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Esteban M. Gómez Curriculum Vitae | University of Denver, Sturm Hall 109, 2000 East Asbury Street, Denver, CO 80208 | (303) 871-‐2688 Education 2010 Ph.D. | Anthropology | University of California, Berkeley Dissertation Title: Archaeology of the Colonial Period Gulf of Fonseca, Eastern El Salvador 2002 M.A. | Anthropology | University of California, Berkeley Concentration: Archaeology 2000 B.A. | Anthropology | University of California, Santa Cruz Areas of Expertise Museum Studies | Historical Archaeology | Mesoamerica | American Southwest | Community-‐ Engaged Research | Colonialism | Postcolonial Theory | Migration | Cultural Landscapes | Digital Heritage| Ethnohistory | Ceramic Analysis | X-‐Ray Fluorescence | Lithic Analysis | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | Geophysical Prospection Teaching Experience 2015 – Present Visiting Teaching Assistant Professor | Anthropology | University of Denver 2000 – level Museums and Public Culture 3000 – level Museums and Their Visitors | The Art of Conquest and Survival | The Social Life of Objects Graduate level Museum Anthropology 2010 – 2015 Assistant Professor | Anthropology | Colorado College 100 – level Introduction to Archaeology | Introduction to Physical Anthropology | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | Cosmology and Place in the American Southwest | Food as Cultural Text 200 – level Archaeology of the American Southwest | Archaeology of the African Diaspora | Mesoamerica | Research Design: Theory and Method 300 – level Anthropology of Place-‐Making | Social Life of Things | Archaeology of Colonial Entanglements | Archaeological Field Methods 2008 – 2009 Head Graduate Student Instructor | Anthropology | University of California, Berkeley 100 – level Introduction to Archaeology 2006 -‐ 2009 Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) Supervisor | Anthropology | University of California, Berkeley Directed undergraduate interns in archaeological laboratory work on my dissertation collections including artifact sorting, analysis, illustration, database manipulation, archival research, and interview transcription. 2003 -‐ 2009 Graduate Student Instructor | Anthropology | University of California, Berkeley 100 – level Introduction to Physical Anthropology | Introduction to Archaeology 200 – level Ceramic Analysis | X-‐Ray Fluorescence in Archaeology 300 – level Archaeological Field Methods in Honduras Awards & Fellowships 2007 University of California Chancellor’s Dissertation Year Fellowship | One-‐year fellowship for dissertation research | University of California 2005 Dean’s Normative Time Fellowship | One-‐year fellowship given for advancing to candidacy in three years | University of California, Berkeley 2004 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award | Award given after my first semester of teaching | University of California, Berkeley 2001 Eugene Cota-‐Robles Fellowship | Three-‐year fellowship | University of California, Berkeley 2000 Undergraduate Research Award | Award given for Undergraduate Honors Thesis | University of California, Santa Cruz 2 Grants 2014 Social Science Executive Committee Grant | Funding to support laboratory research at Costa Rica’s National Museum of Anthropology | Colorado College 2013 Social Science Executive Committee Grant | Funding to support archaeological research in the Guanacaste region of northwest Costa Rica | Colorado College Faculty-‐Student Collaborative Grant | Funding to support two student research assistants for archaeological research in Costa Rica | Colorado College Social Sciences Technology Grant | Wrote a successful grant for the Department of Anthropology to purchase a slide scanner and software for managing digital images | Colorado College 2012 Social Science Executive Committee Grant | Funding to support laboratory research at Costa Rica’s National Museum of Anthropology | Colorado College Social Science Executive Committee Grant | Funding to support archaeological research in the Guanacaste region of northwest Costa Rica | The Colorado College Faculty-‐Student Collaborative Grant | Funding to support one student research assistant for archaeological research in Costa Rica | Colorado College International Teaching Grant | Funds used to support student assistants from the Department of Anthropology at University of Costa Rica | Colorado College Social Sciences