Download September 25, 2016 - Our Lady of Lourdes
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Catholic Church 8200 Woodman Road • Henrico, VA 23228 • Parish Office: 804-262-7315 Spanish Office: 804-262-7317 • Fax: 804-262-7337 Visit us on the web: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon “Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.” SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 CLERGY & STAFF Rev. James Begley, Pastor Ext. 223 Rev. Jimmy Valencia, Parochial Vicar Ext. 236 Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon 262-0283 Dan Molochko, Seminarian Ext. 227 Kathi-jean Dors, Office Manager Ext. 229 Veronica Kennedy, Music Minister Ext. 230 Megan Cottam, Coordinator of Religious Education Ext. 225 Steven Cottam, Youth Ministry Ext. 237 Joan DuFour, Human Concerns Coordinator Ext. 228 Kathy Geiser, Parish Records Ext. 222 Carl Steiner, Business Manager Ext. 224 Don Tomczak, Maintenance Ext. 231 Chip Morris, Maintenance Ext 231 Bill West, Sexton Ext. 231 Spanish Ministry Office Nilda Torres, Spanish Ministry Direct Line 262-7317 TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday Holy Hour, 6:00 pm Evening Prayer, 6:30 pm Followed by Benediction Thursday (Spanish) at 7:00 pm Petitions included in the Book of Prayers will be prayed for collectively once a week. Mass & Reconciliation Schedules Weekend Masses Saturday at 5:30 pm Sunday at 8:30 am & 11:15 am Sunday (Spanish) at 1:00 pm Sunday (Spanish) at 6:00 pm Weekday Masses Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 am Tuesday (Spanish) at 7:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday at 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm or by Interpreted for the hearing impaired by Appointment volunteers at 8:30 Mass Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:30 pm Comboni Missionary Sisters Listening devices available for the hearing impaired at all Masses 1307 Lakeside Ave (804) 262-8827 Mass/Communion Service: Ministries Mon-Fri at 7:00am & Sat at 8:00am Bldgs & Grounds Chip Morris 994-9444 Christian Formation Children’s Liturgy Judy Aldrich 747-4913 RCIA Inquiry Kathy Talley 262-7490 Finance Council Don Brockman 929-4522 Grand Group Open Human Concerns Keith Degnan 559-3603 Advocate for Persons With Disabilities Elaine Schmidt 266-6157 Parish Nurses Stacey Dougherty Knights of Columbus Michael A. Roby 501-0122 Legion of Mary Lorraine Smith 262-8977 Parish Life Robin Bowling 615-3081 Pastoral Council Doug Hunt 746-0168 Scouts Cub Scouts Bill Forness 433-9234 Girl Scouts Lisa Callahan 277-8176 Stewardship—Open Worship Kathy Talley 262-7490 Altar Servers Marie VanWyk 262-0283 Art & Environment Deane Morris 994-9444 Extraordinary Minister Kathy Talley 262-7490 Greeters Marty Rhodes 262-1727 Homebound Ministry Peggy Hildebrand 501-0075 Lectors Open Weekly Calendar Sunday Sept 25 Monday Sept 26 Tuesday Sept 27 Wednesday Sept 28 Thursday Sept 29 Parish Coffee & Doughnuts after 8:30 am Mass in the SH Mass 8:30 am Evening Prayer, Adoration & Benediction 6-7:00 pm CH School Mass 8:30 am FML Open Bible Study 10-12:00 pm FML Bible Study 7-9:00 pm FML FML Open to the Public 1-4:00 pm Rosary 4:45-5:00 pm CH RCIA 7-9:00 pm FML/COM Weekend Choir Rehearsal 7:30-9pm CH Legion of Mary 7-9:00 pm HHD FF Culture Class 6:30-8:30 pm SH 9:30-11:00am 12:15-12:45pm Adult Ed. Formation 10-10:45 am COM Representatives from each ministry available to share information about what they do. Everyone is welcomed to wander through the fair after each mass. Girl Scouts 9-10:00 am SH Baptism Weekend Spanish Holy Hour 7-8:00pm CH Spanish Choir 7:30-9:00 pm CH Visit the Commons during our Stewardship Fair next weekend. Saturday Oct 1 (SP) Faith Formation 7:30-9:00 pm COM STEWARDSHIP FAIR WEEKEND Spanish Mass 7:00 pm CH Friday Sep 30 Refreshments will be provided. For more information, please contact Tony Giovannetti (804) 241-7692 Calendar Abbreviations CH - Church COM - Commons FML - Fisher Memorial Library HHD - Healy Hall Dining Room MPR - Multi-purpose Room SCH - School SCH LIB - School Library SH - Social Hall “Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church” Prayer List Mass Intentions for Sept 25 - Oct 2 Sun 8:30 am Sun 11:15 am Tue 8:30 am Thu 8:30 am Sat 5:30 pm Sun 8:30 am Sun 11:15 am David Bruce (RIP) Anna Calcagni (RIP) Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes First Memorial Mass Wallace Trivillian (RIP) Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Scripture