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Curriculum vitae
2012 – present. PhD candidate, Philosophy of Law Area, Pompeu Fabra University (Spain). Title of the
research: “Value Pluralism as Philosophical Foundation of Margin of Appreciation Doctrine” [in Spanish].
Supervision: Prof. Josep Joan Moreso.
2009 – 2010. LL.M., Faculty of Law, University of Chile (Chile). Thesis: Historicity, Juridicity and Applicability
of Lex Mercatoria. An Analysis from the legal pluralism [in Spanish]. Supervisor: Elina Mereminskaya.
Approved with summa cum laude.
2009. Lawyer of the Republic, title awarded by Supreme Court of Justice (Chile).
1999 – 2004. Degree in Law and Social Science, Faculty of Law, University of Chile (Chile). Thesis: History,
Philosophy and Diversity on Isaiah Berlin. Supervisor: M.E. Orellana Benado. Approved with summa cum
2013. Prix to Outstanding Academic Performance, awarded by Graduate School, Faculty of Law, University of
Chile (Chile), top of the class.
2009. Prix to Outstanding Internship, Legal Aid Office, Ministry of Justice (Chile).
2014. FPI - MICINN Grant for PhD students, awarded by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain),
by competitive examination.
2013. Becas Chile Grant for PhD students, awarded by National Commission for Scientific and Technological
Research (CONICYT, Chile), by competitive examination.
2009. Assistant Grant for LL.M. students, awarded by Graduate School, Faculty of Law, University of Chile
(Chile), by competitive examination.
1999. Juan Gómez Millas Grant for undergraduate students, awarded by Ministry of Education (Chile), by
competitive examination.
2011 – present. Member of the Chilean Society of Legal and Social Philosophy (chapter of International
Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy [IVR]).
2014 – present. Predoctoral Researcher, research project BES-2014-068127 “Global Constitucionalism and
Global Justice: Philosophical Foundations”, funded by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain).
2010 – 2011. Co-I in the research project “A Pluralistic Approach to the Constitutional Concept of Common
Good”, funded by Catholic University Cardinal Silva Henriquez (Chile).
2011 – 2012. Graduate Researcher, research project FONDECYT Nº 1110437 “Collision and Harmonization
of Regulatory Regimes in Global Social Contexts”, funded by National Commission for Scientific and
Technological Research (CONICYT, Chile).
2006 – 2008. Research Assitant, research project DID SOC 06/21-2 “Law and Moral”, funded by University of
Chile (Chile).
2005 – 2008. Undergraduate Researcher, research project FONDECYT Nº 1050348 "Pluralism, Equality and
Value Diversity", funded by National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT, Chile).
“History of Ideas and Intellectual History: A Comparative in Context” [in Spanish], Artificium. Revista
Iberoamericana de Estudios Culturales y Análisis Conceptual, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2010, pp. 139-157
“The Morality in the Uses of Adjectives of Places in Ordinary Language” [in Spanish], Anuario de Filosofía
Jurídica y Social, No. 25, 2008, pp. 43-57.
“Pluralism: What Ethics of the 21st Century?” [in Spanish], in ASTORGA, Cristóbal y RIFFO, Ernesto (eds.),
Pluralismo. Homenaje a M.E. Orellana Benado. Santiago, Chile: Universidad Diego Portales [in print 2015].
“Obedience and Values: An Argument Against the Normativist Fetishism” [in Spanish], in M.E. ORELLANA
BENADO (ed.), Causas perdidas. Ensayos de filosofía jurídica, moral y política. Santiago, Chile: Catalonia,
2010, pp. 165-180.
“’The Nationalist Constitution’ of 1980” [in Spanish], in VV.AA., Democracia y derechos fundamentales desde
la filosofía política. Santiago, Chile: Editorial Jurídica, 2009, pp. 245-268.
“The Concept of Law Re-Revisited” [In Spanish. Review to FIGUEROA RUBIO, Sebastián (ed.). Hart en la
teoría del derecho contemporánea. A 50 años de El concepto de derecho, Ediciones Universidad Diego
Portales, Santiago, Chile, 2014 (420 pp.)]. Revista de Derecho, Universidad Austral de Chile [submit].
“Religious Groups Between Autonomy and State Subordination” [In Spanish. Review to DEL PICÓ RUBIO,
Jorge (coord.). Derecho de la libertad de creencias, Legal Publishing, Santiago, Chile, 2011 (210 pp.)].
Derecho y Justicia, No.1, 2011, pp. 204-215.
2010 – 2012. “Philosophy of Law” [in Spanish], School of Law, Escuela de Derecho, Catholic University
Cardinal Silva Henriquez (Chile).
2010 – 2012. “Legal Ethics” [in Spanish], School of Law, Escuela de Derecho, Catholic University Cardinal
Silva Henriquez (Chile).
2009 – 2012. “Moral Philosophy” [in Spanish]. Faculty of Law, University of Chile (Chile).
Spanish (native); English (fluent); Catalan, French and Italian (read only).