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Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Boulder, Colorado
October 9, 2016
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish
Boulder, Colorado
Welcome to Sacred Heart of Jesus!
We extend a warm welcome to new parishioners and guests who are celebrating Mass with
us today. To find out about parish groups and programs, please call the Parish Center.
Sacred Heart of Jesus School has been the center for Catholic education in Boulder for
nearly 120 years. We offer outstanding programs for students in preschool through 8th
grade. Please visit the school’s website to learn about our
curriculum and activities.
New members, please fill out a registration card and place it in the collection basket or
return it to the Parish Center.
2312 14th Street, Boulder, CO 80304
303.442.6158, Fax 303.442.7905
Monday-Friday, 8 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm
Closed 12-1 pm
Parish Center
Parish Center Hours:
Parochial Vicar
Father Mark Kovacik
Father Jose Anibal Chicas
Father Terry Ryan, CSP
Deacon David Luksch
Deacon Walter Sweeney
Deacon Christopher Byrne
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Director of Administration
Michelle Anderson
Business Manager
Patty Middleton
Facilities Manager
Francisco Hernandez
Music Director
Dr Adam Ewing
Volunteer Coordinator
Karen Harrison
Religion Coordinator
Joe Murrell
Staff email last name then first
1317 Mapleton Avenue, Boulder, CO 80304
Parish School
Admissions Coordinator
Preschool Director
303.447.2362, Fax 303.443.2466
Roonie Leittem-Murrell
Jennifer Wilcomb
Arla Marchand
2960 Valmont, Boulder, CO 80301
Monday-Friday, 8:30--10:30 am & 1-3 pm
Thursday,4;30-6:30 pm
Faith Offering
Week of October 2:
$ $11,947
Thank you for your generosity!
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil (anticipatory)
5:00 pm English
7 pm English & Spanish*
*Neocatechumenal Way Mass in Jubilee Hall
8:00 am & 10:00 am English
1:00 pm Spanish
6:00 pm English
St Rita Mission Church, Nederland
9:30 am English
Weekday Masses
Monday — Friday
Anointing Mass
7:00 am & 12:10 pm English
Friday, Oct. 21 at 12:10pm
Adoration — in the Parish Center Chapel
8 am—10 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation—Confessions
6 to 8 pm English and Spanish
11:30 am to 1:00 pm English
12 to 1 pm Spanish
Sacrament of Baptism for Infants through age 6
The preparation class for parents and godparents is on
the first Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Parish
Center. Call the Parish Center at 303.442.6158 to
register in advance.
Sacramental Preparation
Children are eligible to prepare for First Reconciliation
and First Holy Eucharist beginning in the second grade.
Please call the Parish Center for more information.
Sacrament of Marriage
Call the Parish Center at least eight months in advance.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the Parish Center to request Anointing of the
Sick or to arrange for Communion to be brought to
someone homebound, in a hospital or in a nursing home.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 9, 2016
Our Pastor’s Letter
Sacred Heart of Jesus
The name of a Church is important. For example, a Church named “St. Francis of Assisi” can expect the
help and intercession of St. Francis. Our Church is named for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and it is worth
meditating on this devotion. While this devotion is mentioned before, it is largely connected with Margaret Mary
Alacoque (1647-1690) a religious who had visions of Jesus who desired the devotion to be spread.
Reflecting on the heart of Jesus, we recognize His humanity: He had a heart of flesh as every person
does. The heart is the center of the moral and emotional life. He felt compassion for the crowd, wept at the
death of Lazarus, felt sorrow and distress during His passion. Whatever emotions we feel, His heart can
sympathize because He intensely lived those emotions.
The heart is also a symbol of love. The rays emanating from the Sacred Heart represent the immensity of
God’s love which shines upon the whole world. The flames on the heart signify the fire of love which God has for
each human soul. Above the flame is the cross on which His heart was pierced which reveals to what extent He
was willing to go to manifest His love for us.
Around the heart is a crown of thorns which stands for His suffering heart. Perhaps the greatest sorrow is
unrequited love. One loves a person and desires the best, but the other refuses to accept this love. God
respects our freedom and so will not force us to receive His love. He has come and lived among us, has suffered
and died for us—everything speaks of His unconditional love. For the most part, this love is simply ignored.
