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Dr. Rachel Sieder
Nationality: British
Institutional ascription:
Titular C
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores
en Antropología Social (CIESAS), México DF.
Calle Juárez No.87
Colonia Tlalpan
C.P. 14000
México, D.F.
Associate Research Professor Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen; Associate Fellow,
Institute for Latin American Studies (ILAS), School of Advanced Study, University
of London; Associate Senior Research Associate, Institute for the Study of the
Americas, UCL, London.
Bsc Econ (London School of Economics); MA Latin American Studies, Institute of
Latin American Studies, University of London; PhD Politics, Queen Mary &
Westfield College, University of London.
October 2007
Profesora-Investigadora Titular C
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores
en Antropología Social (CIESAS), México DF.
September 1999-2007
Senior Lecturer in Latin American
Politics, Institute of Latin American Studies,
University of London.
September 1998September 1999
Lecturer in Politics
Institute of Latin American Studies, University of
September 1994September 1998
Lecturer in Politics/ESRC Postdoctoral
Research Fellow, Institute of Latin
American Studies, Universidad de Londres.
May 1999 –
Editor Journal of Latin American Studies,
November 2008
published by Cambridge University Press.
Associate Editor, Journal of Latin American Studies.
November 2009
to date
International Advisory Board, Journal of Latin
American Studies.
August 2004 to date
International Editorial Board, Latin
American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies (LACES).
February 2006 to date
Editorial Board, Centro de Estudios y
Documentación Latinoamericanos (CEDLA),
Norwegian Research Council. Grant awarded to
Christian Michelsen Institute, Bergen, for collaborative
research project CMI-CIESAS, Abortion Rights
Lawfare in Latin America.
Project manager
Norwegian Research Council. Grant awarded to
Christian Michelsen Institute, Bergen, for collaborative
research project CMI-CIESAS, Women and Law in
Latin America: Justice, Security and Legal Pluralism.
Project manager
Norwegian Research Council. Grant awarded to
Christian Michelsen Institute, Bergen, for collaborative
research project CMI-CIESAS, Poverty Reduction and
Gender Justice in Contexts of Legal Pluralism.
Project manager
British Academy. To participate in V congreso de la
Red Latinoamericano de Antropología Jurídica
(RELAJU), Oaxtepec, Morelos, México.
Socio-Legal Studies Association (UK).
Support for project “Indigenous Rights and Legal
Leverhulme Fellowship. Support for year’s research
sabbatical (contribution to teaching cover).
British Academy. Support for project “Indigenous
Rights and Legal Globalization”.
British Academy. Support to attend Latin American
Studies Association conference, Dallas, USA.
Hewlett Foundation. Support for joint project with LAC
St Antony’s, Oxford on ‘Judicialization of Politics in
Latin America’. Grant included two year post-doctoral
fellowship and conference/ workshop.
British Academy. Support to attend XII Congreso
Internacional sobre derecho consuetudinario y
pluralismo legal, Arica, Chile.
Ford Foundation, Santiago. Support for conference on
Inter-Governmental Organisations, Non-Governmental
Organisations and Rule of Law Construction: Issues in
Judicial Reform in Latin America.
British Academy. Support to attend American
Political Science Association annual conference,
Boston, USA.
Economic and Social Research Council post-doctoral
Research fellowship for project on indigenous
customary law and the peace settlement in Guatemala.
British Academy. Support to attend Latin American
Studies Association conference, Guadalajara, Mexico.
University of London Central Research fund – to
undertake research in Guatemala.
European Union, support for study group ‘Central
America after Transition’.
Nuffield Foundation, small grants programme. To
undertake research in El Salvador and Honduras.
Economic and Social Research Council PhD full
Erika Bárcena, La construcción cotidiana de los derechos indígenas en la Suprema
Corte de Justicia de la Nación. PhD in Social Anthropology, CIESAS (2013-2017
promotion), in process.