Technology Grant | Wrote a successful grant for the Department of Anthropology to purchase computers and software for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) lab | Colorado College 2011 Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation Grant | Funding to support archaeological reconnaissance in Costa Rica | Colorado College Collection Development Grant | Monies used to purchase new books and archival materials for Costa Rica | Tutt Library | Colorado College 2010 Social Science Executive Committee Grant | Funding to support archaeological research trip to Costa Rica | Colorado College Social Science Executive Committee Grant | Funding to attend conferences | Colorado College 2006 Sigma Xi Grant in Aid of Research | Funding to support laboratory research | Berkeley Chapter Dissertation Improvement Grant BCS-‐0606656 |“The Archaeology of the Colonial Period Gulf of Fonseca, Eastern El Salvador” | National Science Foundation Stahl Grant for Archaeological Research | Funding to support archaeological research in Honduras |Archaeological Research Facility |University of California, Berkeley 2005 Olsen Grant for Anthropological Research | Funding to support dissertation research in El Salvador | Department of Anthropology |University of California, Berkeley 2003 Travel Grant | Funding to support archival research in Guatemala | Center for Latin American Studies | University of California, Berkeley 3 2002 Olsen Grant for Anthropological Research | Funding to support dissertation research in El Salvador | Department of Anthropology | University of California, Berkeley Museum Exhibitions 2014 “Maya Cosmovision: Myth, Memory, and Meaning” | February 11 – March 11, 2014 | Museum Exhibition on archaeology and the Popol Vuh in the Coburn Gallery | Colorado College “Devotional Cultures: Spanish Colonial Art in the Southwest” | January 20 – March 8, 2014 | Museum Exhibition on Spanish Colonial Art in the American Southwest in IDEA Space | Colorado College 2013 “Change and Continuity, Memory and Practice” | February 15 – March 15, 2013 | Museum Exhibition on archaeology and the Pueblo Revolt in the Coburn Gallery | Colorado College Publications Book Chapters Gómez, Esteban. Forthcoming. “‘Tierras de ningun provecho’: Eastern El Salvador, Colonialism and the Myth of Emptiness” in Life at the Margins of the State: Comparative Landscapes from the Old and New Word, edited by Kyle Knabb and Alicia Boswell. Boulder: University of Colorado Press. Joyce, Rosemary, Esteban Gómez, and Rus Sheptak. 2015. “Historical Archaeology in Central America,” in Oxford Handbook of Historical Archaeology, edited by James Symonds and Vesa-‐Pekka Herva. Published online January 2015. Oxford University Press. DOI 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199562350.013.20 Gómez, Esteban. 2011. “Conchagua Vieja: Historia y Arqueología de un Pueblo Indígena en la Isla de Conchagüita en el Golfo de Fonseca,” in El Golfo de Fonseca: Colección de Estudios Culturales. San Salvador, El Salvador: Departamento de Arqueología y Casa de Academias, CONCULTURA. Gómez, Esteban. 2010. “La Investigación Arqueológica del Antiguo Pueblo Indígena de Conchagua Vieja (54-‐A2), Isla Conchagüita en el Golfo de Fonseca, Departamento de La Unión,” in Antropología y Arqueología de la Isla Conchagüita en el Golfo de Fonseca, edited by R. Rivas, pp. 29-‐48. San Salvador, El Salvador: Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador. Revised and Submitted Manuscript Gómez, Esteban. ‘Tierras de Ningun Provecho’: The Colonial Appropriation of the Gulf of Fonseca, eastern El Salvador. Revised and submitted to Journal of Ethnohistory. 4 Submitted Manuscripts Gómez, Esteban. The Silent Spectators: Mestizo Nationalism and Anthropological Inquiry in El Salvador since the Matanza of 1932. Submitted to Current Anthropology. Gómez, Esteban. Sites of Memory on the Colonial Frontier: Lenca Memory and Practice at Conchagua Vieja, El Salvador. Submitted to Journal of Social Archaeology. In Prep Gómez, Esteban. Archaeological Approaches to Migration, Identity and Community in the Guanacaste Region of Northwestern Costa Rica. Will submit to the journal Mesoamerica. Technical Reports Gómez, Esteban. 2014. La Producción Social de Comunidades y la Transformación de Identidad: Informe sobre el trabajo arqueológico de Finca Chiva (G-‐103 Fch) y los Plátanos (G-‐101 Pl). Final report submitted to the Comisión Arquoelógica Nacional of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica. Gómez, Esteban. 