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December 2012 December’s Issue Brought to you by: Low-stress Holidays Whether you’re trying to make all the usual holiday rounds or if you’re not sure your wallet can take the financial demands of the season, the holidays can cause undue stress. Try the following simple tips, designed to decrease the stress in your life this holiday season. It’s hard to find the time and energy needed to meet holiday demands. Taking some time out of each day for yourself can relax you and make tasks easier to accomplish. Even if your “you time” is spent exercising or cleaning, it’s still time that’s spent on your own, away from the demands of others. Do whatever you need to find some time to relax and relieve stress. Give yourself permission to say no. It can be easier to say, “Sure, I’ll make a batch of cookies for tomorrow’s class party,” than to tell your child’s teacher that you don’t have time, but saying “no” is necessary at times. Prioritize, and give yourself a break—nobody has the time, energy or money to do everything. Don’t run yourself ragged. If you don’t get enough sleep, your energy levels and health suffer. If possible, try to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. If your holiday season involves giftgiving, be sensible. Try to avoid feeling obligated to give expensive gifts—if you’re worried that others will spend a lot on you, come up with creative solutions. Instead of gifting each of your close friends, ask if they’d like to draw names, each buying a gift for one individual. You could also give homemade gifts, or set price limits to save everybody money. Safe Toys and Gifts Month December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month. When purchasing toys and gifts this month, think about whether or not they have small parts that could become detached, sharp or pointy edges or pieces, or if they pose some other type of risk. Realize that, especially when giving a gift to a child, the item may not be used for its intended purpose, and plan accordingly. Pay attention to suggested ages as well, keeping toys away from children who are too young for them. DID YOU KNOW Focus on doing what is best for you this holiday season, and not letting high demands bring you down. Choking is among the top five causes of accidental death in the United States, with children under the age of three being at the highest risk. Toys and other gifts can be hazardous and even deadly, so pay extra attention to safety labels and warnings when purchasing items for children. Part 1 FREE Train-the-Trainer Workshop Friday, December 6, 2013 South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association 1904 174th Street, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 Thursday, December 12, 2013 Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science 3333 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064 8:30 – 9:00 AM Registration and Refreshments 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Workshop Learn HEAL’s core teaching methods and practice activities you will use to train community health workers and other health educators. Only 20 seats available at each site. Pre-registration required. DEADLINES: Hazel Crest location - NOVEMBER 29, 2013 DEADLINE EXTENDED! North Chicago location – DECEMBER 6, 2013 →→→ Complete registration form and e-mail to or fax it to 312-996-3212. Questions? Call 312-413-0507. HEAL: A Guide to Healthy Eating & Active Living FREE Train-the-Trainer Workshop In order to participate in this Train-the-Trainer Workshop, you must: x x x x x x Be affiliated with an organization working to improve the health of Latinos and African Americans. Have a working knowledge of the benefits of eating healthy food and the risks of unhealthy eating. Agree to train at least 15 community health workers, peer health educators, or community residents within 6 months after this session at no cost to them. Agree to participate in the overall and ongoing evaluation of HEAL. Agree to adhere to the HEAL copyright and not make any modifications to the materials. Understand and speak English. By completing this application form, I agree that I meet and will comply with the above requirements. Which workshop session do you plan to attend? Select one. _____ Friday, December 6, 2013 South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association 1904 174th Street, Hazel Crest, IL 60429 _____ Thursday, December 12, 2013 Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science 3333 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064 Name: Position: Organization: E-mail (required): Phone (required): Specialization (e.g., asthma): Languages you speak: Community area(s) you serve (e.g. Hazel Crest, IL): Describe your experience improving healthy eating in Latino/African American communities. Describe your experience working with community health workers or peer health educators. How do you intend to use the HEAL Guide after this training? Return this form by e-mail to or by fax to 312-996-3212. You will be contacted by email to confirm your registration in the workshop. Questions? Call 312-413-0507. STRUGGLING WITH YOUR MORTGAGE PAYMENT? WE CAN HELP. CONTACT US TODAY. 