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Karen Ann Faulk (52) 55 5449 3000 ext. 4318 Academic Positions June 2016present Profesora-investigadora, Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, Colegio de México Aug 2012May 2016 Visiting Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of History, Global Studies Program Jan 2009May 2012 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of History, Global Studies Program Jan 2012May 2012 Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropology Educational Background 2008 PhD in Anthropology, University of Michigan Title of Dissertation: The Walls of the Labyrinth: Impunity, Corruption, and the Limits of Politics in Contemporary Argentina Dissertation Committee: Jennifer Robertson, Fernando Coronil, Julia Paley, Julie Skurski, Carol Bardenstein 2003 1998 MA in Anthropology, University of Michigan BA in History of Art and Architecture, University of Pittsburgh BA in Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh Publications Books 2013 In the Wake of Neoliberalism: Citizenship and Human Rights in Argentina, Stanford University Press. Edited Volumes 2016 A Sense of Justice: Legal Knowledge and Lived Experience in Latin America, with Sandra Brunnegger, Stanford University Press. Special Issues 2016 Work in Argentina: 21st century Paradigms, in production as a Special Dossier with the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. Faulk 2 Articles 2016 “Introduction: Work in Argentina in the Twenty-first Century,” as part of Work in Argentina: 21st century Paradigms, in press with JLACA 2016 “‘Recuperar el trabajo’: Utopia and the work of recovery in an Argentine cooperativist movement,” as part of Work in Argentina: 21st century Paradigms, in press with JLACA. 2016 “Truth and Meaning-Making in Liminal Politics: Unraveling the Death of Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman,” Latin American Jewish Studies Newsletter, Vol 34, pp. 22-24. 2008 “’If they touch one of us, they touch all of us’: Cooperativism as a Counterlogic to Neoliberal Capitalism.” Anthropological Quarterly 81(3):579-614. Book Chapters 2016 “’Justice, Justice, You will Seek:’ The Pursuit of Justice in Jewish Buenos Aires,” in A Sense of Justice: Legal Knowledge and Lived Experience in Latin America, Stanford University Press, pp. 50-78. 2016 “Making Sense of Justice: An Introduction,” with Sandra Brunnegger, in A Sense of Justice: Legal Knowledge and Lived Experience in Latin America, Stanford University Press, pp. 1-24. 2015 “Citizenship, Human Rights, and Anthropology in the Aftermath of the AMIA Bombing,” in Landscapes of Memory and Impunity: The Aftermath of the AMIA Bombing in Jewish Argentina, Natasha Zaretsky and Annette Levine, eds. Leiden: Brill Publishers, pp. 153-168. 2015 “Lucha, trabajo y cultura: sentidos del cooperativismo y ciudadanía en una empresa recuperada," in Hacer juntos(as): Dinámicas, contornos y relieves de la política colectiva, María Inés Fernández Álvarez, ed., Editorial Biblios. 2012 “Solidarity and Accountability: Rethinking Citizenship and Human Rights,” in Human Rights at the Crossroads, Mark Goodale, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 98-110. 2012 “Stitching curtains, grinding plastic: The transformation of workers and things in Buenos Aires,” in Recycling Economies, C. Alexander and J. Reno, eds. London: Zed books, pp. 143-163. Review Essays 2008 “Writing as a Magical Act: Tracing Histories of Violence and Cocaine in Colombia,” review essay in consideration of Law in a Lawless Land and My Cocaine Museum by Michael Taussig. PoLAR (Political and Legal Anthropology Review), 31(2):356-359. Selected Book Reviews 2014 Review of Patients of the State: The Politics of Waiting in Argentina, by Javier Auyero. E.I.A.L (Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe), 25(1):121-122. Faulk 3 2013 Review of Rainforest Warriors: Human Rights on Trial by Richard Price. PoLAR (Political and Legal Anthropology Review), 36(1):178-180. 2011 Review of Bodies in Crisis: Culture, Violence, and Women's Resistance in Neoliberal Argentina by Barbara Sutton. Anthropological Quarterly, 84(1):273-378. 2009 “The Armed Face of Neoliberalism,” in review of Blood and Capital: The Paramilitarization of Colombia by Jasmin Hristov. Published on H-Human Rights, November. 