2008. Proyecto Arqueológico de Conchagua Vieja, Isla Conchagüita: Informe final sobre el trabajo arqueológico de Conchagua Vieja (Sitio No. 54.A2) 2005 – 2007. Report Submitted to the Salvadoran Department of Archaeology, CONCULTURA, and the Museo Nacional de Antropología “Dr. David Guzmán,” San Salvador, El Salvador. Gómez, Esteban. 2007. Informe: La Investigación Arqueológica de Conchagua Vieja (54-‐A2), Segunda Temporada. Report submitted to the Museo Nacional de Antropología “Dr. David Guzmán,” San Salvador, El Salvador. Gómez, Esteban. 2005. Informe: La Investigación Arqueológica de Conchagua Vieja (54-‐A2), Primera Temporada. Report submitted to the Museo Nacional de Antropología “Dr. David Guzmán,” San Salvador, El Salvador. Gómez, Esteban. 2003. A Holistic-‐Based Approach to Cross Cultural Interaction. Report submitted to the Center for Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Gómez, Esteban. 2002. Informe Preliminar de los Sitios y Rasgos Arqueológicos y Otros de Valor Histórico en el Golfo de Fonseca, Departamento de La Unión. Report submitted to the Museo Nacional de Antropología “Dr. David Guzmán,” San Salvador, El Salvador. Papers Presented at Conferences & Organized Symposia 2014 Colonial Legacies and the Historical Marginalization of Eastern El Salvador | Society for American Archaeology | Austin, Texas | April 2013 An Archaeological Investigation of Identity and Social Transformation in the Guanacaste Region of Northwestern Costa Rica | Society for American Archaeology | Honolulu, Hawaii | April 5 2012 Militia Service and the Indigenous Coastal Watch in Spanish Central America: Race Relations and Episodes of Conflict along the Caribbean Coast of Central America | Society for Historical Archaeology | Baltimore, Maryland | January 2011 Colonialism, History and the Myth of Emptiness | Society for Historical Archaeology | Austin, Texas | January 2010 The Archaeology of San Fernando de Omoa | Society for Historical Archaeology | Amelia Island Plantation, Florida | January 2009 Conchagua Vieja: La Historia y Arqueología de un Pueblo Indígena en la isla de Conchagüita | III Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología en San Salvador | San Salvador, El Salvador | October Legal Petitions, Land Grants, and Discourse in Colonial Gulf of Fonseca, Eastern El Salvador | Society for Historical Archaeology | Toronto, Canada | January 2008 Cross-‐Cultural Interaction in the Gulf of Fonseca, Central America | Society for American Archaeology’s Annual Meeting | Vancouver, Canada | March 2006 More than Things or Words Alone: The Integration of Documentary and Material Records in the Historic Archaeology of Latin America | Symposium Organizer | Society for American Archaeology | San Juan, Puerto Rico | April Looking ‘outside the hand of god:’ Can studying El Salvador’s regional histories enlighten our understanding of Spanish colonial landscapes? | Society for American Archaeology | San Juan, Puerto Rico | April 2005 Investigación Preliminar del Antiguo Pueblo Indígena de Conchagua Vieja, Isla Conchagüita en el Golfo de Fonseca, El Salvador. I Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología en El Salvador: Cultura Nahua y Temas Generales | San Salvador, El Salvador | October Colonial Landscapes: The Archaeology and History of the Gulf of Fonseca, eastern El Salvador | Society for American Archaeology | Salt Lake City, Utah | April 2004 La Arqueología de Intercambios Culturales en el Golfo de Fonseca | VII Congreso Centroamericano de Historia | Tegucigalpa, Honduras | July A Holistic-‐Based Approach to Cross Cultural Interaction | Center for Latin American Studies | University of California, Berkeley | February Invited Presentations 2015 Archaeological Approaches to Migration, Identity and Community in Costa Rica | Lecture presented to the Department of Anthropology at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs | Colorado Springs, CO | February 2014 Memory and Practice on the Colonial Frontier | Lecture presented to the Department of Anthropology at the University of Colorado, Boulder | Boulder, CO | April 2013 Colonialism, History, and the Myth of Emptiness | Lecture presented to the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, San Diego | San Diego, CA | May 2011 Arqueología Historica en el Golfo de Fonseca y Honduras | Lecture presented to