888-532-3021 The process for getting mortgage help can be complicated and confusing, but you are not alone. We can help. Let our expert housing counselors be your guide. We’ll work with you and your mortgage company to find the right solution for your individual situation. FREE COMMUNITY EVENT December 7th | 9 am to 2 pm Peter A. Reinberg Elementary School 3425 N Major Ave, Chicago, IL 60634 For More Information 888-532-3021 ¿PROBLEMAS CON SUS PAGOS HIPOTECARIOS? NOSOTROS PODEMOS AYUDARLE. CONTACTENOS HOY. 888-532-3021 El proceso para obtener ayuda hipotecaria puede ser complicado y confuso, pero no está solo. Nosotros podemos ayudarle. Deje que nuestros expertos asesores de vivienda sean su guía. Trabajaremos con usted y con su compañía hipotecaria para encontrar la solución apropiada para su situación. EVENTO COMUNITARIO GRATUITO Deciembre 7th | 9 am to 2 pm Peter A. Reinberg Elementary School 3425 N Major Ave, Chicago, IL 60634 Para más información 888-532-3021 We wanted to remind you that December 13th is the last day for Illinois State retirees to enroll into one of the state-sponsored Medicare Advantage Plans. State retirees can call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-610-2091 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for assistance in filling out the TRAIL Enrollment Form for the new Medicare Advantage with Prescription Drug program. If State retirees have more technical assistance questions, they should contact their State Retirement System: ·∙ State Universities Retirement System: 800-275-7877, 217-378-8800 ·∙ State Employees Retirement System: 312-814-5853, 217-785-7444, TTY 217-785-7218 ·∙ Teacher Retirement System: 800-877-7896, 866-3260087 TTY Lastly, we wanted to remind you of the informational seminars available to State retirees regarding changes to their retiree health benefits. The full schedule of seminars being held throughout the state is attached. Also, please refer to the attached flyer with information about two additional seminars being hosted by Senator Don Harmon and Representative Camille Lilly at the Oak Park Public Library at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on December 9th. As always, please let us know if you have any questions. ¿De qué se trata el programa educativo De Familia a Familia de NAMI Chicago? De Familia a Familia es un programa de 6 sesiones gratuitas para familiares, parejas, amigos, y seres queridos de adultos que viven con una enfermedad mental. El curso esta diseñado para ayudar a toda la familia a entender y apoyar a seres queridos que viven con un trastorno mental, sin descuidar el propio bienestar del círculo familiar. El curso incluye información sobre trastornos mentales como la esquizofrenia, el trastorno bipolar, y la depresión severa entre otros. Miles de familias describen el programa como una experiencia que ha cambiado sus vidas. El programa es liderado por instructores capacitados que también son familiares de adultos que viven con enfermedades mentales y saben, de primera mano, lo que significa tener un ser querido en estas circunstancias. NAMI Chicago ofrecerá el programa educativo ‘De Familia a Familia’ empezando el sábado, 14 de diciembre. El curso se llevará a cabo los sábados de 10 am a 2:30 pm en el segundo piso de NAMI Chicago. Este curso GRATUITO cubre los siguientes temas: Esquizofrenia, Depresión Mayor, Trastorno Bipolar, Trastorno de Estrés-Postraumático, Trastorno de Pánico y Obsesivo-Compulsivo La diagnosis y las etapas severas Como enfrentar crisis y recaídas Medicamentos Técnicas para escuchar y comunicarse Destrezas para resolver problemas Recuperación y rehabilitación Cuidado de sí mismo cuando hay excesiva preocupación y estrés Perspectiva de un participante “Este curso me ha ayudado a darme cuenta que mi hijo aún está dentro de su cuerpo que, muchas veces, está escondido debido a la enfermedad mental con la que vive y que no estoy sola en esto.” Contáctenos para registrarse en la clase De Familia a Familia de NAMI Chicago Edlyn Rodríguez NAMI Chicago 1536 W. Chicago Ave Chicago, IL 60642 (312) 563-0445 españñol Grupo de Apoyo para familiares y pacientes se reúne cada 2º y 4º jueves del mes de 6 – 8 pm. Este grupo le dará la oportunidad de conocer y hablar con otras personas que comparten los mismos sentimientos y emociones, las mismas experiencias y frustraciones y las mismas situaciones de la vida cotidiana dentro de su familia. En comunicar esas experiencias y obtener las perspectivas de otros le podrá ayudarle a manejar las