Viviane Weitzner, Indagando los poderes en juego en la práctica y la verificación del
consentimiento, previo, libre e informado desde las bases: Los (des)encuentros del
Pueblo Indígena Embera Chamí y las Comunidades Negras con el sector extractivo
en Colombia. PhD in Social Anthropology, CIESAS (2013-2017 promotion), in
Anna Barrera, Promoting change in legally plural settings: Indigenous women’ quest
for justice in the Andes, PhD in Political Science, University of Hamburg (cosupervision with Dr. Detlef Nolte). Awarded suma cum laudae February 2014.
Natalia De Marinis, Estrategias de seguridad en contextos de conflicto armado.
Construcción de Estado y liderazgo entre los triquis de San Juan Copala, Oaxaca,
PhD in Social Anthropology, CIESAS (2009-2013 promotion), Awarded August 2013
with recommendation for publication. Awarded prize for best social science thesis of
the year, Mexican Academy of Sciences.
Héctor Nahuelpán Moreno, Lof Mapu Yeko ñi Tukulpazungun: Historias de
Colonización en el Lafkenmapu (Ngulumapu, Chile), PhD in Social Anthropology,
CIESAS (2009-2013 promotion). Awarded August 2013 with recommendation for
Paola García Reyes, La paz perdida: Territorios colectivos, palma africana y
conflicto armado en el Pacífico Colombiano. Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales,
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), México. Awarded August
Rosembert Ariza, Justicia comunitaria, justicia indígena o justicia informal en
Colombia: El campo jurídico de las prácticas sociales y culturales de justicia, PhD in
Legal Sociology, Universidad Externado de Colombia. Awarded August 2009.
Cath Collins, The uses of truth and memory: Human Rights Settlements and the ‘New
Democracies’, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London. Awarded
May 2005.
Corinne Caumartin, Demilitarisation and Public Security Reform in Panama (1989-99),
Queen Mary & Westfield College/ Institute of Latin American Studies, University of
London. Awarded August 2004.
Roderick Brett, The Popular Movement and the Politics of Ethnicity: Democratisation in
Guatemala, 1985-1996, Queen Mary & Westfield College/ Institute of Latin American
Studies, University of London. Awarded March 2002.
Verónica Alejandra Velázquez Guerrero, Autodefensa Territorial Comunitaria. El
Movimiento Étnico Autonómico en San Francisco Cherán, Michoacán. Maestría en
Antropología Social, CIESAS, Promoción 2011-2013. Awarded August 2013.
Jairo López, Contienda política por los derechos humanos en Colombia, 2002-2010.
ONGs, movilización social y campo de defensa. Maestría en Ciencias Sociales XVIII
(2010-2012), FLACSO Mexico. Awarded with honours August 2012.
Andrea Calderón García, Cambio y continuidad: La cultura política en Zaachila,
Oaxaca, 2006-2011, MA in Social Anthropology, CIESAS. Awarded February 2012.
Natalia de Marinis, Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y Construcción de la
Ciudadanía. El caso del Municipio Autónomo Triqui de San Juan Copala, MA in
Social Anthropology, CIESAS. Awarded September 2009.
Jorge Valtierra, La Teología India en la Labor Pastoral Indígena. El caso de los
hermanos maristas en la Misión de Guadalupe, Comitán, Chiapas, MA in Social
Anthropology, CIESAS. Awarded September 2009.
Between 1994 and 2007 I supervised 59 MA theses at the Institute for Latin American
Studies, University of London (list available on request).
I have been a PhD examiner at Oxford University, University of Cambridge,
Autonomous University of Barcelona, CIESAS, FLACSO Mexico, UNAM Mexico,
University of Bradford, University of Amsterdam, UAM Mexico, University of
Leiden, London School of Economics, University of Essex, University of Manchester,
Goldsmiths College, University of London.
I have reviewed articles for the following journals: Alteridades, América Latina Hoy,
American Anthropologist, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Critique of
Anthropology, Comparative Politics, Economy and Society, Ethnicities, Latin
American Caribbean and Ethnic Studies (LACES), Latin American Politics and
Society (LAPS), Law and Society Review, The Journal of Human Rights Practice, The
International Journal of Transitional Justice (IJTJ), Journal of Agrarian Change, The
Journal of Genocide Research, The Journal of Latin American Anthropology (JLAA),
Journal of Latin American Studies (JLAS), PoLAR (Political and Legal Anthropology
Review), Revista Paraguaya de Sociología Law and Society Review (LSR), Perfíles
Latinoamericanos, Urvio Revista de Seguridad Ciudadana Latinoamericana. I have
reviewed manuscripts for Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press,
Stanford University Press, and Palgrave Press.
