Download By Jorge Carrasco, Red de Transición España

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Acariciando con el corazón el mundo
They touch the world with their heart
Guerreros de orgánica paz,
Warriors of living peace,
visionarios y alumnos siempre,
forever visionaries, forever learners,
amantes del baile de la vida,
lovers of life's dance,
descifradores de la mentira,
decipherers of the lie,
compañeros de la cumbre,
friends of the mountain peak,
de la hormiga y el estiércol,
of the ant and the manure,
de los astros,
of the stars,
los abrazos,
the embrace,
de la acción
of action
como himno constante,
like a constant hymn
del verde como única bandera.
with green as their only flag.
Abren bien los ojos
They open their eyes wide
y acarician con el corazón el mundo,
and touch the world with their heart.
la sabiduría olvidada en los errores
They absorb the wisdom forgotten in mistakes
absorben, transmitiendo su latir,
transmitting their pulse,
la escondida belleza de lo ancestral,
the beauty hiding in an ancestral reality,
el sonido silencioso de las plantas.
the silent sound of the plants.
Y no se lloran ni se fatigan,
And they do not become wept nor weary,
no se dejan por las heridas vencer.
never accept by their wounds be beaten.
Su luz es horizonte.
Their light is a horizon.
Cada pisada es camino,
Every footstep is a path,
su lanza la sonrisa de creer,
their spear the smile of believing,
en un mundo cercano
in a close world,
desbordado de conciencias,
overwhelmed by awarenesses,
en un planeta que vuelva
in a planet that shall freely
a respirar
By Jorge Carrasco, Red de Transición España - Transition Spain
Performed at Transition’s Got Talent by Joaquina Peña and Nils Palsson.