New Maya Milpas. In Yucatan in the Era of Globalization. Blakanoff, E. (ed.) University of Alabama Press. 2007 Re Cruz,A. Maya Watching Japanese Telenovelas; The Other too Close. In Alternative Orientalism in Latin America and Beyond. Cambridge Scholars Press. 2006 Re Cruz, A. La Ética en el Discurso Académico y de Investigación Antropológica. In IV Congreso de Investigadores del Instituto Nacional de Antropológia e Historia, Lopez-Razagado, M.I., Morales, C. and Lechuga, C. (eds.) Delegacion D II IA1. Secc. 10 del SNTE, Mexico D.F. 2006 Re Cruz, A. Corn Milpas and Tourism Milpas: Maya Migration in Cancún. In Lifeways in the Lowlands: New Approaches to Maya Archaeology. Mathews J. and Bethany Morrison (eds.) University of Arizona Press. 4 2004 Re Cruz, A. Working with Peoples and Places Through Action. In Rights, Resources, Culture and Conservation in the Land of the Maya. Anderson, G. and B. Faust (eds.) Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. 2001 Re Cruz, A. Fortunes and Misfortunes in “The Other Cancún”. In Contemporary Cultures and Societies of Latin America. A Reader in the Social Anthropology of Middle and South America. Third Edition Heath (ed.) Waveland Press. 2001 Re Cruz, A. God, Sun, and Corn. In Sacred Spaces. Man and the Divine in México, Central América and the Southwestern United States. Published by the Institute for the Study of Earth and Men, Southern Methodist University, DallasTexas. 1999 Re Cruz, A. Disruption of Peoples‟Health and Social Order. La Canícula Among the Yucatec Maya of México. In The Past and Present Maya. Essays in Honor of Robert M. Carmack. John M. Weeks (ed) Labyrinthos. Lancaster: CA. 1997 Re Cruz, A. Mexican-American Community in the United States. In Cultural Diversity in the United States. Larry Nylor (ed.) Westport, Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey. PAPERS PRESENTED Internacional Professional Conferences 2008 “Encountering Diversity in the Schools” Workshop on Social Encounters of Cultural Diversity in Urban Arenas as part of the Urban Anthropology Commission of IUADES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences). School of education, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid 28-29 July 2007 “Trabajando con Antropología en el Aula”. Conferencia del grupo INTER. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. October, Madrid, Spain. 2006 “Alianza Entre la Antropología y la Educación en las Aulas. Caso: Antropología en el Programa de Educación Bilingüe en Texas.” Paper presented at the Congreso Internacional de Educación Intercultural. Formación de Profesorado y Práctica Escolar March, UNED (Universidad de Educación a Distancia), Madrid 2005 “La Etica en el Discurso Académico y de Investigación Antropológica. Casos de la Antropología Aplicada.” Paper presented to the IV Congreso de Investigadores del INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History). September, Mexico City. 5 2005 “Quienes Son Los Otros?” paper presented at Translocality, Discussing Culture and Change in the 21st Century, organized by CASCA (Canadian Anthropology Society), SANA (Society for the Anthropology of North America) and UADY (Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán) 2004 “Los Otros: Emigrantes Mayas en Yucatán”. Paper presented at the II Congreso Nacional de Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo. April, Murcia, Spain. 2001 “When Field Conversations Become Dialogues or Just Monologues”. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Meeting. March, Mérida, México. 2001 “Women and Cancún as Fetishes in Chan Kom Politics” Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Mérida, México. 1994 “Female Symbol and Political Activism Among the Mayas.” Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Cancún, México. 1993 “La Identidad Maya Recreada.” Paper oresented at El Congreso National de Antropología Española. September, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. 1992 “The Milpas of Chan Kom.” Paper presented at the International Congress of Mayanists, Mérida, Yucatán, México. 1989 “Contexto Socioeconómico y Político en una Comunidad Maya.” Paper presented at the Mesa Redonda de la Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, Mérida, Yucatán, México. 1989 “Conflicto Social y Tradición Oral.” Paper presented at the Primer Congreso Internacional de Mayistas, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México. National Professional Conferences 2009 “Migrant Experiences in Maya Ecotourism Community Projects”. Paper presented at the organized session “Community Based Tourism among Yucatec Maya Communities”. Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe, NM. March 17-21. 2008 “Tourism Border Zones”. Paper presented as part of the Invited Session: “Engagement, Anthenticity and Tourism: Gender, Sexuality, Ethnicity/Race and Space in the Americas”. American Anthropological Associatio. San Francisco, November 22, 2008. 