(forthcoming) ed. with Karina Ansolabehere, The Handbook of Law and Society in
Latin America (under contract with Routledge).
(2017) ed. Demanding Justice and Security: Indigenous Women and Legal Pluralities
in Latin America. Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, N.J.
(2014) ed. con John-Andrew McNeish, Justicia de género y pluralidades legales:
Perspectivas latinoamericanas y africanas, CIESAS: México [traducción]
ISBN: 978-607-486-264-5
(2013), ed. con María Teresa Sierra y Aída Hernández, Justicias indígenas y Estado:
Violencias contemporáneas, FLACSO/CIESAS: México.
ISBN: 978-607-9275-10-5
(2012) ed. with John-Andrew McNeish, Gender Justice and Legal Pluralities: Latin
American and African Perspectives, Routledge-Cavendish: New York.
ISBN: 041552606X
(2011) ed. with Line Schjolden & Alan Angell, La Judicialización de la Política en
América Latina, CIESAS, México/ Editorial Universidad Externado de Colombia.
ISBN: 978-958-710-130-8
(2011) with Carlos Y. Flores, Autoridad, autonomía y derecho indígena
en la Guatemala de posguerra. Guatemala: F&G Editores-Casa Comal-UAEM.
ISBN: 978-9929-552-29-6
Num. de páginas: 102.
(2010) ed. with Javier Couso and Alex Huneeus. Cultures of Legality: Judicialization
and Political Activism in Latin America, Cambridge University Press.
ISBN: 978-0-521-76723-1
(2009) ed. with Line Schjolden and Alan Angell, The Judicialization of Politics in
Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan, New York. 2nd ed.
(2005) ed. with Line Schjolden and Alan Angell, The Judicialization of Politics in
Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
ISBN: 1-4039-7086-6
(2002) ed., Multiculturalism in Latin America: Indigenous Rights, Diversity and
Democracy, Palgrave Press, Basingstoke and London.
ISBN: 0-333-71476-8
(2001) ed. with Pilar Domingo, Promoting the Rule of Law: Perspectives on Latin
America, Institute of Latin American Studies, London.
ISBN: 1900039-39-7
(1998) ed., Guatemala After the Peace Accords, Institute of Latin American Studies,
ISBN: 1900039-26-5
(1997) Customary Law and Democratic Transition in Guatemala, Institute of Latin
American Studies, London.
ISBN: 1900039-11-7
(1997) ed. with Jeremy Armon and Richard Wilson, Negotiating Rights: The
Guatemalan Peace Process, Accord-Conciliation Resources, London.
ISSN: 1365-0742
(1997) with Jeremy Armon, Richard Wilson, Gustavo Palma Murga & Tania
Palencia, Guatemala 1983-1997 ¿Hacia dónde va la transición? FLACSO,
ISBN: 327.172 G918
(1996) ed., Central America: Fragile Transition, Macmillan Press, London and
ISBN: 0-333-66311-X
(1996) Transición democrática y derecho consuetudinario en Guatemala, FLACSOGuatemala.
ISBN: 340.57 S571
(1995) ed., Impunity in Latin America, London: Institute of Latin American Studies.
ISBN: 0-901145-97-1
(under review) with Anna Barrera, “Women and Legal Pluralism: Lessons from
Indigenous Governance Systems in the Andes”, Journal of Latin American Studies.
(forthcoming, 2017) with Anna Barrera, “Legalizing indigenous self-determination:
autonomy and buen vivir/ vivir bien in Latin America”, introductory essay to special
edited dossier, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (JLACA).
(2016) “Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Women’s Rights in Mexico: The
Ambiguities of Recognition”, NYU Journal of International Law and Politics
48 (4): PAGE NOS.
(2013) “Subaltern Cosmopolitan Legalities and the Challenges of Engaged
Ethnography”, Universitas Humanística Núm. 75: 219-47.
