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César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero
Assistant Professor of Medical Anthropology and Human Rights,
University of Connecticut
Office 435, Beach Hall
354 Mansfield Road. Storrs, Connecticut 06269-1176. USA.,,
Doctor of Medical Sciences (DMSc). Oral Biology. Research in Medical Anthropology and Social
Medicine, Harvard University. 2003.
Residence in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Harvard University, 2003.
Residence in Oral Medicine, Harvard University, 2003
Fellow in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology,
Doctor of Medical Dentistry (DMD). National University of Colombia, 1992.
Post-doctoral training
2004-2005: The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. Richard Carley Hunt
Fellowship. Individual grant to devote one year to full-time writing for publication.
2003-2004: Dean’s Scholar Award. Harvard School of Dental Medicine. One year of post-doctoral
research in medical anthropology and social medicine.
2013. Certificate of Excellence in Tutoring. The Academy Center for Teaching and Learning. Harvard
Medical School.
2012. Honorary Award. Fundación Alejandro Ángel Escobar. 2012 Science Award Competition. Social
and Human Sciences Categories. For the book "I HAVE AIDS BUT I AM HAPPY" Children's
Subjectivities, AIDS, and Social Responses in Brazil.
2009. Selected Publications [Obra Selecta]. Best Manuscripts of Professors of the National University of
Colombia to be published under the Obra Selecta Series of the Academic Press of the National
University of Colombia.
2007. XVIII Argentinean Congress on Pain. Chronic Pain: Guidelines for the exploration of the body
[Spanish]. Third Prize Scientific Paper. Ruiz, Camilo and Abadía, Cesar. Buenos Aires,
Argentina, September 6-8.
2006. First Central American Congress of Pain and Palliative Care. Third Place, Poster Presentation. “Pain
and body, experiences of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: An anthropological approach”
[Spanish]. Ruiz, Camilo and Abadía-Barrero, César. Antigua, Guatemala, 6-8 December 2006.
2005. International Research Essays Contest: “Cultura y Transformaciones Sociales” “Culture and Social
Transformations.” First Prize. Essay: "AIDS and children in Brazil: Social responses that promote
the maturity of human rights. [Spanish]” Program: Globalización, Cultura y Transformaciones
Sociales, Centro de Investigaciones Postdoctorales (CIPOST) de la Facultad de Ciencias
Económicas y Sociales (FaCES), Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV).
2003. Rudolf Virchow Graduate Student Award of the Critical Anthropology of Health Caucus. American
Anthropological Association: The Society for Medical Anthropology.
2003: James H. Shaw Award. Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Excellence in Research.
César E. Abadía-Barrero
2000: “Julio Barrios” Award. For the best work presented in the thematic area of Social Responses. 1st
Forum and 2nd Conference of Horizontal Technical Co-operation on HIV/AIDS and STDs in Latin
America and the Caribbean. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1998: Award for Best Teaching. Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
1992: Summa cum laude. National University of Colombia, School of Dental Medicine.
1986: Summa cum laude. Externado Nacional “Camilo Torres”.
2013-2014. IV Oral Health National Survey. Ministry of Health, Colombia. Academic Advisor and
Principal Investigator of the Qualitative Component.
2013-2014. Journeys of Pregnant Women and Health Care Challenges. Colombian Society of
Anesthesiology. Academic Advisor.
2012-2014. Sociocultural determinants and access to diagnosis and care for Chagas Disease in Casanare,
Magdalena and Cundinamarca States, Colombia. National Research Program on Prevention,
Control and Integral Treatment of Chagas Disease. Academic Advisor.
2012: CLACSO. Grants CLACSO-Asdi for the promotion of social research 2009-2012 for researchers
from Latin America and the Caribbean. Project: Capitalist Accumulation in Health and
Resistances in Colombia. Principal Investigator.
2011-2013: Colciencias. Collective Action in Health in Colombia in the Context of the Reform: 1994-2010.
Co-Investigator. Esperanza Echeverry (PI), Universidad de Antioquia.
2009-2011: Secretaria Distrital de Salud/Liga Colombiana de Lucha Contra el Sida/Universidad Nacional
de Colombia. Coverage of ART and Quality of Care of People living with HIV in the Colombian
Capital District: A Mixed-Method Study. Principal Investigator.
2009-2010: UNDOC. Rapid Assessment to characterize heroine consumption in Santander de Quilichao,
Cauca. Principal Investigator.
2009-2011: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Consolidation of the Research Group Critical Medical
Anthropology. Principal Investigator.
2008: UNFPA. Vulnerability factors for HIV infection in Colombian women in five Colombian cities. Co-PI
with Mara Viveros, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
2008: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dialogues, Paths and Possibilities: Encounters between
Anthropology and Health. Principal Investigator.
2007: Save The Children, ICBF, UNICEF. Research on orphan children and adolescents affected by HIV
or AIDS in Colombia. Principal Investigator.
2007: CLACSO. Project Contest Culture, Power and Counterhegemony. CLACSO-Asdi grant program:
Promotion of social research 2006-2008. Project: Privatization of Health and Structural
Adjustment Policies in Colombia: Ethnographic Study at the University Hospital Instituto
Materno Infantil (IMI) de Bogotá. Principal Investigator.
2007: LASA. Conference Travel Grant. To attend the XXVII International Congress in Montreal.
September 5-8.
2007: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Salud al Derecho: Bureaucratic Itineraries of the General
Social Security System of Colombia. Principal Investigator.
2007: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Living with a mental illness: three voice-narratives about
craziness. To support the master’s thesis of student Constanza Fletcher.
2007: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Illegal Practices of Domination To support the master’s thesis of
student César Tapias.
César E. Abadía-Barrero
2006-2008: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Health and Structural Violence in Colombia and Latin
America. Principal Investigator.
2002 and 2003: Conference Travel Grant. DRCLAS. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American
2001: Lewis A. Tyler Trustee’s Fund Award. LASPAU: Academic and Professional Programs for the
1999: Summer Research Fellowship. DRCLAS. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.
1996-2003: Grant for Doctoral Studies. Colciencias. (Colombian Institute for Science Development
“Francisco Jose de Caldas”).
Assistant Professor: University of Connecticut, Department of Anthropology and Human Rights Institute.
Research Scientist: Center for Social Studies, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Associate Professor: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Department of Anthropology and Doctorate in
Public Health Program. 2006 – 2014.
