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PowerPoint Slides Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice English Text Cancer Prevention: Part 2 VideoTranscript Professional Oncology Education Cancer Prevention: Part 2 Time: 11:32 Therese B. Bevers, M.D. Professor, Clinical Cancer Prevention Medical Director, Cancer Prevention Center The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center Hi, I am Dr. Terry Bevers, Professor of Clinical Cancer Prevention and Medical Director of the Cancer Prevention Center at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Today, our talk is about Cancer Prevention: Part II. Spanish Translation Prevención del cáncer: Parte 2 Transcripción del video Educación Oncológica Profesional Prevención del cáncer: Parte 2 Duración: 11:32 Dra. Therese B. Bevers Profesora de Prevención Clínica del Cáncer Directora Médica, Centro de Prevención del Cáncer Universidad de Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center Hola. Soy la Dra. Terry Bevers, Profesora de Prevención Clínica del Cáncer y Directora Médica del Centro de Prevención del Cáncer del MD Anderson Cancer Center de la Universidad de Texas. Hoy nuestra charla será sobre la Prevención del cáncer: Parte II. Cancer Prevention: Part II Therese B. Bevers, M.D. Professor, Clinical Cancer Prevention Medical Director, Cancer Prevention Center 1 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, participants will be able to: In a previous lecture, you heard Sally Scroggs talk about lifestyle modifications for risk reduction. Today, the lecture will focus on understanding types of prophylactic surgical interventions used to prevent malignancies and identification of chemoprevention strategies for several common cancers. En una conferencia anterior, Sally Scroggs habló sobre las modificaciones del estilo de vida para reducir el riesgo. Hoy, la conferencia se centrará en las intervenciones quirúrgicas profilácticas empleadas para prevenir los tumores malignos y en la identificación de estrategias de quimioprevención para los cánceres más comunes. I want to first focus on prophylactic surgical interventions. Primero hablaré de las intervenciones quirúrgicas profilácticas. • Discuss lifestyle modification strategies for risk reduction • List types of prophylactic surgical interventions used to prevent malignancies • Identify chemoprevention strategies for several common cancers Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Risk Reduction Strategies • Health Promotion - Diet Lifestyle modification • Prophylactic surgical interventions • Chemoprevention 2 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Prophylactic Surgical Interventions • Surprisingly, there are a number of surgical interventions that can be used to reduce an individual’s risk of developing cancer. Today, I would like to focus on prophylactic mastectomy and prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy. Hay varias intervenciones quirúrgicas que se usan para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer. Hoy voy a hablar de la mastectomía y la salpingooforectomía profilácticas. Prophylactic mastectomy is the removal of the breast tissue, both sides, to reduce a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. This strategy is highly effective for breast cancer risk reduction; reducing a woman’s chance of developing the disease by about 90%. However, it does carry some significant risk associated with it. It alters a woman’s body form permanently and her own self-image. It is irreversible. And for these reasons we typically only consider it in exceptional circumstances. Such circumstances would be a woman who is a gene mutation carrier for a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. The risk is quite high carrying a 50% to 80% lifetime risk. Given this high lifetime risk, certainly, we would consider a very highly effective risk reduction strategy such as prophylactic mastectomy. La mastectomía profiláctica es la extirpación del tejido mamario de ambos lados para reducir el riesgo de una mujer de desarrollar cáncer de mama. Esta estrategia es muy eficaz, pues disminuye en un 90% la probabilidad de que una mujer desarrolle la enfermedad, aunque conlleva ciertos riesgos considerables: altera en forma permanente la forma corporal de una mujer y su propia imagen, y es irreversible. Por estas razones, generalmente sólo la consideramos en circunstancias excepcionales. Por ejemplo, si una mujer es portadora de una mutación en los genes BRCA1 o BRCA2, su riesgo de por vida es bastante alto, de un 50% a un 80%, por lo que evaluaríamos una estrategia de reducción de riesgos muy eficaz, como lo es la mastectomía profiláctica. Breast Cancer – Prophylactic mastectomy – Prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy • Ovarian Cancer – Prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy • Colorectal Cancer – Prophylactic colectomy Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Prophylactic Mastectomy • Highly effective – 90% risk reduction • Alters body form and image • Irreversible • Need only be considered in exceptional circumstances – Genetic