Readings for 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 2, 2016 HAB 1:2-3; 2:2-4 2 TM 1:6-8, 13-14 LK 17: 5-10 Please pray for our loved ones in the Military: PFC William C. Barker, Corporal Robert Beers, Lance Corporal David A. Carter, Sgt. B. J. Compton, SPC. Alan Crosby, Msg. Pfc. Antonio A. Flores, Sgt. John M. Flores, Sgt. Lauro Flores, Lt. Roberto Fonseca, 2nd Lt. John Furr, Lt. Jonathan Garrett, SPEC. Isaac Gethins, Capt. Christopher-James Hart, Corporal Paul Inoa, SPEC. Mary Claire Kocik, SFC. Hector Meza Jr., Capt. Morgan McDaniel, 1st. Sgt. James Phipps, Lance Corporal Michael J. Riddick II, SFC. Thomas T. Morton, SSgt. Howard C. Robertson, USMC, PO1 Angel Semerling, BM2 Lewis Semerling US Coast Guard, Lance Corporal Daniel Stroia, PO Troy Sweeney, Maj. C. J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven Walker, Maj. Karl Wojtkun Please pray for all the sick and homebound: Doris Amory, Chuck Coley, Loretta Dahlstedt, Ibis Diaz, Michael Gonzalez, Chris Hartless, Fannie Hernandez, Betty Hott, Kyle Hungerford, Rosemary Lowry, Flo Malek, Petra Nordveck, David Wayne Plumket, Anne Poates, Maureen Ratcliff, Kaeden Ross, Chuck Willis Music Ministry Corner OLL Sit and Sing Choir – Welcome and thanks to all the brave parishioners who came up to sing in the choir. You are welcome to register for our “Sit and Sing” Choir to receive rehearsal sound files and music schedules. Email the Music Ministry Office: REGISTER NOW!! LIMITED SPACES FOR SOME EVENTS: Please email the Music Minister if your child or teen wishes to participate in any of the following events listed for them: 5th Weekend Youth Ministry Masses: October 29/30 Weekend YOUTH AND CHILDREN CHOIRS ALL MASSESPlease sign up for the Mass your family attends. First Reconciliation Services - Youth/Children’s Choirs 2 Services: December 3 - 11:00am and 12:30am Please sign up for the service that is the best time for your family. XLT Diocesan Youth Ministry Event: Wednesday, December 14 7:00PM-8:30PM OLL YOUTH CHOIR and OLL WEEKEND CHOIR-Praise and Worship Music/ Adoration and Benediction. FEATURING - SEMINARIAN DAN MOLOCHKO Christmas Eve Candlelight Peace Pageant: Christmas Eve 3:30pm before 4:00pm Mass - LIMITED SIGNUP - MUST BE SIGNED UP BY OCTOBER 1, 2016: ONLY 30 slots available. Robed Procession with Christmas Peace Canon attendance 4 rehearsals] Handbells/Skit/Octavo: - Medley-[Required Sacraments Baptism - for information, call the Christian Formation Office in the parish office or take information leaflet from the magazine rack in the Commons. Reconciliation-Saturday at 4:15-4:45 PM or by appt. Marriage - Couples must participate in a preparation program. Please contact Father Jim or Deacon Jim at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick - If you or a family member needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, or is admitted to a hospital or nursing home or is homebound for any reason, please call the Office. [After Hours ONLY in an EMERGENCY Call (804) 254-0586] Holy Orders, Religious Life, and Lay Ministry - Men and women considering Ministry in the Church are encouraged to call the Parish Pastor or Deacon. Christian Formation Corner Youth Ministry Corner Parents and Pals Class It’s back! Calling all parents and their little ones, from infant through 3 years of age! You are invited to classes on Sundays, beginning October 2nd, from 10:00-10:50 in our school. Come learn interactive songs, read stories, and play games all related to a religious theme of the day. Classes follow the Religious Ed schedule, are free, and there is no registration required. See you there! Next Weekend – Youth Group Returns! Sunday, October 2nd, 2:30-4:30pm, in the School MPR Open to all students 6th-12th grade. Religious Education 2016-2017 Religious Ed Classes for the school year begin on Sunday, October 2nd. PreK-5th grade meets weekly from 9:45-11am in the School Multi-Purpose Room. Youth Group meets on first and third Sundays from 2:30-4:30pm in the School Multi-Purpose Room. If you have not yet registered and are interested in having your child participate, you can find the forms on our website or visit the Parish Office. Parents: The First Catechists The Catholic Church honors parents as the first Catechists of their children. Are you ready for this role? Do you have questions on how to raise your child in the faith? We are here to help! Come join us as we explore methods