His suffering heart is also in reparation for the sins of the world. His suffering has won forgiveness for us.
We can also offer our sufferings for those who do not know His love for them.
The part represents the whole. The heart of Jesus represents His person so that devotion to the heart of
Jesus is devotion to His person. Why has God placed a Church called “Sacred Heart of Jesus” in the heart of
Boulder? I do not think it is just a coincidence; nothing happens by chance. Our Church is the body of Christ. I
think that God wants the fire of His love to burn through our human hearts for all in our community. There is
nothing greater or more powerful than the love that God has for humanity. We first have to be attentive to this
love that has always been present in our lives. If we accept and open ourselves to this love, allowing God to love
us, then this love can consume us and others can be touched by this love through us.
May the fire of love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus burn ever greater in each one of us.
God bless, Fr. Mark.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Early Learning
Scripture Readings
Week of Oct. 9
2 Kgs 5:14-17/Ps 98:1-4/2 Tm 2:8-13/Lk
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Ps 113:1-7/
Lk 11:29-32
Gal 5:1-6/Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48/Lk
Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 11:42-46
Eph 1:1-10/Ps 98:1-6/Lk 11:47-54
Eph 1:11-14/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13/Lk
Eph 1:15-23/Ps 8:2-7/Lk 12:8-12
Next Sunday: Ex 17:8-13/Ps 121:1-8/2 Tm 3:14--4:2/
Lk 18:1-8
Please remember in prayer...
Marjorie Thierjung
Patrick Byrne
+Donald Bernard Nellessen
+Leo Maloney
+Jazmin Alpizar Hernandez
Pro Populo
Monday 10/10
7 am
12:10 pm
© Liturgical Publications Inc
Tom & Jeanette Denfeld
Lillian Eck
Paul Hill
Dianna Oterro
Chrystal Aragon Pene
Deacon Walter Sweeney
Ashleigh Jueong
Sandy Cramer
Terry Aragon
Collin Vonderhaar
Sunday 10/9
8 am
10 am
1 pm
6 pm
+Edward & Wilda Jersin
+Barbara Simpson
Tuesday 10/11
7 am Dennis Eckart
12:10 pm
Padre Pio Group
Wednesday 10/12
7 am Atkins Family
12:10 pm +Angelo Davis
Thursday 10/13
7 am +Linda Aseff
12:10 pm +Donna Grote
If you think you may have lost an item at a mass,
please check with the parish center in case it has been
turned in. Thank you.
Join the Discussion of
Sunday’s Readings
Wednesday, Oct. 12
10 to 11:30 am
Parish Center
Friday 10/14
7 am +Mary Egan
12:10 pm
+Eugene J. Kane
Saturday 10/15
5 pm +Loretta Corcoran
Deacon Walter Sweeney , Facilitator
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Prayer
Exodus 17:8–13. Moses’ hands were raised in prayer constantly to support the faith of those engaged in battle. Just so,
ongoing prayer supports us in the battle to live a life of faith.
Psalm 121:1–8. When we need help in the face of the trials of life, prayer is our first place option. God already knows our
difficulties; he is always ready to help us, but how regularly do we turn to him? Go to God in prayer to find your way to
Second Letter to Timothy 3:14 —4:2. Our faith grows dim without constant reinforcement by worship, sacraments and
prayer. Paul is urging us to remain faithful to what we have been taught – and to especially look to the Scriptures. They are
God’s Word that form us and equip us for a life of good works and holiness. And he insists that we “be persistent” in prayer.
Gospel of Luke 18:1–8. It is through “constant prayer” that our faith is strengthened and we come to see with God’s eyes.
Many of us pray the Divine Office. Monks and nuns pray together at set hours of the day. We each need to find a way to
pray regularly each day. Take a lesson from the widow who made “continual pleas” to the unjust judge, and “call out to him
(our loving God) night and day.” When the Lord Jesus comes again for us, how strong will our faith be?
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Parish
2960 Valmont Road
New volunteers are always
Reflections by Fr. Terry
The Victorines, On Love. Hugh, Adam, Achard,
Richard, Godfrey. Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016, 9am12noon in Jubilee Hall. Refreshments provided,
freewill donations accepted, there will be a 20 minute
meditation session.