predisposition 3 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Prophylactic Oophorectomy • Risk Reduction – Breast cancer 47-68% – Ovarian cancer 85-96% • Causes premature menopause with systemic effects • Use of postmenopausal HRT does not appear to increase breast cancer risk Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Risk Reduction Strategies • Another prophylactic surgical intervention is prophylactic oophorectomy or prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy where the tubes and ovaries on both sides are removed. This not only reduces a woman’s chance of developing ovarian cancer by about 85 to 96%, but also reduces a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer if done early in her 30s or 40s. The breast cancer risk reduction can be as much as 47% to 68%. There are risks associated with this particular surgical intervention. It does cause premature menopause with all the associated systemic effects, such as increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of osteoporosis, and associated menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and the like. One study has shown that the use of postmenopausal hormone therapy does not appear to affect a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer if she were to take it after a prophylactic oophorectomy. Now, I want to switch our attention to chemoprevention, which is the use of medications to reduce an individual’s risk of developing the disease, in this case, cancer. Otra intervención quirúrgica profiláctica es la ooforectomía profiláctica o salpingooforectomía profiláctica, donde se extirpan trompas y ovarios de ambos lados. Esto reduce la probabilidad de una mujer de desarrollar cáncer de ovario de un 85% a un 96%, y de que desarrolle cáncer de mama si se hace en forma anticipada entre los 30 y los 40 años. La reducción del riesgo de cáncer de mama puede ser del 47% al 68%. Hay riesgos asociados a esta intervención quirúrgica. Causa menopausia prematura y todos sus efectos sistémicos asociados, como aumento del riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas y de osteoporosis, así como síntomas asociados con la menopausia, como sofocos, sudores nocturnos, etc. Un estudio ha demostrado que la terapia hormonal posmenopáusica no parece afectar el riesgo de una mujer de desarrollar cáncer de mama si se administra después de una ooforectomía profiláctica. Ahora hablaremos de la quimioprevención, que es el uso de medicamentos para reducir el riesgo de un individuo de desarrollar la enfermedad, en este caso, cáncer. Health Promotion - Diet Lifestyle modification • Prophylactic surgical interventions • Chemoprevention 4 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Chemoprevention The use of medication to reduce the development of disease mechanisms: • Modify estrogen response (selective estrogen receptor modulators - SERMs) • Interfere with estrogen production (aromatase inhibitors) • Block cyclo-oxygenase (NSAIDs) • Alter ovulation • Protect cells from oxidative stress • Suppress cell proliferation (difluoromethylornithine - DFMO) • Block carcinogens from binding DNA • Retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) • Deltanoids (vitamin D derivatives) Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Chemoprevention • - Hablaré brevemente sobre dos agentes, el tamoxifeno y el raloxifeno, que han demostrado reducir el riesgo de cáncer de mama. Tamoxifen Raloxifene Finasteride (Proscar®, Propecia®) Liver Cancer - • I want to briefly talk about two agents, tamoxifen and raloxifene, that have been shown to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Prostate Cancer - • Hay muchos medicamentos o sustancias que están siendo exploradas para reducir el desarrollo del cáncer. Esta es una lista parcial. Algunos, como los moduladores selectivos de los receptores de estrógeno, han sido aprobados por la FDA para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama. Otros siguen bajo investigación. Los mecanismos propuestos están en la diapositiva. Breast Cancer - • There are a large number of medications or substances that are being explored to reduce the development of cancer. This list is just a partial list. Some such as SERMs, or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators, actually have FDA approval for their use to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Others are still under investigation. The proposed mechanisms are listed on this slide. Hepatitis B Vaccine Cervical Cancer – HPV Vaccine 5 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Tamoxifen and Raloxifene • Both drugs reduce the risk of invasive and non-invasive breast cancer by 50% • Both drugs reduce the risk of osteoporotic bone fractures • Raloxifene has fewer risks than tamoxifen – Fewer DVT and PE – No increased risk of: • Endometrial cancer • Cataracts These drugs reduce the risk of both invasive and noninvasive breast cancer by one-half. They also reduce the risk of developing osteoporotic-type bone fractures. There are, however, risks associated with both of these drugs. Raloxifene has fewer risks than tamoxifen, has fewer deep vein