the Department of Anthropology, University of Costa Rica | San Jose, Costa Rica | June 6 2009 ‘Tierras de Ningun Provecho’: The Archaeology and History of Eastern El Salvador | Paper presented for the Colorado Springs Sigma XI Chapter, Colorado College |Colorado Springs. CO | October 2008 Accidentally Excavating a Spanish Colonial Fort: the 2008 Berkeley Field School at San Fernando de Omoa, Honduras | Brown Bag Lecture Series | Archaeology Research Facility | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA | September The Colonial Experience in the Gulf of Fonseca | Paper presented at the Latin American History Working Group | Department of History | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA | April The Archaeology and History of El Salvador | Paper presented at the Arch-‐Phys Lunch Series | Department of Anthropology | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA | February 2007 Análisis de la Cerámica de Conchagua Vieja, Golfo de Fonseca | Paper presented at the VIII Sesión Científica, San Salvador | San Salvador, El Salvador | July 2006 Colonial Landscapes: The Archaeology and History of the Gulf of Fonseca Region, Eastern El Salvador | Brown Bag Lecture Series | Archaeology Research Facility | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA | October Conchagua Vieja: Historia y Arqueología de un Pueblo Indígena en la Isla de Conchagüita | Paper presented at the IV Sesión Científica, San Salvador | San Salvador, El Salvador | July Conchagua Vieja: Historia y Arqueología de un Pueblo Indígena en la Isla de Conchagüita en el Golfo de Fonseca | Paper presented at the I Foro del Golfo de Fonseca: Colección de estudios culturales, La Unión | La Unión, El Salvador | May 2005 Arqueología, Historia y el Pueblo Indígena de Conchagua Vieja, Isla Conchagüita, en el Golfo de Fonseca | Paper presented to the Facultad de Arte y Cultura, Universidad Tecnológica de San Salvador | San Salvador, El Salvador | August 2002 Proyecto Arquelógico en el Golfo de Fonseca, El Salvador: Reconocimiento Preliminar de los Sitios y Rasgos de Valor Histórico | Paper presented at the Facultad de Arte y Cultura, Universidad Tecnológica de San Salvador | San Salvador, El Salvador | August Museum Experience 2015 – present Interim Director of Museum and Heritage Studies | Responsible for the management of the DU collections, advising of graduate students and teaching courses in the program 2014 – 2015 Inter-‐Generational Project at the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum | Students do formal analysis of objects donated to the museum, as well as conduct interviews with the donors | Co-‐Coordinator with Leah Witherow, Curator of History 2012 – 2015 7 Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center Collections Management | Oversee the maintenance and storage of collections belonging to Colorado College and housed in the Fine Arts Center | Colorado College Liaison 2013 – 2014 Consultant on layout design and text labels for the exhibit “Fuentes de Vida y Redes Culturales” | Museo de Jade | Museo de Antropología de Costa Rica Archaeology Experience Pre-‐Columbian Archaeology 2014 Laboratory Analysis |Designed and implemented the analysis of ceramic remains from the archaeological site of Finca Chiva (G-‐103 Fch) | San José, Costa Rica 2013 Field Director | Guanacaste Archaeology Program |Designed and implemented geophysical research at Finca Chiva with Megan Anderson, Department of Geology | Pueblo Viejo, Costa Rica 2012 Field Director | Guanacaste Archaeology Program | Designed and implemented an intensive program of survey and excavations at two Precolombian sites with the University of Costa Rica | Pueblo Viejo, Costa Rica 2007 Crew Leader | Proyecto Arqueológico de Currusté, Honduras | Supervised six field technicians at a Terminal Classic Maya site in the Ulúa Valley | Límon, Honduras 2004 Field Instructor | Los Naranjos Archaeological Project, Ulua Valley, Honduras | Trained and supervised anthropology students from UC Berkeley and Cornell in the Formative to Classic period settlement of Los Naranjos | Los Naranjos National Park, Honduras 2003 Field Instructor | Los Naranjos Archaeological Project, Ulua Valley, Honduras | Trained and supervised anthropology students from UC Berkeley and Cornell in the Formative to Classic period settlement of Los Naranjos | Los Naranjos National Park, Honduras 2002 Consultant and Field Archaeologist | Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Gulf of Fonseca, El Salvador | Designed and implemented a survey of archaeological sites in the Gulf of Fonseca for the Salvadoran Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources | La Unión, El Salvador 2000 Field Volunteer | Western Belize Regional Cave Project, Belize |Duties included the excavation, recording, cave mapping, and ceramic analysis of material remains | San Ignacio, Belize 1998 Student Intern | Proyecto Arqueológico de Acancéh, Yucatán, México | Introduction to consolidation and preservation techniques practiced at Acancéh by by Lic. Beatriz Quintal of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) | Acancéh, México Historic Archaeology 2009 Field Director | Northern Honduras Colonial Archaeology Project, Omoa, Honduras | Designed and implemented an intensive program of excavations at Omoa with Professor Rosemary Joyce, the Principal Investigator | Omoa, Honduras 8 2008 Field Instructor | Northern Honduras Colonial Archaeology Project, Omoa, Honduras | Trained and supervised anthropology students from UC Berkeley and the Universidad Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, in excavation and survey methods at the Spanish Fort of San Fernando in Omoa, northern Honduras | Omoa, Honduras 2007 Laboratory Analysis | Designed and implemented the analysis of ceramic remains from the archaeological site of Conchagua Vieja at El Salvador’s Department of Archaeology | San Salvador, El Salvador Crew Leader | Santa Catarina Archaeological Project, Baja California, México | Assisted UC Berkeley graduate student Lee M. Panich in the excavation and mapping of the Mission of Santa Catarina | Santa Catarina, México 2006 Field Director | Conchagua Vieja Archaeological Project, Isla Conchagüita, Gulf of Fonseca, El Salvador | Designed and implemented an intensive program of excavations at the Post-‐ Classic to Colonial period indigenous village site of Conchagua Vieja | Trained and supervised five field volunteers from the Universidad Tecnológica de San Salvador, El Salvador | Isla Conchagüita, El Salvador 2005 Field Director | Conchagua Vieja Archaeological Project, Isla Conchagüita, Gulf of Fonseca, El Salvador | Designed and implemented mapping and surface collection program at the Post-‐Classic to Colonial period indigenous village site of Conchagua Vieja | Isla Conchagüita, El Salvador Crew Leader | Santa Catarina Archaeological Project, Baja California, México | Assisted UC Berkeley graduate student Lee M. Panich in the magnetometer and surface survey of Santa Catarina | Santa Catarina, México 2003 Archival Research | Designed and implemented survey of Spanish colonial records related to the Gulf of Fonseca at the Archivo General de Centróamerica (AGCA) | Guatemala City, Guatemala. 1999 Field Volunteer | Colorado Coal Field War Archaeological Project, Trinidad, Colorado | Duties included excavation, screening, data recording, feature and artifact mapping, and laboratory analysis | Trinidad, Colorado. Community Engagement 2015 Human Well-‐Being in the Academy | Spiritual Journeys Lecture Series | Shove Chapel | Colorado College 2012 -‐ 2015 Community Engaged Leadership Certificate Program | Advisor to senior projects 2011 – 2015 Archaeology Day at the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum | Intro to Archaeology Class is annually responsible for designing interactive museum activities that include: archaeological dating, memory, preservation, and technology 2011 – 2015 9 Mountain Song Elementary | Intro to Archaeology Class is annually responsible for designing an interactive lesson plan for 5th grade students 2010 – 2015 Pikes Peak Chapter of the Colorado Archaeology Society | Annual public lectures that highlight current research 2012 – 2013 Public Outreach in Nicoya and Liberia, Costa Rica | Discussion forums on the importance of archaeology and cultural patrimony with local communities 2008 – 2009 Public Outreach in Omoa, Honduras | Annual presentation of archaeological research to the residents of Omoa 2001 – 2008 UC Berkeley Archaeology Public Outreach Program | Voluntary participation in outreach activities at local schools in Berkeley and Oakland 2002 – 2007 Casa de Cultura Presentations | Annual presentation of archaeological research at the Casa De Cultura in La Unión, El Salvador 2005 – 2006 Public Outreach on the island of Conchagüita, El Salvador | Annual presentation of