2008 “30 Years Later: Exploring the Continuing Relevance of Argentine Human Rights Organizations” in review of Sustaining Human Rights: Women and Argentine Human Rights Organizations by Michelle D. Bonner. Published on H-Human Rights, January. Research Interests Topics: Globalization, human rights, health and medicine, cooperatives, citizenship, birth, labor, cultures of politics, public spaces, memory, Jewish communities Areas: Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Latin America as a historically constituted conceptual unit, international social movements University Teaching Experience For Department of History, Carnegie Mellon University Courses taught: Dilemmas and Controversies in Anthropology Garbage Gone Global: Managing Surplus, Waste, and Desire Medical Anthropology Refugees, Migrants, Citizens: The Politics of Belonging International Human Rights Institutions Development and Democracy in Latin America Politics and Cultures of Citizenship Perspectives on Social Protest Between Revolutions: 19th Century Latin America Introduction to Global Studies For Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh Courses taught: Anthropology of Food Languages Spanish – excellent, near-native proficiency in all aspects of communication Portuguese – listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability – very good Faulk 4 Professional Certifications CD(DONA) Certified Birth Doula with DONA international, certified 2012, recertified May 2015 LCCE Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, certified November 2014 Conferences Organized 2013 Latin American Utopian Visions: A Critical Look for the 21st Century, sponsored by Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge, UK, April 19-20 (co-organized with Sandra Brunnegger) Selected Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations 2016 Making Sense of Justice in Latin America: Toward an Anthropology of Justice, presented at Latin American Studies Association Congress, May 27-30 2015 Truth and Meaning-Making in Liminal Politics: Unraveling the Death of Argentine Prosecutor Alberto Nisman, presented at Latin American Studies Association Congress, May 27-30 and at American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 18-22 “It’s her birth”: Doula practice and the complexities of culturally competent care, presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Meeting, March 25-28 Participant and discussant, Grasping Everyday Justice: An Ethnographic Approach MiniConference, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Cambridge, UK, Feb 6-7, 2015 2014 2014 Moral Assumptions and Ideas of Personhood among Doulas and Childbirth Educators, presented as part of the Council on the Anthropology of Reproduction Advocacy Roundtable, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Dec 3-7 Improving Cross-cultural Communication and Understanding in Maternity Care: Developing a Skills Set for Doulas and Childbirth Educators, presented at the Lamaze/DONA joint conference, September 21-24 Recuperar el trabajo': utopía y la labor de recuperación en el movimiento cooperativista, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, July 21; Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social (CAAS), Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, July 23-26 The Use of Routine Interventions on Latina immigrants Giving Birth in US Hospitals: Some Ethnographic Reflections, Latin American Studies Association Congress, May 21-24 2013 ‘Recuperar el trabajo’: Utopía y la labor de recuperación en un movimiento cooperativista argentina, Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Latinoamericana, Bogotá, Colombia, July 2-5 and Latin American Studies Association Congress, May 29-June 1 Faulk 5 2012 The Search for Justice: Impunity and Corruption in Argentina, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 14-18 In the Wake of Neoliberalism: Collective Well-being and the Language of Rights in Argentina, Latin American Studies Association Congress, May 23-26 2011 Rethinking the Social: The Right to Collective Well-Being in Post-Neoliberal Buenos Aires, as part of panel Traces and Legacies of the Social: Constructing Alternative Visions of Collective Life, coorganized by Karen Faulk and Noa Vaisman, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 19-22 In the Wake of Neoliberalism: The Transformation of Workers and Things in Buenos Aires, presented at Mid-Atlantic Council on Latin American Studies (MACLAS) Annual Conference, March 18-19 2010 Stitching Curtains, Grinding Plastic: The Transformation of Workers and Things in Buenos Aires, University of Pittsburgh Department of Anthropology Lecture Series, October 22 Challenging Social Atomization: Kinship and Affective Bonds in Moments of Social Transformation in Contemporary South America, Latin American Studies Association Congress, October 6-9 ’Justice, Justice, you