Lecturer. Harvard University. Department of Global Health and Social Medicine. 2014
Affiliated Faculty/Researcher: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Centro de Estudios Sociales (CESCenter for Social Studies). 2006-Present.
Visiting Associate Professor. Harvard University. Department of Global Health and Social Medicine.
Visiting Professor: Johns Hopkins University. William G. Zitzman Visiting Scholar, Program for Latin
American Studies. Spring, 2011.
Assistant Professor: Universidad de los Andes, Department of Anthropology. 2005
Post-Doctoral Fellow: Harvard Medical School, Department of Social Medicine. Funding from the
Richard Carley Hunt Fellowship of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
July 2004-June 2005.
Research Fellow: ICANH—Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e História. 2004-2005.
Post-Doctoral Fellow: Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Medicine, Infection and
Immunity. Harvard Medical School, Department of Social Medicine. Project: “The political
economy of Oral Health in Colombia and AIDS in Brazil and Colombia.” 2003-2004
Research Fellow/Doctoral Student: Areas Oral Biology, Medical Anthropology and Social Medicine:
Doctoral studies: “Children’s subjectivities and AIDS in São Paulo, Brazil.” 1996-2003. Harvard
Instructor in Culture and Health: 2003 – 2004. Department of Social Medicine. Harvard Medical
Instructor in Oral Pathology: 2002 – 2004. Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
Medical Interpreter for Spanish and Portuguese: 2001 – 2003. Interpreter’s Service.
Hospital, Boston.
Research Fellow: Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine. University of São
Paulo, Brazil. Area Medical Anthropology and Social Medicine. October 1999 – July 2001.
Director Project Encounter: 2001. Voluntary work articulated with the AIDS/NGO São Paulo’s State
Forum, São Paulo’s and Jundiaí’s Municipal and São Paulo’s State Programs on STD/AIDS,
University of São Paulo, University of Campinas, several NGOs and other people interested in the
care of children and adolescents affected by AIDS. Project Encounter aimed to empower children
César E. Abadía-Barrero
and adolescents, improve the quality of the programs that provide care, combat prejudice and
cultivate solidarity. More than 300 hundred children and adolescents participated in the project.
Intern in Oral Medicine and Medical Anthropology: July - August 1998. Muhimbili University College
of Health Sciences. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Teaching Assistant: 1997 – 1999. Oral Pathology and Pathophysiology. HSDM. Lectures and leading
discussion/seminar groups.
Director of Medical Center: January 1995 - March 1996. “Cooperativa de Salud Avancemos”
Bugalagrande, Valle, Colombia.
General Practice: October 1994 - December 1994. Prosalud, Cali, Colombia.
Oral Health Department Coordinator: February 1994 - July 1994. Medical Center FUNDAC. Bogota,
General Practice Residency: December 1992 - October 1993. Obligatory Social Service. Health Social
Service of Guainía, Guainía State. Regional Hospital.
Teaching Assistant: January 1992 - June 1992. Periodontology Clinic. National University of Colombia.
Horton, S. Abadía-Barrero, C. Mulligan, J. and Thompson J. Critical Anthropology of Global Health
'Takes a Stand' Statement: A Critical Medical Anthropological Approach to the US' Affordable
Care Act. 2014. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 28(1): 1-22. DOI: 10.1111maq.12065
Sanchez-Vanegas, G. Abadía-Barrero, C. De la Hoz, F. Nova, J. and Lopez, E. Cáncer de Piel: Barreras
de acceso e itinerario burocrático. Una experiencia colombiana. [Colombian experience regarding
skin cáncer: Health care-related barriers to access to health care and bureaucratic itineraries] 2013.
Revista de Salud Pública. 15(5): 671-683.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Pinilla, M. Ariza, K and Ruíz, C. Neoliberalismo en Salud: La Tortura de
Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del Instituto Materno Infantil de Bogotá. [Neoliberalism in Health:
The Torture of the Health Care Workers of the Bogotá´s Instituto Materno Infantil (child and
maternity hospital)] 2012 Revista de Salud Pública 14 Sup 1: 18-31.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Shaw Crane Emma and Ruíz, C. Defending the Right to Health in Colombia. 2012.
NACLA Report on the Americas. Summer 2012 45(2): 70-73
Abadía-Barrero, C. Giraldo, V. Muñoz, C. Bejarano, M. and Oviedo, D. Salud al Derecho. Una
experiencia de exigibilidad de derechos. [Salud al Derecho. An experience in demanding rights].
2012. Revista Convergência Crítica. Vol 1. No. 2. 252-275.
Sanchez-Vanegas, G and Abadía-Barrero, C EPIDEMIOLOGÍA Y ANTROPOLOGÍA: Una propuesta
frente a problemas complejos en Salud Pública [Epidemiology and Anthropology: a proposal to
address complexity in public health] 2012 Revista de la Facultad de Medicina 60:221-229.
Quevedo-Gómez, M.C. Krumeich, A. Abadía-Barrero, C. Pastrana-Salcedo, E.M.; Van den Borne, H.W.
Machismo, public health and sexuality-related stigma: 2012. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 14(2):
Estrada-Montoya, J.H and Abadía Barrero, C. Dossier Dentistry and Society (Editorial). 2012.
Universitas Odontológica. Ene-Jul 31(66): 19-23.
Abadía Barrero, C. E. Melo Moreno, M. A. Pinilla, M. Y. Ariza, K. and Ruíz, C. Algunas violencias del
capitalismo en Colombia. Dispositivos de tortura y autodestrucción. [Some Capitalist Violences in
Colombia. Torture and Self-Destruction Dispositives] 2011. Maguaré. 25 (1): 203-240.
César E. Abadía-Barrero
Quevedo-Gómez MC. Krumeich A. Abadía-Barrero CE. Pastrana-Salcedo EM. and van den Borne H.
Structural actions toward HIV/AIDS prevention in Cartagena, Colombia: a qualitative study.
2011. Rev Panam Salud Publica.30(1):65–73.
Abadía-Barrero, C. E. and Oviedo, D. Itinerarios burocráticos de la salud en Colombia: la burocracia
neoliberal, su estado y la ciudadanía en salud. [Bureaucratic Itineraries of Health in Colombia. The
neoliberal bureaucracy, its state and health care citizenship] 2010. Revista Gerencia y Políticas en
Salud, Sup 9(18), 86-102.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Estrada, J. and Hernández, A. El Sistema de Salud en Colombia: Un asunto Político.