thromboses or DVTs, and fewer pulmonary embolus or PEs. It does not have the increased risk of endometrial cancer or cataracts that is seen with tamoxifen. The side effects in regards to hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and other annoying side effects are fairly comparable between the two drugs. Estos fármacos reducen a la mitad el riesgo de cáncer de mama invasivo y no invasivo, así como el de fracturas óseas de tipo osteoporósico. Hay ciertos riesgos asociados con ambos. El raloxifeno tiene menos riesgos que el tamoxifeno, y menos episodios de trombosis venosa profunda y embolia pulmonar. A diferencia del tamoxifeno, no aumenta el riesgo de cáncer de endometrio o cataratas. Los efectos secundarios en cuanto a sofocos, sequedad vaginal y otras consecuencias molestas son bastante similares en ambos fármacos. Women, who are at increased risk, have options now to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Premenopausal woman have the option of taking tamoxifen. Postmenopausal woman have the option of either tamoxifen for five years or raloxifene for lifelong use. Las mujeres con mayor riesgo de cáncer de mama tienen ahora alternativas para reducirlo. La mujer premenopáusica puede tomar tamoxifeno. La mujer posmenopáusica tiene la opción de tomar tamoxifeno durante cinco años, o raloxifeno por el resto de su vida. • Side effects comparable Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Options for women at increased risk of developing breast cancer: • Premenopausal – Tamoxifen • Postmenopausal – Tamoxifen – Raloxifene 6 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Chemoprevention • - This study, called the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, actually showed that there were fewer cases of prostate cancer in the finasteride arm. In looking at 1000 men followed over seven years, taking either finasteride or no finasteride, there were actually 15 fewer cases of prostate cancer in the finasteride arm when compared to the no finasteride arm. However, somewhat surprisingly, four more cases of high-grade cancers were seen. It was this observation that has led to some reluctance in the use of finasteride generally for men to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Este estudio, llamado “Ensayo de prevención del cáncer de próstata”, demostró que hubo menos casos de la enfermedad en el grupo tratado con finasterida. Se evaluó a 1000 pacientes varones durante siete años, y en el grupo tratado con finasterida hubo 15 casos menos de cáncer de próstata que en el grupo no tratado con este fármaco. Sorprendentemente, se observaron cuatro casos más de cáncer de alto grado. Esta observación generó cierta reticencia en el uso de finasterida para reducir el riesgo de cáncer de próstata. Finasteride (Proscar®, Propecia®) Liver Cancer - • Tamoxifen Raloxifene Prostate Cancer - • Hablemos ahora del cáncer de próstata: un estudio ha evaluado el Proscar® o finasterida como método preventivo. Breast Cancer - • Turning our attention now to prostate cancer, we have a study that has looked at Proscar® or finasteride for the prevention of prostate cancer. Hepatitis B Vaccine Cervical Cancer – HPV Vaccine Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Estimated Benefit and Risk from Finasteride on Development of Prostate Cancer Thompson IM et al. N Engl J Med 2003 349(3):215 7 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Chemoprevention • - I want to briefly talk about hepatitis B and the hepatitis B vaccine. We know that hepatitis B and hepatitis V --hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections are major risk factors for the development of hepatocellular or liver carcinoma. In fact, the risk is even greater if there is infection with both hepatitis B and C. Chronic infections with these account for about 40% of cases of hepatocellular or liver cancer that are seen. It has been hypothesized that vaccination against hepatitis B may reduce the incidence of liver cancer by as much as one-half. Hablemos brevemente sobre la hepatitis B y su vacuna. Las hepatitis B y C son los principales factores de riesgo del carcinoma hepatocelular o hepático. De hecho, el riesgo es mayor si hay infección con ambos tipos de hepatitis. Las infecciones crónicas de estas enfermedades representan cerca del 40% de los casos de cáncer hepatocelular o hepático. Se ha especulado que la vacunación contra la hepatitis B puede reducir hasta un 50% la incidencia de cáncer hepático. Finasteride (Proscar®, Propecia®) Liver Cancer - • Tamoxifen Raloxifene Prostate Cancer - • Veamos ahora algunas vacunas que pueden ser beneficiosas para reducir el riesgo de cáncer. Breast Cancer - • Turning our attention now to some vaccines that can be beneficial in reducing individuals’ risk of developing cancer. Hepatitis B Vaccine Cervical Cancer – HPV Vaccine Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Hepatitis B • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections are major risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) • Risk is greater with coinfection with both hepatitis B and C • Chronic hepatitis B and C infection