diversas y complejas situaciones provocadas por una enfermedad mental. Acerca de NAMI NAMI, la Alianza Nacional de Enfermedades Mentales, es la organización más importante de salud mental con base comunitaria dedicada a mejorar las vidas de individuos y familias afectados por trastornos mentales. NAMI Chicago es una organización filial de NAMI. NAMI Chicago y sus voluntarios, miembros, y dedicados líderes trabajan sin descanso para crear conciencia y proporcionar educación, defensa y programas de apoyo grupal para quienes viven con trastornos mentales y para sus seres queridos. What is the NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program? NAMI Family-to-Family is a free 6-session education program for family, partners, friends and significant others of adults living with mental illness. The course is designed to help all family members understand and support their loved one living with mental illness, while maintaining their own well-being. The course includes information on illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression and other mental health conditions. Thousands of families describe the program as life-changing. The program is taught by trained teachers who are also family members and know what it is like to have a loved one living with mental illness. NAMI Chicago will offer its NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program in Spanish on Saturday, December 14th. It will be held on Saturdays from 10 am - 2:30 pm on the second floor of NAMI Chicago. This free course includes the following topics: Schizophrenia, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Diagnosis and critical periods Handling periods of crisis and relapse Information on medications Gaining empathy by understanding what a person with a mental illness experiences Problem solving and communication techniques Recovery and Rehabilitation Self- care for the caregiver; coping with worry, stress and overload. Participant Perspective “The course has helped me to realize that my son is still inside the body, that he is often times hidden by the mental illness and that I am not alone in this.” Contact us to register for this NAMI Family-to-Family class! Edlyn Rodríguez NAMI Chicago 1536 W. Chicago Ave Chicago, IL 60642 (312) 563-0445 españñol Our Support Group in Spanish for family members and persons living with a mental illness meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 6-8 pm. This group gives you the opportunity to meet and talk with others who share the same feelings and emotions, the same experiences and frustrations and the same daily life situations within your family. Communicating these experiences and receiving others' perspectives can help to manage the various complex situations caused by mental illness. About NAMI NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI Chicago is an affiliate of NAMI Illinois. NAMI Chicago and dedicated volunteers, members and leaders work tirelessly to raise awareness and provide essential education, advocacy and support group programs for people in our community living with mental illness and their loved ones. SAVE THE DATE The Latino Provider Sustainability Initiative telephone conference call on Medicaid Certification for Mental Health Services Presented by: Cathy Cumpston, Chief, Illinois Department of Human Services, Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification (BALC) December 16, 2013 9:30am to 11:00am This is a continuation of the Medicaid workshop held on November 1st which did not address mental health due to technical difficulties in connecting with Springfield. Conference call number will be sent next week Hello there IHNA members and future members JOIN us… THURSDAY December 19th, 2013 @ 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM Chamberlain College of Nursing, Chicago Campus Room 121 3300 N. Campbell Ave Chicago, IL 60630 BRING a Toy and or Coat to benefit Youth Service Project in Humbold t Park ages 612 yrs. of age In addition prepare to focus and prepare for prosperity in 2014 we shall have an Educational Presentation on taking control of your Financial Security! COMMUNITY HEALTH ASSETS AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT Berwyn, Cicero, Garfield Ridge, and Stickney Alivio Medical Center, Berwyn Township Public Health District, Chicago Department of Public Health, Town of Cicero Health Department, Cook County Department of Public Health, Corazón Community Services, Faith Community Reformed Church, Garfield Ridge Civic League, Interfaith Leadership Project, MacNeal Hospital, PCC Community Wellness Center, Pillars, Saint Jane de Chantal Parish, Solutions for Care, Stickney Public Health District, Youth Crossroads, and the RWJF Center for Health Policy at the University of New Mexico HOW HEALTHY IS YOUR COMMUNITY? HOW IS YOUR HEALTH