for ensuring that faith is a central part of your family life. We will meet at 10am on Sunday, October 2nd in the School Multipurpose room. For questions, you can contact Robyn Dahl (school) or Megan Cottam (parish). All are welcome. Creation of the Stories: Meet the Prophets Save the Date! Deacon Jim’s series on Scripture will return beginning October 19th for a 4-week series on the prophets. Sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9:30am in the Church Commons. All sessions are an hour in length and there is no need to register. Questions, sign up for events or to receive more information, contact: Christian Formation: Megan Cottam at or 262.7315x225. Youth Ministry: Steven Cottam at or 262-7315x237 or visit Youth group sessions return next weekend! Our topic for the first session is “Community and Catholic Identity.” Why is it important for us Catholics to gather together? How do we show that we are proud to be Catholic, but without being off-putting or showy? Come to this first session and find out more. Plus, we’ll play lots of games, we’ll unveil the new youth group t-shirt, hand out the fall calendar of events, and more! We hope to see you there! Upcoming October Events Catholic Youth Day at Busch Gardens, Saturday, October 1st Service Day with the Poor Clare Sisters, Saturday, October 15th Middle School Youth Rally in Charlottesville, Sunday October 23rd Stay Connected! Make sure to visit our website at There you can see details about everything going on, sign-up for events, and subscribe to our email updates or text reminders. Human Concerns The Living Rosary is not a new devotion, but a continuation of the Rosary preached by Saint Dominic and announced by Our Blessed Mother "The union of many souls raised in prayer together creates a great force and inclines God to clemency towards us." OLL has previously done this and it proved to be a moving devotion. The plan is to have it outside on FRIDAY, October 7th. The idea is to have each person or family lead a rosary prayer. All are welcome, but at least 61 are needed to say one prayer of the rosary. So, it would be good to gather around 5:30 to be able to start the devotion at 6 PM. This devotion is beautiful and will be long remembered by our church parishioners/ school families and especially by the children. For more information and if you are planning to attend, please contact Joan DuFour at OLL School News Considering a Catholic education for your child? Contact the school if interested in having your child attend our parish school. All parish families receive the Catholic tuition rate. Our Prekindergarten and Kindergarten classes fill quickly so please apply now! Contact Andrea Fuller at 2621770 or Simple Ways to Help our Students Donate scholarship money through the McMahon Parater Foundation Collect Box Tops for our school Link your Martin’s or Kroger card to support Our Lady of Lourdes School Use and select Our Lady of Lourdes School to benefit from your purchases. Several of our students are able to receive a Catholic education because of your tax scholarship donations. We also use the Box Tops funds and grocery rewards to purchase additional recess equipment, art supplies, musical instruments and rainy day recess activities. We appreciate the support of our parish and school community! Parish/Other News Please join us for our 12th annual Blue Grass & Blue Crab Festival to benefit the residents of Saint Francis Home, Sunday, October 2nd from 5 pm - 8 pm at Tredegar Iron Works. Tickets are $60 each and include all you can eat crab, spiced shrimp and all you can drink beer and wine. Kids 12 and under are free. Entertainment for the evening includes the Slack Family Band, our featured bluegrass group, The Amazing Mr. B and Rosie the Clown. There will be a live and silent auction featuring amazing items. Kid friendly food is available and we promise a fun time for all! Visit our website for ticket information or call Pam Embrey, 237-5602. Our Lady of Lourdes Church is a Gateway to Recovery. We provide resources for those with alcoholism and addiction. Services provided at no cost and your inquiry will be treated with confidentiality. For information or you may call the SAARA Center at 804-762-4445. FY16 Budget Report Period For period ending Sept for 4 How can you receive 65% of your donation Financial New Fiscal Year started 7/1/16 # returned to you in Virginia tax credits? Donate to the McMahon Parater Foundation