(2012) “The challenge of indigenous legal systems: beyond paradigms of
recognition?” Brown Journal of World Affairs, 18 (2).
(2011) with María Teresa Sierra, “Indigenous Women’s Access to Justice in Latin
America,” Journal for Human Rights/ Menschenrechte in Lateinamerika Vol. 5 (2):
(2011) “Contested Sovereignties: Indigenous Law, Violence and State Effects in
Postwar Guatemala,” Critique of Anthropology, Vol.31 (3): 161-84.
(2011) “Building Mayan Authority and Autonomy: The “Recovery” of Indigenous
Law in Post-peace Guatemala,” Studies in Law, Politics, and Society Vol. 55: 25-57.
ISSN: 1059-4337
(2011) with María Teresa Sierra, “Acceso a la justicia para las mujeres indígenas en
América Latina,” CMI working paper, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen.
ISSN: 0804-3639 (Spanish translation).
(2011) “’Emancipation’ or ‘regulation’? Law, globalization and indigenous peoples’
rights in post-war Guatemala,” Economy and Society, Vol.40 (2): 279-305.
ISSN: 0308-5147
(2011) “Promesas y peligros de la “coordinación”: Derecho indígena, inseguridad y la
búsqueda de justicia en Guatemala”, Revista Argentina de Teoría Jurídica, Volumen
12: 1-46.
(2010) with María Teresa Sierra, “Indigenous Women’s Access to Justice in Latin
America,” CMI working paper, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen.
ISSN: 0804-3639.
(2009) with Morna Macleod, “Género, Derecho y Cosmovisión Maya en Guatemala,”
Desacatos, Vol.31: 51-72.
ISSN: 1405-9274
(2009) with Shannon Speed, Maylei Blackwell, Aída Hernández, Teresa Sierra,
Morna Macleod, Renya Ramírez and Juan Herrera, “Reivindicaciones étnicas, género
y justicia en las Américas: Hacia un análisis comparativo y una metodología
colaborativa,” Desacatos, Vol.31: 13-24.
(2009) with Shannon Speed, Maylei Blackwell, Aída Hernández, Teresa Sierra,
Morna Macleod, Renya Ramírez and Juan Herrera, “Remapping Gender, Justice, and
Rights in the Indigenous Americas: Towards a Comparative Analysis and
Collaborative Methodology,” Journal of Latin American Anthropology, Vol.14 (2):
(2007) “The Judiciary and Indigenous Rights in Guatemala”, International Journal of
Constitutional Law, Vol. 5 (2): 211-241.
(2006) “Globalización legal y derechos indígenas en la Guatemala de posguerra,”
Alteridades Vol. 16 (31): 23-37.
(2003), “Renegotiating ‘law and order’: judicial reform and citizen responses in postwar Guatemala,” Democratization, Vol. 10 (4): 137-160.
(2003), “Renegociando la ‘ley y el orden’: Reforma judicial y la respuesta ciudadana
en la Guatemala de posguerra,” América Latina Hoy, Vol. 35: 61-86.
(2000) “Paz, progreso, justicia y honradez: law and citizenship in Alta Verapaz during
the regime of Jorge Ubico,” Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol.19 (3): 283302.
(1999) “Rethinking Citizenship: Legal Pluralism and Institutional Reform in
Guatemala,” Citizenship Studies, Vol.3 (1): 103-118.
(1996) “Elections and Democratization in Honduras since 1980,” Democratization,
Vol. 3 (2): 17-40.
[published as Elecciones y democratización en Honduras desde 1980, Editorial de la
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, 1998].
(1995) “Honduras: The Politics of Exception and Military Reformism (1972-1978),”
Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol.27 (1): 99-127.
(2016) “Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and the Law in Latin America” in Corinne
Lennox and Damien Short (eds), Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights.
Routledge: New York: 414-424.
ISBN: 978-1-85743-641-9:
(2015) with Santiago Bastos, “Pueblos indígenas en Guatemala: rearticulación
comunitaria y disputa de legalidades en la democracia neoliberal” in Laura Raquel
Valladares de la Cruz (ed.) Nuevas violencias en América Latina: Los derechos
indígenas ante las políticas neoextractivistas y las políticas de seguridad. UAM:
Mexico: 141-183.