[Health Care System in Colombia: A Political Matter] 2010. Revista Izquierda. Mayo. No. 1, pp.
Abadía-Barrero, C. and Oviedo, D. Bureaucratic Itineraries. A proposal for understanding Managed-Care
Health Care System from the Colombian citizen's perspectives. 2009. Social Science & Medicine.
Vol 68 No 6, pp. 1153-1160.
Abadía-Barrero, C. and Oviedo, D. Intersubjetividades Estructuradas: La Salud en Colombia como
Dilema Epistemológico y Político para las Ciencias Sociales. [Structured Intersubjectivities.
Health as a Social Sciences Political and Epistemological Dilemma] 2008. Universitas
Humanística. Vol 66. Julio-Diciembre, pp. 57-82.
Estrada JH, Martínez A and Abadía-Barrero C. Factores bio sociales y percepciones de una vida con
calidad: un reto para la adherencia antirretroviral en pacientes con vih. [Biosocial factors and
perceptions of a life with quality: challenges for antiretroviral adherence in patients with HIV].
2008. Revista Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 134-142.
Oviedo D, Abadía-Barrero C. and Martínez A. Movilización Social por la Defensa del Derecho a la Salud
en Bogotá: Esfuerzos Locales y Conexiones Globales. [Social Mobilization for the Defense of the
Right to Health Care in Bogota: Local Efforts and Global Connections] 2008. Pre-Til. Vol. 6 No.
17, pp. 46-63.
Abadía-Barrero, C. and Estrada J. Editorial Capitalismo y Salud. [Capitalism and Health, Editorial]
2007/2008. Palimpsestus. Vol 6. pp. 7-9
Abadía-Barrero, C. Cortés, G. Fino, E. García, C. Oviedo, D. Pinilla Alfonso, M. and Valdes, E.
Perspectivas Inter-Situadas al Capitalismo en Salud: desde Colombia y sobre Colombia.
[Intersituated Perspectives to Capitalism and Health: from and about Colombia] 2007/2008.
Palimpsestus. Vol 6. pp. 163-176.
Ruiz, Camilo and Abadía-Barrero, C. Dolor Crónico: una guía para la exploración del cuerpo. Los casos
de un grupo de mujeres consultantes en la Clínica del Dolor del Seguro Social. [Chronic Pain:
exploratory guide for the body. Women attending the pain clinic from the Social Security
Institute] 2007. NeuroTarget. Revista de Neurocirugía Funcional, Estereotaxia y Radiocirugía.
Vol 2. No. 2. pp. 17-21
Abadía-Barrero, C. and Mauro Brigeiro. The Brazilian Fight Against AIDS. Health and Rights in the
World Market Economy. 2007. Revista. Harvard Review of Latin America. Vol. Spring, pp. 17-20.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Navarrete, H. Martínez, A. and Pinilla, M. En Alto Riesgo: La Crisis de la Salud
Pública en el Instituto Materno Infantil de Bogotá. [At High Risk: The Crisis of Public Health at
the Maternity and Child Institute in Bogotá] 2006. Antípoda, Vol Julio-Diciembre. No. 3, pp. 199226.
Abadía-Barrero, C. and LaRusso M. The Disclosure Model versus a Developmental Illness Experience
Model for Children and Adolescents Living with HIV/AIDS in São Paulo, Brazil. 2006. AIDS
Patient Care and STDs. Vol 20, No. 1, pp. 36-43
Abadía-Barrero, C. and Castro A. Experiences of Stigma and Access to HAART in Children and
Adolescents Living with HIV/AIDS in Brazil. 2006. Social Science & Medicine. Vol 62, March,
pp. 1219-1228.
César E. Abadía-Barrero
Abadía-Barrero, C. Pobreza y desigualdades sociales: Un debate obligatorio en salud oral. [Poverty and
social inequalities: A mandatory debate in oral health] 2006 Acta Bioethica. Vol 12, No. 1, pp. 922.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Sida y Niñez en Brasil: Respuestas Sociales que Promueven la Madurez de los
Derechos Humanos. [AIDS and Children in Brazil: Social Responses that promote the maturity of
Human Rights] 2006. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Avanzados-RELEA. Vol 24, pp. 151192.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Pinilla, M. Hernández. R. and González, F. Niñez y sida en Latinoamérica: Lecciones
aprendidas, desafíos y posibilidades. [Childhood and AIDS in Latin America: Lessons learned,
challenges and possibilities]. 2005, Creciendo Juntos: Revista Electrónica de la Red VIH/SIDA y
Niñez en Latinoamérica. tercer trimestre, pp. 4-36.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Políticas y Sujetos del SIDA en Brasil y Colombia. [AIDS Politics and Subjects in
Brazil and Colombia] 2004. Revista Colombiana de Antropología, Vol 40, pp. 123-154
Abadía-Barrero, C. Rowinsky, P. Hausmann, J. Battisti-Ashe, A. and Peters, G. Errors in Medical
Interpretation: Our Concerns for Public Health and a call for caution [comment]. 2003 Jun.
Pediatrics. 111(6 Pt 1):1495-7.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Growing up in a World with AIDS: Social advantages of having AIDS in Brazil.
2002. AIDS Care Vol 14. No. 3 pp. 417-423.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Crianças vivendo com HIV e casas de apoio em São Paulo: Cultura, experiências e
contexto domiciliar. [Children living with HIV and support houses in São Paulo: Culture,
experiences and house context] 2002. Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação, Vol 6. No.11
pp. 55-70.
Castro, M. Urrea, F. Fonseca, M. Abadía, C. and Guío, A. Efecto del Componente Educativo del Programa
Materno Infantil sobre los Conocimientos Actitudes y Prácticas en Salud de las Gestantes,
Hospital La Victoria [Effects of the Educational Component of the Maternity and Child Care
Program on the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Pregnant Women. La Victoria Hospital]
1993 Revista Odontológica Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sep. Vol 17 No. 1 pp. 13-17.
Abadía-Barrero, C., Góngora, A. Melo, M and Platarrueda C (Eds.) 2013. Salud Normalización y
Capitalismo en Colombia [Health, Normalization and Capitalism in Colombia]. Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, Ediciones Desde Abajo.