account for 0-40% of cases of HCC • Vaccination against hepatitis B may reduce risk of HCC by 50% 8 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Hepatitis B Vaccine • Part of childhood immunization series • High risk adult populations – – – – – – Have >1 sex partner in 6 months Men who have sex with other men Sex contacts of infected people IV drug users Healthcare workers Household contacts of persons with chronic HBV infection – Hemodialysis patients Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice We have been using hepatitis B vaccine as part of the childhood immunization series for a number of years. Certainly, the individuals who routinely received hepatitis B vaccine are still under the age that we would normally expect to see liver cancer develop. So it will be a while before we begin to see the effects of hepatitis B vaccination on the population. There are, however, some high-risk adult populations that are listed here, and these populations should seriously be considered for hepatitis B vaccination to reduce the risk of being infected with hepatitis B and, thus, potentially reduce the risk of developing liver cancer. Desde hace varios años, la vacuna contra la hepatitis B es parte de la serie de inmunización infantil. Las personas que habitualmente son vacunadas contra la hepatitis B son más jóvenes que la edad a la que normalmente se manifiesta el cáncer hepático. Entonces, aún falta tiempo para que comencemos a ver los efectos de la vacunación contra la hepatitis B en la población. En esta lista figuran algunas poblaciones de adultos de alto riesgo que deben considerar seriamente la vacuna contra la hepatitis B para reducir el riesgo de infección y, en consecuencia, reducir potencialmente el riesgo de cáncer hepático. Finally, I would like to talk about cervical cancer and HPV vaccine or human papillomavirus vaccine. Por último, hablaré del cáncer cervicouterino y de la vacuna contra el VPH o virus del papiloma humano. Chemoprevention • Breast Cancer - • Prostate Cancer - • Finasteride (Proscar®, Propecia®) Liver Cancer - • Tamoxifen Raloxifene Hepatitis B Vaccine Cervical Cancer – HPV Vaccine 9 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice HPV Vaccine • Quadrivalent HPV vaccine (Gardasil®) – HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 • Bivalent HPV vaccine (Cervarix®) – HPV 16 and 18 • Nearly 100% effective in protecting against precancerous lesions caused by HPV 16 and 18 – HPV 16 and 18 cause 70% of cervical cancers • Quadrivalent HPV vaccine (Gardasil®) also protects against HPV 6 and 11 – Cause over 90% of genital warts Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice HPV Vaccine • Will not protect against HPV infection by other high risk types, so screening is still needed • Vaccine does not treat HPV infection only prevents it • To be effective, the vaccine should be given prior to the initiation of sexual activity There are actually two different types of HPV vaccines that are now available on the market. Gardasil® is a quadrivalent vaccine, meaning it has four types of HPV included in the vaccine. It has two high-risk or oncogenic cancer causing types, which is HPV 16 and 18, and two low-risk types HPV 6 and 11. Cervarix® is a bivalent vaccine focusing only on the high-risk types, HPV 16 and 18. It has been found in studies that women who were immunized with HPV vaccine obtained nearly 100% prevention against the development of precancerous lesions caused by HPV 16 and 18. It is important to realize that HPV 16 and 18 account for about 70% of the cervical cancers that occur in the United States. Because Gardasil® also includes HPV 6 and 11 in the vaccine, it can prevent against the diseases that those are associated with, specifically genital warts. In fact, they are the cause of over 90% of genital warts. While these are not oncogenic or cancer-causing, certainly they can be problematic, and there is the potential to reduce the incidence of these developing. HPV vaccine will not protect against HPV infection caused by other high-risk types, so we still continue to need --- we still need to screen women with the Pap smear because certainly they can have an HPV infection from other highrisk types that would lead to cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer. The vaccine does not treat an HPV infection. In fact, there is no treatment currently for HPV infections. It only prevents the infection from occurring. For that reason, to be most effective, the vaccine should be given prior to the initiation of sexual activity, as HPV is largely transmitted through sexual activity. Hay en el mercado dos tipos de vacunas contra el VPH. Gardasil® es una vacuna tetravalente, pues incluye cuatro tipos de VPH. Dos de ellos son oncogénicos y causan cáncer de alto riesgo: VPH 16 y 18. Los otros son de bajo riesgo: VPH 6 y 11. Cervarix® es una vacuna bivalente que sólo previene dos tipos de alto riesgo. Varios estudios han comprobado que las mujeres inmunizadas con la vacuna contra el VPH obtuvieron casi un 100% de prevención en el desarrollo de lesiones precancerosas causadas por el VPH 16 y 18. Es importante advertir