will seek’: Security and Rights in Buenos Aires, as part of the conference Legal Subjectivity, Popular/Community Justice and Human Rights in Latin America, University of Cambridge, England, January 22-23 2009 Collaborative Fieldwork: Exploring Collaboration among Scholars in Anthropological Research and Knowledge Production, co-written and presented with Michelle Cohen, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, December 2 Derechos humanos y neoliberalismo: el lugar de los derechos económicos, VIII Reunión de Antropología del Mercosur (RAM), Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 30 2007 Truth in Numbers: The Politics of Counting Corpses and the Validation of Knowledge in Argentina, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 30 2004 Contemporary Social Movements in Argentina, given at the Social Movement Scholars Conference at the University of Michigan, May 8 Putting Memory to Work: Memoria Activa and the Politics of Nation in Argentina, Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Leiden University, the Netherlands, April 3-5 2002 Responses in the Face of International Terrorism: Nation and Community Building in Contemporary Argentina, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program Brownbag Series, University of Michigan, January 24. Faulk 6 Community and Academic Service Activities Mentoring and Committees Faculty mentor for Senior Honors Thesis: Katy Wells (graduated Dec 2012) Ava Murphey (graduated May 2013) Kristine Swarts, Juan Acosta, Emily Etzel, Tonya Sedgwick (graduated May 2015) Sarah Khalbuss (University of Pittsburgh, Bachelor of Philosophy capstone thesis, 2015) Dissertation Proposal Committees: Trisha Netsch-Lopez, Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh Member, Council for the Anthropology of Reproduction Graduate Student Paper Prize Committee, 2015 Community Service Oct 2015- Lamaze Childbirth Education Instructor for The Birth Circle (part of the Department of Family June 2016 Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)) Lamaze trained and certified (certified Nov 2014), I provide childbirth education and instruction in Spanish to local Latina immigrants, though a grant provided by the Beckwith Institute to improve cross-cultural competency and shared decision making practices among UPMC health care providers Nov 2010- Birth Doula for The Birth Circle (part of the Department of Family Medicine, University June 2016 of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)) DONA-trained and certified birth doula (certification March 2012) I work with this NGO (The Birth Circle), providing free doula service to low-income women 2010 Co-coordinator, Círculo Juvenil de Cultura (Children’s Cultural Circle), Community Outreach program, Carnegie Mellon University This program consists of a series of cultural workshops run in Spanish for children who are heritage speakers (i.e., have a native familiarity through one or both parents, though not necessarily as the first or exclusive first language). This program seeks to provide a space for celebrating and strengthening the families’ ties to their Hispanic heritage, while maintaining and/or strengthening their Spanish language capabilities. Peer Reviewing I have served as a peer reviewer for the following publications: American Anthropologist Anthropological Quarterly Anthropology Matters Cuadernos de Antropología Social (Universidad de Buenos Aires) Comparative Studies in Society and History (CSSH) Revista Estudios Sociológicos (Mexico) Labor Studies Journal Journal of International Political Theory Faulk 7 Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR) Quid 16. Revista del Área de Estudios Urbanos- Instituto de investigaciones Gino Germani Journal of International and Global Studies Revista Nueva Antropología (Mexico) Fellowships, Scholarships, and Honors Research Funds 2012-2016 Funding for research and conference travel, Department of History, Carnegie Mellon University Travel Funds 2014 Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Travel Grant Major Graduate Awards 2007 Rackham Humanities Award, University of Michigan 2004/5 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Award 2003 Summer Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS) 1999- LSA Regents’ Fellowship, University of Michigan 2003 1998 Summa cum Laude, University of Pittsburgh Professional Association Memberships American Anthropological Association Latin American Jewish Studies Association Latin American Studies Association Middle Atlantic Council on Latin American Studies Society for Applied Anthropology July 2016