Download III. Publications suggested by subscribers
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Transcript III. Publications suggested by subscribers From Marc-Antoine Kaeser: 2007. La Tène. La recherche. Les questions. Les réponses. Die Untersuchung. Die Fragen. Die Antworten. 108 p. ill. Biel: Museum Schwab. Bringing together eleven contributions by Swiss and European La Tène specialists, this publication comprises an extensive and updated picture of the state of the knowledge about the La Tène site. The authors tackle a large spectrum of questions, from the history of research and the history of collections, to anthropology and archaeozoology, and from artifacts to problems of interpretation. The bilingual volume (French and German) complements the exhibition prepared and shown by the Museum Schwab in Biel, in collaboration with the Landesmuseum Zurich, within the context of the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the site of La Tène. To purchase: or Reginelli Servais, G. 2007. La Tène, un site, un mythe, 1. Chronique en images (1857–1923). Neuchâtel: Office et musée cantonal d’archéologie (Archéologie neuchâteloise 39). Following the history of the site of La Tène, from its discovery in 1857 through the various stages of its excavation until 1923, this book links each important level of the research with one central figure of the burgeoning archaeology of the Neuchâtel area. Its interest is enhanced by the abundant and previously unreleased iconography picked up in the rich archive of the Laténium – Archaeology Park and Museum Neuchatel (Switzerland). From Daniel Schávelzon: 2007. Inventory of the George E. Stuart Collection of Archaeological and Other Materials, 1733–2006. University Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Manuscripts Department. Manuscripts, photos and papers of: Jerome O. Kilmartin (1922–2002), Chichen Itza and Tikal and other trips and works; Lawrence Desmond collection of Augustus Le Plongeon photographs; Guillermo Dupaix: Document, 1805; Jean Frederic Waldeck sketches, drawings1820–1830; Lord Kingsborough manuscripts, 1820–1830; Cyrus Thomas, handwritten report 1883; Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing, 1989. In Catauro, Revista Cubana de Antropología. Fundación F. Ortiz, la Habana, no. 6, 2003: Hernández Godoy, S. Una aproximación a los estudios arqueológicos de Cuba y su histrografía aborigen hasta de la década de 1930, pp. 6–18. Rangel Rivero, A. El Museo Antropológico en Cuba y el desarrollo de la arqueología en Cuba entre 1900 – y 1960, pp. 19–35. de la Rosa Corzo, G. La ciencia arqueologica en Cuba: restos y perspectivas en los umbrales del siglo XXI, pp. 36–46. del Pilar Zaldívar, M. El cemí del tabaco del Museo Antropológico Montané, pp. 178–198. Graña y Eugenio Perez, éA. Historia de un despojo: Mark Raymond Harrington y el ídolo aborigen de Patana, pp. 208–211. García Roboiu, C. Idea de las culturas precolombinas de Ciuba. El primer periodo de exploraciones arqueológicas, trabajos realizados por Armando Rangel Rivero, pp. 214–232. – 42 – Núñez Jiménez, A. Palabras inéditas de homenaje al Dr. Manuel Rivero de la Calle, pp. 235–244. Rangel Rivero, A. Ruptura y continuidad en arqueología: Ramón Dacal Moure, pp. 245–254. Rivero de la Calle, M. 2002. Nociones de anatomía humana aplicada a la arqueología. 1985 edition of the original manuscript with handmade corrections, F. Varela (ed). La Habana. Lopez Lujan, L., Carrasco, D. and L. Cue (eds) 2006. Arqueologia e historia del centro de Mexico: homenaje a Eduardo Matos Moctezuma. INAH: Mexico. Metchihld Rutsch, M. 2006. La antropología moderna en México. Notas en torno a su historia. Anuario III. Mexico: Academia Mexicana de Ciencias Antropologicas, pp. 37–58. Casanova, R. and A. Konsevik. 2006. Luces sobre Mexico, catalogo selectivo de la Fototeca Nacional de Mexico. Mexico: Conaculta e Inah, (Pictures of the first archaeologists and excavations in Mexico). Gamboa Carrera, E. 2005. Diez años de arquelogia en Mexico: 1973–1983. Mexico: Conaculta-Inah, México. de Humboldt, A. 2005. Tablas geográfico politicas de la Nueva España. Facsimile edn, introduction by G. Sanchez Diaz. Michoacan, Mexico: Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas, Universidad Michoacana S. N. Hidalgo. Desmond, L. Internet site: On the travels and pictures of Alice and August Le Plongeon in Mexico and others countries during the nineteenth century. index.html Hudson, G. E. 2007. Dias de ocio en la Patagonia, diario de un naturalista (1893). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Continente. Lothrop, S. K. 1928. Facsimile edn. The Indians of Tierra del Fuego. An Account of the Ona, Yahgan, Alacaluf and the Hausti Natives of the Fuegian Archipielago. Buenos Aires: Zagier y Urrurty. Bingham, H. 2007. “El maravilloso viaje de la Expedicion Peruana por tierras de los Incas”. In National Geographic 2006: The pictures of Hiram Bingham, Lima: Gaceta del Instituto Nacional de Cultura, 26, Abril 2007, pp. 22–31. Silvia Hernandez Godoy, S. and M. del Carmen Godoy Guerra. 2006. “El prensamiento cientifico decimonononico y los estudios arqueologicos en la isla de Cuba”. Gabinete de Arqueologia 5: 113–125. La Habana, Cuba. Poey, A. 2006. “Mermoria presentada por Don Andres Poey en la Sociedad Arqueologica Americana sobre las Antiguedades Cubanas”. Gabinete de Arqueología 5: 146–153. La Habana, Cuba. From David R. Watters: 2007. Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie. Numbers 108–109. Subtitled “Archéologie des départements français d’Amérique”, this double-numbered volume contains eleven essays about the history of archaeology and allied topics in the French government departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Lesser Antilles, and Guyane (French Guyana) in northeastern South America. Essays by Stéphen Rostain, André Delpuech, Nathalie Vidal, José Thomas, Dominique Bonissent, Benoît Bérard, Nathalie Serrand, and Sandrine Grouard. Includes historical drawings and photographs of research conducted over the past one hundred and fifty years. – 43 –