(2015) reprint of “Soberanías en disputa: justicia indígena, violencia y efectos de
Estado en la Guatemala de posguerra”, in Manuela Camus, Santiago Bastos and Julian
López García (coords.), Dinosaurio reloaded: Violencias actuales en Guatemala.
FLACSO-Fundación Constelación, Guatemala: 197-220.
(2014) “Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Law in Latin America” in César Rodríguez
Garavito (ed.) Law and Society in Latin America: A New Map. Routledge: New York:
(2014) with John-Andrew McNeish “Introducción: Justicia de género y pluralidades
legales” in Rachel Sieder and John-Andrew McNeish (eds.), Justicia de género y
pluralidades legales: Perspectivas latinoamericanas y africanas, CIESAS: Mexico
[translation]: 11-51.
(2014) “Violencia sexual y subjetividades de género: la búsqueda de justicia de las
mujeres indígenas en Guatemala” in Rachel Sieder and John-Andrew McNeish (eds.),
Justicia de género y pluralidades legales: Perspectivas latinoamericanas y africanas,
CIESAS: Mexico [translation]: 147-77.
(2013) “Soberanías en disputa: justicia indígena, violencia y efectos de Estado en la
Guatemala de posguerra”, in María Teresa Sierra, Aída Hernández and Rachel Sieder
(eds), Justicias indígenas y Estado: Violencias contemporáneas, FLACSO/CIESAS:
Mexico: 229-51.
(2013) with María Teresa Sierra y Aída Hernández “Introducción” en María Teresa
Sierra, Aída Hernández y Rachel Sieder (eds), Justicias indígenas y Estado:
Violencias contemporáneas, FLACSO/CIESAS: México: 11-41.
(2012) with Morna Macleod, “Género, Derecho y Cosmovisión Maya en Guatemala,”
(reimpresión de artículo de Desacatos) en R. Aida Hernández y Andrew Canessa
(eds), Género, complementariedades y exclusiones en Mesoamérica y los Andes.
IGWIA, Copenhagen y Abya Yala, Quito: 170-200.
(2012) “Sexual violence and gendered subjectivities: indigenous women’s search for
justice in Guatemala,” in Gender Justice and Legal Pluralities: Latin American and
African Perspectives, ed. with John-Andrew McNeish, Routledge-Cavendish: New
ISBN: 041552606X
(2012) with John-Andrew McNeish, “Introduction: Gender Justice and Legal
Pluraities – Latin American and African Perspectives,” en Gender Justice and Legal
Pluralities: Latin American and African Perspectives, ed. with John-Andrew
McNeish, Routledge-Cavendish: New York.
ISBN: 041552606X
(2011) “Pueblos indígenas y derecho en América Latina,” in César Rodríguez
Garavito (coord.) El derecho en América Latina: los retos del siglo XXI, Buenos
Aires: Siglo XXI: 302-321.
ISBN: ISBN 978-987-629-192-7.
(2011) “Legal Cultures in the (Un)Rule of Law: Indigenous Rights and Juridification
in Guatemala,” (re-print of part of original chapter) in Lawrence M. Friedman,
Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo, y Manuel A. Gómez (eds.), Law in Many Societies. A
Reader, Stanford CA: Stanford University Press: 152-8.
ISBN: 9780804763738.
(2011) “Guatemala: Enduring Underdevelopment?” in Vicky Randall, Peter Burnell
and Lisa Rakner (eds), Politics in the Developing World, Oxford University Press, 3rd
edition: 452-464.
ISBN: 978-0-19-957083-6.
(2010) La antropología frente a los derechos humanos y los derechos indígenas,” in
Ariadna Estévez y Daniel Vásquez (coords.) Los derechos humanos en las ciencias
sociales: una perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Mexico: FLACSO-UNAM-CISAN: 191219.
ISBN: 978-607-7629-38-2
(2010) “Legal Cultures in the (Un)Rule of Law: Indigenous Rights and Juridification
in Guatemala,” in Javier Couso, Alex Huneeus and Rachel Sieder (eds). Cultures of
Legality: Judicialization and Political Activism in Latin America. Cambridge
University Press: 161-181.
