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“Extraordinary Learning for All” 7150 N. 22nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: 602-664-7800 Fax: 602-664-7899 Attendance: 602-664-7820 Health Office: 602-664-7820 May 9, 2016 Dear Heights Families, Thank you for an amazing school year! It seems like only yesterday we were welcoming families and students on the first day of school. This has been an incredible year of accomplishments for students and teachers at Madison Heights! It is hard to believe that the school year is just about over. As we finish up the school year please consider being a PTO Liaison for your child’s classroom. As the Liaison you would share the duties of attending PTO meetings, helping gather items for raffles help gather volunteers for family festivals and share your ideas so that we all can get more involved and have another successful year. Please notify your child’s current teacher or call the office to let someone know that you would be willing to serve as a PTO Classroom Liaison. For the next school year, we have made some changes in staffing to better meet the needs of our students and our school. As you know, Spanish Immersion will be school wide next year. We are currently in the process of interviewing qualified candidates for our Spanish Immersion program. We have made recommendations for hire and are still interviewing for one more Immersion position. Here is the way our teams are shaping up for next year: Kindergarten – two teams, Mrs. Jensen, Ms. Torres, Ms. Dotseth, and Mrs. Richeson First Grade: two teams, Mrs. Hernandez and Ms. Cervantes (Spanish Immersion), and Ms. Ryba and Ms. Mendoza (Spanish Immersion) Second Grade: two teams, Mrs. Mattison and Mrs. Aguayo (Spanish Immersion), and Mrs. James and Ms. Teran (Spanish Immersion) Third Grade: Mrs. Inman, Ms. Arreguin (Spanish Immersion) and Mrs. Martinson. Fourth Grade: Mr. Mucha, Ms. German (Spanish Immersion), and Mr. Delgado (Spanish Immersion) REACH: Mrs. Heilman will be the 1st and 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Perry will be the 3rd and 4th Language Arts and Social Studies, and Mrs. Heinlein will be the 3rd and 4th Math and Science In the special area department we will continue to have Mrs. ten Hope in Art, Mrs. Bradshaw in Music, Coach Van Wie in PE and Mr. Enright in Spanish. Ms. Czaja is continuing as our Resource teacher. Amy Rendon will continue as our Teacher on Assignment: Administrator next year. As the year closes we say goodbye to our fourth graders and get ready to welcome in another class of kindergarten students. We are also saying goodbye to a few staff members who are moving on to new adventures. Mrs. Ghishan, Ms. Leon, Mrs. Irizarry, Ms. Hoon, and Ms. Gandara will be missed. We are so happy they will still have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of Arizona students. We look forward to seeing you back in the fall! Enjoy your summer. School resumes on August 8th! Have a wonderful weekend! Priscilla L. Gossett Principal Amy Rendon TOA/Administrator “Aprendizaje Extraordinario Para Todos” 7150 N. 22nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: 602-664-7800 Fax: 602-664-7899 Attendance: 602-664-7820 Health Office: 602-664-7820 9 de Mayo, 2016 Queridas Familias de Heights, ¡Gracias por un año escolar increíble! Parece que solo ayer estábamos dando la bienvenida a familias y estudiantes durante el primer día de clases. ¡Este ha sido un año increíble y lleno de logros para estudiantes y maestros de Madison Heights! Es difícil creer que el fin del año está por terminar. Ha como terminamos el año escolar por favor considere ser el intermediario de Padres y Maestros del salón de su hijo/a. Como intermediario usted compartiría las labores de asistir las juntas de la organización de padres y maestros, ayudando a recaudar artículos para rifas, ayudar en recaudar voluntarios para festivales familiares y compartir sus ideas para que nos podamos todos involucrar y tener otro año exitoso. Por favor notifique a el maestro de su hijo/a o llame a la oficina y deje a alguien saber si usted quiere servir como intermediario de salón para le Organización de Padres y Maestros. Durante el próximo año escolar, hemos hecho algunos cambios en nuestro personal para mejorar la necesidad de nuestros estudiantes en nuestra escuela. Como usted ya debe de saber, nuestro programa de Inmersión de Español para todos los grados el próximo año. Estamos en el proceso de entrevistar a candidatos calificados para un maestro de español. Así es como estarán nuestros equipos para el próximo