que, en los Estados Unidos, estos virus representan alrededor del 70% de los cánceres cervicouterinos. El Gardasil® también incluye el VPH 6 y el 11, por lo que puede, además, prevenir las enfermedades asociadas a ellos que causan más del 90% de las verrugas genitales. Si bien no son oncogénicos ni provocan cáncer, pueden ser problemáticos y existe el potencial de reducir la incidencia de esta enfermedad. La vacuna contra el VPH no protege contra las infecciones de otros tipos de alto riesgo, por lo que aún debemos utilizar el examen de Papanicolaou. Una infección por VPH de otros tipos de alto riesgo puede resultar en displasia cervical o cáncer cervicouterino. La vacuna no cura una infección por VPH —de hecho, no hay un tratamiento para estas infecciones—, sino que evita que la infección se produzca. Por esa razón, para ser más eficaz, la vacuna debe aplicarse antes de iniciar la actividad sexual, ya que el VPH se transmite mayormente de ese modo. 10 Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice CDC Recommendations: HPV Vaccination • Routine vaccination of females aged 11-12 • Catch-up vaccination of females aged 13-26 – Counseling regarding diminished benefits of vaccination after HPV exposure should be provided • HPV vaccination is not currently recommended for women aged < 9 or > 26 • New recommendation for quadrivalent HPV vaccine (Gardasil®) vaccination in males to prevent genital warts – May decrease transmission of HPV infection CDC=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cancer Prevention: Principles and Clinical Practice Conclusions • Many primary prevention strategies are available to reduce the risk of developing cancer to include lifestyle modifications such as diet, exercise and avoidance of smoking and excessive sun exposure • For those at increased risk for the disease, prophylactic surgery and chemoprevention may be beneficial as well The current Centers for Disease Control recommendations for HPV vaccination are that females aged 11 to 12 should receive routine vaccination with a series of three vaccinations over a six-month interval. Females aged 13 through 26 may obtain vaccination as a catch-up mechanism, but they should also be counseled that, if they have become sexually active, they may have already been infected with one of the HPV types in the vaccine, and would not, thus, obtain protection against that particular HPV type. For that reason, they may have diminished benefits from the vaccination. HPV vaccination is not currently recommended for women under the age of 9 or over the age of 26, although studies are currently ongoing. Recently, there have been some new recommendations for Gardasil® vaccination in males to prevent the development and transmission of genital warts. Certainly, since Gardasil® vaccination would also prevent HPV infection with 16 and 18 in the males, it may help to decrease the transmission of these two HPV types to their sexual partners, thus potentially reducing the risk further for the population. In conclusion, there are many primary prevention strategies that are available to reduce a person’s risk of developing cancer. These include lifestyle modifications, that you heard Sally talk about, such as diet and exercise, avoidance of smoking, or smoking cessation if you already smoke, and excessive sun exposure. Also for those who are at increased risk of the disease, we have other options, such as prophylactic surgical interventions and chemoprevention. I hope that you have enjoyed this lecture and we welcome your feedback. Thank you. Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades recomiendan la vacunación de rutina contra el VPH en mujeres de 11 a 12 años, con una serie de tres aplicaciones a intervalos de seis meses. Las mujeres de 13 a 26 años pueden vacunarse como un mecanismo de protección, pero se les debe advertir que si han llevado una vida sexual activa, es posible que ya hayan sido infectadas por uno de los tipos de VPH contenidos en las vacunas y que, por lo tanto, no obtendrán protección. Es posible entonces que obtengan menos beneficios. La vacuna contra el VPH no se recomienda para mujeres menores de 9 años o mayores de 26, aunque aún se están realizando estudios. Las recomendaciones más recientes indican la vacunación con Gardasil® en los hombres a fin de prevenir el desarrollo y la transmisión de verrugas genitales. Ya que Gardasil® también previene la infección con VPH 16 y 18 en los varones, puede reducir la transmisión de estos virus a sus parejas sexuales, lo cual reduciría aún más el riesgo para la población. En conclusión, hay muchas estrategias de prevención primaria para reducir el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer, que incluyen modificaciones en el estilo de vida —de las que Sally ha hablado—, como dieta y ejercicio, no fumar o dejar de fumar si ya se hace, y evitar la exposición excesiva al sol. Para aquellos con mayor riesgo de desarrollar la enfermedad, tenemos otras opciones, como intervenciones quirúrgicas profilácticas y quimioprevención. Espero que hayan disfrutado de esta conferencia y agradeceremos sus comentarios. Gracias. 11 12