Abadía-Barrero, C. 2011. "I HAVE AIDS BUT I AM HAPPY" Children's Subjectivities, AIDS, and Social
Responses in Brazil. Obra Selecta. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Cruz, E.F. y Abadía-Barrero, C. (Eds.) 2005. Criança, Adolescente e AIDS: Abra este Diálogo. [Children,
Adolescents and AIDS: Open that Dialogue] São Paulo: Fórum das ONG’s-AIDS do Estado de
São Paulo.
Book Chapters
Abadía-Barrero, C. Góngora, A. Melo, M and Platarrueda C. Introducción General. Vida, hegemonías y
praxis antropológica. [General Introduction. Health, hegemonies and anthropological praxis]. In
Abadía-Barrero, (Eds.) Salud Normalización y Capitalismo en Colombia Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, Ediciones Desde Abajo, Bogotá, 2013, pp. 9-24.
Abadía-Barrero, C. and Melo, M. Introducción. Violencias del Capitalismo. [Introduction. The (Multiple)
Violences of Capitalism]. In Abadía-Barrero, (Eds.) Salud Normalización y Capitalismo en
Colombia Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, Ediciones Desde Abajo,
Bogotá, 2013, pp. 229-232.
César E. Abadía-Barrero
Alzate, D. Oviedo, D. Velosa, L and Abadía-Barrero, C. Derecho lucro-destructivo: vivencias de la
ideología posneoliberal en salud. [Profit-destructive law: lived experiences of posneoliberal
ideology in health]. In Abadía-Barrero, (Eds.) Salud Normalización y Capitalismo en
Colombia Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, Ediciones Desde Abajo,
Bogotá, 2013, pp. 233-275.
Abadía-Barrero, C. and Oviedo, D. Salud al Derecho y su lucha por el derecho a la salud en Colombia,
¿un movimiento social anticapitalista? [Salud al Derecho and its fight for the right to health in
Colombia, an anticapitalist social movement?]. In Abadía-Barrero, (Eds.) Salud
Normalización y Capitalismo en Colombia Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del
Rosario, Ediciones Desde Abajo, Bogotá, 2013, pp. 359-390.
Ariza, K. Abadía-Barrero, C. and Pinilla, MY. La praxis del Estado colombiano en la eliminación del
Instituto de Seguros Sociales y del Instituto Materno Infantil. [The praxis of the Colombian state
in the elimination of the Institute of Social Security and the Child and Maternity Institute]. In
Abadía-Barrero, (Eds.) Salud Normalización y Capitalismo en Colombia Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, Ediciones Desde Abajo, Bogotá, 2013, pp. 441473.
Góngora, A. and Abadía-Barrero, C. Malestares y crisis en la salud: propuesta metodológica para un
debate participativo. [Afflictions and Crises in Health: methodological proposal for a participatory
debate]. In Abadía-Barrero, (Eds.) Salud Normalización y Capitalismo en Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, Ediciones Desde Abajo, Bogotá,
2013, pp. 531-565.
Abadía-Barrero C. Causas y Efectos de las Desigualdades Sociales en la Salud Oral. [Causes and Effects
of Social Inequalities in Oral Health] In Fundación del Colegio de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos
de Madrid (FCOEM). Estudio y Análisis de la Equidad en Salud. Una Visión en Salud Oral.
Flying Monkeys Publicidad, Madrid. 2013, pp. 13-34.
Quevedo-Gómez, MC Pastrana, EM Krumeich, A van den Borne, H Abadía-Barrero CE. Machismo,
Desigualdad Social y Turismo Sexual. Acción Frente a la Epidemia del VIH/SIDA basada en el
diagnóstico colectivo. [Machismo, Social Inequality and Sexual Turism. Action Towards the
HIV/AIDS Epidemic base don Collective Diagnosis] In Arrivillaga M y Useche B (Dir. Acad.)
Sida y Sociedad. Crítica y desafíos sociales frente a la epidemia. Ediciones Aurora 2011, pp. 172207.
Abadía-Barrero, C. López, M y Ortega, F (coord. Grupo de investigación ciudadanías incluyentes).
Constitución de Ciudadanías en Dinámicas de exclusión e inclusión. [Citizenship Constitution in
Inclusion and Exclusion Dynamics] In Vignolo, Paolo (Ed.) Ciudadanías en Escena. Performance
y derechos culturales en Colombia. Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2009, pp. 39-46.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Tiempos y Lenguajes en Algunas Formas de Sufrimiento Humano. [Times and
Languages in Some Forms of Human Suffering] In Ortega, Francisco A (Ed.), Veena Das: sujetos
del dolor, agentes de la dignidad. Bogotá: Centro de Estudios Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias
Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá; Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
sede Medellín; Instituto Pensar, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2008, pp. 473-494.
Abadía-Barrero, C. Los sistemas de seguridad y atención en América Latina y los efectos en el ejercicio
de la Odontología: inequidad e injusticia. [Systems of Social Security in Latin America and their
effects in Dental practices: inequity and injustice] In Ética y Odontología: Una Introducción.
Edited by Cardozo, C. Rodríguez, E. Lolas, F. and Quezada, A. Santiago, Centro Interdisciplinario
de Estudios en Bioética (CIEB), Universidad de Chile. 2006, pp. 59-74.
Abadía-Barrero, C. and Cruz, E.F. Abrindo diálogo, buscando novos caminhos. [Opening the Dialogue,
searching for new paths] In Criança, Adolescente e AIDS: Abra este Diálogo. Edited by Franco,
E.C. y Abadía-Barrero, C. São Paulo: Fórum das ONG’s-AIDS do Estado de São Paulo. 2005, pp.
Cruz, E.F. and Abadía-Barrero, C. GT: Grupo de Trabalho de Crianças e Adolescentes Vivendo e
Convivendo com HIV/AIDS do Fórum de ONG/AIDS de São Paulo. [WG: Working Group on
César E. Abadía-Barrero
Children and Adolescents Living with HIV/AIDS of the Fórum on AIDS/NGOs of São Paulo] In
Criança, Adolescente e AIDS: Abra este Diálogo. Edited by Franco, E.C. y Abadía-Barrero, C.
São Paulo: Fórum das ONG’s-AIDS do Estado de São Paulo. 2005, pp. 16-26.
Abadia-Barrero, C. Happy Children with AIDS: The Paradox of a Healthy National Program in an
Unequal and Exclusionary Brazil. In Unhealthy Health Policy: A Critical Anthropological
Examination. Edited by Castro, A. and Singer, M. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press, 2004, pp.
