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Partial Translation Sample (Intermediate) Context A visit to Spain as an exchange student Function Writing a thank-you letter Purpose This activity encourages students to use recently learned vocabulary and grammatical structures in a context that is appropriate to the Intermediate level–writing a letter to family and friends. The activity is structured to focus on discrete points of grammar, but the endproduct of the writing task can serve as a model for letter writing in a subsequent activity. Student Task Patrick has just returned from studying abroad in Granada, Spain, and is writing a thank-you letter to the family with whom he stayed. Complete the letter in Spanish, using the translation below as a guide to the missing words. Queridos Sr. y Sra. Álvarez, ____________________ que salí de Granada y los extraño. Mi estancia en su casa ____________________ y les agradezco con todo el corazón su hospitalidad. ____________________ mucho en España y ____________________ mis estudios de español en mi escuela y ____________________ en la universidad. ____________________ a mis amigos de mi escuela de Granada y de mi familia española. Mil gracias y ____________________ que Uds. puedan visitar la ciudad de Irvine pronto ____________________. Mis padres quisieran conocerlos. Un abrazo, Patrick