TODAY? DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION? PARTICIPATE IN THE HEALTH SURVEY! Your address may be selected to represent Berwyn If selected, you will receive a letter notifying you A CHANA surveyors will come to interview you Please, participate in the short health survey The interview is available in English, Spanish, and Polish You will receive a ten-dollar gift certificate for participating You will help to improve health conditions in Berwyn The survey will take place in Berwyn from November 18 to December 22 For more information call 708-541-5904, or send an email to For more information, visit us: EVALUACION COMUNITARIA DE RECURSOS Y NECESIDADES DE SALUD Berwyn, Cicero, Garfield Ridge, and Stickney Alivio Medical Center, Berwyn Township Public Health District, Chicago Department of Public Health, Town of Cicero Health Department, Cook County Department of Public Health, Corazón Community Services, Faith Community Reformed Church, Garfield Ridge Civic League, Interfaith Leadership Project, MacNeal Hospital, PCC Community Wellness Center, Pillars, Saint Jane de Chantal Parish, Solutions for Care, Stickney Public Health District, Youth Crossroads, and the RWJF Center for Health Policy at the University of New Mexico ¿QUE SALUDABLE ESTA TU COMUNIDAD? ¿COMO ESTA TU SALUD HOY? ¿TIENES ALGUNA OPINION? ¡PARTICIPA EN LA ENCUESTA DE SALUD! Tu dirección podría ser seleccionada para representar a Berwyn Si es seleccionada, recibirás una carta notificándote Un encuestador de CHANA vendrá a entrevistarte Por favor, participa en la breve encuesta de salud La entrevista está disponible en Inglés, Español, y Polaco Recibirás un certificado de regalo de diez dólares por participar Ayudaras a mejorar las condiciones de salud en Berwyn La encuesta tomara lugar en Berwyn del 18 de noviembre al 22 de diciembre Para más información, llame al 708-541-5904, o mande un email a Para más información, visítenos en: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard, Mail Stop S2-26-12 Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850 CMCS Informational Bulletin DATE: December 3, 2013 FROM: Cindy Mann Director SUBJECT: Medicaid and CHIP Application and Eligibility Data Today the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to release the first in a series of monthly reports on state Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) data. Today’s report represents state Medicaid and CHIP agency activity for October, which coincides with the first month of the Health Insurance Marketplace initial open enrollment period. These data were reported by state Medicaid and CHIP agencies as part of the Medicaid and CHIP Performance Indicator process. State Medicaid and CHIP programs submit weekly and monthly data to CMS on a range of indicators related to application, eligibility, and enrollment processes. This report focuses on those monthly indicators that relate to key processes relevant during the Marketplace open enrollment period. This information supplements data on Marketplace activity that has been released by HHS. These data will be released monthly and we will continue to refine and improve the information as more comprehensive information becomes available. To see the full report, please access it online at Our Mission Rainbow Hospice and Palliative Care empowers people to live with dignity and hope while coping with illness, loss and the end of life. Value Statement We will be the best in class for the relief of symptoms, the prevention of suffering, grief support and specialty education. Grief Support Group in Spanish Dates: November 1, 2013, December 6, 2013, January 3, 2014, February 7, 2014, March 7, 2014, April 4, 2014, May 2, 2014, June 6th 2014. The support group will take place on the first Friday of each month. Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm Place: Presence Saint Elizabeth Hospital 1431 North Claremont Ave. Chicago, IL 60622 - Lake Shore Room (10th floor) Phone: 773-278-2000 Cost: Free For Registration: please call Rosy Tyree 1-847-685-9900 ext: 1028 Grupo de Apoyo Para Los Personas En Luto Cuando: Noviembre 1, 2013, Diciembre 6, 2013, Enero 3, 2014, Febrero 7, 2014, Marzo 7, 2014, Abril 4, 2014, Mayo 2, 2014, Junio 6, 2014 . *El primer Viernes de cada mes. La Hora: 7:00pm-8:30pm Lugar: Presence Saint Elizabeth Hospital 1431 North Claremont Ave. Chicago, IL 60622 - Lake Shore Room (piso 10) Phone: 773-278-2000 Gratis Registración: Se requiere inscripción. Para más información y/o para registrarse, por favor comuníquese con Rosy Tyree 1-847-685-9900 extensión 1028 Main Office: 1550 Bishop Court, Mount Prospect, IL 60056 P: 847-685-9900 F: 847-294-9613 Patient and Family Services Rev.09/2013 • Chicago Office: Presence St. Elizabeth Hospital Chicago, IL 60622 Grief and Loss Center • Palliative Care Consultation Oak Park Office: Oak Park Arms Oak Park, IL 60203 • LIFE Institute for Learning