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“Extraordinary Learning for All” 7150 N. 22nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: 602-664-7800 Fax: 602-664-7899 Attendance: 602-664-7820 Health Office: 602-664-7820 January 17th, 2014 Dear Families of Heights, rd Our 3 quarter is the shortest of the year with only 38 days. Spring is around the corner and with it comes AIMS and Stanford 10 testing. If ever there was a time to help your children put forth extra effort, now is that time. Be sure that your children are at school and on time every day, the importance of instructional minutes cannot be overstated. Put a priority on homework completion as it solidifies the learning happening in school. Make sure your child(ren) are well rested as sleep is the time when their brains save all the information from each day. Together we can promote successful lifelong learners here at Madison Heights! You should have received your child’s second quarter report card on Friday, January 11th. The report cards reflect classroom work as well as any recent assessment information that we have on your child. If you have any questions regarding the results th th of any of our assessments please contact your child’s teacher. Our next conferences are scheduled for March 4 and 5 . However, if you have any questions regarding the report cards or your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. The teachers would be happy to schedule a time to discuss any concerns that you may have. Gifted Testing th th Gifted testing will be taking place on February 10 and 11 here at Madison Heights. There are two different tests: The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test is for students in Kindergarten, First and Second Grades; The Cognitive Abilities Test is for students in Third and Fourth Grade. If you would like your student to be tested, please contact your teacher for the form. District Spelling Bee th The Madison School District Spelling Bee will be held on January 24 at the District office from 9:00am-11:00am. The Madison Heights winner and runner up are Henry Calkins from Mrs. Schaffer’s Homeroom and Norbu Shastri from Mrs. Hanson’s Homeroom. If you have time and are in the area, stop by to give encouragement to our Spelling Stars as they compete against students from all over the school district. Donations Needed Our Spring Auction is coming and we need your help to gather donations for this fundraiser. Ask your friends, family and neighbors to help support your child’s education through a donation of a good or service. Items such as gift certificates for meals at restaurants or services at local spas, salons and home repair are great ways to help the school earn money as well as advertise the different businesses in the area. Any support is greatly appreciated as our wonderful PTO works hard to support the needs of the Heights learning community through its fundraising. PTO The end of the year will be upon us before we know it and planning for next year will begin. For this reason I want to ask all of you to genuinely consider serving the Heights students as part of our Parent Teacher Organization. It is truly amazing what our Parents do for our staff and community. From big events like Family Fun night, and fundraisers, to Family Dine out nights, we all participate at some level. Please consider joining us at our meetings each month. Depending on the event, the level of responsibility asked of a group of volunteers varies. It takes all of us to make our school great. We have fun at our meetings and work together to make each event successful. Again, please consider joining our PTO meetings. We all look forward to working with you! Have a great weekend, stay warm and enjoy this beautiful weather! Priscilla L. Gossett and William Wight Principal and Teacher on Assignment for Administration Page | 1 “Aprendizaje Extraordinario Para Todos” 7150 N. 22nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: 602-664-7800 Fax: 602-664-7899 Attendance: 602-664-7820 Health Office: 602-664-7820 17 de enero, 2014 Queridas Familias de Heights, Nuestro tercer cuarto es el más corto del año con solo 38 días. La primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina y con eso viene los exámenes estandarizados del estado AIMS y Stanford 10. Si alguna vez hubo un tiempo para ayudar a su hijo/a poner un esfuerzo extra, ahora es el tiempo. Asegúrese de que su hijo/a esté en la escuela todos los días y a tiempo. La importancia de minutos instructivos no puede ser exagerada. Ponga prioridad a completar las tareas ya que eso solidifica el aprendizaje que está pasando en la escuela. Asegúrese de que su hijo/a este bien descansado ya que la hora de dormir es cuando el cerebro guarda toda la información de cada día. ¡Juntos podemos lograr estudiantes exitosos aquí en Madison Heights! Usted debió haber recibido el viernes, 11 de enero la boleta de segundo cuarto de su hijo/a. La boleta refleja el trabajo del salón al igual que cualquier información de exámenes que hemos hecho a su hijo/a. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre los resultados de alguno de los exámenes administrados por favor póngase en contacto con la maestra de su hijo/a. Nuestras siguientes conferencias serán para el 4 y 5 de marzo. Sin embargo si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre las calificaciones en la boleta de su hijo/a por favor no dude en comunicarse con el maestro. Exámenes para estudiantes dotados Exámenes estudiantes dotados se llevaran a cabo el 10 y 11 aquí en Madison Heights. Hay dos exámenes diferentes: El examen Nagieri Nonverbal Ability que es para estudiantes de kínder, primero y segundo grado; El examen Cognitive Abilities Test para estudiantes de tercer y cuarto grado. Si le gustaría que se le administre este examen a su hijo/a por favor póngase en contacto con la maestra para que ella le pueda enviar la forma de permiso necesaria. Competencia de deletreo El Distrito Escolar Madison tendrá su competencia de deletreo el 24 de enero en la oficina del distrito de 9:00am-11:00am Los estudiantes de Madison Heights que entraron a la competencia del distrito son Henry Calkins del salón de la Sra. Schaffer y Norbu Shastri del salón de la Sra. Hanson. Se necesitan donaciones Nuestra subasta de primavera se aproxima y necesitamos su ayuda para recaudar donaciones para este evento. Pregunte a sus amigos, parientes y vecinos que ayuden apoyar la educación de su hijo con una donación de servicios. Se puede donar certificados de regalos para restaurantes, salones spas y reparos de hogar. Es una manera maravillosa de ayudar a la escuela con este evento pero también un beneficio para los negocios. Cualquier apoyo es agradecido. Organización de Padres y Maestros (PTO) El fin del año se aproxima y antes que sepamos estaremos planeando para el próximo año escolar. Por esta razón quisiera pedirles a todos que considere servir a los estudiantes de Heights como parte de nuestra organización de padres y maestros. Es verdaderamente increíble lo que hacen los padres por nuestro personal y comunidad. Desde eventos como Noche de Diversión Familiar y recaudación de fondos a Noches de Cenas familiares, todos participamos en algún nivel. Por favor considere unirse a nuestras juntas cada mes. Dependiendo en el evento, el nivel de responsabilidad que se le pide a un grupo de voluntarios varea. Se necesita de todos para hacer una buena escuela. Nuestras juntas son divertidas y trabajamos juntos para hacer de queda evento una noche exitosa. ¡Que tengan un maravilloso fin de semana, manténganse calientes y disfruten el hermoso clima! Priscilla L. Gossett y Bill Wight Directora y Maestro Administrativo en Asignación Page | 2 For the week of January 6th and January 13th Kinder: Riley Rapuano, Ivon Staneva, Daniel Sotelo First Grade: Blake Melcher, Alexander Beach, Mercedes Sharrah Second Grade: Bella Daniel, Jordyn Taranec Third Grade: Jacob Defonce, Jamie Solis Fourth Grade: Enrique Lopezlira, Norbu Shastri, Kris Noelke Music News Mark your calendars. REACH classes will be performing on Thursday, January 30th. Students need to report to their homerooms at 5:45pm. Showtime is at 6:00 in the cafeteria. The kids can wear whatever they like as long as it is clean, tear free and adheres to district dress code (no spaghetti straps or midriff shirts). Jeans are fine. Since there is a lot of dancing and partners assigned, attendance is VERY important. Hope to see you there! Other important show dates: Feb. 20th –2nd grade April 10th—1st grade Kinder—May 1st Musically Yours, Mrs. Bradshaw Noticias de Música Marque sus calendarios. Los salones de REACH tendrán su presentación de música el jueves, 30 de Enero. Estudiantes deben de presentarse en sus salones a las 5:45pm. La presentación empieza a las 6pm en la cafetería. Es importante la asistencia ya que la presentación se requiere de compañeros de baile. Fechas de Presentaciones Importantes: 20 de Febrero – Segundo Grado 10 de abril – Primer Grado Kínder – 1 de Mayo Musicalmente, Sra. Bradshaw Page | 3 Information Regarding Homeless Students Students are considered homeless if they are: • In a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground • On the street • In an abandoned building, trailer or other inadequate accommodations • Doubled up with friends or relatives because they cannot find or afford housing If children are homeless they have certain rights or protections under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. These protections include the right to: • Go to school, no matter where they live or how long you have lived there • Be enrolled immediately without birth certificates, immunizations or school records • Attend school while the school arranges for the transfer of school and immunization records or any other required documents • Enroll in school without giving a permanent address. Schools cannot delay enrollment. • Continue in the school they attended before becoming homeless or the school they last attended • Receive transportation to and from the school they attended before becoming homeless or the school they last attended, if requested. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your local school office. Información con respecto a Estudiantes sin vivienda Los estudiantes son considerados sin vivienda si ellos están: • En refugios, vehículo, motel o en campamentos • En las calles • En un edificio abandonado, remolque u otro hospedaje inadecuado • Viviendo con amistades o parientes porque no pueden encontrar o no puede pagar vivienda. Si los niños no tienen donde vivir, ellos tienen ciertos derechos o protecciones bajo el Acto de Asistencia Educativa de estudiantes sin vivienda McKinney-Vento. Estas protecciones incluyen el derecho a: • Ir a la escuela, sin importar donde viven o por cuanto tiempo han vivido allí • Matricularse inmediatamente sin certificado de nacimiento, cartilla de vacunas o documentos escolares. • Asistir a la escuela mientras la escuela hace los arreglos de traspaso de escuela y documentos de vacunas o cualquier otro documento requerido • Matricularse en la escuela sin dar una dirección permanente. Las escuelas no pueden demorar la matriculación. • Continuar en la escuela que asistieron antes de quedarse sin vivienda o a la última escuela a la que asistieron. • Recibir transporte hacia y de la escuela que asistieron antes de quedarse sin vivienda o a la última escuela a la que asistieron, si lo solicitan. Si tiene preguntas o comentarios, por favor comuníquese a la oficina de su escuela local. Diane Selby Director of Community Education 602 664-7935 Internationally Accredited through AdvancED Madison District Office 5601 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-664-7900 Madison No. 1 5525 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-664-7100 Madison Camelview 2002 E. Campbell Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-664-7200 Madison Simis 7302 N. 10th Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 602-664-7300 Madison Rose Lane 1155 E. Rose Lane Phoenix, AZ 85014 602-664-7400 Madison Park 1431 E. Campbell Avenue Phoenix 85014 602-664-7500 Madison Meadows 225 W. Ocotillo Road Phoenix, AZ 85013 602-664-7600 Madison Heights 7150 N. 22nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 602-664-7800 January 17, 2014 Dear Parents, Madison School District is making changes to the Gifted testing process to increase the accuracy of identification and minimize interruptions to instructional time. Students in Kindergarten, Second Grade, and Fourth through Seventh Grade will be identified for testing based on district benchmark assessment data. If your child will be participating in the testing process, additional information regarding testing and a permission form will be sent home with your child. Additionally, teachers and parents may recommend students for testing who have not been identified through this process. Parents seeking to recommend a student for testing should complete the Parent Gifted Referral Form found on the Madison website at Requests for gifted testing must be turned in to the student’s classroom teacher no later than January 30, 2014. Please be aware that while Elementary School students will be tested at their school site, Middle School students will be tested at the Madison District Office and transportation may need to be provided by their parent or guardian. If you have any questions, please contact Rosalinda CruzFlores at or 602.664.7934. Thank you, Terrie Barnes Administrator for Curriculum and Instruction Madison Traditional Academy 925 E. Maryland Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85014 602-745-4000 Internationally Accredited through AdvancED Madison District Office 5601 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-664-7900 Madison No. 1 5525 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-664-7100 Madison Camelview 2002 E. Campbell Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-664-7200 Madison Simis 7302 N. 10th Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 602-664-7300 Madison Rose Lane 1155 E. Rose Lane Phoenix, AZ 85014 602-664-7400 Madison Park 1431 E. Campbell Avenue Phoenix 85014 602-664-7500 Madison Meadows 225 W. Ocotillo Road Phoenix, AZ 85013 602-664-7600 Madison Heights 7150 N. 22nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 602-664-7800 17 de enero de 2014, Estimados Padres, El Distrito Escolar Madison esta hacienda cambios a su proceso para examinar estudiantes súper botados en orden para asegurar la identificación de estos estudiantes y