6 2008 “Turismo Solidario y de Comunidad”. Paper presented as part of the session: “Anthropologists, Tourism, and Development in Yucatán: Constructing New Collaborative Roles and Relationships in the Public Sphere”. Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis, TN. March 24-29. 2007 “Latino/a Students and the Power of Digital Storytelling”. Paper presented with Mariela Nuñez-Janes, for Assessing the State of Spanish Language MediaCenter for Spanish Language Media. (CSLM), University of North Texas. 2007 “A Maya Community through the Prism of Community Development Programs: The Case Study of Chan Kom.” Paper presented as part of the session: “Models of Community-Based Tourism and Development in Yucatan.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa, FL. March 28-31. 2007 “Interculturalism Without Borders: A Comparative Exercise Between the TransLatino American Communities in the USA and Spain”. Paper presented with Margarita del Olmo (CSIC-Madrid), as part of the session “Interculturalidad: Contact, Education, and Program Solutions Within the Intercultural Fields of Mesoamerica.” Society for Applied anthropology, Tampa, FL. March 28-31. 2006 “Milpas and Migration in Chan Kom.” Paper presented as part of the session Agricultural Transformations in Lowland Maya Societies, organized by Betty Faust. American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA, 2006 2004 “Anthropology as Weapon: Empowering Educators in Bilingual Programs”. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual meeting. March-April, Dallas, TX. 2003 “Milpa of Corn and Milpas for Cancun”. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Portland, OR. 2003 Presentation of Video Production “Chan Kom Through the Lenses of Anthropology”. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Portland, OR. 1999 “Awareness and Perception of Hyperactivity Among Parents of Immigrant Hispanic Children,” with Ximena Urrutia-Rojas and Shailesh Jain. 127th. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. Chicago. 1999 “Cancún, the Commodity Fetish is Chan Kom‟s Political Discourse.” Paper presented at the Central States Anthropological Society. Organized Session: Indigenous People and Tourism. Chicago, IL. 1999 Mexican Migrants Through the Anthropological Camera” (with student Lupita Murillo). Society of Borderland Studies meeting. April, Fort Worth, TX. 7 1997 “Anthropology for the Oppressed.” In Advancing Women Through Global Policy, United Nation Conference. October, Dallas, Texas. 1997 “The Community in the Classroom.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. March, Seattle, Washington. 1997 “Migrant Women Between And Across Borders.” Invited presentation for Mexico Week. Mexico and the United States: Profound Differences, Common Destiny. Des Moines Area Community College, Iowa. 1996 “The Ethnically Multifaceted Chan Kom.” Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. November, San Francisco, California. 1996 “Practicing Anthropology With the Video Camera.” With student Jennifer Burns. Presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings. November, Baltimore. 1995 “Tourism and Its Discontents.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. November, Washington D.C. 1995 “From the Field to the Classroom.” Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings. November, Albuquerque, NM. 1994 “Women In-Between Modes of Production.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. November, Atlanta, GA. 1994 “Recycling Maya Knowledge.” 43rd. Annual Conference of the Center for Latin American Studies. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 1992 “When the Evil Winds Seize Chan Kom.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology. March, San Antonio, Texas. 1992 “The Sacred and the Profane of Maya Identity Among Migrants of Yucatan.” Paper presented at the Congress of Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Los Angeles, California. 1992 “Tourism Creating The Maya Culture.” Paper prepared for the Quincentennial Celebration 1492-1992: Encounter of Europe and The Americas. Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, New York. 1991 “A Native Peasant Community in Transformation.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. November, Chicago, IL. 8 1991 “Modern Times and Transformation Winds.” Paper presented at the International Congress of Americanists. September, New Orleans, LA. 1990 “The Anthropological Life Cycle of a Woman Anthropologist in the Field.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. November, New Orleans, LA. 1989 “Social Conflict and Ritual Expression.