EARTH’S TABLE: The end is near!! Wed. 10/12 our
final harvest of A-95 at 9175 Arapahoe Rd. Look for
balloons. We’ll begin at 2:00 pm removing cages &
supports for 265 tomato plants, pulling all 1200 pepper
plants which makes harvesting much easier & quicker.
We should be ready for harvesting before 5:00 pm.
Many hands are needed for this event. Can you come
anytime Wed. afternoon/evening for an hour or two?
There is the possibility of harvesting over a 1,000 lbs.
of vegetables, all of which will be donated to local
hunger relief organizations. So far Earth’s Table has
donated to these organizations over 9,000 lbs.
There is more! Sat. 10/15 is clean up time beginning
at 9:00 am at the A-95 Garden at 9175 Arapahoe.
Clean up means disposing of all those plants, cages,
supports, weed guard, etc., etc., etc. Heavy lifters,
and men are needed for this project. A good turnout
will make short work for all. Questions: call Bert 720938-6900. Many thanks.
is proud to present the film
& SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 FROM 1:00 – 3:00 P.M.
Both Presentations are in St. Bernard Hall, Seating is
Limited, Free-will donations accepted at the door.
Chipotle Fundraiser
Please join us for dinner at Chipotle and help
raise funds for SHJ school!
When: Wed, October 19th
Time: 4:00P - 8:00P
Where: 919 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302 (the
only Chipotle location for fundraiser evening)
Please note: In order for your purchases to be
credited towards the fundraiser, please tell
cashier at checkout that you are supporting SHJ
Oct. 9, 2016
SHJ School News
The Flamingos have arrived at SHJS!
With the help of the SHJS 8th grade class, a
lot of pink yard flamingos have arrived at
Sacred Heart!
What does this mean?
For a small fee you can send a flock of
flamingos to roost on a friend's lawn for one
day. The flamingos will only visit SHJ families
and will arrive during the evening and stay for
24 hours. Then they will migrate to another
Show someone at SHJ that you care about
them by sending a flock of flamingos!
However, take note, the number of flocks are
limited and the flamingos are only here for a
limited time. Soon, they need to fly south for
the winter.
All proceeds go to helping raise funds for the
8th grade annual trip to Washington D.C..
Questions please call the school or Kathy
Keener at 303 931-3170.
40 Days For Life:
You are invited to join us! The Fall campaign runs
from September 28th thru November 6th. Please visit our
website at
boulder to sign up and participate in our prayer vigils, or
email us with questions: Stephan Hodge – or Frank Sinkule –
The Parish now has a BREAVEMENT MINISTRY. If a
loved one has died and you are still grieving, let us
know. There are tools and information that can help.
We will meet individually, at home if that is helpful, or
in support groups. You are not alone. Call the parish
office or email Deacon Walter at
2016 Lecture Series: St. Thomas Aquinas
Catholic Center. Faith, Reason, and Political
Disagreement discussion led by Dr. Francis
Beckwith. October 20, 7pm, Univ of Colorado,
Hale 270 **Please note date and location change*
9 de Octobre del 2016
Carta de nuestro Párroco
Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
El nombre de una iglesia es importante. Por ejemplo, una Iglesia llamada "San Francisco de Asís "puede
esperar la ayuda y la intercesión de San Francisco. Nuestra Iglesia lleva el nombre del Sagrado
Corazón de
Jesús y vale la pena meditar en esta devoción. Esta devoción ya se mencionaba antes, y se conecta en gran
medida con Margarita María Alacoque (1647-1690) una religiosa que tenía visiones de Jesús, que deseaba que la
devoción se extendiera.
Al reflexionar sobre el corazón de Jesús, podemos reconocer su humanidad: Tenía un corazón de
carne como toda persona lo tiene. El corazón es el centro de la vida moral y emocional. Tuvo compasión de la
multitud, lloró por la muerte de Lázaro, sintió tristeza y angustia durante su pasión. Sea cual sea las
emociones que sentimos, su corazón puede simpatizar porque Él vivió intensamente las emociones.