Research Reports in Book Format
Abadia-Barrero, C. González, M. Martínez, A. Ardila, F. Betancourt, C. Pinilla, MY. Ruíz, C. and Ariza,
K. Antirretrovirales y calidad de la atención en VIH/sida. La lógica de mercado en el sistema de
salud. [Antiretrovirals and Quality of Care in HIV/AIDS. Market logics within the health care
system]. 2013. Bogotá, Secretaría Distrital de Salud.
Abadía-Barrero, C, Betancourt, F, Pinilla, M, Ariza, K y Ruiz, C. Derecho de los niños, niñas y
adolescentes afectados por el VIH SIDA en Colombia. Estudio de casos en Cúcuta, Pereira y
Villavicencio. [The Rights of Children and Adolescents Affected by HIV/AIDS in Colombia.
Case Study in Cucuta, Pereira and Villavicencio] 2009. Bogotá: Save the Children, UNICEF,
Viveros, M, Abadía-Barrero, C, Facundo, A, Pinilla, M, Fiesco, J, Parra I. Factores de Vulnerabilidad a
la infección por VIH en mujeres. [Vulnerability Factors to HIV infection in women]. 2009.
Bogotá: Ministerio de la Protección Social, UNFPA.
Abadía-Barrero, C..Sida y Niñez en Brasil: Respuestas Sociales que Promueven la Madurez de los
Derechos Humanos. [AIDS and Children in Brazil: Social Responses that promote the maturity of
Human Rights. Short Monograph Series] Colección Monografías. No. 22. 2006. Caracas:
Programa Cultura, Comunicacion y Transformaciones Sociales, CIPOST, FaCES, Universidad
Central de Venezuela. available:
Book Reviews
Global Transformations: Anthropology and the Modern World. Michel-Rolph Trouillot. Cauca-Bogotá:
Universidad del Cauca y Ceso-Universidad de los Andes. [2003] 2011. Spanish translation and
presentation by Cristóbal Gnecco. 282 páginas. Revista Maguaré. 2012. Vol 1, ene-junio, pp. 363370.
Una cuestión poco cono-sida: evaluación crítica del Proyecto piloto de educación para la sexualidad y la
construcción de ciudadanía – Hacia la formación de una política pública (2006-2008), [Something
Little underaidstood: critical evaluation of the pilot Project for sex education and citizenship
construction – Towards the formulation of a public polity (2006-2008)]. John Harold Estrada
Montoya, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colciencias, 2009. 2010. Revista Gerencia y
Políticas en Salud, 9(18), 162-165.
DMD Thesis
Abadía, C. Murcia, O. and Jiménez A. Monograph with Clinical Case presentation. “Manejo
Estomatologico del paciente hemofilico en las etapas de erupcion y cambio dental”
(Stomathologic management of the hemophilic patient in eruption and tooth decay periods). 1991
- 1992 (essay).
Abadía Barrero C.E. Muñoz, C. Alzate, D. Oviedo D. and Melo, M. Acumulación Capitalista en Salud y
Resistencias en Colombia. [Capitalist Accumulation in Health and Resistance in Colombia]. Nov.
César E. Abadía-Barrero
2012. CLACSO. Research Report.
Horton, Sarah Abadía-Barrero, C. E., Mulligan, Jennifer and Thompson, Jennifer Jo Pinilla, (2012).
Health Insurance Reform. Society for Medical Anthropology, 2012. (Accessed at
Abadía Barrero CE. Gonzalez . Martínez A, et al. VIOLENCIA ESTRUCTURAL Y CALIDAD DE LA
ATENCIÓN EN VIH/SIDA EN BOGOTÁ. [Structural Violence and Quality of HIV/AIDS Care
in Bogotá]. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia; 2011 Junio. Research Report.
Abadía-Barrero, C. E., and Pinilla, M. Y. (2009). Privatización de la salud en colombia: Ideología de
mercado y resistencias en el hospital universitario instituto materno infantil (imi) de bogotá
[Privatization of Health Care in Colombia: Market Ideology and resistances at the Maternity and
Child Hospital in Bogota, Essay] (Ensayo final del concurso Cultura, Poder y Contrahegemonía,
año 2008.). Buenos Aires: CLACSO. Research Report.
Abadía-Barrero, C. The Cultural Politics of the Brazilian AIDS Social Movement: A Local and Global
Revolution. Artículo presentado en la conferencia LASA (Latin American Studies Association)
2003. Disponible en la página de Internet
Abadia-Barrero, C. Danciu, T. Kabani, S. Matee, M. Kitundu, J. Msengi, A. Matake, C. Pimentel, D.
Dias, M., and Alves, M. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Malnutrition among
Tanzanian Children (Unpublished manuscript - 2001).
February 7, 2014. Abadía C. Neoliberal Justice and the Transformation of the Moral: The Privatization of
the Right to Health Care in Colombia. Friday Morning Seminar, Anthropology Department,
Harvard University.
November 22 2013. Abadia C. Regional strategy for evaluation and monitoring of healthy ways of being
and integration. International meeting of collective health graduate programs: New paradigms and
challenges of public management. Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar, Quito.
September 27 2013. Abadía C. Public Policy and Moral Transformation. Symposium the Construction of
New Citizenships. A university and society dialogue. Universidad Piloto de Colombia. Bogotá.
November 2 2012. Abadía C. Labor and Dispossession of Health Care in Colombia. Friday Morning
Seminar, Anthropology Department, Harvard University
October 4 2012. Abadía C. Access to ARV and quality of care for people living with HIV/AIDS in Bogotá,
Colombia. The role of the Health Care System and Social Protection Policies. Department of
Global Health and Social Medicine Seminar. Harvard Medical School. Boston.
June 24 2012. Abadía C and Melo M. The Liquidation of Public Health Care Workers. Neoliberal Reforms
in Colombia. LASA conference, San Francisco.
December 1 2011. Privatization of Social Security in Colombia, state of affairs and challenges. X
Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social. Mesa Redonda: “Nuevos desafíos en Antropología
de la Salud”. Buenos Aires.
May 6 2011. Discussant in the panel Practices of Commodification. Conference Development and
Commodification in Latin America: Limits and Possibilities. Johns Hopkins University,
April 26 2011. The Business of Healthcare: Biomedical citizenship as cost-containment, profit and
neoliberal morality in Colombia. Critical Global Health Seminar. Johns Hopkins University,
March 24 2011. Abadía C. Impacts of the Neoliberal Health Care Reform in Colombia. Oral Health Policy
and Epidemiology Lunch Time Seminar Series. Harvard University, Boston.