año. Kinder – Sra. Jensen, Sra. Torres, Srta. Dotseth, la Sra. Richeson Primer Grado – dos equipos, la Sra. Hernandez y Srta. Cervantes (Inmersión de Español) y la Sra. Ryba y Srta. Mendoza (Inmersión de Español) Segundo – dos equipos, Sra. Mattison y Sra. Aguayo (Inmersión de Español) y Sra. James y Srta. Teran (Inmersión de Español) Tercero – Sra. Inman, Srta. Arreguin (Inmersión de Español) y nueva maestra de Inmersión de Español. Cuarto – Sr. Mucha, Srta. German (Inmersión de Español), y Sr. Delgado de Madison Park (Inmersión de Español). REACH – Sra. Heilman será la maestra de salones dotados de grados 1 y 2, Sra. Perry será la maestra para tercer y cuarto, lectura y estudios sociales y la Sra. Heinlein será la maestra de tercero y cuarto para matemáticas y ciencias. En el departamento de áreas especiales continuaremos a tener a la Sra. ten Hope para arte, Sra. Bradshaw para Música, Coach Van Wie en Educación Física y Sr. Enright en Español. Srta. Czaja continuara siendo la maestra de refuerzos de educación especial, ella estará en Heights de día completo el próximo año. Ha como se acerca el fin del año les decimos adiós a nuestros estudiantes de cuarto grado y nos preparamos para dar la bienvenida a la nueva clase de Kinder. También nos estaremos despidiendo de algunas personas de nuestro personal quienes se moverán a aventuras. Sra. Ghishan, Sra. Leon, Sra. Irizarry, Sra. Hoon y Sra. Gandara serán extrañadas. Estamos contentos de que ellas continuaran teniendo la oportunidad de hacer una diferencia en estudiantes que viven en Arizona. ¡Esperamos con ansias el verlos de regreso en el otoño! Disfrute el verano, ¡Clases regresan el 8 de agosto! Que tengan un maravilloso fin de semana Priscilla L. Gossett Directora Amy Rendon Maestra en Asignación/Administración May 2016 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday Friday 5 6 11 TCT – Release is at 1pm Salida a la 1pm 12 13 18 TCT – Release is at 1pm Salida a la 1pm 19 TCT 9 16 10 17 3rd gr. Field trip Paseo de Tercer Grado 20 4th grade field trip Paseo de Cuarto Grado Author Joe Hayes visiting 23 24 25 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Half day – Release is at 11am Ultimo día de clases – salida es a las 11:00 Madison Heights welcomes Joe Hayes Monday, May 19, 2016 Heights’ Library Kinder – 8:00-8:30 4th grade & Heinlein and Perry – 8:45-9:30 3rd grade – 9:40-10:25 2nd grade & Heilman – 10:35-11:05 Lunch & Book Signing - 11:15-12:40 1st grade - 12:45-1:15 Attention: All parents of Madison Heights If your child is not returning to Heights for the 2016-17 school year please fill out the information below and return it to the school office as soon as possible. This will assure that your child’s records get sent to their new school in a timely manner. If you have a fourth grader that will be attending somewhere other than Madison Number One for 5th grade please fill out the information below with the name of the school they will be attending. Atención: Atenci n: A todos los Padres de Madison Heights Si su hijo/a no asistirá la escuela Heights para el año escolar 2016-2017por favor llene la información requerida debajo de esta forma y regrese a la escuela lo más pronto posible. Esto nos ayudara a preparar con más rapidez el expediente de su estudiante. Si usted tiene un estudiante en cuarto grado que no asistirá Madison Numero Uno por favor llene la información debajo con el nombre de la escuela a la que su estudiante va a asistir. Student Name (Nombre de Estudiante): _______________________________________________________ Teacher Name (Nombre de Maestro): ________________________________________________________ Name of School attending for 2016-17 school year: _____________________________________________ (Escuela que asistira su hijo/a para el año escolar 2016-2017) Kindergarten Information for 2016-2017 Información sobre Kínder para el año 2016-2017 Free half day Kinder 7:45-10:35 (register at school only) Kinder medio día – Gratis 7:45-10:35 (inscríbase en la escuela solamente) Fee Based Full Day Kinder ($107.50 bi-monthly) 7:45-2:30pm. If you are registering for invest you must register at school first and then register online for invest on March 21st, 10am. You will register online at: and pay a $45 non-refundable registration fee. Payments are due on the 1st and 15th of each month. The first payment is due July 1 and the last payment is due April 15 You can also contact the Community Education department at 602.664.7956 for more registration information. Día completo de Kinder con tarifa ($107.50 cada dos semanas) 7:452:30pm. Si usted se está inscribiendo para el día completo necesita inscribirse en la escuela primero y después en línea el 21 de marzo a las 10:00a.m. Usted se puede inscribir en la página de web y necesitara pagar una tarifa de $45 para la inscripción no reembolsable. Los pagos deben serán colectados el primero y 15 día de cada mes. El primer pago debe ser hecho el 1 de Julio y el último pago será el 15 de abril. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! PLEASE STOP BY THE ANNUAL ALL STUDENT ORIENTATION (Continuing Students and New Students) Wednesday, July 27, 2016 from 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. & Thursday, July 28, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. At this orientation, you will be able to: 1. Register any students new to the school 2. Find out who your child’s teacher is 3. Pick up a bus schedule 4. Pick up a list of possible supplies you can purchase 5. Update your emergency information 6. Pay on your child’s lunch account or sign up for free or reduced lunch 7. Pay the $50 activity fee. 8. Join the P.T.O. Keep up The Hard Work This Summer! At this time of year you are probably starting to think about what your children will do for fun over the summer and how to keep them academically focused. I want to remind you about three internet based options that are available for your children now and over the summer. • • Rosetta Stone - All Heights students have access to Rosetta Stone. This is a great way to continue your child’s Spanish Instruction throughout the summer. If you do not have your account information, please email Mr. Enright at In the email make sure to include your child’s first and last name and the name of their teacher. iReady – All Madison students currently in grades K-4 have access to iReady and the interactive learning environment designed to provide individualized instruction in reading based on each student’s needs. Most students have taken their diagnostic pre-test and are currently using iReady in the classroom for specific lessons targeted to their needs in reading. Also, most students have memorized their password, but if you need this information, please contact your child’s teacher. Destiny Quest e-Books – To access the massive collection of e-books and safe websites for internet searches, please go to the district web page at Click on the Parent link near the top of the page to open up a drop down menu. Click on Library Catalogs then click on Heights Elementary School. The login link is one of the choices at the top of the screen. Public Notice for Destruction of Records Aviso Público para la Destrucción de Registros The Madison Elementary School District retains student cumulative files for three years after the student’s promotion or withdrawal from the district. Following a student’s 8th grade promotion, or when a withdrawn student turns 16 years old, permanent student records are archived to microfilm. El Distrito Escolar de Madison conserva archivos acumulativos de los estudiantes durante tres años después de la promoción del estudiante o retirada del distrito. Siguiendo promoción octavo grado de un estudiante, o cuando un estudiante retirado cumple 16 años, registros de los estudiantes permanentes se archivan a microfilm. Only the student’s enrollment form, immunization records, last grade report, last standardized test results, and the withdrawal form are permanently archived, when applicable. Sólo se archivan permanentemente el formulario de retiro formulario de inscripción, registro de vacunas, el último informe de calificaciones, los últimos resultados de las pruebas estandarizadas de los alumnos, y, en su caso. All cumulative student records (except for permanent information stored on microfilm) will be destroyed three years after the school year of last attendance. Special Education records are retained for five years after the student is withdrawn or dismissed from Special Ed. Special Ed records are not microfilmed. Todos los expedientes de los estudiantes acumulativos (a excepción de la información permanente almacenada en microfilm) serán destruidos tres años después del año escolar de la última asistencia. Los registros de educación especial se conservan durante cinco años después que el estudiante se retira o despedido de Educación Especial. Registros especiales de Ed no están microfilmados. Before any records are destroyed, parents have the right to review and obtain copies of their child’s records. Please contact Madison School District, Student Records Department at 602-664-7958. Antes de los registros son destruidos, los padres tienen el derecho de revisar y obtener copias de los registros de sus hijos. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el Distrito Escolar de Madison, Departamento de Registros del Estudiante en el 602-664-7958. MESSAGE FROM HEIGHTS HEALTH OFFICE As the end of the school year is approaching, I want to remind you to make arrangements for picking up your child’s medication(s) from school. Medication CANNOT be sent home with your child. Please pick up your child’s medication(s) on or prior to May 25, 2016 (this is a half day) from the school health office. Any unclaimed medications will be properly disposed of after the above date. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 602-664-7820. ** Please remember to return all medications that are needed to the health office at the start of the new school year. Each school year you will need to fill out new consent forms for prescriptions and over the counter medications (including cough drops). All medications need to be in the original containers and prescriptions must be in the container with prescription attached. MENSAJE DE LA ENFEREMERA DE SALUD A como se aproxima el año escolar, quiero recordarle que necesitara hacer arreglos para recoger los medicamentos de la escuela. Medicamento NO PUEDE ser enviado a casa con su hijo/a. Por favor recoja el medicamento de su hijo/a antes del 25 de mayo, 2016 (este será un medio día) de la escuela de salud. Cualquier medicamento no reclamado será dispuesto después de la fecha anotada arriba. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor póngase en contacto conmigo al 602-664-7820. **Por favor recuerde de regresar todos los medicamentos que son necesarios al principio del año escolar. Cada año usted necesitara llenar una forma de consentimiento nueva para recetas al igual que medicamentos sin recetas (incluyendo pastillas para la tos). Todos los medicamentos necesitan estar en su frasco original y recetas deben de estar adjunto a los frascos. Information Regarding Homeless Students Students may be considered homeless if they are: • In a shelter , motel vehicle, or campground • On the street • In an abandoned building, trailer or other inadequate accommodations • Doubled up with friends or relatives because they cannot find or afford housing If children are homeless they have certain rights or protections under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. These protections include the right to: • Be enrolled immediately without birth certificates, immunizations or school records • Attend school while the school arranges for the transfer of school and immunization records or any other required documents • Enroll in school without giving a permanent address. Schools cannot delay enrollment. • Continue in the school they attended before becoming homeless or the school of their attendance • Receive transportation to and from the school they attended before becoming homeless or the school of their attendance, if requested. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your local school office. Información con respecto a Estudiantes sin vivienda Los estudiantes pueden ser considerados sin vivienda si ellos están: • En refugios, vehículo de motel o en campamentos • En las calles • En un edificio abandonado, remolque u otro hospedaje inadecuado • Viviendo con amistades o parientes porque no pueden encontrar o no puede pagar vivienda. Si los niños no tienen donde vivir, ellos tienen ciertos derechos o protecciones bajo el Acto de Asistencia Educativa de estudiantes sin vivienda McKinney-Vento. Estas protecciones incluyen el derecho a: • Matricularse inmediatamente sin certificado de nacimiento, cartilla de vacunas o documentos escolares. • Asistir a la escuela mientras la escuela hace los arreglos de traspaso de escuela y documentos de vacunas o cualquier otro documento requerido • Matricularse en la escuela sin dar una dirección permanente. Las escuelas no pueden demorar la matriculación. • Continuar en la escuela que asistieron antes de quedarse sin vivienda o a la escuela de acuerdo a su residencia • Recibir transporte hacia y de la escuela que asistieron antes de quedarse sin vivienda o a la escuela de acuerdo a su residencia, si lo solicitan. Si tiene preguntas o comentarios, por favor comuníquese a la oficina de su escuela local. PTO Corner Want to know what’s going on with the PTO, after school programs, and other fun activities at Heights? Sign up to receive our bi-monthly e-newsletter, The Eagle Observer, by emailing Already signed up but haven’t seen The Eagle “fly” in for a while? Check your junk/spam box or shoot