ISBN: 978-0-521-76723-1
(2010) “Cultures of Legality: Judicialization and Political Activism in Contemporary
Latin America,” in Javier Couso, Alex Huneeus and Rachel Sieder (eds). Cultures of
Legality: Judicialization and Political Activism in Latin America. Cambridge
University Press: 3-21.
ISBN: 978-0-521-76723-1
(2009) “Entre la Multiculturalización y las Reivindicaciones Identitarias:
Construyendo Ciudadanía Étnica y Autoridad Indígena en Guatemala,” in Santiago
Bastos (comp.), Multiculturalismo y Futuro en Guatemala, FLACSO, Guatemala: 6996.
ISBN: 978-99939-72-75-4
(2008) “Legal Globalization and Human Rights: Constructing the ‘Rule of Law’ in
Post-Conflict Guatemala,” in Pedro Pitarch, Shannon Speed and Xochitl Leyva (eds),
Human Rights in the Maya Region: Global Politics, Moral Engagements, and
Cultural Contentions, Duke University Press: 67-88.
ISBN: 978-0822343134
(2008) “Guatemala - a case of persistent underdevelopment?” in Vicky Randall and
Peter Burnell (eds), Politics in the Developing World, Oxford University Press, 2a ed.:
ISBN: 978-0-19-929608-8
(2007) “Derechos indígenas, reformas multiculturales y globalización legal: ¿La
construcción del “Estado de derecho” en Guatemala?” in Juan Manuel Palacio and
Magdalena Candioti (comps.), Justicia, política y derechos en América
Latina, Buenos Aires, Prometeo: 63-81.
ISBN: 978-987-574-147-8
(2004) “Políticas de guerra, paz e memória na América Central,” in Alexandra
Barahona de Brito, Cármen González Enríquez, Paloma Aguilar Fernández (eds), A
Política da Memória. Verdade e Justiça na Transição para a Democracia, Imprensa
de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa: 195-223.
ISBN: 972-671-142-8
(2004) “Renegotiating ‘Law and Order’: Judicial Reform and Citizen Responses in
Post-War Guatemala,” in Siri Gloppen, Roberto Gargarella and Elin Sklaar (ed),
Democratization and the Judiciary: The Accountability Function of Courts in New
Democracies, Frank Cass, London and Portland, Oregon: 137-160.
ISBN: 0-7146-5568-6
(2004) “Guatemala - a case of persistent underdevelopment?” in Vicky Randall and
Peter Burnell (eds), Politics in the Developing World, Oxford University Press,
Oxford and New York: 360-70.
ISBN: 0-19-926442-2
(2004) “El uso de la ley en los movimientos indígenas,” in Fernando Flores Jiménez
(coord.), Constitución y Pluralismo Jurídico, Corporación Editora Nacional, Quito,
Ecuador: 195-211.
ISBN: 9978-84-306-X
(2001) with Jessica Witchell, “Advancing indigenous claims through the law:
Reflections on the Guatemalan Peace Process” in Jane Cowan, Marie Dembour and
Richard Wilson (eds.), Culture and Rights, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
and New York: 201-225.
ISBN: 0-521-79339-4
(2001) “Impulsando las demandas indígenas a través de la ley: Reflexiones sobre el
proceso de paz en Guatemala,” in Pedro Pitarch (ed.), Representaciones y usos del
concepto de Derechos Humanos en el Área Maya, Universidad Complutense, Madrid:
ISBN: 84-923545-1-8
(2001) “La ley, la justicia y la reconstrucción de pos-guerra en Alta Verapaz,
Guatemala,” in Klaus Bodemer, Sabine Kurtenbach and Klaus Meschkat (eds.),
Violencia y regulación de conflictos en América Latina, Nueva Sociedad/ Asociación
Alemana de Investigación sobre América Latina, Caracas: 317-340.
ISBN: 980-317-180-1
(2001) “Revisioning citizenship: Reforming the Law in Post-Conflict Guatemala,” in
Thomas Blum Hansen y Finn Stepputat (eds.), States of Imagination: Explorations of
the Post-Colonial State, Duke University Press: 203-220.