César E. Abadía-Barrero 10
March 3 2011. Abadía C. The Impacts of the Neoliberal Health Care Reform in Colombia. Program in
Latin American Studies Seminar. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
November 29 2010. Abadía C. Other approaches to the HIV epidemic. The Brazilian Case. Día Mundial de
Respuesta Integral al VIH/SIDA. Secretaría Distrital de Salud, Bogotá.
November 25 2010. Abadía C. The neoliberal ethic of the health care system. Panel Etica y Sistemas de
Salud, Primer Congreso Internacional de Sistemas de Salud: “¿Hacia un nuevo sistema de salud en
Colombia? Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá.
November 19 2010 Abadía C y Melo M. Rethinking Health from a critical perspective. Life accumulation
and emancipation. II Seminario de Teoría Crítica, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.
November 19 2010 Abadía C., Melo M., Pinilla, M., Ariza K. y Ruíz, C. Some capitalist violences in
Colombia. Torture and Self-Destruction Dispositives. II Seminario de Teoría Crítica, Universidad
de Antioquia, Medellín.
May 5 2010. Abadía C. Critical Perspective for the analysis of Health Care Services. Symposium. Health
Care Services and Intercultural Approaches. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá.
April 27 2010. Abadía C. Ethical Research for decolonization. International Symposium in Humanism and
Bioethics. Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá.
December 5 2009. Abadía C y Oviedo D. Salud al Derecho: Tensions Around A Right That Needs
Individual Actions But Requires A Collective Ideology. Oral Presentation in the panel Health and
Human Rights. AAA Conference. Philadelphia.
November 13 2009. Abadía C y Oviedo D. Bureaucratic Itineraries of Health in Colombia. 11 Congress
ALAMES, Bogotá.
November 10 2009. Abadía C Love, Pain and Action: The role of the body. Presentation at the Cátedra
Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
November 4 2009. Abadia C y Oviedo D. RISC Conference. Salud al Derecho, The fight for the right to
Health in Colombia. Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia.
October 21 2009. Abadia C y Pinilla M. Neoliberalism in health. The torture of workers at the Maternity
and Child Hospital. Séptimo Seminario Internacional, Doctorado Interfacultades en Salud Pública:
Trabajo, Crisis Global y Salud.
October 8 2009. Abadía C, Oviedo D and Alzate D. Health Care Bureaucratic Itineraries in Colombia.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
October 3 2009. Oviedo D y Abadía C. Salud al derecho. A small NGO that Rights for the right to health in
Colombia. Oral Presentation in the simposium Privatización de la Salud en Colombia: Aportes
desde la antropología médica crítica. 14 Congreso Colombiano de Antropología. Universidad de
los Andes, Colombia.
October 3 2009. Abadía C, Pinilla M, Ruíz C y Ariza K. Social Torture and Ideological Ruptures: THe
privatization of Public Health and of the Maternity and Child Hospital in Bogotá. Oral
Presentation in the simposium Privatización de la Salud en Colombia: Aportes desde la
antropología médica crítica. 14 Congreso Colombiano de Antropología. Universidad de los Andes,
October 3 2009. Martínez y Abadia C. Quality of care or care with quality? Health care professionals and
working conditions in the general health social security system (SGSSS). Oral Presentation in the
simposium Privatización de la Salud en Colombia: Aportes desde la antropología médica crítica.
14 Congreso Colombiano de Antropología. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
October 3 2009. Góngora y Abadia C. Afflictions and Crises in Health. Oral Presentation in the simposium
Ciencias Sociales y Ciencias de la Salud: Un diálogo en permanente construcción. 14 Congreso
Colombiano de Antropología. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
October 3 2009. Betancourt F, Ariza K, Ruíz C, Pinilla M y Abadía C. Charity Actions, Rights of Paper:
César E. Abadía-Barrero 11
Children and Adolescents Living with or Affected by HIV/AIDS in Cúcuta, Villavicencio and
Pereira. Oral Presentation in the simposium Ciencias Sociales y Ciencias de la Salud: Un diálogo
en permanente construcción. 14 Congreso Colombiano de Antropología. Universidad de los
Andes, Colombia.
September 30, 2009. Abadía C. The Consolidation of Health Care Privatization in Colombia:
Consequences and Resistances. Johns Hopkins University. Plas (Program in Latin American
Studies) Colloquium.
September 26 2009. Góngora A y Abadía C. Afflictions and Crises in Colombian Health. Society for
Medical Anthropology Conference. Medical Anthropology at the Intersections: Celebrating 50
Years of Interdisciplinarity.
September 26 2009. Betancourt F, Ariza K, Ruíz C, Pinilla M y Abadía C. Charity actions, paper rights:
children and adolescents living and affected by hiv/aids in three Colombian cities. Society for
Medical Anthropology Conference. Medical Anthropology at the Intersections: Celebrating 50
Years of Interdisciplinarity.
June 11, 2009. Abadía C y Pinilla M. Torturing Child and Maternal Health: Patients, workers and
professors’ subjectivities within the context of a privatizing health care system. XXVIII LASA
Conference. Rio de Janeiro.
May 29, 2009. Abadia C, Pinilla M, Ariza K y Ruiz C. Privatization and Torture. Crisis, Closure and
Liquidation of the Maternity and Child Institute in Bogotá. Seminario CES. Universidad Nacional
de Colombia, Bogotá.
April 24, 2009. Grupo Antropología Médica Crítica. Conference and Workshop. Afflictions and Crises in
Colombian Health. Debate Participativo en Salud Pública. Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
November 20, 2007. Abadia C, Health Care and Health: Anthropological Reflections on the Repercussions
of Health Policies and Health Care Systems. Seminario Internacional de Cuidado Cultural de la
Salud. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
September 5, 2007. Abadía C. High Profits, Low Health: Colombians’ experiences of their Health Care
System. Montreal. LASA Conference.
July 18, 2007. Abadia C and Pinilla M. At high risk of privatization. Political Economy and Health Care
Workers of the Maternity and Child Hospital in Bogotá. ABRASCO/ALAMES/IAHP. Rio de
July 17, 2007. Abadia C and Oviedo D. Bureaucratic Itineraries of the General Health and Social Security
System in Colombia. ABRASCO/ALAMES/IAHP. Rio de Janeiro.
