Download Programa Punta Guilarte

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2015 Event Schedule
Lunes 26 de Enero llegan atletas procedentes de Cuba y Europa se trasladaran al Albergue Olímpico .
3:00 - 5:00 pm Registro de atletas / athletes registration at Athletes village
Martes 27 de Enero
6:00 am Entrenamiento piscina del Albergue Olímpico / Pool Training
7:00 am Desayuno en el Albergue Olímpico / Breakfast at athletes village
8:00 am Traslado a Arroyo práctica de Ciclismo / transfer to Arroyo for bike familiarization
9:30 am Práctica de Ciclismo ruta del evento /Bike familiarization at race venue
11:00 am Traslado a el Albergue Olimpico / Transfer to athletes village
3:00 - 5:00 pm Registro de atletas / Athletes registration at Athletes village
12:00 pm Almuerzo en el Albergue Olímpico / Lunch at athletes Village
6:00 pm cena en Albergue Olímpico / Dinner at athletes village
Miércoles 28 de Enero
6:00 am Entrenamiento piscina del Albergue Olímpico
7:00 am Desayuno en el Albergue Olímpico / Breakfast at athletes village
8:00 am Traslado a Arroyo para la practica de Ciclismo / Transfer to Arroyo for bike familiarization
9:30 am Práctica de Ciclismo ruta del evento / Bike familiarization at race venue
11:00 am Traslado a el Albergue Olímpico / Transfer to athletes village
12:00 pm Almuerzo en el Albergue Olímpico / Lunch at athletes village
3:00 - 5:00 pm Registro de atletas / Athletes registration at Athletes village
6:00 pm cena en Albergue Olímpico / Dinner at athletes village
2015 Event Schedule
Jueves 29 de Enero
6:00 am entrenamiento piscina del Albergue Olímpico / Pool training
7:00 am Desayuno en el Albergue Olímpico / Breakfast at athletes village
8:00 am Traslado a Arroyo para la practica de Ciclismo /transfer to Arroyo for bike familiarization
9:30 am Practica de Ciclismo ruta del evento /Bike familiarization at race venue
10:00 am practica ruta a pie / Run course familiarization
11:00 am Traslado a el Albergue Olímpico / Transfer to athletes village.
12:00 pm Almuerzo en el Albergue Olímpico / Lunch at athletes village.
3:00 - 5:00 pm registro de atletas / Athletes registration at Athletes village
6:00 pm cena en albergue Olímpico / Dinner at athletes village
Viernes 30 de Enero
6:00 am Entrenamiento piscina del Albergue Olímpico / Pool training
7:00 am Desayuno en el Albergue Olímpico / Breakfast at athletes village
8:00 am Traslado a Arroyo para la practica de Ciclismo / Transfer to Arroyo for bike familiarization
9:00 am practica de natación aguas abiertas / Open water practice at race venue
9:30 am Práctica de Ciclismo ruta del evento /Bike familiarization at race venue
10:00 am Práctica ruta a pie / Run course familiarization
11:00 am Traslado a el Albergue Olimpico / transfer to athletes village
12:00 pm Almuerzo en el Albergue Olímpico / Lunch at athletes village
3:00 - 5:00 pm registro de atletas / Athletes registration at Athletes village
5:00 pm Traslado a Punta Guilarte / Transfer to Punta Guilarte
6:30 pm Ceremonia de Apertura / Opening ceremony parade of nations welcome dinner at Punta
2015 Event Schedule
Sábado 31
de Enero
7:00 am - 7:30 am abre Area de transición Tri Kids
7:30 am 7:55 am Race briefing
8:00 am Tri Kids Race start
11:00 am Tri Kids Finish
6:00 am Entrenamiento piscina del Albergue Olímpico / Pool Training
7:00 am Desayuno en el Albergue Olímpico / breakfast at athletes village
11:00 am Traslado a Punta Guilarte / Transfer to athletes village
12:00 pm Almuerzo en el Albergue Olímpico / Lunch at athletes village
3:00 - 5:00 pm registro de atletas / Athletes registration at Athletes village
5:00 pm Traslado a Punta Guilarte / Transfer to Punta Guilarte
6:00 pm Race Briefing for elites athletes at Punta Guilarte
6:30 pm Race briefing for age groups at Punta Guilarte
7: 00 pm Pasta Party for all registered athletes. ( Punta Guilarte pool terrace)
Domingo 1 de Febrero Race Day
6:00 am 6:55 am abierta transición standard and sprint.
7:00 am 1st wave female standard age group
7:05 am 2nd wave standard age group
7:30 am 3rd wave female sprint age group
7:35 am 4th wave male sprint age group
3:00 pm Female sprint elite
4:15 pm Male sprint elite
5:30 pm awards ceremony at Punta Guilarte
8:00 pm closing ceremony and reception at City Hall Arroyo.
2015 Event Schedule
Lunes 2 de febrero traslado de atletas a aeropuerto.
Athlete Registration will take place at the Punta Guilarte . Athletes are required to register and pick up their
race pack. You will also be asked to fill out a medical declaration form. This will be available for download
from the website prior to the Race. All competitors, including team members must fill out this form to race.
Please note: To collect your Race Pack you will need to bring a photo ID.
Saturday January 31st, 05:00 –07:00 pm
Race Packs include: Race Numbers / Removable number tattoo’s / Stickers /Security wrist bands / Swim
Caps / Timing Chip. PLEASE NOTE: ancle strap it is not included, you must bring your own.
All packs must be collected by 7:00pm on Friday. If this is not possible please email the Race Organizers at It is NOT possible to pick up your Race Pack on Race morning.
RACE Meeting
The race meeting will be held at Punta Guilarte it is imperative to participate.
Timings: Saturday January 31st
Elite 6:00 pm
Age Group 7:00 pm
PASTA PARTY Saturday January 31st, 7:00pm
The Pasta Party will be held at the Punta Guilarte. This is your opportunity to get your carbohydrate levels
ready for the race and meet your fellow competitors. Please note: All competitors are asked to wear their
wristband to gain entry to the Pasta Party. This will be in your race pack.