ISBN: 0-8223-2801-1
(2001) “War, Peace and the Politics of Memory in Guatemala,” in Nigel Biggar (ed.),
Burying the Past: Making Peace and Doing Justice After Civil Conflict, Georgetown
University Press: 184-206.
ISBN: 0-87840-394-9
(2001) “The Politics of Remembering and Forgetting in Central America,” in
Alexandra de Brito, Carmen González and Paloma Aguilar (eds.), The Politics of
Memory and Democratization, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York: 16189.
ISBN: 0-19-924090-6
(2001) “Politicas de guerra, paz y memoria en América Central,” in Alexandra de
Brito, Paloma Aguilar and Carmen Gonzalez (eds.), Las Políticas hacia el Pasado:
Juicios, depuraciones, perdón y olvido en las nuevas democracias, Ediciones Istmo,
Madrid (2002): 247-284.
ISBN: 84-7090-309-8
(2000) “La justicia y la democracia en América Latina,” in Jorge Solares (coord.),
Pluralidad jurídica en el umbral del siglo, FLACSO, Guatemala: 37-50.
(1999) “Repensando la Ciudadanía: el pluralismo legal y la reforma institucional en
Guatemala,” in Claudia Dary (ed.), La Construcción de la Nación y la Representación
Ciudadana en México, Guatemala, Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia, FLACSO, Guatemala:
ISBN: 305.8 D228 L
(1998) “Customary Law and Local Power,” in R. Sieder (ed.), Guatemala After the
Peace Accords, Institute of Latin American Studies, London: 97-115.
ISBN: 1-900039-26-5
(1997) “Derechos indígenas y poder local,” en Guatemala 1983-1997 ¿Hacia dónde
va la transición? Cuadernos de debate No.38, FLACSO, Guatemala: 101-123.
ISBN: 327.172 G918
(1997) “Reframing Citizenship: Indigenous Rights, Local Power and the Peace
Process,” in Jeremy Armon, Rachel Sieder and Richard A. Wilson (eds.), Negotiating
Rights: The Guatemalan Peace Process, Accord-Conciliation Resources, London: 6673.
ISSN: 1365-0742
(1996) “Honduras: The Politics of Exception and Military Reformism (1972-1978),”
in Will Fowler (ed.) Authoritarianism in Latin America since Independence,
Greenwood Press (reprint of JLAS 1995 article): 109-132.
ISBN: 0-313-29843-2
with P. Costello (1996) “Judicial Reform in Central America: Prospects for the Rule
of Law,” in R. Sieder (ed.), Central America: Fragile Transition: 169-211.
ISBN: 0-312-16010-0
(1995) “Honduras,” in Pedro Pérez-Sarduy and Jean Stubbs (eds.), No Longer
Invisible: Afro-Latin Americans Today, Minority Rights Group, Londres: 235-242.
ISBN: 1-873194-80-3
(2012) “The challenge of indigenous legal systems: beyond paradigms of recognition?
Brown Journal of World Affairs, 18 (2).
(2006), “El nuevo multiculturalismo en América Latina: ¿Regulación o
emancipación?” Colegio de Etnólogos y Antropólogos Sociales A.C., Boletín 30
Aniversario, CEAS-CIESAS, Mexico: 29-36.
(2006) “Del indigenismo institucional integracionista a la gestión pluralista de las
políticas públicas”, revista del Instituto de Estudios Interétnicos, University of San
Carlos, Guatemala.
(2005) “Challenging Citizenship, Neoliberalism and Democracy: Indigenous
Movements and the State in Latin America”, review essay in Social Movement
Studies, Vol.4 (3): 301-7.
(2002) with Megan Thomas, George Vickers and Jack Spence, Who Governs?
Guatemala Five Years After the Peace Accords, Hemisphere Initiatives/ Washington
Office on Latin America (HI/WOLA), Washington DC.
(2002) with Megan Thomas, George Vickers and Jack Spence ¿Quién Gobierna?
Guatemala Cinco Años Después de los Acuerdos de Paz, Hemisphere Initiatives/
Washington Office on Latin America, Washington DC.