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. November, Washington D.C. 1989 “La Crisis is Expressed in Yucatán: La Canícula.” paper presented at the Northeast Anthropological Association, Albany. Regional Presentations 2009 „Your hair does not work straight” Applied Anthropology in Autism Treatment and Research. Presentation in collaboration with Shimaa Desouki. Behavioral Analysis Rountable, UNT. June 12th. 2009 Applied Anthropology for Applied Behavioral Analysts in Austism Research. Presentation with Applied Anthropology gradúate student, Shimaa Dessouki. Behavioral Analysis Round table. BA Department – UNT. January 27th. 2008 In collaboration with Margarita del Olmo (CSIC-Madrid). Inmigration in Europe: Intercultural Education in Spain. Anthropology lecture Series. Department of Anthropology, University of North Texas. April 1. 2006 “Maya Watching Japanese Telenovelas: The Other Too Close.” Orientalism in Latin America. Organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. University of North Texas. April, Denton, Texas. 2005 “Maya Migrants: Voices in Search of Identity.” Race and Latin American Cultural Production in the Age of Globalization Symposium. Organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. University of North Texas. October, Denton, Texas. 2004 “Visual Anthropology.” Anthropology Department. University of Texas at Arlington. March, Arlington, TX. 2000 “Women and Anhropology” American Association of University Women. Lewisville, TX. 1999 “It Takes Family and Community to Raise Human Beings and Universities.” Reaching New Frontiers: Science and Technology Beyond 2000. Hispanic Friends of the University of North Texas. October. Denton, Texas. 9 2001 “From Spain to Texas Going Through Mexico. An Anthropological Journey” American Association of Univeristy Women. December, Denton, Texas. 1999 “Women Crossing Borders” In The Dynamics of Family and Household Structures in Mexico and the Border. DIF National & the University of Texas, Austin. University of Texas, El Paso. 1996 “Problems and Issues in Women‟s Studies. An Anthropological Case.” Invited speaker, Women‟s Program, University of North Texas. 1996 “Transnational Mexico.” Invited speaker, Bilingual Education Program. Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. 1995 “Contributions of Hispanic Women to Our Society.” Guest speaker in Hispanic Week. Texas Women‟s University. Denton, Texas. CONFERENCE SESSIONS ORGANIZED 2009 Organizer of session “Immigration through the Looking Glass of Education. Part I and II”. Society for Applied Anthropology. Santa Fe, NM. March 17-21 2008-09 Organizer of panel “Human and Cultural Effects of Immigration”. Perspectives on Immigration Conference at UNT, March 12. 2004 Organizer of session, “Anthropology in Action Among Yucatec Maya; Women Anthropologists‟ Perspectives”. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Dallas, TX. 2000 Organizer and discussant, “Innovations in Participatory Education”. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, San Francisco. 1999 Organizer of session, “Classroom Without Borders”. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Tucson, AZ. 1996 Organizer of session and discussant, “The Anthropological Adventure Among the Maya: Images in Discourse, Dialogue and Translation to Represent and to Be Represented”. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. November, San Francisco. 1995 Organizer of session, “Natives at the Core”. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. November, Washington. 1994 Conference Planning Co-organizer. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Cancún, México. 10 1994 Organizer of Plenary Roundtable Session, “Who Are We?; Contemporary Maya Voices”. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Cancún, México. 1994 Co-organizer of Plenary Roundtable Session, “In Honor of Alfonso Villa Rojas: A Legacy of Applied Anthropology”. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Cancún, México. 1994 Organizer of Plenary Session, “Contemporary Maya Women, Who Are They?” Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting. March, Cancún, México. Teaching CLASSROOM COURSES TAUGHT UNT 1992-present: Undergraduate ANTH 1010 General Anthropology ANTH 2100 World Cultures through Film ANTH 3100.004 Maya Culture ANTH 3100.005 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America ANTH 3100.011 Peoples and Cultures of Mesoamerica ANTH 4050 Contemporary Ethnic Groups ANTH 4250 Development of Anthropological Thought ANTH 4610.003 Migrants and Refugees ANTH 4610.008 Symbolic Anthropology ANTH 4610.090 Ethnographic Field School I ANTH 4610.091 Ethnographic Field School II ▪ Ethnographic Field School in the Barrios of Cancún ▪ Ethnographic Field School in Xalapa, Veracruz ▪ Ethnographic Field School in Chetumal, Quintana Roo ▪ Ethnographic Field School in Chan Kom, Yucatán Graduate: ANTH 5015 ANTH 5050 ANTH 5610.001 ANTH 5610.004 Theory and Praxis II Pre-Practicum Symbolic Anthropology Migrants and Refugees. 11