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The National Compadres Network, Inc. in Collaboration with Children Institute, Inc and Foster and Kinship Care Education Program Long Beach City College Present A Series of Educational Fatherhood Lessons The importance of men in their role as fathers We invite you to walk with us on this journey of the true macho and discover how hombres (Men) are becoming re-rooted in traditional roles and learning to heal themselves, and reclaim the sacredness of their relationships. Location LONG BEACH CITY COLLEGE 4901 East Carson Street, Long Beach CA 90808 Room The Importance of Father’s in the Healthy Development of Children An introduction to the Program Pa d r B ea Face and Heart (Cara y Corazón) ón az Identify ways to have a balance and harmony in our life’s to improve all relationships at home. e Cara y C n o or sC or Ma n of Your W Guiding generations across the bridge of manhood d Beginning Wednesday October 19, 2016 6:00-8:00 pm Comenzando Miércoles Octubre 19, 2016 6:00-8:00 pm La Importancia del Padre en el Desarrollo Saludable de los Hijos Identificar maneras para buscar un balance y armonía en mi vida y así poder mejorar todas las relaciones en el hogar. Una introducción al Programa de Cara y Corazón (Face and Heart) Where hombres are involved in a positive way, children grow to be healthier, happier and more successful. Seating is limited to 20 Father’s; please make your reservation now El cupo está limitado para 20 Padres: por favor haga su reservación ahora. For registration & more information please call: Claudia Garcia 562-938-3114 or Guillermo Hernandez (562) 413-3900