archaeological research to the residents of the island 2004 – 2005 La Tertulia de Ricardo Chacón, Radio El Mundo, San Salvador, El Salvador | Weekly Radio interviews and participation in historical debates (five sessions) Service University of Denver 2015 -‐ Present Interim Director of Museum and Heritage Studies | Department of Anthropology Colorado College 2014 – 2015 Anthropology Lecture Series Coordinator | Department of Anthropology 2014 – 2015 Social Media Coordinator | Department of Anthropology 2014 – 2015 Environmental Sciences Hiring Committee | Minority Concerns Representative 2014 – 2015 Bridge Scholar Program | Advisor 2013 – 2015 Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum | Chair 10 2012 -‐ 2015 Community Engaged Leadership Certificate Program | Advisor to senior projects Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center Collections Management | Colorado College Liaison 2011 – 2015 Thomas J. Watson Committee | Advisor 2010 – 2015 Interdisciplinary and Experimental Arts (IDEA) Advisory Committee | Member Museum Studies Minor Committee | Member Race and Ethnic Studies Minor Committee | Member Southwest Studies Advisory Committee | Member 2009 – 2015 Latin American Studies Minor Committee | Member 2013 – 2014 Sociology Search Hiring Committee | Cognate Representative 2013 – 2014 Director of Field Studies Hiring Committee | Minority Concerns Representative 2011 – 2012 Biological Anthropology Search Hiring Committee | Department of Anthropology 2010 -‐ 2011 Website Re-‐Design Liaison | Department of Anthropology Linguistic Anthropology Search Hiring Committee | Department of Anthropology Professional Service 2014 – Present American Anthropology Association | Executive Program Committee | Member 2013 Peer-‐Reviewer | Reviewed an article for refereed publication | Historical Archaeology Peer-‐Reviewer | Book Proposal | University of Nebraska Press 2012 Peer-‐reviewer | Reviewed an article for refereed publication | Current Anthropology Professional Development 2015 New Faculty Workshop | Hosted by University of Denver Advising that Matters | Hosted by Colorado College 2014 Sustainability Across the Curriculum (presenter) | Hosted by Colorado College 2014 Making Teaching Transparent | Hosted by Colorado College 2012 Teaching First Year Students (presenter) | Hosted by Colorado College 11 2011 Bridge Scholar Faculty Advising Workshop | Hosted by Colorado College 2010 “What’s your Problem?” Creating Great Problems for the Problem Based Learning Classroom | Hosted by Summer ITUE Session | University of Delaware 2009 Learning to Learn | Hosted by Colorado College 2005 Teaching Anthropology | Hosted by the UC Berkeley Department of Anthropology 2004 Professional Standards and Ethics in Teaching | Hosted by UC Berkeley Graduate Division Teaching and Resource Center 2003 GSI Teaching and Orientation Conference | Hosted by UC Berkeley Graduate Division Teaching and Resource Center Advising Masters Thesis Projects in Progress 2015 Personal Possessions as Objects of Memory: Examining Object Biographies from Amache Incarceration Facility, by Rebecca Cruz | University of Denver Museums and Community Resilience Post-‐Disaster: The Case of The Presbytere’s exhibit Living with Hurricanes: Katrina and Beyond, by Holly Hagan | University of Denver Reconciling Religion with Secularity: An Anthropological Case Study of Indigenous Curation at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, by Julia Strunk | University of Denver Senior Honors Thesis Projects 2015 Body, Mind and Community in Brazilian Jiu-‐Jitsu, by Adriane Berenson | Colorado College Community and Identity Among Iraqi Immigrants and Refugees in San Diego, California, by Kim Van Lookeren Campagne | Colorado College 2014 Medical Professionals’ Understanding of Biocultural Factors Influencing Development of Osteoporosis Education and Awareness, by Claire Smith | Colorado College 2013 Museum Visitors’ Understanding of Human Evolution, by Shaye Smith | Colorado College The Power of Museums: Identity and Nationalism in Andalusia, by Krista Tani | Colorado College 2012 Agroecology and Culinary Tourism: The Regeneration of Native Food Systems in Juluchuca, Guerrero, Mexico, by Emma Sharer | Colorado College Professional Memberships 2002 – Present Society for American Archaeology Association 2005 – Present Society for Historical Archaeology Association 12 2003 – Present American Anthropology Association 13