May 9, 2007. Social, Economic and Political Context in Health. Perspectives from Critical Medical
Anthropology. Doctorado de Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
December 8, 2006. Oviedo, D y Abadía C. Bureaucratic Itineraries of the General Health and Social
Security System in Colombia. Congreso Colombiano de Sociología. Universidad Nacional de
Diciembre 7, 2006. Pinilla, M, Martínez, A y Abadía, C. Will the Maternity and Child Hospital Survive?.
Politics and lived experiences of structural adjustment policies. Congreso Colombiano de
Sociología. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Noviembre 20, 2006. Abadía C. Health Care Culture. An Anthropological Approach. Primer Seminario
Internacional de Cuidado Cultural de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Noviembre 18, 2006. Abadía C. Market-Based Health Care Reforms as New Forms of Structural Violence:
Consolidation and Resistance. American Anthropological Association, 105th. Annual Meeting.
San José, California, United States.
Agosto 29, 2006. Abadía C. Structural Violence and Health. Seminario Interno del CES, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia.
César E. Abadía-Barrero 12
Junio 23, 2006. Abadía C. Health in Times of Market-Based Medicine: Consolidation and Resistances.
Viernes de la Facultad. Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Mayo 12, 2006. Abadía C. Structural Violence, Health and Subjectivities. Seminario de Investigación del
Programa Interfacultades Doctorado en Salud Pública.
October 13, 2005. Abadía C. Diseases of Infectious Origin. A Medican Anthropology Approach.
Universidad de los Andes.
August 24, 2005. Abadía C. Relationships between health care Systems and subjectivities. Lessons from the
Social Responses to AIDS in Brazil and Colombia. XI Congreso de Antropología en Colombia,
Universidad de Antioquia.
August 22, 2005. Abadía C. Discussant of the presentation Wittgenstein, society and suffering by Professor
Veena Das.V Observatorio Sociopolítico y Cultural, Centro de Estudios Sociales (CES),
Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
April 27, 2004. Abadía C. The children’s AIDS epidemic in Brazil: Implications for Inequalities and
Disparities in Oral Health. Harvard Medical School/Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
March 15, 2004. Abadía C. The Rights of Children and Adolescents Living with HIV/AIDS in São Paulo.
Presentation in the panel Children’s Human Rights in Brazil as part of the Harvard Forum on
Human Rights in Brazil. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard
March 15, 2004. Abadía C. Health as a Human Right: Lessons from Colombia and Brazil. Harvard
College. Presentation in the panel Health and Human Rights organized by the International
Relationships Council.
February 5, 2004. Abadía C. Culture and Subjectivity in AIDS and Public Health in Brazil and Colombia.
Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e História (ICANH). Presentation in the seminar series.
November 24, 2003. Abadía C. Children, Adolescents and AIDS. Universidade de São Marcos, São Paulo,
October 11, 2003. Abadía C. Case Presentation, ESTOP. Meeting of professors of Oral Pathology.
August 27, 2003. Abadía C. The Role of Technological Advancements in the Global AIDS Epidemic:
Achievements and Failures. Institute of Biotechnology Seminars. National University of
Colombia. Lecture: Bogotá.
April 24, 2003. Abadía C. Children's Subjectivities, AIDS, and Social Responses in Brazil. Student
Research Day. Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Boston.
March 27, 2003. Abadía C. Children’s Subjectivities and AIDS in Brazil: The Roles of the AIDS
Movement and the State. Presentation in the Panel: Cuba and Brazil Facing the 21st Century,
LASA. XXIV International Congress, Dallas, Texas.
May 31, 2002. Abadía C. AIDS and the construction of infant subjectivity University of Antioquia. School
of Dentistry, Medellín, Colombia. Open Lecture, Medellín.
October 3, 2001. Abadía C. Infancy, adolescence and AIDS. University of Campinas, School of Education.
Campinas, Brazil.
May 12, 2001. Abadía C. Children and AIDS ENONG. XI National Encounter of AIDS/NGOs. Recife,
Society for Medical Anthropology Conference. Medical Anthropology at the Intersections:
Celebrating 50 Years of Interdisciplinarity. September 25-27, Yale University. New Haven. CT,
César E. Abadía-Barrero 13
USA. “Social torture and ideological fractures in Colombia: privatization of the child and
maternity hospital” (Poster Presentation)
Society for Medical Anthropology Conference. Medical Anthropology at the Intersections:
Celebrating 50 Years of Interdisciplinarity. Septiembre 25-27, Yale University. New Haven. CT,
USA. “Salud al Derecho. A Small NGO Fighting for the Right to Health Care in Colombia”
(Poster Presentation)
Society for Medical Anthropology Conference. Medical Anthropology at the Intersections:
Celebrating 50 Years of Interdisciplinarity. September 25-27, Yale University. New Haven. CT,
USA. “Charity actions, paper rights: children and adolescents living and affected by hiv/aids in
three Colombian cities” (Poster Presentation)
XVII International AIDS Conference. Mexico City, Mexico 3-8 August. Why Some Leaders are
Better Than Others: The Moral Development of Critical Leadership in Brazil’s Response to AIDS.
(Poster Presentation)
20th. Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) in
Wuerzburg, Germany 11-17 July. The Moral Development of Critical Leadership in Brazil’s
Response to AIDS: Anthropological Reflections on the Relationship between Individual and
Context. (Poster Presentation)
2006. First Centro American Congress of Pain and Palliative Care. Guatemala de la Asunción, December
8, 2006. “ Pain and Body, experiences of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: an
anthropological approach” (Poster Presentation)
XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona July 7-12, 2002. Notions and practices of care for
Brazilian children with HIV/AIDS: When medications replace AIDS. (Poster Presentation and
XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona July 7-12, 2002. State and Non-GovernmentalOrganizations
AIDS and for street children in Brazil: Adequate Assistance vs. Structural
Abandonment. (Abstract)
AIDS IMPACT. Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection. Fifth International Conference.
