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COURSE SYLLABI Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí 1.COURSE NAME Humanities I 2.THEORY HOURS PER WEEK 3 COURSE NUMBER PRACTICE HOURS PER WEEK 0 aLEJO González Ma. Guadalupe, Medina Sánchez Gilberto, Rodríguez Leyva Ma. De Lourdes 3.PROFESSOR´S NAME 4a.TEXT BOOK TITLE 4b.COMPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY TITLE ¿Qué es el hombre? ¿Qué es el hombre? Esquema de una antropología filosófica El enfoque centrado en la persona Nuevas relaciones humanas AUTHOR YEAR EDITORIAL AUTHOR YEAR EDITORIAL Buber Martín 1999 Coreth Emerich 2007 González A Satir V. 1997 2005 5.SPECIFIC COURSE DESCRIPTION 5a.Brief description of course content The main factors that promote their development as a human being and so you can use and shape their life project. 5.b.PREREQUISITES 5.c. REQUIRED COURSE SELECTED ELECTIVE Yes 6.SPECIFIC COURSE OBJETIVES 6.a. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF INSTRUCTION The student analyzes, through individual and group reflection, about the main factors that influence their development as human beings and use this self-knowledge to model your life plan, achieving your goals and boots its development staff. 6.b.COURSE OUTCOMES ACCORDING TO CRITERION QFB: A( ) B( ) C( ) D(X) E( ) F( ) G(X) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) LQ: A( ) B( ) C( ) D(X) E( ) F( ) G(X) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) IBP: A( ) B( ) C( ) D(X) E( ) F( ) G(X) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) IA: A( ) B( ) C( ) D(X) E( ) F( ) G(X) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) IQ: A( ) B( ) C( ) D(X) E( ) F( ) G(X) H( ) I( ) J( ) K( ) 7. LIST OF THEMES TO REVIEW DURING THE COURSE A. CONCEPTION OF THE NATURE OF MAN a. Philosophical Anthropology b. Psychological Conceptions B. GOALS a. Importance of personal development goals C. FACTORS AFFECTING THE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT a. Definition and characteristics