us an email to ensure that you are on the mailing list. GREAT JOB Thank you to all who helped make our teachers and staff feel special during teacher appreciation week. A special Thank You to Justine Rapuano and Raquel Mamani for heading up the teacher appreciation committee! FOR SALE Madison Heights water bottles are available for $8. Please reach out to a PTO board member or inquire in the front office. We are excited to announce a new partnership with 1st Day School Supplies! We have collaborated with 1st Day School Supplies to help parents and teachers get the exact supplies needed for next school year without the hassle and aggravation of shopping at Wal-Mart, Target or Staples. This is a service that we hope you will find convenient, easy, competitively-priced and hassle free! Find out more at: Upcoming / Ongoing events: Last PTO meeting, PTO election, May 10th, 6:00 in the Heights library Dine out night: Chick-fil-A, May 25th, 16th St. & Camelback Dollar Dress Down Day, May 25th Heights summer gathering: Peter Piper Pizza, June 10, 4:00-8, 7th Ave & Osborn Madison Mondays hosted by Urban Taco. A portion of sales will be donated to Heights and Number #1 EVERY MONDAY! 6522 N. 16th st. 85016 • “Like” Madison Heights Elementary PTO on Facebook • • • • • Madison Heights Recycling We encourage you to set up a recycling station at home with a bin or bag to collect items listed below that can be recycled at Heights. Bring your recyclables to the recycling bins, located in the cafeteria, before or after school. The school earns money, students learn about recycling, and we help the Earth. Win Win Win!!! Snack Bag Brigade: ChiChip Bag Brigade Accepted Waste: chip bags, tortilla chip bags, pretzel bags, pita chip bags, bagel chip bags, soy crisp bags, salty snack bags (all brands and sizes) Cleaner Packaging Brigade: Accepted Waste: pumps, triggers, pouches, and flexible cleaner product packaging. Please note, bottles will not be accepted Drink Pouch Brigade: Accepted Waste: empty aluminum drink pouches, including straws (Ex. Caprisun and Honest Kids; no cans and no juice boxes) Personal Care and Beauty Brigade: Accepted Waste: lipstick cases, mascara tubes, eye shadow cases, shampoo bottles, conditioner bottles, bronzer cases, foundation packaging, body wash containers, soap tubes, soap dispensers, lotion dispensers, shaving foam tubes (no cans), powder cases, lotion bottles, chap stick tubes, lotion tubes, face soap dispensers, face soap tubes, face lotion bottles, face lotion jars, eyeliner cases, eyeliner pencils, eyeshadow tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks, lip liner pencils, hand lotion tubes, hair gel tubes, hair paste jars (as clean and empty as possible) Energy Bar Wrapper Brigade: Accepted Waste: Any foil-lined wrapper from an energy bar, granola bar, meal replacement bar, protein bar, or diet bar (all brands) Recycling Program Update The Heights Recycling Program has been a huge success! This was our fourth year collecting waste to be upcycled and recycled and we have, once again, managed to make an enormous impact on the earth and our community. We did this by collecting designated waste during our school lunches and by bringing in waste from home. In the process of doing this good dead for the environment, we also managed to earn over $500 for our school!!! Part of this money was used to buy new books for the school library. Way to go, Heights! Check out the numbers: Here are a few of the numbers of items we collected. Juice pouches: 13,600+ Personal care products: 1,200+ Lunch kits: 1,400+ (cancelled in February) Energy Bar Wrappers: 7,000+ Great News: Heights will continue the recycling program next school year! We will begin collecting waste again on the very first day of school. There will be a recycling program representative in the cafeteria for the first 2 weeks of school to refresh everyone’s memory about the procedures in the lunch room and how to properly discard of trash and recyclables. Keep it up: Just because it’s summer break doesn’t mean that you have to stop collecting designated waste for our school. Keep a box or bag near your trash where you can continue to collect items to be recycled at Heights when we return from summer break. You will find a flyer attached with an updated list of all items that are recyclable at Heights. Did You Know: • • You can schedule a tour of the City of Phoenix Recycling Center by going to this website, You can recycle old or dried up writing instruments such as markers, mechanical pencils, pens, and highlighters at any Phoenix Public Library branch.