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TEACHER / COACH • maestro / entrenador FIRST NAME • primero nombre ROOM # • salón BEST PHONE # • numero de teléfono mejor SCHOOL / ORGANIZATION • escuela / organización For tune Fundraising GRADE • grado inc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 totales por el sabor CHP OAT PNT SNK MAC FUN SOC PMK CRT BRW CIN ECL CHU STR CRM ALM u Keep Going! Additional order forms are available in the school office and online at or you can write neatly on a sheet of paper. check here if you turned in more than one page ¡Siga vendiendo! Hay formas adicionales en la oficina de la escuela y la internet o escriba con letra legible en una hoja de papel. marca aqui si entregas mas de una pagina WHITE COPY — FORTUNE FUNDRAISING HOJA BLANCA — FORTUNE FUNDRAISING Fundraising Tips: • NEVER sell door-to-door. ALWAYS be safe! • Speak clearly, smile and always say thanks. • Don’t wait. Start collecting orders right away. • Set a goal, and make time to reach that goal. Find more tips at 2 = $32 3 = $48 4 = $64 5 = $80 6 = $96 7 = $112 8 = $128 9 = $144 10 = $160 11 = $176 12 = $192 13 = $208 14 = $224 15 = $240 16 = $256 17 = $272 18 = $288 19 = $304 20 = $320 21 = $336 22 = $352 23 = $368 24 = $384 25 = $400 TOTALS FOR THIS PAGE ONLY total esta forma solamente GRAND TOTALS for fundraiser use only TOTAL # OF ITEMS total nº de artículos $ TOTAL PAID total pagado .00 PAID pagado TOTAL $ AMT DUE total $ a pagar TOTAL # OF ITEMS total # de artículos ALM • ALMOND ROCA® CRM • ORIGINAL CREAMSTYLE STR • STRAWBERRY SWIRL CHU • CHURROS ECL • NY STYLE ÉCLAIRS CIN • CINNAMON ROLLS STR ••STRAWBERRY SWIRL BRW TUXEDO BROWNIES CRT • CARROT CAKE ROLL PMK • PUMPKIN ROLL CUSTOMER NAME & PHONE nombre de cliente y teléfono SOC • SOCK-IT-TO-ME CAKE el producto será entregado: FUN • FUN DOE DELIVERY WILL BE ON: MAC • WHT CHOC MACADAMIA entregue orden con dinero: SNK • SNICKERDOODLE ORDERS ARE DUE BY: PNT • PEANUT BUTTER CHP • CHOCOLATE CHIP Véase la carta de información o su líder para estas fechas: 1-800-499-1098 All items in The Dessert Collection are $16.00 each Look at the information letter or ask your teacher or group leader for these important dates: OAT • OATMEAL RAISIN escriba claramente PRINT CLEARLY LAST NAME • apellido ü