El corazón es también un símbolo de amor. Los rayos que emanan del sagrado corazón representan la
inmensidad del amor de Dios que brilla sobre el mundo entero. Las llamas en el corazón significan el fuego del
amor que Dios tiene para cada alma humana. Por encima de la llama es la cruz en la que se le abrió el corazón,
que revela hasta qué punto estaba dispuesto a ir a manifestar su amor por nosotros.
Alrededor del corazón se encuentra una corona de espinas que significa Su corazón sufriendo. Tal vez el
dolor más grande es el amor no correspondido. Uno ama a una persona y desea lo mejor, pero el otro se niega a
aceptar ese amor. Dios respeta nuestra libertad y por lo tanto no nos obligará a recibir su amor por nosotros. Él
ha venido y vivido entre nosotros, ha sufrido y ha muerto por nosotros, todo habla del amor incondicional que
Él tiene para nosotros. En su mayor parte ese amor es simplemente ignorado.
Su corazón es el sufrimiento también en reparación de los pecados del mundo. Su sufrimiento ha
ganado el perdón para nosotros. También podemos ofrecer nuestros sufrimientos por aquellos que no conocen su
amor por ellos.
Toda la figura se personifica. El corazón de Jesús representa su persona de modo que la devoción al
corazón de Jesús es la devoción a su persona. ¿Por qué Dios ha puesto una Iglesia llamada "Sagrado Corazón de
Jesús" en el corazón de Boulder? No creo que es sólo una coincidencia; Nada pasa por casualidad. Nuestra
Iglesia es el cuerpo de Cristo. Creo que Dios quiere que el fuego de su amor se encienda a través de nuestros
corazones humanos para todos en nuestra comunidad. No hay nada más grande o más poderoso que el amor que
Dios tiene por la humanidad. Primero tenemos que estar atentos a este amor que siempre ha estado
en nuestras vidas. Si aceptamos y nos abrimos a ese amor, permitiendo a Dios que nos ame, entonces este amor
puede impregnarnos y así su amor llegue a otros a través de nosotros.
Que el fuego del amor del Corazón de Jesús se encienda cada vez más en cada uno de nosotros. Dios los
Padre Mark Kovacik
Iglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
Pastor: Reverendo Mark Kovacik
Vicario Parroquial: Reverendo Padre José Aníbal Chicas
(303) 442-6158 x114
1318 Mapleton Avenue (Templo)
2312 14th Street (oficina) Boulder, CO 80304
Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
“ Levántate y Vete tu Fe te ha salvado ”
El Centro Parroquial:
Teléfono: (303) 442-6158 Ext. 102
Horario de oficina: Lunes-Viernes 8 am-12 pm y 1-4 pm
9 de Octobre del 2016
Cerrada entre 12 - 1 pm
1:00 pm Domingo
CONFESIONES: 12:00 a 1:00 pm Domingo, Viernes 6:00 a 8:00 pm
Rezo del Santo Rosario: 12:20 pm Domingo
Misa de Unción de los Enfermos: Viernes 21 octobre 12:10 pm (Ingles)
Adoración del Santísimo: Jueves 8 am -10 pm (En la Capilla, del Centro Parroquial)
MATRIMONIOS: Comunicarse a la Oficina para mas información:
CATECISMO: Coordinadora Catecismo: Micaela Ortiz (303) 499-3464 Las Clases para catecismo
empiezan el Domingo 11 de Septiembre a las 11:30 a.m. en los edificios de la escuela de SHJ
BAUTIZOS: Platicas tercer sábado de cada mes 2 p.m. en el sótano de la Iglesia. Solamente adultos,
porque no hay cuidado de niños.—El Bautismo es cada segundo y cuarto sábado de cada mes.
Para platicas pre-bautismales contacte a: Ricardo y María Valdez (720) 643-9540.
QUINCEAÑERAS: Comunicarse a la Oficina para mas información.
PRESENTACIONES AL TEMPLO PARA NIÑOS DE 3 AÑOS: Orientación: último domingo de cada
mes antes de Misa a las 11:45 AM: Bendición de Presentación: segundo Domingo de cada mes
después de Misa. Llame antes de la orientación con: Catalina Méndez (720) 903-6234.
MONAGUILLOS: Francisco Hernández (303) 442-6158, Ext 103