for Education through the Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credits program. Your gift will provide scholarships for new students from families with limited income to attend Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. To receive a brochure or submission paperwork, please call Andrea Fuller at the school, 262-1770. Parish/Other News Benedictine College Preparatory will be holding an Open House on Thursday, October 13th at 7:00 pm. This is an excellent opportunity for prospective students and their families to tour the school and ask questions of faculty, students, parents and alumni. The school is located at 12829 River Road. For more information, please contact their admission office at 708-9504 or visit their website at Benedictine will form Christian men of Conscience, Discipline and Achievement. Actual Offertory Collection Offertory Env 191 $8,680.00 E Giving 52 $4,465.00 Loose Checks 15 $457.00 Loose $1,686.72 Total Week Collection $15,288.72 $14,230 Total Year to Date $126,591.23 $142,300 Building & Capital Improvement/Debt Reduction Bldg-Cap Imp/Debt Env 45 $1,508.00 E Giving 22 $1,137.00 Total Week Collections $2,645.00 $1,923 Total Year to Date $18,405.95 $19,230 Scrip Profits Support Parish Youth Ministry Sales Profit Scrip Sales This Week 4.39% $36 $810 July 1, 2015 to date 4.69% $635 $13,535 Parish Debit Balances Matures 8/2018 2.85% 9-1-16 Bal = **Loan 1-1-16, 4.09% 7 Yrs 9-1-16 Bal = **Living Our Mission funds to repay this loan $108,102.41 $370,668.13 IGLESIA CATOLICA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOURDES 8200 Woodman Road Henrico, VA 23228 Horario de Oficina: Martes a jueves de 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Viernes de 9:00am a 12:00pm Telefono directo: 804-262-7317 Correo Electronico: 25 de septiembre de 2016 Rev. James Begley, Pastor Ext. 223 Practica del coro de adultos para Misa 1:00pm los domingos: Rev. Jimmy Valencia, Parochial Vicar Martes 7:30pm a 8:30pm HORARIO MISA: Domingo: 1:00pm 6:00pm Ext. 236 Martes: 7:00pm Veronica Kennedy, Ministro de Musica Jueves: 7:00pm concluyendo con Adoración y Bendición Ext.230 del Santísimo Nilda Torres, Coordinadora Min. Hispano 262-7317 Coordinadora Liturgia CONFESIONES: Freddy Esteban Lider. Min. de la Eucaristia Yolanda Esteban y Ana Mendoza Lider de Ujieres Everlyn Sosa Domingo: 5:00pm a 5:45pm antes de la misa. Martes: 6:30pm o por cita previa Isabel Lopez Coordinador Catequista Practica del coro Misa de las 6:00pm los domingos: VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS SI NECESITAN QUE VISITEN A ALGUN ENFERMO, FAVOR LLAMAR A LA OFICINA AL 804-262-7317 El Padre Jimmy estará en la oficina de Martes a Jueves de 10:00am-4:00pm y los viernes de 9:00am-12pm. Si necesitan cualquier servicio, por ejemplo, bendición de casa, visitar un enfermo en el hospital o la casa, etc., favor llamar a la oficina. Katia Mendoza 804-245-0607 Lider de lectores Luis Vera Lider de monaguillos Marta Calderon Coordinador coro misa 1pm James O’Brien Lider del coro Flory Perez Buscanos en Nuestra Página de Facebook Nuestra Señora de Lourdes-Richmond BAUTISMOS Próxima clase de Bautismo será el dia 14 de Agosto del 2016 a las 11:00am. Favor notar que los padrinos deben estar casados por la iglesia católica y es necesario que nos traigan el certificado de bautismo y confirmación. Las clases de Catecismo (Primera Comunión) comienzan el domingo, 2 de octubre , de 11:15am-12:30pm. Si aún no han registrado sus hijos, favor hacerlo después de misa o en la Oficina Parroquial. Para cualquier información, favor llamar al 804-262-7317. La próxima clase de Bautismo será el 9 de octubre a las 11:00am. CONFRENCIA DE MUJERES: Sábado, 24 de septiembre del 2016 en el Downtown Richmond Crowne Plaza. Inscripciones comienzan a las 8:45am y la conferencia a las 9:15am, concluyendo con la Santa Misa a las 4:00pm. Si se inscriben en la parroquia antes del 14 de septiembre, el costo será de $35.00. Favor llamar a la oficina al 804-262-7317 para mas información. JOVENES – SEPAREN LA FECHA DE OCTUBRE 1. HABRA UN DIA PARA LOS JOVENES CATOLICOS EN BUSCH GARDENS AUSPICIADO POR LA DIOCESIS. TENDREMOS MAS INFORMACION SOBRE HORARIO Y COSTO PROXIMAMENTE. REQUISITOS PARA BAUTISMO: -Estar registrado en la Parroquia -Asistir a una clase Pre-Bautismal -Si Los padrinos son de otra ciudad o parroquia, deben traer una carta certificando que son miembros de una iglesia y que tomaron la clase para ser Padrinos.