(1999) “Derecho consuetudinario y poder local en Guatemala,” Pena y Estado, No.4,
Número especial “Justicia penal y comunidades indígenas,” Instituto de Estudios
Comparados en Ciencias Penales y Sociales (INECIP), Buenos Aires: 87-108.
(1998) “Reinterpretando la Ciudadanía: los derechos indígenas, el poder local y el
proceso de paz en Guatemala,” Anuario 1997, Centro de Estudios Superiores de
México y Centroamérica, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes del Estado de Chiapas,
Mexico: 313-336.
(1996), “La transición democrática y la construcción de un Estado de derecho
pluralista: notas para la investigación del derecho consuetudinario en Guatemala,”
Polémica, FLACSO-Guatemala: 61-76.
Presentations and lectures 2014-2016
“Revisiting legal anthropology and sociolegal studies in Latin America”. Thyra
Alleyne PhD Masterclass, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 15
March 2016.
“Indigenous struggles, legal pluralities and fragmented sovereignties: reflections on
law, illegality and the multicultural state”, 14 March 2016, Thyra Alleyne Memorial
Lecture, School of Advanced Studies, University of London.
“Legal Pluralities and Fragmented Sovereignties: Reflections on Law, Illegality and
the State in Latin America”. Rethinking Equality: Interdependent Inequalities in Latin
America International Conference. 3-4 February 2016
“Legal pluralism and indigenous women’s rights in Mexico: The ambiguities of
recognition”. Invited panel speaker. 21st Annual Herbert Rubin and Justice Rose
Luttan International Law Symposium, Law, New York University (NYU), 19
November 2015.
“Between Participation and Violence: Gender Justice and Neoliberal Government in
Chichicastenango, Guatemala”. Crime, Law & Governance in the Americas
Colloquium Series. Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, 7
October 2015.
“Reflexiones sobre antropología jurídica y derecho en América Latina”. Keynote
Speech. IX Congreso de la Red Latinoamericana de Antropología Jurídica
(RELAJU), Pirenopolis. Brazil, 28 September – 2 October 2015.
“Indigeneity, community and disputed legalities in Guatemala”. XXXIII Congress of
the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), SanJuan, Puerto Rico, 27-30 May
“Etnicidad, género y justicia”. Coloquio Antropología Jurídica y Derechos Humanos.
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP), 20 March 2015.
“La penalización de los sistemas de justicia indígena”. En Foro El poder judicial
frente a los derechos de la Tribu Yaqui. Convocado por el Área de Derechos
Humanos del IIJ.UNAM; la Dirección del Medio Universitario de la Ibero; la
Coordinación Nacional de Antropología del INAH, el CIESAS, Fundar; Amnistía
Internacional (México) y la Misión Civil de Observación de la consulta a la Tribu
Yaqui. UNAM, México. 3 March 2015.
Women and Legal Pluralism: Lessons from Indigenous Governance Systems in the
Andes. Workshop Women and Legal Pluralism: Extending Parity Governance.
European University Institute, Florence, 13-14 February 2015.
Derechos humanos y derechos de las mujeres indígenas. Curso Antropología Jurídica
y Género. Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TRIFE). 19
September, 2014.
“Antropología jurídica”. Diplomado Justicia y Pluralismo Jurídico, VII Generación.
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), Mexico City, 10 July 2014.
“Lawfare and gendered violence: the judicialization and juridification of indigenous
rights in Guatemala”. VI Annual Congress Native American and Indigenous Studies
Association (NAISA), Austin, Texas, 31 May 2014.
“Antropología (jurídica) y derechos humanos”, Maestría en Derechos Humanos,
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (UASLP), 27 March 2014.
“Indigenous peoples’ legal systems in Latin America”. UN Expert Seminar on
Restorative Justice, Indigenous Juridical Systems and Access to Justice for
Indigenous women, children and youth and persons with disabilities, University of
Auckland, Faculty of Law, 17-18 February 2014.
“Pluralismo jurídico y Estado en América Latina”. Seminario Internacional Derecho,
democracia y pueblos: Debates desde el republicanismo democrático y el pluralismo
jurídico. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM, Mexico. 12-14 February