Brighton, United Kingdom. Inclusion or Exclusion. Social Meaning of the Experiences of
Children living with HIV/AIDS in São Paulo. (Poster Presentation and abstract)
1st Forum and 2nd Conference of Horizontal Technical Co-operation on HIV/AIDS and STD in
Latin America and the Caribbean. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. HIV and Social Exclusion. Examining
the meaning of the State and NGOs responses to the Brazilian Children’s Epidemic. (Poster
Presentation and Abstract)
VI Brazilian Congress of Collective Health. Salvador, Brazil. Challenges to Social Sciences and
Health: An Ethnographic Study of Children and HIV in São Paulo. (Poster Presentation and
VI Brazilian Congress of Collective Health.
Salvador, Brazil.
Incentives to History: Individual and Collective Fights in the Children’s HIV epidemic. (Poster
Presentation and Abstract)
Thesis Title
Adriana Ardila
Quality of Labor of Health Care
Workers and Quality of Care.
Ph.D. Public Health
César E. Abadía-Barrero 14
Marco Melo
The Colombian Version of
“Lives in Liquidation”.
Experiences of Social Suffering,
Class Domination and Life
Destruction of the Workers of the
Maternity and Child Hospital and
San Juan de Dios Hospital, 20002010.
Ph.D. Anthropology
Kobel Dubique
Louise Ivers
thesis director)
Yesica Puentes
Thesis Title
Humanitarian aid after the 2010 Haitian earthquake: the
case of accompaniment
MMSc in
Global Health
Cancer Spirituality: A biomedical intervention?
Maria Teresa
Daniel Alzate
Social Constructions of Disability in Colombia.
Contributions to Public Health from a Critical
The Role of Law in the Privatization of Health Care in
BA in
Ph.D. Public
Alexis Urrea
Normalizing Autism, educating and medicalizing subjects
Vanesa Giraldo
Mountain Hallways and Hospital Paths: Pregnancy,
Labor, and Postpartum in farmer women from Palestina,
Caldas, Colombia
Repercussions of Heterosexism and HIV- Stigma and
Discrimitation in patient care.
Camilo Cadena
Claudia Pabón
Participatory Ethnography of HIV/AIDS in Cartagena,
A collective Analysis for Social Action toward HIV
Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer: Risks and Itineraries.
Coverage of Antiretroviral Medication and Quality of
Care of People Living with HIV in Bogotá
¡Latent Fertility! An ethnography of the intercultural
paradox of gender and fertility control in the Arhuacan
community of Bunkwímake, Sierra Nevada de Santa
Malaria in Tadó. An ethnographic study
Public Health
Ph. D. Law.
Public Health
A life with something sad. Stigma, Body and Subjectivity
in Craziness
“Yo Mujer¨, Forced Displacement and Citizenship. A
Story to Tell
When the ear gets tired. Being old and having hearing
Master’s in
César E. Abadía-Barrero 15
Wilches Flórez
Katerine Ariza
Fabián Ardila,
Vanesa Giraldo,
César Tapias
Levinson Niño
Camilo Ruiz
Catalina Muñoz
loss in the municipality of Real del Monte (Hidalgo),
Personal and Familiar Consequences of the accidents
caused by land mines. Two cases in the departament of
Women living with HIV. From unexplored stories to
more than just a story.
Ideology, Privatization and Health. From the closing of
the Social Security Institute and its HIV/AIDS program
to the “New” HMO.
¿Quality of Care or a Care with Quality? Working
Conditions and Health Care Workers in the General
Social Security System.
Hunger, Capitalism and Experiences of Food Survival in
Soacha. Families served by a Food Aid Program in San
Nicolas Neighborhood.
Of child anxiety and anguish. Lived experiences of
children diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
at the Misericordia Hospital, Bogotá, Colombia.
Smoking Ways. Construction of the sense of social
reality in a context of illegality.
Weak Connections. Cell phones and cultural change in
Carmen de Nazareth.
Chronic Pain, Body and Experience at the Pain Clinic of
the Social Security Institute.
A Medical Anthropological Approach to Women Who
Suffered From Breast Cancer in Bogotá.
Gender Studies
Master’s in
Public Health
BA in
BA in
Master’s in
BA in
BA in
BA in
Undergraduate Courses:
Social Theory
Ethnography and Qualitative Research Methods
Research Design
Thesis Seminar
Internship for Anthropology Students
Seminar in Medical Anthropology
Seminar in Health, Development and Inequalities
Seminar in Health, Development and Inequalities: A View from Latin America
Graduate Courses:
Seminar: The “Value of Life” in Global Markets: Technologies for Profit and Population Control
Anthropological Theory II (co-director)
Theories in Public Health (co-director)
Research Seminar for Graduate Students in Anthropology
Research Seminar for Doctoral Students in Public Health
César E. Abadía-Barrero 16
Seminar: The Social Self: Issues in Subjectivity and Social Theory
Seminar: Capitalism and Health
Seminar: Health, Development and Inequalities
Seminar: Medical Anthropology and Contemporary Ethnographies
Mixed-Methods Seminar for Research in Global Health, Harvard Medical School (co-director)
Introduction to Social Medicine (Harvard Medical School, tutor)
2013-2014. Rudolf Virchow Graduate Student Award of the Critical Anthropology of Health Caucus.
American Anthropological Association: The Society for Medical Anthropology.
2010-2014. Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness.
2007 - Present. Interface, Journal in Health, Education and Communication. Unibotucatu/Unesp, Brasil.
2008 – Present. Journal in Anthropology Maguaré. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Guest Editor, Journal of Social Sciences Palimpsestvs 2007/2008, No. 6. Special Issue on Capitalism and
Health. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Guest Editor, Revista Colombiana de Antropología 2004, No 40. Special Issue on Medical Anthropology.
2014. Social Science & Medicine
2013. Health Policy.
2013. Revista Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
2011. Revista Colombia Médica.
2010. Globalization and Health.
2010. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine.
2005-2009. The Lancet.
2009. Social Science & Medicine.
2009. Revista Desacatos.
2008. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology.
2007. Revista Inversa.
2006, 2008. Revista Antípoda.
2005. Revista Biomédica.
2004. Revista Colombiana de Antropología.
2004. AIDS Care.
Institutional Affiliations
2006 – Present: Member of Colombian Association for the granting of the right to health– Salud al
César E. Abadía-Barrero 17
2003 – Present: Member of the American Anthropological Association.
2002 – Present: Member of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
1997 – 2005: Member of Red Caldas, Colciencias.
2003 – 2005: Member of the Colombian Academy of Oral Pathology.
1997-2000: Member of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (AAOMP).
Languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.