minimizar interrupciones al tiempo educativo. Estudiantes de Kínder, 2o grado y de 4o a 7o grado serán identificados para los exámenes basado a resultados de exámenes de habilidad del distrito. Si su estudiante participa en el proceso de las pruebas, mas información al tanto de la pruebas y formas de permiso serán mandadas con su hijo/a. Maestros y padres también van a poder recomendar estudiantes para los examines si aun no han sido identificados durante este proceso. Los padres que quieran recomendar a sus estudiantes para las pruebas, deben de completar la forma “Parent Gifted Referral Form” que se encuentra en la página web de Madison en Peticiones para los exámenes deben de ser entregadas a la maestro de su hijo/a no mas tardar el 30 de Enero del 2014. Por favor que mientras los exámenes iniciales los toman en sus escuelas, estudiantes de Madison tomaran el examen para estudiantes súper botados en las Oficinas del Distrito Madison y los padres o tutores tendrán que proveer la transportación. Si tiene preguntas, favor de contactar a la Sra. Rosalinda Cruz-Flores por correo electrónico a o al 602.664.7934 Cariñosos saludos, Terrie Barnes Administrador para el Currículo y la Instrucción Madison Traditional Academy 925 E. Maryland Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85014 602-745-4000 Internationally Accredited through AdvancED Recycling Progr Program Update The program continues to be a great success with all of your support. Many students and parents are bringing in recyclables from home to put in the recycle bins in the cafeteria. This has increased our outgoing shipments to Terracycle by almost double from last year at this time. We just sent out a shipment of our collected Personal Care and Beauty Products that weighed 27 pounds! That is 27 pounds of waste that will be used again rather than sitting in a landfill. Isn’t that amazing?! Keep up the great work, Heights!!! News • Our continued recycling efforts have not gone unnoticed by our partners at Terracycle. At the end of October, we qualified and WON The Drink Pouch Brigade Giveaway with one of our largest shipments yet, of almost 3,000 drink pouches. We won a prize pack from Caprisun that will be shared on the announcements in January. • We also were winners in The Lunch Kit Regional Rally Raffle and will receive an official Terracycle Collection Bin in January. Don’t Forget • The holidays are a wonderful time to enjoy friends, family, and togetherness. It is also a time when we have lots of delicious food and yummy treats. Many of these items come in packaging that can be recycled at Heights. Please continue collecting Heights recyclables over the Winter Break. The detailed list of accepted waste is on the back of this update. Did You Know? • Taking a shower, instead of a bath can help save around 50 gallons of water. • You can recycle plastic bags at Safeway, Sprouts, Target, and Fresh and Easy. • The energy saved by recycling just one glass bottle can light a hundred watt light bulb for four hours. Internationally Accredited through AdvancED Madison Heights Recycling Chip Bag Brigade: ChiChip Bag Brigade Accepted Waste: chip bags, tortilla chip bags, pretzel bags, pita chip bags, bagel chip bags, soy crisp bags, salty snack bags (all brands and sizes) Candy Wrapper Brigade: Accepted Waste: individual candy wrappers, large candy bags, and multi-pack candy bags (all brands and sizes) Cheese Packaging Brigade: Accepted Waste: string cheeses packages, individual singles wrappers, singles packages, shredded cheeses packages, all flexible cheese wrappers (all brands) Cleaner Packaging Brigade: Accepted Waste: pumps, triggers, pouches, and flexible cleaner product packaging. Please note, bottles will not be accepted Drink Pouch Brigade: Accepted Waste: aluminum drink pouches, plastic drink pouches, (Ex. Caprisun and Honest Kids; no cans and no juice boxes) Lunch Kit Brigade: Accepted Waste: lunch kit plastic trays, lunch kit plastic lids, lunch kit plastic film, lunch kit outer wrapping (Ex. Lunchables) Personal Care and Beauty Brigade: Accepted Waste: lipstick cases, mascara tubes, eye shadow cases, shampoo bottles, conditioner bottles, bronzer cases, foundation packaging, body wash containers, soap tubes, soap dispensers, lotion dispensers, shaving foam tubes (no cans), powder cases, lotion bottles, chap stick tubes, lotion tubes, face soap dispensers, face soap tubes, face lotion bottles, face lotion jars, eyeliner cases, eyeliner pencils, eye shadow tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks, lip liner pencils, hand lotion tubes, hair gel tubes, hair paste jars (as clean and empty as possible) Energy Bar Wrapper Brigade: Accepted Waste: Any foil-lined wrapper from an energy bar, granola bar, meal replacement bar, protein bar, or diet bar Updated February 2013 Internationally Accredited through AdvancED